kenwood kd9 x (8) |
kendo status 95 (9) |
kenwood kt 9050s (12) |
kenwood kd-9x (13) |
kenwood kdc 4544u (15) |
kenwood kdc 3054 (18) |
Kenwood Verstärker KA 4050R , Kassettendeck KX-W2050, Tuner KT-3050L
End: 04.05. 2024 17:21:40 on Saturday
Kenwood Verstärker KA 4050R , Kassettendeck KX-W2050, Tuner KT-3050L
End: 01.05. 2024 17:20:53 on Wednesday
Kenwood Verstärker KA 1500 , KT5300 , KX520 Vintage Stereo Anlage
End: 24.04. 2024 18:58:56 on Wednesday
Vintage Kenwood KX-530 Stereo Kassettenrekorder Voll Funktionstüchtig
End: 23.04. 2024 04:47:36 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 150.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 355629234836
- Seller: ulrkn-7330 (28|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Köln
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 6,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Das Kenwood Kassettendeck ist ein zuverlässiges und hochwertiges Gerät für alle, die ihre alten Kassetten wieder abspielen möchten. Die Marke Kenwood steht für Qualität und das merkt man auch bei diesem Tapedeck. Es verfügt über eine automatische Bandkalibrierung und eine Dolby Rauschunterdrückung, um einen klaren und satten Klang zu gewährleisten. Mit verschiedenen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, wie z.B. der Aufnahmepegelregelung, lässt sich das Klangbild individuell anpassen. Das Kenwood Kassettendeck ist eine perfekte Wahl für alle, die auf der Suche nach einer hochwertigen und zuverlässigen Möglichkeit sind, ihre alten Kassetten wiederzuentdecken. Der Kenwood KX-530 Stereo Kassettenrekorder voll funktionsfähig. Ich habe Ihn seit 1993, zusammen mit Radio und Receiver, am Laufen gehabt. Wir benötigen leider mehr Platz, deshalb löse ich meine Vintage-Stereoanlage auf (Boxen, Plattenspieler und Receiver sind ebenfalls eingestellt). Der Preis richtet sich entsprechend an anderen Angeboten ähnlicher Geräte im Internet. Verkauf von privat ohne Gewährleistung und Garantie. Keine Rücknahme.
Kenwood KA-7300 Amplifier Ad, KT-7300 Tuner, Article, 1 page, 1976
End: 20.04. 2024 13:49:38 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.19 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145733332918
- Seller: effgjm (22247|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1976, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood KA-7300 Amplifier Ad, KT-7300 Tuner, Article, 1 page, 1976
End: 19.04. 2024 14:25:45 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.2 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166715707887
- Seller: effgjm (22242|98.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1976, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood KA-7300 Amplifier Ad, KT-7300 Tuner, Article, 1 page, 1976
End: 15.04. 2024 15:01:23 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.28 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166708562376
- Seller: effgjm (22236|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1976, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood KA-7300 Amplifier Ad, KT-7300 Tuner, Article, 1 page, 1976
End: 11.04. 2024 15:52:28 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.27 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166699213130
- Seller: effgjm (22224|98.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1976, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood KXF-W4030 Doppel Kassettendeck defekt
End: 08.04. 2024 17:30:01 on Monday
Kenwood-Zwilling KT 5300 Tuner KA 3500 Verstärker mit Mangel
End: 05.04. 2024 10:39:49 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 150.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166688002851
- Seller: wait_51 (7|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Strausberg
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,95 EUR
- on EBAY
