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Módulo Wifi Vestel 17WFM21 TV Hitachi 50HK5600
End: 14.12. 2023 22:09:50 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 12.9 EUR

- Status: 7T 21:44:52
- Item number: 334912064201
- Seller: zandal72 (23571|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Módulo Wifi Vestel 17WFM21 TV Hitachi 50HK5600La descripción de este producto se ha traducido automáticamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. MÓDULO WIFI VESTEL 17WFM21 TV HITACHI 50HK5600Eliminado de TV CON PANTALLA ROTANÓTESE BIEN No se excluye la compatibilidad con otros modelos...CON 3 MESES DE GARANTIAPORQUE REVISADO EN NUESTRO CENTRO!!!DISPONIBILIDAD INMEDIATA-(entrega en 24h)(48/72h islas, calabria y lugares desfavorecidos)(pago antes de las 12:00 am)Política de devolucionesReembolsaremos SOLAMENTE si el artículo devuelto es el mismo que se compró, intacto en todas sus partes y componentesNÓTESE BIEN La devolución deberá efectuarse como máximo 10 días después de la recepción por parte del comprador del artículo.Artículo 67 Código del Consumidor¡¡¡¡No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta!!!!CENTRO DE ASISTENCIA ZANDAL - vendedor profesional de Ebay - Máxima FiabilidadEl laboratorio está abierto de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 13.00 y de 15.30 a 19.30Stefano DiGiovanniMontaje, venta y asistencia.Computadorareparaciones de equipos electronicos en general(Radio, TV, electrodomésticos, videoconsolas, etc.)Laboratorio y OficinaVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)celúla. 328 1640313 - Fax. Acepto TODOS los tipos de pago: Paypal Condiciones: Recogida en el sitio: recogida en nuestra sede en Cattolica provincia de (Rimini) Infórmenos si tenemos que enviar a una dirección diferente a la indicada por ebay o paypal.Al momento de la recolección, asegúrese de que el paquete no esté dañado, mojado, rasgado o dañado de otra manera; en este caso te invitamos a firmar la carta de porte CON RESERVA, INDICANDO EL ESTADO DEL PAQUETE CON PRECISIÓN!Solo así podremos hacer valer el seguro de reembolso. .DISPONIBILIDAD INMEDIATA-(entrega en 24h)(48/72h islas, calabria y lugares desfavorecidos) Reembolsaremos SOLAMENTE si el artículo devuelto es el mismo que se compró, intacto en todas sus partes y componentes NÓTESE BIEN La devolución deberá efectuarse como máximo 10 días después de la recepción por parte del comprador del artículo. El laboratorio está abierto de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 13.00 y de 15.30 a 19.30 Recogida en el sitio: recogida en nuestra sede en Cattolica provincia de (Rimini) Infórmenos si tenemos que enviar a una dirección diferente a la indicada por ebay o paypal. Al momento de la recolección, asegúrese de que el paquete no esté dañado, mojado, rasgado o dañado de otra manera; en este caso te invitamos a firmar la carta de porte CON RESERVA, INDICANDO EL ESTADO DEL PA Marca compatibile HITACHI Garanzia produttore 3 mesi Marca Hitachi Tipo Modulo EAN Non applicabile
Module Wifi Vestel 17WFM21 TV Hitachi 50HK5607
End: 05.12. 2023 18:11:54 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 13.01 EUR

- Status: 6T 13:17:56
- Item number: 335017817150
- Seller: zandal72 (23537|97.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 17,01 EUR
- on EBAY
