jbl a610 (6) |
jbl 4330 (6) |
jbl 2352 (6) |
jbl 4748 (6) |
jbl i732 (6) |
jbl 2203h (6) |
JBL Frequenzweiche für JBL L 60 weitere für JBL LX 800, L20, L80 JBL TI 1000
End: 26.03. 2024 22:32:50 on Tuesday
JBL Frequenzweiche für JBL LX 800 weitere für JBL L60, L20, L80 JBL TI 1000
End: 26.03. 2024 22:26:09 on Tuesday
JBL Ad, L200,Century 100,Prima 25,Aquarius 4, 2pg, 1973
End: 24.03. 2024 15:11:52 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.38 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166655270700
- Seller: effgjm (22190|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an Advertisement from 1973! The picture is of the actual item, Mint Condition! Very rare and hard to find! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Search for any brand you like on the left side in my Store Search bar. I have almost every popular Audio brand! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
JBL L20T 2-Way Bass Reflex Oak Veneer Bookshelf Stereo Speakers
End: 19.03. 2024 21:40:18 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 138.13 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 326050884233
- Bids: 1
- Seller: bigmude (27367|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Germantown, Tennessee
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Dont know how these grille prongs got broken because theres nothing wrong with the grille frames, cloth, or oak veneer cabinets. I put some fun tacks to hold the broken ones. Very nice sound and look. Some darkened spots where there were some stickers that were removed. Still a really nice looking and sounding pair. Very heavy. Very good bass and dimension. Check out what these Titanium Dome tweeters are going for. Thanks for bidding
Paar JBL L20T High-End 8-Ohm 2 Wege Regallautsprecher in Walnuss
End: 16.03. 2024 15:47:04 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 393.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 235389645945
- Seller: elektroworld-er (6010|99.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Erlangen
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Paar JBL L20T High End 8-Ohm 2 Wege Regallautsprecher Farbe: in Walnuss Für sein Alter technisch und optisch in einem guten Zustand! Gehäuse, Kratzer und Gebrauchsspuren vorhanden(Siehe Fotos)Sehr fertige Verarbeitung. Massivholz. (alle Sicken und Membrane sind ohne Beschädigung) Abdeckungen der Lautsprecher sind auch in Ordnung Klang ist sehr gut in hochwertiger VerarbeitungAllgemeinHersteller:JBLModell: L 20 TBaujahre: 1985 - 1991 (In Deutschland ab 1988)Hergestellt in: USAFarbe: Walnuss, Klavierlack (In Deutschland nur in Schwarz im Programm)Abmessungen: 238 x 374 x 210 mm (B x H x T lt. deutschem Prospekt)Gewicht:je Neupreis: ca.: 599,- DM pro Stück (Walnuss) Technische DatenBauart: 2-Wege KompaktlautsprecherChassis:Tiefton: 162 mmHochton: 25 mm TitankalotteBelastbarkeit (Nenn-/Musikb.): empfohlene Verstärkerleistung max. 100 WattWirkungsgrad: 87 dB/W/mFrequenzgang:Übergangsbereiche: 3.000 HzImpedanz: 8 OhmLieferumfang(siehe Fotos)Paar JBL L20T High-End 8-Ohm 2 Wege Regallautsprecher in Walnussohne weiteres ZubehörSie kaufen bei einem Händler, daher unterliegt das Angebot selbstverständlich der gesetzlichen 1 Jahr Gewährleistung. Bitte beachten: Der Artikel unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung. Kein Ausweis der Mehrwertsteuer auf der Rechnung. Hinweis: Für den Fall, dass es abweichende Angaben zu den weiter oben unter „Artikelmerkmale“ und „Detaillierte Informationen zum Artikel“ genannten Produktdetails gibt, ist ausschließlich diese Produktbeschreibung gültig. Ihre gesetzlichen Rechte gegen uns aus dem mit uns geschlossenen Kaufvertrag werden von diesem Garantieversprechen in keiner Weise eingeschränkt. Insbesondere etwaig bestehende gesetzliche Gewährleistungsrechte uns gegenüber bleiben von diesem Garantieversprechen unberührt. Ist die Kaufsache mangelhaft, können Sie sich daher in jedem Fall an uns im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Gewährleistung halten, unabhängig davon, ob ein Garantiefall vorliegt oder die Garantie in Anspruch genommen wird. Garantiebedingungen Wir sind nicht bereit und nicht verpflichtet, an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen. HINWEISE ZUR BATTERIEENTSORGUNG Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, ist der Verkäufer verpflichtet, Sie auf Folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Batterien nach Gebrauch an den Verkäufer oder in den dafür vorgesehenen Rücknahmestellen (z.B. in Kommunalen Sammelstellen oder im Handel) unentgeltlich zurückgeben. Sie können die Batterien auch per Post an den Verkäufer zurücksenden. Der Verkäufer erstattet Ihnen auf jeden Fall das Briefporto für den Rückversand Ihrer Altbatterie. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber.
JBL L20T 2-Way Bass Reflex Oak Veneer Bookshelf Stereo Speakers
End: 13.03. 2024 03:01:37 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 137.39 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 375294862457
- Bids: 0
- Seller: bigmude (27356|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Germantown, Tennessee
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Dont know how these grille prongs got broken because theres nothing wrong with the grille frames, cloth, or oak veneer cabinets. I put some fun tacks to hold the broken ones. Very nice sound and look. Some darkened spots where there were some stickers that were removed. Still a really nice looking and sounding pair. Very heavy. Very good bass and dimension. Check out what these Titanium Dome tweeters are going for. Thanks for bidding
JBL L20T 2-Way Bass Reflex Oak Veneer Bookshelf Stereo Speakers
End: 06.03. 2024 01:42:05 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 174.77 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 326031205654
- Bids: 0
- Seller: bigmude (27348|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Germantown, Tennessee
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Dont know how these grille prongs got broken because theres nothing wrong with the grille frames, cloth, or oak veneer cabinets. I put some fun tacks to hold the broken ones. Very nice sound and look. Some darkened spots where there were some stickers that were removed. Still a really nice looking and sounding pair. Very heavy. Very good bass and dimension. Check out what these Titanium Dome tweeters are going for. Thanks for bidding
JBL Ad, L200,Century 100,Prima 25,Aquarius 4, 2pg, 1973
End: 23.02. 2024 14:43:35 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.18 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145622058180
- Seller: effgjm (22125|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an Advertisement from 1973! The picture is of the actual item, Mint Condition! Very rare and hard to find! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Search for any brand you like on the left side in my Store Search bar. I have almost every popular Audio brand! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
JBL Ad, L200,Century 100,Prima 25,Aquarius 4, 2pg, 1973
End: 19.02. 2024 18:00:56 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 8.99 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166592727583
- Seller: effgjm (22447|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an Advertisement from 1973! The picture is of the actual item, Mint Condition! Very rare and hard to find! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Search for any brand you like on the left side in my Store Search bar. I have almost every popular Audio brand! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
JBL L200, L100 Speaker Ad, 2 pg, Article, 1972, Studio
End: 14.02. 2024 15:16:40 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 7.32 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166487281864
- Seller: effgjm (22409|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an Advertisement from 1972! The picture is of the actual item, Mint Condition! Very rare and hard to find! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Search for any brand you like on the left side in my Store Search bar. I have almost every popular Audio brand! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
JBL Ad, L200,Century 100,Prima 25,Aquarius 4, 2pg, 1973
End: 03.02. 2024 14:03:43 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.22 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145589541939
- Seller: effgjm (22088|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an Advertisement from 1973! The picture is of the actual item, Mint Condition! Very rare and hard to find! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Search for any brand you like on the left side in my Store Search bar. I have almost every popular Audio brand! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
2x JBL 115H-1 XPL90 XPL200 4406 18Ti Vintage 17cm 6,5" Woofer High-End RARE
End: 02.02. 2024 14:23:14 on Friday
JBL L20T Vintage Bookshelf speaker Empty Cabinet Only W/crossover & Badge. (One)
End: 21.01. 2024 14:36:34 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 45.98 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 395133685737
- Bids: 0
- Seller: member238872 (3558|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Saint Petersburg, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 30,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Sale is for a Single JBL L20T Speaker Cabinet. This is a used item in good condition, only have one speaker and parting out all the components. The cabinet is in good condition except for a small piece of wood laminate missing from one top corner. The cover grill also has a few holes in it as shown in pictures. Will include the JBL badge/Logo, the crossover and the speaker wire input terminal. I have other parts from same speaker listed on my other auctions if interested.
Vintage JBL L200 Studio Master Speakers - All Drivers and Crossovers Original
End: 11.01. 2024 16:04:54 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1455.74 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 305332269962
- Seller: sward1087 (1253|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
All stock drivers, consecutive serial numbers. New aftermarket grills and badges. One le85 has had the diaphragm replaced with OEM JBL diaphragm by local shop, Speakerworks. The sound is great, and everything works as it should. The cabinets have some sort of identification number on top but are barely visible. One chip of veneer and one woofer has a little surround drip on cone. Otherwise, they look great, and they work fine. My apologies for the rotten pictures, but they are stuffed into a tiny room in my house with no room to move around. Due to size and weight, 130 lbs each, local pick up only. If you would only like to get the drivers and crossovers, I would be willing to remove and ship at my cost.
JBL L20T Vintage Bookshelf speaker Empty Cabinet Only W/crossover & Badge. (One)
End: 09.01. 2024 05:05:40 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 45.73 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 395105202419
- Bids: 0
- Seller: member238872 (3639|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Saint Petersburg, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 30,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Sale is for a Single JBL L20T Speaker Cabinet. This is a used item in good condition, only have one speaker and parting out all the components. The cabinet is in good condition except for a small piece of wood laminate missing from one top corner. The cover grill also has a few holes in it as shown in pictures. Will include the JBL badge/Logo, the crossover and the speaker wire input terminal. I have other parts from same speaker listed on my other auctions if interested.
JBL L200, L100 Lautsprecher Ad, 2 Pg ,Artikel,1972,Studio
End: 09.01. 2024 02:03:46 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 7.42 EUR

- Status: 30T 21:22:35
- Item number: 145488672776
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 5,57 EUR
- on EBAY
Wenn Sie von dem US Marktplatz bestellen, können für die Pakete Steuern und Zollgebühren anfallen, die der Käufer später tragen muss.JBL L200, L100 Lautsprecher Ad, 2 Pg ,Artikel,1972,StudioDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. Dies ist ein Nachdruck einer Anzeige aus dem Jahr 1972! Das Bild zeigt den tatsächlichen Artikel, neuwertiger Zustand! Sehr selten und schwer zu finden! Ein Stück Audiogeschichte! Ich habe TAUSENDE Weitere Anzeigen und Bewertungen in meinem eBay-Shop. E-Mail mit allen Fragen, DANKE! -Suchen Sie links in meiner Store-Suchleiste nach einer Marke, die Ihnen gefällt. Ich habe fast jede beliebte Audiomarke! -Jede Seite ist 8,5 x 11 groß - Wie immer ist Ihre Zufriedenheit bei Electronics Archives GARANTIERT! Wenn Sie mit einem Kauf unzufrieden sind, senden Sie mir eine E-Mail und ich werde Ihnen eine Lösung oder eine Rückerstattung besorgen! - Schicken Sie mir bei Fragen eine E-Mail, ich stelle JEDEN TAG 10–20 neue Anzeigen und Broschüren auf meine Website! DANKE SCHÖN! Angetrieben von eBay Turbo ListerDas kostenlose Listing-Tool. Listen Sie Ihre Artikel schnell und einfach auf und verwalten Sie Ihre aktiven Artikel.Dies ist ein Nachdruck einer Anzeige aus dem Jahr 1972! Das Bild zeigt den tatsächlichen Artikel, neuwertiger Zustand! Sehr selten und schwer zu finden! Ein Stück Audiogeschichte! Ich habe TAUSENDE Weitere Anzeigen und Bewertungen in meinem eBay-Shop. E-Mail mit allen Fragen, DANKE! -Suchen Sie links in meiner Store-Suchleiste nach einer Marke, die Ihnen gefällt. Ich habe fast jede beliebte Audiomarke! - Wie immer ist Ihre Zufriedenheit bei Electronics Archives GARANTIERT! Wenn Sie mit einem Kauf unzufrieden sind, senden Sie mir eine E-Mail und ich werde Ihnen eine Lösung oder eine Rückerstattung besorgen! - Schicken Sie mir bei Fragen eine E-Mail, ich stelle JEDEN TAG 10–20 neue Anzeigen und Broschüren auf meine Website! Das kostenlose Listing-Tool. Listen Sie Ihre Artikel schnell Brand JBL Type Paper Compatible Brand JBL
JBL Ad, L200,Century 100,Prima 25,Aquarius 4, 2pg, 1973
End: 08.01. 2024 14:39:19 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 8.99 USD

- Status: 30T 21:19:26
- Item number: 166487281852
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Olmsted Falls,OH,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 3,0 USD
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an Advertisement from 1973! The picture is of the actual item, Mint Condition! Very rare and hard to find! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Search for any brand you like on the left side in my Store Search bar. I have almost every popular Audio brand! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
2x JBL 115H-1 XPL90 XPL200 4406 18Ti Vintage 17cm 6,5" Woofer High-End RARE
End: 24.12. 2023 18:39:53 on Sunday
JBL Speakers L20T - Speakers Tustin CA
End: 24.12. 2023 00:34:06 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 132.75 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266561129937
- Seller: robertordway (805|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Santa Ana, California
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Moving, everything needs to go before 12/29/23Location: North TustinAt the time of this listing, I had two to three sets NHT black L5 speakers and one set of silver L5 speakers We have a number of speaker listings as of today, see my other listingsSystem Includes:NHT A1 AmplifierNHT X1 CrossoverNHT B5 Subwoofers x2NHT M5 Speakers x2NHT M5 Center Speaker If you need assistance with shipping, contact me for details. I have a business that ships items every day but I will not be in town until Christmas week. Everything needs to go before year-end because house is in escrow. Thank you, Robert
JBL Terminal Plates (Pair) from Model L20T with Original Screws
End: 08.12. 2023 04:11:49 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.27 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 315014013235
- Seller: rysher_65 (109|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Cortland, Ohio
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
JBL Terminal Plates (Pair) from Model L20T with Original Screws.
JBL C8R115H-1 NOS Cone replacement kit for JBL L20 / JBL 18ti / 4406
End: 07.12. 2023 16:34:33 on Thursday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 63.52 EUR

- Status: 8T 7:37:54
- Item number: 305014307131
- Seller: ndb301263 (1012|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Dunfermline
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 38,78 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a genuine JBL C8R115H-1 NOS cone replacement kit for JBL L20 / JBL 18ti / 4406 bass/mid driver. I believe that JBL stopped manufacture of this part over 25 years ago. This is a new cone kit with everything you need to replace the original one. I bought this as a spare when I had all of the above speakers but I have been gradually selling speakers and parts off. I think it would be extremely hard to track down something like this today. The kit includes everything BUT I do not plan to include the adhesive as it has gone off with storage. The adhesive is shown sitting to the right of photo 3.There are no instructions, everything you see in the box is as would be supplied to a JBL dealer to repair a JBL 115H drive unit. Note the surround on this is not foam but rubber and has not degraded with time and is flexible. It includes a new voice coil, surround trim to cover the outer cone to basket joint and a brand new dust cap. Only what is shown in the photos is included - noting that the adhesive is not included as it makes the package subject to different regulations and has gone off with age anyway.Any questions please ask.Postage quoted is UK only
JBL Terminal Plates (Pair) from Model L20T with Original Screws
End: 06.12. 2023 13:18:04 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 5.0 USD

- Status: 6T 20:12:11
- Item number: 314997230345
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Cortland,OH,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
JBL Terminal Plates (Pair) from Model L20T with Original Screws.
JBL L20T 2-way crossover network pair / P/N 66427 with terminals
End: 26.11. 2023 01:15:30 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 25.74 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 126075731106
- Seller: genius-mastermind (8516|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Boulder, Colorado
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 28,65 EUR
- on EBAY
auction is for two crossovers and two back panel with the speaker binding posts/terminalsboth are guaranteed to work perfectly both are in excellent used condition all leads are present all connectors are presnt
JBL L200, L100 Speaker Ad, 2 pg, Article, 1972, Studio
End: 25.11. 2023 13:52:57 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 8.0 USD

- Status: 30T 20:56:33
- Item number: 145391149041
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Olmsted Falls,OH,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 3,0 USD
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an Advertisement from 1972! The picture is of the actual item, Mint Condition! Very rare and hard to find! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Search for any brand you like on the left side in my Store Search bar. I have almost every popular Audio brand! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
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