KENWOOD MODEL KH-71 Headphones, They Sound Good to Me, But They Have Some Cosmetic Issues Im in my 60s, but plugged these into my receiver to test them and they sound OK to me. Nothing like todays headphones, but probably just as they should sound from back in the day. That day was circa 1972. Has a 3.5 mm jack as would be expected. Covered in leather-like material, collectors often joke that these look like vintage miners or contractors knee pads. The look certainly adds some nostalgic cache to them. As you can see from the photos there is wear and superficial damage to the finish and covers, as might be expected from a 50-year old pair of headphones. the earpads and speaker covers are without any damage, so they are ready to use. coiled cord could use a good cleaning, but it is soft and flexible and without damage - absolutely NO brittleness. Sold AS-IS, no returns, since I am no sound expert, but again they sound perfectly fine to my amateur ears. Low starting bid price. 230609 / 1496 R6/14/2023 AUS _____________________________ Additional purchases may be combined if bought same day, for one low shipping rate, if possible. Add to your cart and request total from seller for combined shipping. Sales Tax may apply, thats between you and ebay now. Please read and accept my terms of sale below before you bid. IN YOUR COMPUTER BROWSER, RIGHT-CLICK ON A PHOTO AND SELECT VIEW IMAGE TO SEE THE ORIGINAL LARGE IMAGE: You will find that the originals of the photos below are often larger than what ebay provides above. BY BIDDING ON OR PURCHASING THIS ITEM, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING SELLER TERMS: 1) COMBINED SHIPPING/POSTAGE: a. I happily combine shipping (where possible, sometimes it isnt), but orders over $10 total will likely require tracking now because of unacceptable Postal Service delays resulting in INR claims. Tracking/delivery confirmation seems to speed up shipments. 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