WIFI MODULE VESTEL 17WFM21 TV hitachi 50HK5607Disassembled from TV WITH BROKEN DISPLAYNB Compatibility with other models is not excluded...WITH 3 MONTHS WARRANTYBECAUSE REVISED IN OUR CENTER!!!IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY-(delivery in 24h)(48/72h islands, calabria and disadvantaged locations)(payment before 12:00 am)Return PolicyWe will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and components.NB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item.Article 67 Consumer CodeFeel free to contact me for any questions!!!!ZANDAL ASSISTANCE CENTER - professional Ebay seller - Top ReliabilityThe laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30Stefano Di GiovanniAssembly, sales and assistanceComputerrepairs of electronic equipment in general(Radio, TV, household appliances, game consoles etc.)Laboratory and OfficeVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)cell. 328 1640313 - Fax. I accept ALL types of payment: PayPal Conditions: Pick up on site: collection at our office in Cattolica province of (Rimini) Please inform us if we have to ship to a different address than the one indicated by ebay or paypal.Please make sure, upon collection, that the package is not damaged, wet, torn or otherwise damaged; in this case we invite you to sign the waybill WITH RESERVE, INDICATING THE STATUS OF THE PACKAGE WITH PRECISION!Only in this way will we be able to enforce the reimbursement insurance. .IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY-(delivery in 24h)(48/72h islands, calabria and disadvantaged locations) We will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and components. NB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item. The laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30 Pick up on site: collection at our office in Cattolica province of (Rimini) Please inform us if we have to ship to a different address than the one indicated by ebay or paypal. Please make sure, upon collection, that the package is not damaged, wet, torn or otherwise damaged; in this case we invite you to sign the waybill WITH RESERVE, INDICATING THE STATUS OF THE PACKAGE WITH PRECISION! Only in this way will we be
Set Balken LED CRH-BK50S1U51S3030T040979G-REV1.0I01 Fernseher Hitachi 50HK5600
End: 04.12. 2023 14:57:35 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 14.9 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235050348684
- Seller: zandal72 (23571|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
LED-BAR-KIT CRH-BK50S1U51S3030T040979G-REV1.0I01 TV HITACHI 50HK5600Vom Fernseher entfernt, mit defektem DisplayDer Preis gilt für alle BARSEine Kompatibilität mit anderen Modellen ist nicht ausgeschlossenMIT 3 MONATEN GARANTIESOFORTIGE VERFÜGBARKEIT-(Lieferung in 24h)(48/72h Inseln, Kalabrien und benachteiligte Orte)(Zahlung vor 12:00 Uhr)RücknahmegarantieWir erstatten NUR, wenn der zurückgegebene Artikel mit dem gekauften identisch ist und in allen seinen Teilen und Komponenten intakt istNB Die Rücksendung muss spätestens 10 Tage nach Erhalt der Ware beim Käufer erfolgen.Artikel 67 VerbraucherschutzgesetzBei Fragen können Sie mich gerne kontaktieren!!!!ZANDAL ASSISTANCE CENTER - professioneller Ebay-Verkäufer - Top ZuverlässigkeitDas Labor ist von Montag bis Freitag von 9.00 bis 13.00 Uhr und von 15.30 bis 19.30 Uhr geöffnetStefano DiGiovanniMontage, Verkauf und UnterstützungComputerReparaturen von elektronischen Geräten im Allgemeinen(Radio, TV, Haushaltsgeräte, Spielekonsolen etc.)Labor und BüroVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)Zelle. 328 1640313 - Fax. Ich akzeptiere ALLE Zahlungsarten: PayPal Bedingungen: Abholung vor Ort: Abholung in unserem Hauptsitz in der Provinz Cattolica (Rimini) Bitte informieren Sie uns, wenn wir an eine andere Adresse als die bei eBay oder Paypal angegebene liefern müssen.Bitte vergewissern Sie sich bei der Abholung, dass das Paket nicht beschädigt, nass, zerrissen oder anderweitig beschädigt ist; In diesem Fall bitten wir Sie, den Frachtbrief MIT VORBEHALT zu unterschreiben, UM DEN STATUS DES PAKETS PRÄZISION ANZUZEIGEN!Nur so können wir die Erstattungsversicherung durchsetzen. .SOFORTIGE VERFÜGBARKEIT-(Lieferung in 24h)(48/72h Inseln, Kalabrien und benachteiligte Orte) Wir erstatten NUR, wenn der zurückgegebene Artikel mit dem gekauften identisch ist und in allen seinen Teilen und Komponenten intakt ist NB Die Rücksendung muss spätestens 10 Tage nach Erhalt der Ware beim Käufer erfolgen. Das Labor ist von Montag bis Freitag von 9.00 bis 13.00 Uhr und von 15.30 bis 19.30 Uhr geöffnet Abholung vor Ort: Abholung in unserem Hauptsitz in der Provinz Cattolica (Rimini) Bitte informieren Sie uns, wenn wir an eine andere Adresse als die bei eBay oder Paypal angegebene liefern müssen. Bitte vergewissern Sie sich bei der Abholung, dass das Paket nicht beschädigt, nass, zerrissen oder anderweitig beschädigt ist; In diesem Fall bitten wir Sie, den Frachtbrief MIT VORBEHALT
Kit Barras LED CRH-BK50S1U51S3030T040979G-REV1.0I01 TV Hitachi 50HK5600
End: 04.12. 2023 14:57:35 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 14.9 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235050348621
- Seller: zandal72 (23571|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Kit Barras LED CRH-BK50S1U51S3030T040979G-REV1.0I01 TV Hitachi 50HK5600La descripción de este producto se ha traducido automáticamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. KIT BARRA LED CRH-BK50S1U51S3030T040979G-REV1.0I01 TV HITACHI 50HK5600Eliminado de TV con pantalla rotaEl precio es por todas las BARRASNo se excluye la compatibilidad con otros modelos.CON 3 MESES DE GARANTIADISPONIBILIDAD INMEDIATA-(entrega en 24h)(48/72h islas, calabria y lugares desfavorecidos)(pago antes de las 12:00 am)Política de devolucionesReembolsaremos SOLAMENTE si el artículo devuelto es el mismo que se compró, intacto en todas sus partes y componentesNÓTESE BIEN La devolución deberá efectuarse como máximo 10 días después de la recepción por parte del comprador del artículo.Artículo 67 Código del Consumidor¡¡¡¡No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta!!!!CENTRO DE ASISTENCIA ZANDAL - vendedor profesional de Ebay - Máxima FiabilidadEl laboratorio está abierto de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 13.00 y de 15.30 a 19.30Stefano DiGiovanniMontaje, venta y asistencia.Computadorareparaciones de equipos electronicos en general(Radio, TV, electrodomésticos, videoconsolas, etc.)Laboratorio y OficinaVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)celúla. 328 1640313 - Fax. Acepto TODOS los tipos de pago: Paypal Condiciones: Recogida en el sitio: recogida en nuestra sede en Cattolica provincia de (Rimini) Infórmenos si tenemos que enviar a una dirección diferente a la indicada por ebay o paypal.Al momento de la recolección, asegúrese de que el paquete no esté dañado, mojado, rasgado o dañado de otra manera; en este caso te invitamos a firmar la carta de porte CON RESERVA, INDICANDO EL ESTADO DEL PAQUETE CON PRECISIÓN!Solo así podremos hacer valer el seguro de reembolso. .DISPONIBILIDAD INMEDIATA-(entrega en 24h)(48/72h islas, calabria y lugares desfavorecidos) Reembolsaremos SOLAMENTE si el artículo devuelto es el mismo que se compró, intacto en todas sus partes y componentes NÓTESE BIEN La devolución deberá efectuarse como máximo 10 días después de la recepción por parte del comprador del artículo. El laboratorio está abierto de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 13.00 y de 15.30 a 19.30 Recogida en el sitio: recogida en nuestra sede en Cattolica provincia de (Rimini) Infórmenos si tenemos que enviar a una dirección diferente a la indicada por ebay o paypal. Al momento de la recolección, asegúrese de que el paquete no esté dañado, mojado, rasgado o dañado de otra manera; en este caso te invitamos a firmar la carta de porte CON RESERVA, INDICANDO EL ESTADO DEL PA Marca compatibile HITACHI Garanzia produttore 3 mesi Marca Hitachi Tipo Retroilluminazione EAN Non applicabile
Kit Rods LED CRH-BK50S1U51S3030T040979G-REV1.0I01 TV Hitachi 50HK5600
End: 25.11. 2023 15:08:20 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 15.02 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235050348794
- Seller: zandal72 (23571|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
LED BAR KIT CRH-BK50S1U51S3030T040979G-REV1.0I01 TV hitachi 50HK5600Removed from TV with broken displayThe price is for all BARSCompatibility with other models is not excludedWITH 3 MONTHS WARRANTYIMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY-(delivery in 24h)(48/72h islands, calabria and disadvantaged locations)(payment before 12:00 am)Return PolicyWe will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and componentsNB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item.Article 67 Consumer CodeFeel free to contact me with any questions!!!!ZANDAL ASSISTANCE CENTER - professional Ebay seller - Top ReliabilityThe laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30Stefano DiGiovanniAssembly, sales and assistanceComputerrepairs of electronic equipment in general(Radio, TV, household appliances, game consoles etc.)Laboratory and OfficeVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)cell. 328 1640313 - Fax. I accept ALL types of payment : PayPal Conditions: Pick up on site: collection at our headquarters in Cattolica province of (Rimini) Please inform us if we have to ship to a different address than the one indicated by ebay or paypal.Please make sure, upon collection, that the package is not damaged, wet, torn or otherwise damaged; in this case we invite you to sign the waybill WITH RESERVE, INDICATING THE STATUS OF THE PACKAGE WITH PRECISION!Only in this way will we be able to enforce the reimbursement insurance. .IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY-(delivery in 24h)(48/72h islands, calabria and disadvantaged locations) We will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and components NB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item. The laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30 Pick up on site: collection at our headquarters in Cattolica province of (Rimini) Please inform us if we have to ship to a different address than the one indicated by ebay or paypal. Please make sure, upon collection, that the package is not damaged, wet, torn or otherwise damaged; in this case we invite you to sign the waybill WITH RESERVE, INDICATING THE STATUS OF THE PACKAGE WITH PRECISION! Only in this way will w
Taste Zündung On Off BYJ-2 E230225 94V-0 Fernseher Hitachi 50HK5600
End: 25.11. 2023 15:08:20 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 4.9 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235050348667
- Seller: zandal72 (23571|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Americas
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
POWER-TASTE EIN AUS BYJ-2 E230225 94V-0 TV HITACHI 50HK5600Hinweis: Die Kompatibilität mit anderen Modellen ist nicht ausgeschlossenVom Fernseher entfernt, mit defektem DisplayMIT 3 MONATEN GARANTIEWEIL IN UNSEREM ZENTRUM ÜBERARBEITET!!!SOFORTIGE VERFÜGBARKEIT-(Auswahl des Kuriers, Lieferung in 24 Stunden)(48/72 Stunden Inseln, Kalabrien und benachteiligte Orte)(Zahlung vor 12:00 Uhr)RücknahmegarantieWir erstatten NUR, wenn der zurückgegebene Artikel mit dem gekauften identisch ist und in allen seinen Teilen und Komponenten intakt istNB Die Rücksendung muss spätestens 10 Tage nach Erhalt der Ware beim Käufer erfolgen.Artikel 67 VerbraucherschutzgesetzBei Fragen können Sie mich gerne kontaktieren!!!!ZANDAL ASSISTANCE CENTER - professioneller Ebay-Verkäufer - Top ZuverlässigkeitDas Labor ist von Montag bis Freitag von 9.00 bis 13.00 Uhr und von 15.30 bis 19.30 Uhr geöffnetStefano DiGiovanniMontage, Verkauf und UnterstützungComputerReparaturen von elektronischen Geräten im Allgemeinen(Radio, TV, Haushaltsgeräte, Spielekonsolen etc.)Labor und BüroVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)Zelle. 328 1640313 - Fax. Ich akzeptiere ALLE Zahlungsarten: PayPal Bedingungen: Abholung vor Ort: Abholung in unserem Hauptsitz in der Provinz Cattolica (Rimini) Bitte informieren Sie uns, wenn wir an eine andere Adresse als die bei eBay oder Paypal angegebene liefern müssen.Bitte vergewissern Sie sich bei der Abholung, dass das Paket nicht beschädigt, nass, zerrissen oder anderweitig beschädigt ist; In diesem Fall bitten wir Sie, den Frachtbrief MIT VORBEHALT zu unterschreiben, UM DEN STATUS DES PAKETS PRÄZISION ANZUZEIGEN!Nur so können wir die Erstattungsversicherung durchsetzen. .SOFORTIGE VERFÜGBARKEIT-(Auswahl des Kuriers, Lieferung in 24 Stunden)(48/72 Stunden Inseln, Kalabrien und benachteiligte Orte) Wir erstatten NUR, wenn der zurückgegebene Artikel mit dem gekauften identisch ist und in allen seinen Teilen und Komponenten intakt ist NB Die Rücksendung muss spätestens 10 Tage nach Erhalt der Ware beim Käufer erfolgen. Das Labor ist von Montag bis Freitag von 9.00 bis 13.00 Uhr und von 15.30 bis 19.30 Uhr geöffnet Bitte informieren Sie uns, wenn wir an eine andere Adresse als die bei eBay oder Paypal angegebene liefern müssen. Bitte vergewissern Sie sich bei der Abholung, dass das Paket nicht beschädigt, nass, zerrissen oder anderweitig beschädigt ist; In diesem Fall bitten wir Sie, den Frachtbrief MIT VORBEHALT zu unterschreiben, UM DEN STATUS DES PAKETS PR
Coffers Speakers 30102286 8OHM 12,5W 20D232H Rohs TV Hitachi 50HK5600
End: 25.11. 2023 15:08:20 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 8.97 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235050348639
- Seller: zandal72 (23571|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
SPEAKER BOXES 30102286 8OHM 12,5W 20D232H ROHS TV hitachi 50HK5600NB Compatibility with other models is not excludedDISASSEMBLED FROM TV WITH BROKEN SCREENWITH 3 MONTHS WARRANTYBECAUSE REVISED IN OUR CENTER!!!IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY - By selecting the courier (arrives in 24h)(48/72h islands, calabria and disadvantaged places)(payment before 12:00 am)Return PolicyWe will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and componentsNB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item.Article 67 Consumer CodeFeel free to contact me with any questions!!!!ZANDAL ASSISTANCE CENTER - professional Ebay seller - Top ReliabilityThe laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30Stefano DiGiovanniAssembly, sales and assistanceComputerrepairs of electronic equipment in general(Radio, TV, household appliances, game consoles etc.)Laboratory and OfficeVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)cell. 328 1640313 - Fax. I accept ALL types of payment : PayPal Conditions: Pick up on site: collection at our headquarters in Cattolica province of (Rimini) Please inform us if we have to ship to a different address than the one indicated by ebay or paypal.Please make sure, upon collection, that the package is not damaged, wet, torn or otherwise damaged; in this case we invite you to sign the waybill WITH RESERVE, INDICATING THE STATUS OF THE PACKAGE WITH PRECISION!Only in this way will we be able to enforce the reimbursement insurance. .IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY - By selecting the courier (arrives in 24h)(48/72h islands, calabria and disadvantaged places) We will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and components NB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item. The laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30 Pick up on site: collection at our headquarters in Cattolica province of (Rimini) Please inform us if we have to ship to a different address than the one indicated by ebay or paypal. Please make sure, upon collection, that the package is not damaged, wet, torn or otherwise damaged; in this case we invite you to sign the waybill WITH RESERVE, INDICATING THE STATUS OF THE PACKAGE WITH PRECISION!
Original Hitachi PN101256 UA5560 Fernbedienung / Remote, 2 Jahre Garantie
End: 10.11. 2023 07:35:32 on Friday
Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Hitachi 50HK5601 Fernseher
End: 08.11. 2023 21:10:21 on Wednesday
Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Hitachi 50HK5601 Fernseher
End: 05.11. 2023 12:28:25 on Sunday
End: 03.11. 2023 20:11:42 on Friday
Replacement TV Stand for HITACHI 68-488560-0A0 Television (USED)
End: 02.11. 2023 04:41:03 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 18.96 EUR

- Status: 5T 3:2:57
- Item number: 386088652718
- Seller: globaltradenetwork (17902|98.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: San Diego, California
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Replacement TV Stand for HITACHI 68-488560-0A0 Television. DOES NOT INCLUDE SCREWS OR INSTALLATION HARDWARE. The screws and installation screws are typically supplied with the Television and replacements can be found at your local hardware store. This listing is for a USED item and may have minor cosmetic blemishes and imperfections. Welcome of Global Trade Network Store.RemoteTV StandsCablesAccessoriesPPEReplacement TV Stand for HITACHI 68-488560-0A0 TelevisionPRICE39.99FREE SHIPPINGMost orders ship out next business day30 DAYS RETURN POLICYSee our return policy100% SECURE CHECKOUTCheckout safely with peace of mindONLINE SUPPORTHave a query? Just contact our support team through eBayHAVE A QUESTION?FOLLOW USCATEGORIES3D GlassesAutomotiveAV - AmplifierAV - HeadphoneAV - MicrophoneAV - OtherAV - SpeakerCables - Audio VideoCables - One ConnectCables - OtherCables - PowerCables - SpecialtyLightingMedia Boxes - One ConnectMicrowave PlatesMiscellaneousOtherParts - AC FiltersParts - AC TubeParts - NinjaParts - Tool BatteryParts - Vacuum BatteryParts - WheelsPinataPower Adapter - AppliancePower Adapter - Cell PhonePower Adapter - LaptopPower Adapter - MonitorPower Adapter - OtherPower Adapter - TabletPower Adapter - TVRemote Control - Air ConditionRemote Control - Audio ReceiveRemote Control - BluRayRemote Control - CDRemote Control - DVDRemote Control - Home TheaterRemote Control - OtherRemote Control - Sound BarRemote Control - TVTV StandsVinyl - DecalsHELPFUL LINKSAdd to Favorite SellerAsk Seller a QuestionView FeedbackVisit Our StoreAbout UsContact UsNewsletterAdd my shop to your favorites and receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions!SIGN UPTECHNICAL INFORMATIONReplacement TV Stand for HITACHI 68-488560-0A0 Television. DOES NOT INCLUDE SCREWS OR INSTALLATION HARDWARE. The screws and installation screws are typically supplied with the Television and replacements can be found at your local hardware store. This listing is for a USED item and may have minor cosmetic blemishes and imperfections.SPECIFICATIONS BRAND HITACHI MODEL 68-488550-0A0-WHITE 68-488560-68-488560-0A0-USED Custom Block HeadingCustom Block Content.ABOUT US Global Trade Network specializes in OEM and replacement accessories for all consumer electronic goods. We are committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted brands such as Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Hisense, Panasonic and many others. We also offer high quality third-party replacement products. If you need any assistance with your product, or are trying to find the correct part, our staff is here to help, just send us a message.SHIPPING We ship via UPS, FedEx, and USPS based on the destination. Order tracking information will be provided once the item has shipped. Delivery estimate is typically 2-4 days for domestic only. RETURNS All items must be returned in the same condition it was received. Returns are processed within 1-2 business days upon return delivery date. Refunds are less the cost of the originally purchased shipping. Any item that is returned after 45 days will have a 20% restocking fee applied.CONTACT US Each one of your orders is important to us and we truly appreciate you supporting our business. Were always happy to help should any issue arise, so please feel free to reach us through eBay messages if you have any questions or concerns.WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT USCommentBuyerGreat to do business with linkin47 (283 )Thank you!jasmallwood74 (992 )Fast Shippertowman77471 (1609 )Thank you invader4.3 (699 )A++++pkkcremmi (124 )VIEW ALLRELATED PRODUCTSASTM Level 3 Made in USA Disposable Face Mask 3 Layers 20pcs Black Nose BridgeUSD 9.99ASTM Level 3 Disposable Face Mask 3-Ply 50Pk Medical Surgical Dental Mouth CoverUSD 24.99Black M95i 5 Layer Protection Adult Disposable Face Mask MADE IN USA(20 Pack)USD 35.99ASTM Level 3 Breathable 3-ply Protection Colored Disposable Face Mask 50 PackUSD 24.99Slim Face Adult Size M95c Face Mask Adjustable Nose Bridge Made in USA 5 Pk WhitUSD 16.99Reusable Washable Face Mask Cover Multi Layer Breathable Black Cloth 10 PackUSD 34.99
Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Hitachi 50HK5601 Fernseher
End: 29.10. 2023 20:46:52 on Sunday
Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Hitachi 50HK5601 Fernseher
End: 26.10. 2023 12:51:52 on Thursday
Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Hitachi 50HK5601 Fernseher
End: 19.10. 2023 12:51:53 on Thursday
End: 11.10. 2023 14:35:38 on Wednesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 29.9 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 334911291732
- Seller: zandal72 (23565|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 6,99 EUR
- on EBAY
SCHEDA MADRE VESTEL 17MB230 PER HITACHI 50HK5600Non si esclude compatibilità con altri modelliSMMPNTATA CON TV CON DISPLAY ROTTO Consigliamo linstallazione solo da personale qualificato!!!!! SPEDIZIONE IMMEDIATA!!!! Consegna in 24h selezionando il corriere ( 48/72h isole e calabria )I RICAMBI SONO IN PRONTA CONSEGNA NEL NOSTRO CENTRO, PRONTI X LA SPEDIZIONE!Vengono venduti con scontrino per la Garanzia di 3 mesi che deve essere conservato in ogni caso. Regole sulla restituzione In caso di restituzione, le spese di spedizione sono a carico dellacquirente.Effettueremo il rimborso SOLO se loggetto restituito sarà lo stesso acquistato, integro in tutte le sue parti e componentiN.B. La restituzione deve essere effettuata entro e non oltre i 10 giorni dalla ricezione da parte dell acquirente delloggetto.Articolo 67 Codice del consumoContattami pure per qualsiasi domanda!!!!CENTRO ASSISTENZA ZANDAL - venditore professionale Ebay - Affidabilità Top Il laboratorio è aperto dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.30 alle 19.30 Stefano Di Giovanni Assemblaggio, vendita e assistenza Computer riparazioni materiale elettronico in genere ( Radio, TV, elettrodomestici, Console da gioco etc.) Laboratorio e Ufficio Via Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN) Cell. 328 1640313 - Fax. 0541 962454 P.I. 03702850409 c.f. dgvsfn72d20f715c EMAIL: SKYPE: zandal72 Accetto TUTTI i tipi di pagamento : PayPal Bonifico bancario Vaglia postaleCondizioni: Ritiro in sede: ritiro presso la nostra sede a Cattolica provincia di ( Rimini )Tempi di imballaggio: tutti gli oggetti verranno imballati e spediti entro il giorno feriale successivo al ricevimento del pagamento (se possibile la spedizione avviene nello stesso giorno del pagamento - se entro la prima mattinata).Spedizione: tutti gli oggetti verranno accuratamente imballati e spediti entro 24 ore (giorni lavorativi) dal ricevimento del pagamento, tramite CORRIERE BRT/TNT. Vi preghiamo a tal fine di specificare lindirizzo dove effettuare la spedizione. Informateci se dobbiamo spedire ad un indirizzo differente da quello indicato da ebay o da paypal.
Motherboard Vestel 17MB230 For Hitachi 50HK5600
End: 11.10. 2023 14:32:50 on Wednesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 30.15 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 334912064182
- Seller: zandal72 (23571|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
MOTHERBOARD VESTEL 17MB230 FOR hitachi 50HK5600Compatibility with other models is not excludedDISMPTED WITH TV WITH BROKEN DISPLAYWe recommend installation by qualified personnel only!!!!! Delivery in 24h by selecting the courier (48/72h islands and Calabria)They are sold with receipt for the 3 month warranty which must be kept in any case. We will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and componentsNB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item.Article 67 Consumer CodeFeel free to contact me with any questions!!!!ZANDAL SERVICE CENTER - professional Ebay seller - Top ReliabilityThe laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30Stefano DiGiovanniAssembly, sales and assistanceComputerrepairs of electronic equipment in general(Radio, TV, household appliances, game consoles etc.)Laboratory and OfficeVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)cell. 328 1640313 - Fax. I accept ALL types of payment : PayPal Conditions: Pick up on site: collection at our headquarters in Cattolica province of (Rimini) MOTHERBOARD VESTEL 17MB230 FOR hitachi 50HK5600 Compatibility with other models is not excluded We recommend installation by qualified personnel only!!!!! Delivery in 24h by selecting the courier (48/72h islands and Calabria) They are sold with receipt for the 3 month warranty which must be kept in any case. We will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and components NB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item. ZANDAL SERVICE CENTER - professional Ebay seller - Top Reliability The laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30 (Radio, TV, household appliances, game consoles etc.) Via Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN) Pick up on site: collection at our h
Karte Mainboard Vestel 17MB230 Für Hitachi 50HK5600
End: 11.10. 2023 14:32:50 on Wednesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 29.9 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235050348650
- Seller: zandal72 (23571|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
MOTHERBOARD VESTEL 17MB230 FÜR HITACHI 50HK5600Eine Kompatibilität mit anderen Modellen ist nicht ausgeschlossenMIT DEM FERNSEHGERÄT MIT KAPUTTEM DISPLAY DISMPTEDWir empfehlen die Installation nur durch Fachpersonal!!!!! Lieferung innerhalb von 24 Stunden durch Auswahl des Kuriers (48/72 Stunden Inseln und Kalabrien)Sie werden mit verkauft Quittung für die 3-monatige Garantie die unbedingt aufbewahrt werden müssen. Wir erstatten NUR, wenn der zurückgegebene Artikel mit dem gekauften identisch ist und in allen seinen Teilen und Komponenten intakt istHinweis: Die Rücksendung muss spätestens 10 Tage nach Erhalt des Artikels beim Käufer erfolgen.Artikel 67 VerbraucherschutzgesetzBei Fragen können Sie mich gerne kontaktieren!!!!ZANDAL-SERVICEZENTRUM - Professioneller Ebay-Verkäufer - Top-ZuverlässigkeitDas Labor ist von Montag bis Freitag von 9.00 bis 13.00 Uhr und von 15.30 bis 19.30 Uhr geöffnetStefano DiGiovanniMontage, Verkauf und UnterstützungComputerReparaturen von elektronischen Geräten im Allgemeinen(Radio, TV, Haushaltsgeräte, Spielekonsolen etc.)Labor und BüroVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)Zelle. 328 1640313 - Fax. Ich akzeptiere ALLE Zahlungsarten: PayPal Bedingungen: Abholung vor Ort: Abholung in unserem Hauptsitz in der Provinz Cattolica (Rimini) Eine Kompatibilität mit anderen Modellen ist nicht ausgeschlossen Wir empfehlen die Installation nur durch Fachpersonal!!!!! Lieferung innerhalb von 24 Stunden durch Auswahl des Kuriers (48/72 Stunden Inseln und Kalabrien) Sie werden mit verkauft Quittung für die 3-monatige Garantie die unbedingt aufbewahrt werden müssen. Wir erstatten NUR, wenn der zurückgegebene Artikel mit dem gekauften identisch ist und in allen seinen Teilen und Komponenten intakt ist Hinweis: Die Rücksendung muss spätestens 10 Tage nach Erhalt des Artikels beim Käufer erfolgen. ZANDAL-SERVICEZENTRUM - Professioneller Ebay-Verkäufer - Top-Zuverlässigkeit Das Labor ist von Montag bis Freitag von 9.00 bis 13.00 Uhr und von 15.30 bis 19.30 Uhr geöffnet Abholung vor Ort: Abholung in unserem Hauptsitz in der Provinz Catto
Tarjeta Madre Vestel 17MB230 Para Hitachi 50HK5600
End: 11.10. 2023 14:32:50 on Wednesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 29.9 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235050348646
- