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JBL EC-35 3-Way 5" Center Speaker Northridge E Series Tested Works #1519

End: 11.01. 2024 05:31:15 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 135.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:31:33
  • Item number: 335159983911
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Iowa City,IA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The speaker has been tested and sound great. ABOUT SHIPPING Shipping Within US 48 Continental States Only (No shipping to Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii) will be shipped by Ups, Fedex Or USPS Ground according your location with free tracking number and It will be shipped thru the address provided by eBay so please make sure its right during checkout. We usually ship within two business days. Sorry no international shipping available. Feel free to ask me any questions. NOT SHIPPING TO P.O BOX ADDRESSES ABOUT RETURN Please contact seller if you have any inconvenience with your item, before open an eBay case or leave a negative feedback. We can work to solve the issue. Thanks

JBL JSR-635i RDS AV-Receiver

End: 08.01. 2024 18:41:01 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 25.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196162900324
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schnurpel62 (931|98.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Altona Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 16,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL JSR-635i RDS AV-ReceiverAuf Grund des Alters und der vielen Funktionen biete ich folgendes Gerät als Ersatzteil/defekt an: JBL JSR-635i RDS AV-Receiver, funktioniert, trotzdem als Bastlergerät3 Der Zustand ist noch brauchbar, siehe Bilder. Gebrauchsspuren vorhanden. Vielleicht nicht für die gute Stube, aber für den Partykeller allemal. Technische Daten bitte im Internäht suchen. Mit dem Radiosignal kommt aus den Haupt-Lautsprecherausgängen guter Sound, entsprechend der Mode Auswahl. Leider bekomme ich aus den Rear-Ausgängen kein Signal. Kann auch an der Bedienung liegen. Es ist keine Fernbedienung dabei. Kein Versand außerhalb Europas und auf Inseln, auch nicht in die Ukraine und nicht in die Schweiz. Versendet wird i.allg. mit Hermes, d.h. nicht an Packstationen. Wer gerne DHL möchte muß dann aber mehr bezahlen. Kein Problem. In den Versandkosten sind immer Kosten für Versand, Verpackung und Transport zum Versender enthalten.Das Gerät kann gerne persönlich abgeholt und vorgeführt werden. Gerne Preisvorschläge. Bitte durchlesen:Es handelt sich hier um einen Privatverkauf von gebrauchten Artikeln, in diesem Fall wohl über 20 Jahre alt, erwarten Siedaher kein Neugerät, und es sind natürlich Gebrauchsspuren vorhanden, und es können bei späterem Dauerbetrieb Mängel auftreten. Daher gibt es auf den beschriebenen Zustand auch keine Garantie, keine Rücknahme, keine Haftung und kein Nachverhandeln. Die angebotenen Artikel werden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen so beschrieben wie sie zum Zeitpunkt des Verpackens waren. Vermehrt wird nach dem Kauf versucht nachzuverhandeln, weil angeblich etwas nicht wie beschrieben funktioniert oder eine Gebrauchsspur nicht angegeben wurde. Deshalb: auch wenn der Artikel funktioniert wird er als defekt bzw. Ersatzteilspender verkauft. Bei Geboten außerhalb Deutschlands bitte die Versandkosten anfragen. Bei Verkäufen außerhalb Deutschlands kommen noch wenigstens 3% auf den gesamten Auktionspreis dazu. Bitte bei Unklarheiten bzw. für weitere Fragen rechtzeitig eine Anfrage stellen. Bieten Sie nur wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind. Und nun viel Spaß beim Bieten.

JBL Synthesis 16-Channel SDR-35 Home Theater Surround Receiver $8,500

End: 07.01. 2024 08:33:03 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3900.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 13:49:24
  • Item number: 395101239037
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: San Mateo,CA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering this JBL Synthesis SDR-35 receiver.This receiver comes complete with its factory packaging, box, and remote. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

JBL EC-35 3-Way 5" Center Speaker Northridge E Series - Nice

End: 03.01. 2024 22:50:02 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 138.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305303736270
  • Seller: califor2020 (915|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Clermont, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 34,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL EC-35 3-Way 5 Center Speaker Northridge E Series - Nice See More in My Store, Thanks! Returns: We want you to be completely happy with your purchase so we have adopted a generous 30 day return policy. Buyer must return item within 30 days. A refund will be given if the item is returned in original shipping condition and received by the Seller.