Optisch in brauchbarem Zustand. Innen wie auen gereinigt. Funktionsgeprft. VERSTRKER Kein Knacken, Kratzen, Rauschen, Rumpeln, mit der Ausnahme der Lautstrkeregulierung, die leicht kratzt. Keine Farbabgreifungen. Keine lockeren Schalter oder Regler. Keine Platzer, Risse, Brche. Alles leichtgngig zu bedienen. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Baujahre: 1975 - 1977 Hergestellt in: Japan Leistungsaufnahme: 280 W max. 5 Eingnge Anschlsse fr 2 Lautsprecherpaare Dauerleistung 8 Ohm: 2 x 40W 4 Ohm: 2 x 45W Dynamikleistung 4 Ohm: 170 W Loudness High Filter Mono / Stereo Umschalter Abmessungen: 380 x 140 x 255 mm Gewicht: 7,5 kg JEDOCH Der Klang des Verstrkers ist inakzeptabel. Er ist schwach, es fehlt das Volumen und ist leicht verzerrt. Whlt man die Quelle, spielt er lediglich fr den Bruchteil einer Sekunde, vollen satten Sound. Aus diesem Grunde wird das Gert als DEFEKT verkauft. TUNER Es funktioniert alles. Baujahre 1975 - 1977 Hergestellt in: Japan Frequenzen: UKW: 88 - 108 MHz MW: 522 kHz - 1620 kHz MPX-Filter Muting Mono- / Stereoumschalter Abmessungen: 380 x 140 x 255 mm Gewicht: 5,3 kg Bei Fragen fragen. Sicherer, gut verpackter Versand ist kein Problem. Das Grozudruckende: Dies ist ein Privatverkauf. Dieser erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung, keine Garantie, keine Sachmngelhaftung, keine Rcknahme, kein Umtauschrecht. Der Versand kann bis zu vier Werktagen nach Kauf geschehen. Sendungsnummer auf ausdrcklichen Wunsch. Die Versandrisiken liegen ausnahmslos beim Kufer. Bei Kauf / Gebot gelten diese Bedingungen als vom Kufer gelesen und damit uneingeschrnkt anerkannt.
Kenwood KXF-W4030 Doppel Kassettendeck defekt
End: 01.04. 2024 05:48:56 on Monday
Kenwood KA-3010 Stereo Verstärker ++ DEFEKT ++ mit Phono MM, Source Direct ++
End: 29.03. 2024 22:32:46 on Friday
Kenwood-Zwilling KT 5300 Tuner KA 3500 Verstärker mit Mangel
End: 27.03. 2024 20:27:51 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 180.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166656821165
- Seller: wait_51 (7|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Strausberg
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,95 EUR
- on EBAY
Optisch in brauchbarem Zustand. Innen wie auen gereinigt. Funktionsgeprft. VERSTRKER Kein Knacken, Kratzen, Rauschen, Rumpeln, mit der Ausnahme der Lautstrkeregulierung, die leicht kratzt. Keine Farbabgreifungen. Keine lockeren Schalter oder Regler. Keine Platzer, Risse, Brche. Alles leichtgngig zu bedienen. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Baujahre: 1975 - 1977 Hergestellt in: Japan Leistungsaufnahme: 280 W max. 5 Eingnge Anschlsse fr 2 Lautsprecherpaare Dauerleistung 8 Ohm: 2 x 40W 4 Ohm: 2 x 45W Dynamikleistung 4 Ohm: 170 W Loudness High Filter Mono / Stereo Umschalter Abmessungen: 380 x 140 x 255 mm Gewicht: 7,5 kg JEDOCH Der Klang des Verstrkers ist inakzeptabel. Er ist schwach, es fehlt das Volumen und ist leicht verzerrt. Whlt man die Quelle, spielt er lediglich fr den Bruchteil einer Sekunde, vollen satten Sound. Aus diesem Grunde wird das Gert als DEFEKT verkauft. TUNER Es funktioniert alles. Baujahre 1975 - 1977 Hergestellt in: Japan Frequenzen: UKW: 88 - 108 MHz MW: 522 kHz - 1620 kHz MPX-Filter Muting Mono- / Stereoumschalter Abmessungen: 380 x 140 x 255 mm Gewicht: 5,3 kg Bei Fragen fragen. Sicherer, gut verpackter Versand ist kein Problem. Das Grozudruckende: Dies ist ein Privatverkauf. Dieser erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung, keine Garantie, keine Sachmngelhaftung, keine Rcknahme, kein Umtauschrecht. Der Versand kann bis zu vier Werktagen nach Kauf geschehen. Sendungsnummer auf ausdrcklichen Wunsch. Die Versandrisiken liegen ausnahmslos beim Kufer. Bei Kauf / Gebot gelten diese Bedingungen als vom Kufer gelesen und damit uneingeschrnkt anerkannt.