JBL Reflect Aero Bluetooth In-Ear Ohrhörer - Blau (373504)

End: 29.12. 2023 12:34:58 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 69.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 19:32:59
  • Item number: 186186878824
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Fürstenwalde,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL Reflect Aero Bluetooth In-Ear Ohrhörer - Blau (373504)Diese gebrauchten JBL Reflect Aero Bluetooth In-Ear-Ohrhrer in Blau bieten aktive Geruschunterdrckung und Schweifestigkeit fr ein optimales Hrerlebnis. Die austauschbaren Ohrstpsel und Ohrpolster sorgen fr eine perfekte Passform und der integrierte Mikrofontyp ermglicht Anrufe und Sprachbefehle. Mit einer Impedanz von 16 Ohm und kabelloser Bluetooth-Konnektivitt sind diese Ohrhrer ideal fr unterwegs oder beim Sport. Englische Version Jetzt noch das notwendige. Da die neue EU-Richtlinie jetzt 1 Jahr Gewhrleistung auch fr Privatverkufe vorsieht wenn dies der Verkufer nicht ausschliet. Erklre ich hiermit, dass ich fr meine privat verkauften Artikel keine Gewhrleistung im Sinne der EU-Richtlinie bernehme. Mit Kauf der Ware erklren Sie sich ausdrcklich damit einverstanden, auf die Garantie / Gewhrleistung zu verzichten. Auf die bei mir gekauften gebrauchten Artikel, besteht keinerlei Wiederrufs- und Rckgaberecht (312dAbs.4Nr.5BGB ).

JBL Synthesis 16-Channel SDR-35 Home Theater Surround Receiver $8,500

End: 26.12. 2023 14:54:05 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3900.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 21:22:39
  • Item number: 395074914823
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: San Mateo,CA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering this JBL Synthesis SDR-35 receiver.This receiver comes complete with its factory packaging, box, and remote. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

JBL Receiver JSR-635i (R-D-S) AV-Receiver / Verstärker

End: 22.12. 2023 16:04:19 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 39.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134847503686
  • Seller: electronic_and_parts_hemmoor (1335|98.7%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hemmoor Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL Receiver JSR-635i (R-D-S) AV-Receiver / VerstärkerJBL Receiver JSR-635i (R-D-S) AV-Receiver / VerstärkerGeprüft und OK Tuning range: FM, MWPower output: 35 watts per channel into 8? (stereo)Surround output: 40W (front), 40W (center), 40W (rear)Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHzTotal harmonic distortion: 0.09%Input sensitivity: 150mV (line)Signal to noise ratio: 95dB (line)Video Connections: compositeDimensions: 440 x 138 x 360mmWeight: 8.2kg

JBL Synthesis 16-Channel SDR-35 Home Theater Surround Receiver $8,500

End: 16.12. 2023 23:39:43 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3605.77 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325922086406
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2804|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering this JBL Synthesis SDR-35 receiver.This receiver comes complete with its factory packaging, box, and remote. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

JBL Brochure 1981 4355 Studio Monitor Pro Series, 4 pages, Articles, Specs

End: 30.11. 2023 17:13:35 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:0:30
  • Item number: 145402611630
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Olmsted Falls,OH,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 3,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This is a Out of Print and Rare print Brochure from 1981. It has info for the JBL Model 4355 Studio Monitor. It will have Pictures and Articles of the item listed along with Specifications, Articles, Information and Commentary. The Picture is of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single-Sided professional matte photo pages, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads and Reviews are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.


End: 25.11. 2023 18:44:09 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 109.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314814958869
  • Seller: napobram0 (79|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Tracy, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


JBL Brochure 1981 4355 Studio Monitor Pro Series, 4 pages, Articles, Specs

End: 24.11. 2023 12:26:47 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 19:18:34
  • Item number: 145388950240
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Olmsted Falls,OH,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 3,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This is a Out of Print and Rare print Brochure from 1981. It has info for the JBL Model 4355 Studio Monitor. It will have Pictures and Articles of the item listed along with Specifications, Articles, Information and Commentary. The Picture is of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single-Sided professional matte photo pages, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads and Reviews are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.

JBL JSR-635i Audio Video Stereo Receiver

End: 22.11. 2023 13:45:23 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 120.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:23:39
  • Item number: 355127455927
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: France Frankreich
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 130,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL JSR-635i Audio Video Stereo Receiver Used deviceIn good shapeWorks well see picturesTechnical data: Power consumption: 450 WPower supply: 230 V-50 HzOutput for additional power supply: 230 V-50 Hz 100 W maxPossibility of connecting 5 columns: 2xFront (8Ohm) 1xCenter (8Ohm) 2xRear (4Ohm)Active subwoofer outputRDSPower RMS Stereo: 2 x 30 watts, surround: front 2 x 80 watts, center 1 x 60 wattsInputs: TV/AUX, CD, TAPE (REC, PLAY)VIDEO: VCR1, MONITORVCR1 (REC, PLAY)VCR 2 (front panel)Connection socketsequalizer settings: Bass, Treble, BalanceHeadphone output (Front panel)Dimensions: 440x142x330 (mm)Weight: 12.2 kg No remote control

JBL Brochure 1981 4355 Studio Monitor Pro Series, 4 pages, Articles, Specs

End: 17.11. 2023 14:03:49 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:0:27
  • Item number: 145372875794
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Olmsted Falls,OH,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 3,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This is a Out of Print and Rare print Brochure from 1981. It has info for the JBL Model 4355 Studio Monitor. It will have Pictures and Articles of the item listed along with Specifications, Articles, Information and Commentary. The Picture is of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single-Sided professional matte photo pages, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads and Reviews are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.

JBL UREI 5235 Electronic Frequency Dividing Network USED Good condition

End: 12.11. 2023 05:31:56 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 463.56 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275869662380
  • Seller: barius1211 (1645|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: aichiken nagoyacity Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description JBL UREI 5235 Electronic Frequency Dividing Network USED Good condition[Condition]USED:Good conditionoperation confirmedIt becomes the channel divider for PRO of JBL (UREI).The frequency card is equipped with 290Hz 18dB/oct for 4345/4355.I kept it as a spare for the speaker 4344, but I will exhibit it because there is no place to play an active part.Since it is old, please see the photos for the condition.After confirming the operation for the exhibition, the high frequency side attenuation of LOW of one channel is 12 dB / octIt was fixed to -18dB/oct by cleaning the connector of the frequency board.(As you can see in the photo, there was green rust on the terminal, so I cleaned it.)When you open the lid, you cant see anything that has been modified so far.The power cable is also original. (The 3P ground terminal is broken.)In any case, since it is an old product, maintenance will be necessary.(When listing, basic things such as terminal cleaning are not done.)The number of working individuals has decreased, but...If you can do maintenance by yourself, how about this opportunity?? Manual URL If you are familiar with it, he can create 12dB/oct, 18dB/oct various frequency settings based on this material Please refer to the pictures for more details. Please check the photos and dont hesitate to ask any questions about the item !Thank you.Shipping[ Method ] FEDEXShipping is only available to the address registered in Paypal. Please note that any address not registered in Paypal is not acceptable to ship. We will ship your item within 5 business days, after your payment. Terms of SaleHello, As I have earned only a few feedbacks, you may be very worried to bid my auction. However, I will provide courteous and responsive service. If you are looking for a particular item that is not in my listing, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will look it for you.International Buyers - Please Note:Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost.These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying

JBL Receiver JSR-635i (R-D-S) AV-Receiver gebraucht ANSEHEN !

End: 07.11. 2023 14:57:17 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 9T 22:14:58
  • Item number: 175994205563
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Elmenhorst,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 8,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL Receiver JSR-635i (R-D-S) AV-Receiver gebraucht       ANSEHEN !Hallo, ich biete in dieser Auktion an : JBL Receiver JSR-635i (R-D-S) AV-Receiver gebraucht / mit stärkeren Gebrauchsspuren / Stand lange im Party-Keller, ungetestet ! / Schnäppchen ! / Ausdrücklich : an Bastler, ohne Garantien, keine Rücknahme/ Details bitte den Fotos entnehmen ! - Versandkosten : 8,99 E innerhalb der BRD / Deutschland Versand Europa möglich Versand Übersee möglich - Versand erfolgt auf Risiko des Käufers. Natürlich wird der Artikel sorgsam verpackt !!! - Transport-Unternehmen aus Vorschlag des Käufers werden nicht akzeptiert. - Versandzeit : bis ca 5 - 10 Tage nach Bezahlung der Ware (Zahlungseingang auf meinem Konto) - Ware kann nicht abgeholt werden. - Standort : Kreis Stormarn - Keine Rücknahme - Keine Garantie - Keine Porto-Diskussionen - Kein Verkauf ausserhalb der Ebay-Community - Nur bieten, wer alle aufgeführten Punkte akzeptiert. - Käufer, die gegen diese Vereinbarungen verstossen, kommen auf meine Sperrliste. Nun viel Spaß und Erfolg bei dieser Auktion !

JBL EC-35 Center Speaker Northridge E Series Brown Great Shape Fast Ship

End: 30.10. 2023 16:31:42 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 139.08 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 225619757710
  • Seller: silver47sports (9591|99.4%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Indianapolis, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL EC-35 Center Speaker Northridge E Series Brown Great Shape Fast Ship. Ships lower 48 states only. This is a Heavy nothing you speaker.

JBL Brochure 1981 4355 Studio Monitor Pro Series, 4 pages, Articles, Specs

End: 30.10. 2023 13:00:30 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 20:4:38
  • Item number: 145334761255
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Olmsted Falls,OH,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 3,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This is a Out of Print and Rare print Brochure from 1981. It has info for the JBL Model 4355 Studio Monitor. It will have Pictures and Articles of the item listed along with Specifications, Articles, Information and Commentary. The Picture is of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single-Sided professional matte photo pages, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads and Reviews are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.

JBL E 30 - Lautsprecherboxen, Studioqualität (1352)

End: 22.10. 2023 19:11:59 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 99.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 305084137336
  • Seller: bisham2023 (1055|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Weinheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL E 30 - Lautsprecherboxen, Studioqualität  (1352)JBL E 30 - Lautsprecherboxen, Studioqualität -. Die Lautsprecher funktionieren und sind in einem gebrauchten Zustand. Nur bieten wer damit einverstanden ist. Bilder sind Bestandteil der Artikelbeschreibung. Lieferumfang siehe Bilder. Die Versandkosten beinhalten zudem das Verpackungsmaterial (bitte beachten). BEARBEITUNGSZEIT EINES PAKETES KANN BIS ZU 4 WERKTAGE BETRAGEN!!! Wer mit den Versandkosten nicht einverstanden ist, muss das Gerät nicht kaufen. Wenn Sie ein Problem mit der Ware haben können Sie mich anschreiben und wir finden bestimmt eine optimale Lösung. Wen ein Gerät im Artikelzustand als Ersatzteil/Defekt eingestellt wird , wird es auch ausdrücklich als Ersatzteil beziehungsweise defekt verkauft, daher auch bei ungetesteter Ware , kein funktionsfähiges Gerät erwarten . Versandkosten fürs Ausland bitte Nachfragen. Die Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach UStG. §25a, eine Ausweisung der MwSt. ist nicht möglich.

jbl lautsprecher box 135 SAT

End: 22.10. 2023 18:47:50 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374985109811
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: hawaiiblume2010 (1612|98.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Selm Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    jbl lautsprecher box 135 SATJBL Lautsprecher Box 135 SAT - schwarz Mae - H B T - 11cm x 8cm x 10cm kabelgebunden - im gutem gebrauchtem Zustand - mit voller Funktion! Verkauf von Privat, daher keine Garantie, keine Rcknahme.


End: 21.10. 2023 21:17:48 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23.3 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355109894533
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: djbobstar (17|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lutz, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ** Please note These are the pics of the actually receiver not stock photos. You can see how clean it is and is in great working condition as is ** Super Clean both technically and cosmetically. Has served well but just got new TV and my wife has finally insisted I remove my Vintage JBL L100Ts which is driving a change to my whole system. Please let me know if any questions at all. Cheers, Bob ***************************************** Features Titanium-Composite High Frequency Transducer Domes Light enough to accurately reproduce lighting-fast sounds like cymbal crashes, yet strong enough to eliminate distortion and ear fatigue in the critical high-midrange frequency band. Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal (EOS) Waveguides Enables speakers to evenly disperse high frequencies and create precise stereo imaging over a wide listening area - instead of in just a tiny sweet spot right in front of the speakers. PolyPlas Enhances the organic fiber structure of low and midrange frequency cones, without adding significant weight. The PolyPlas coating eliminates internal resonances and unifies pistonic motion. You hear tighter bass and improved midrange response. Heatscape Precision Motor Structure Protects low-frequency transducers from destructive thermal buildup - the number-one enemy of professional and home speaker systems. Heat is conducted away from the transducers sensitive voice coil and dispersed. Freeflow Port Architecture Extends low-frequency response by coupling internal air motion to a computer-designed aperture with a flared shape, allowing maximum air flow without audible port noise. The result is room filling bass from a speaker that doesnt fill your room. Specifications Maximum Recommended Amplifier Power 150 Watts Power Handling (Continuous/Peak) 75 Watts/300 Watts Impedance 8 Ohms nominal Sensitivity (2.83V/1m) 91dB Frequency Response (–3dB) 75Hz – 20kHz Crossover Frequencies 800Hz, 3200Hz High-Frequency Transducer 3/4 (19mm) Titanium-laminate dome, shielded Midrange Transducer 3 (75mm) PolyPlas™, shielded Low-Frequency Transducers Dual 5-1/4 (133mm) PolyPlas™, shielded Dimensions (H x W x D) 7-1/4 x 22 x 10-7/16 (185mm x 558mm x 264mm) Weight per Speaker 22 lb (10kg)

JBL E 30 - Lautsprecherboxen, Studioqualität (1352)

End: 18.10. 2023 18:04:50 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 65.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305188992982
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: bisham2023 (565|96.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Weinheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL E 30 - Lautsprecherboxen, Studioqualität  (1352)JBL E 30 - Lautsprecherboxen, Studioqualität -. Die Lautsprecher funktionieren und sind in einem gebrauchten Zustand. Nur bieten wer damit einverstanden ist. Bilder sind Bestandteil der Artikelbeschreibung. Lieferumfang siehe Bilder. Die Versandkosten beinhalten zudem das Verpackungsmaterial (bitte beachten). BEARBEITUNGSZEIT EINES PAKETES KANN BIS ZU 4 WERKTAGE BETRAGEN!!! Wer mit den Versandkosten nicht einverstanden ist, muss das Gerät nicht kaufen. Wenn Sie ein Problem mit der Ware haben können Sie mich anschreiben und wir finden bestimmt eine optimale Lösung. Wen ein Gerät im Artikelzustand als Ersatzteil/Defekt eingestellt wird , wird es auch ausdrücklich als Ersatzteil beziehungsweise defekt verkauft, daher auch bei ungetesteter Ware , kein funktionsfähiges Gerät erwarten . Versandkosten fürs Ausland bitte Nachfragen. Die Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach UStG. §25a, eine Ausweisung der MwSt. ist nicht möglich.

JBL Brochure 1981 4355 Studio Monitor Pro Series, 4 pages, Articles, Specs

End: 17.10. 2023 14:03:13 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.18 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166375048267
  • Seller: effgjm (22380|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 3,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This is a Out of Print and Rare print Brochure from 1981. It has info for the JBL Model 4355 Studio Monitor. It will have Pictures and Articles of the item listed along with Specifications, Articles, Information and Commentary. The Picture is of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single-Sided professional matte photo pages, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads and Reviews are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.


End: 16.10. 2023 02:19:38 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 32.45 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355092616133
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: djbobstar (6|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lutz, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ** Please note These are the pics of the actually receiver not stock photos. You can see how clean it is and is in great working condition as is ** Super Clean both technically and cosmetically. Has served well but just got new TV and my wife has finally insisted I remove my Vintage JBL L100Ts which is driving a change to my whole system. Please let me know if any questions at all. Cheers, Bob ***************************************** Features Titanium-Composite High Frequency Transducer Domes Light enough to accurately reproduce lighting-fast sounds like cymbal crashes, yet strong enough to eliminate distortion and ear fatigue in the critical high-midrange frequency band. Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal (EOS) Waveguides Enables speakers to evenly disperse high frequencies and create precise stereo imaging over a wide listening area - instead of in just a tiny sweet spot right in front of the speakers. PolyPlas Enhances the organic fiber structure of low and midrange frequency cones, without adding significant weight. The PolyPlas coating eliminates internal resonances and unifies pistonic motion. You hear tighter bass and improved midrange response. Heatscape Precision Motor Structure Protects low-frequency transducers from destructive thermal buildup - the number-one enemy of professional and home speaker systems. Heat is conducted away from the transducers sensitive voice coil and dispersed. Freeflow Port Architecture Extends low-frequency response by coupling internal air motion to a computer-designed aperture with a flared shape, allowing maximum air flow without audible port noise. The result is room filling bass from a speaker that doesnt fill your room. Specifications Maximum Recommended Amplifier Power 150 Watts Power Handling (Continuous/Peak) 75 Watts/300 Watts Impedance 8 Ohms nominal Sensitivity (2.83V/1m) 91dB Frequency Response (–3dB) 75Hz – 20kHz Crossover Frequencies 800Hz, 3200Hz High-Frequency Transducer 3/4 (19mm) Titanium-laminate dome, shielded Midrange Transducer 3 (75mm) PolyPlas™, shielded Low-Frequency Transducers Dual 5-1/4 (133mm) PolyPlas™, shielded Dimensions (H x W x D) 7-1/4 x 22 x 10-7/16 (185mm x 558mm x 264mm) Weight per Speaker 22 lb (10kg)

JBL Brochure 1981 4355 Studio Monitor Pro Series, 4 pages, Articles, Specs

End: 12.10. 2023 14:37:18 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.15 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166371718560
  • Seller: effgjm (22379|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 3,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This is a Out of Print and Rare print Brochure from 1981. It has info for the JBL Model 4355 Studio Monitor. It will have Pictures and Articles of the item listed along with Specifications, Articles, Information and Commentary. The Picture is of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single-Sided professional matte photo pages, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads and Reviews are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.