Kenwood KA-3300 / Voll Funktionsfähig
End: 22.03. 2024 22:55:21 on Friday
Kenwood Ad, 2 pg, 1987, KA-3300d,DP-3300d,KT-3300d,Info
End: 17.03. 2024 14:12:11 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.23 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145654880185
- Seller: effgjm (22168|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a original ADVERTISEMENT from 1987! Excellent Condition. Perfect for Framing! Great for collectors and audiophiles! Get it before its gone! These are vintage RARE Ads and Reviews for some of the best Audio Equipment ever made -Check out my Ebay Store for THOUSANDS more Ads, Reviews, and Brochures relating to Audio. I have EVERY major audio brand from the last 50 years! Type in any brand name in my SEARCH bar on the left side of my Store home page. -These Ads and Reviews have been APPRECIATING over the years, on average about 10% per year. They dont make any more of them! Once they are gone, they are gone! Some are over 50 years old! - Ready for framing and put on your wall! 100% original, no copies or reproductions. - I ship Worldwide! Shipping is $3 in USA,$6 elsewhere. -These ads look great framed or put in a binder, they can also add value when selling your equipment as many of them have specs and details about the audio equipment! -Please email for any questions. Check out my Ebay Store, ELECTRONICS ARCHIVES, for many more vintage ads! -Shipping discounts are given for additional items, It is $3 for your first item in USA,$6 international, then just $1 for each additional item! -All these ads are 100% ORIGINAL! They are from the year they are listed as. We also have a REPRINTS section if you are interested in them. -Satisfaction guaranteed! THANKS! ELECTRONICS ARCHIVES Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood-Zwilling KT 3300 Tuner & KA 3300 Verstärker Vintage Made in Japan
End: 11.03. 2024 11:04:43 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 210.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166633108745
- Seller: wait_51 (3|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Strausberg
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,95 EUR
- on EBAY
Technisch und optisch in einem guten Zustand. Innen wie auen gereinigt. Funktionsgeprft. Voll funktionstchtig. Kein Knacken, Kratzen, Rauschen, Rumpeln. Keine Farbabgreifungen. Keine lockeren Schalter oder Regler. Keine Platzer, Risse, Brche. Alles leichtgngig zu bedienen. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren - siehe Bilder. TUNER Es funktioniert alles. Baujahre: 1976 - 1979 Hergestellt in: Japan Frequenzen: UKW: 88 - 108 MHz MW: 522 kHz - 1620 kHz MPX-Filter Muting Mono- / Stereoumschalter Abmessungen: 380 x 140 x 255 mm Gewicht: 5,3 kg VERSTRKER Es funktioniert alles. Baujahre: 1975 - 1977 Leistungsaufnahme: 240 W max. Dauerleistung, 8 Ohm: 2x 35W 4 Ohm: 2x 40W Dynamikleistung: 4 Ohm: 100 W Anschliebar sind Tuner, Plattenspieler (MM) und Reserve, sowie zwei Tapes mit Monitorschaltung und berspielschalter. Loudness Mono / Stereo Umschalter Abmessungen: 380 x 140 x 255 mm Gewicht: 7,5 kg Bei Fragen fragen. Sicherer, gut verpackter Versand ist kein Problem. Das Grozudruckende: Dies ist ein Privatverkauf. Dieser erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung, keine Garantie, keine Sachmngelhaftung, keine Rcknahme, kein Umtauschrecht. Der Versand kann bis zu vier Werktagen nach Kauf geschehen. Sendungsnummer auf ausdrcklichen Wunsch. Die Versandrisiken liegen ausnahmslos beim Kufer. Bei Kauf / Gebot gelten diese Bedingungen als vom Kufer gelesen und damit uneingeschrnkt anerkannt.
Kenwood-Zwilling KT 5300 Tuner KA 3500 Verstärker mit Mangel
End: 11.03. 2024 11:04:37 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 180.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166632918285
- Seller: wait_51 (3|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Strausberg
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,95 EUR
- on EBAY
Optisch in brauchbarem Zustand. Innen wie auen gereinigt. Funktionsgeprft. VERSTRKER Kein Knacken, Kratzen, Rauschen, Rumpeln, mit der Ausnahme der Lautstrkeregulierung, die leicht kratzt. Keine Farbabgreifungen. Keine lockeren Schalter oder Regler. Keine Platzer, Risse, Brche. Alles leichtgngig zu bedienen. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Baujahre: 1975 - 1977 Hergestellt in: Japan Leistungsaufnahme: 280 W max. 5 Eingnge Anschlsse fr 2 Lautsprecherpaare Dauerleistung 8 Ohm: 2 x 40W 4 Ohm: 2 x 45W Dynamikleistung 4 Ohm: 170 W Loudness High Filter Mono / Stereo Umschalter Abmessungen: 380 x 140 x 255 mm Gewicht: 7,5 kg JEDOCH Der Klang des Verstrkers ist inakzeptabel. Er ist schwach, es fehlt das Volumen und ist leicht verzerrt. Whlt man die Quelle, spielt er lediglich fr den Bruchteil einer Sekunde, vollen satten Sound. Aus diesem Grunde wird das Gert als DEFEKT verkauft. TUNER Es funktioniert alles. Baujahre 1975 - 1977 Hergestellt in: Japan Frequenzen: UKW: 88 - 108 MHz MW: 522 kHz - 1620 kHz MPX-Filter Muting Mono- / Stereoumschalter Abmessungen: 380 x 140 x 255 mm Gewicht: 5,3 kg Bei Fragen fragen. Sicherer, gut verpackter Versand ist kein Problem. Das Grozudruckende: Dies ist ein Privatverkauf. Dieser erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung, keine Garantie, keine Sachmngelhaftung, keine Rcknahme, kein Umtauschrecht. Der Versand kann bis zu vier Werktagen nach Kauf geschehen. Sendungsnummer auf ausdrcklichen Wunsch. Die Versandrisiken liegen ausnahmslos beim Kufer. Bei Kauf / Gebot gelten diese Bedingungen als vom Kufer gelesen und damit uneingeschrnkt anerkannt.
Vintage Kenwood KA-3700 Integrated Amplifier and KT-5300 Stereo Tuner *Project*
End: 09.03. 2024 21:36:28 on Saturday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 199.99 USD

- Status: 27T 21:4:37
- Item number: 225997516307
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Fairfield,OH,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
I have for sale two beautiful Kenwood units: the Kenwood KA-3700 stereo integrated amplifier and the Kenwood KT-5300 stereo tuner. Selling untested and for a restoration project. The amp no longer has its silver push button to power it on, but the switch is working. Selling as is. No returns or refunds.
Kenwood Ad, 2 pg, 1987, KA-3300d,DP-3300d,KT-3300d,Info
End: 08.03. 2024 14:36:19 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.18 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145622058243
- Seller: effgjm (22125|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a original ADVERTISEMENT from 1987! Excellent Condition. Perfect for Framing! Great for collectors and audiophiles! Get it before its gone! These are vintage RARE Ads and Reviews for some of the best Audio Equipment ever made -Check out my Ebay Store for THOUSANDS more Ads, Reviews, and Brochures relating to Audio. I have EVERY major audio brand from the last 50 years! Type in any brand name in my SEARCH bar on the left side of my Store home page. -These Ads and Reviews have been APPRECIATING over the years, on average about 10% per year. They dont make any more of them! Once they are gone, they are gone! Some are over 50 years old! - Ready for framing and put on your wall! 100% original, no copies or reproductions. - I ship Worldwide! Shipping is $3 in USA,$6 elsewhere. -These ads look great framed or put in a binder, they can also add value when selling your equipment as many of them have specs and details about the audio equipment! -Please email for any questions. Check out my Ebay Store, ELECTRONICS ARCHIVES, for many more vintage ads! -Shipping discounts are given for additional items, It is $3 for your first item in USA,$6 international, then just $1 for each additional item! -All these ads are 100% ORIGINAL! They are from the year they are listed as. We also have a REPRINTS section if you are interested in them. -Satisfaction guaranteed! THANKS! ELECTRONICS ARCHIVES Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Elektrogerät - Kenwood : Integrated Stereo Amplifier KA-1030 - Verstärker
End: 24.02. 2024 15:44:55 on Saturday
Kenwood Ad, 2 pg, 1987, KA-3300d,DP-3300d,KT-3300d,Info
End: 19.02. 2024 18:00:53 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.18 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145618257585
- Seller: effgjm (22120|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a original ADVERTISEMENT from 1987! Excellent Condition. Perfect for Framing! Great for collectors and audiophiles! Get it before its gone! These are vintage RARE Ads and Reviews for some of the best Audio Equipment ever made -Check out my Ebay Store for THOUSANDS more Ads, Reviews, and Brochures relating to Audio. I have EVERY major audio brand from the last 50 years! Type in any brand name in my SEARCH bar on the left side of my Store home page. -These Ads and Reviews have been APPRECIATING over the years, on average about 10% per year. They dont make any more of them! Once they are gone, they are gone! Some are over 50 years old! - Ready for framing and put on your wall! 100% original, no copies or reproductions. - I ship Worldwide! Shipping is $3 in USA,$6 elsewhere. -These ads look great framed or put in a binder, they can also add value when selling your equipment as many of them have specs and details about the audio equipment! -Please email for any questions. Check out my Ebay Store, ELECTRONICS ARCHIVES, for many more vintage ads! -Shipping discounts are given for additional items, It is $3 for your first item in USA,$6 international, then just $1 for each additional item! -All these ads are 100% ORIGINAL! They are from the year they are listed as. We also have a REPRINTS section if you are interested in them. -Satisfaction guaranteed! THANKS! ELECTRONICS ARCHIVES Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood Ad, 2 pg, 1987, KA-3300d,DP-3300d,KT-3300d,Info
End: 17.02. 2024 16:16:06 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 8.99 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166587856642
- Seller: effgjm (22447|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a original ADVERTISEMENT from 1987! Excellent Condition. Perfect for Framing! Great for collectors and audiophiles! Get it before its gone! These are vintage RARE Ads and Reviews for some of the best Audio Equipment ever made -Check out my Ebay Store for THOUSANDS more Ads, Reviews, and Brochures relating to Audio. I have EVERY major audio brand from the last 50 years! Type in any brand name in my SEARCH bar on the left side of my Store home page. -These Ads and Reviews have been APPRECIATING over the years, on average about 10% per year. They dont make any more of them! Once they are gone, they are gone! Some are over 50 years old! - Ready for framing and put on your wall! 100% original, no copies or reproductions. - I ship Worldwide! Shipping is $3 in USA,$6 elsewhere. -These ads look great framed or put in a binder, they can also add value when selling your equipment as many of them have specs and details about the audio equipment! -Please email for any questions. Check out my Ebay Store, ELECTRONICS ARCHIVES, for many more vintage ads! -Shipping discounts are given for additional items, It is $3 for your first item in USA,$6 international, then just $1 for each additional item! -All these ads are 100% ORIGINAL! They are from the year they are listed as. We also have a REPRINTS section if you are interested in them. -Satisfaction guaranteed! THANKS! ELECTRONICS ARCHIVES Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood KX-5530 Kassettendeck ,+KT-1010L
End: 07.02. 2024 18:33:37 on Wednesday
Kenwood KX-5530 Kassettendeck ,+KT-1010L
End: 31.01. 2024 17:40:12 on Wednesday
Live search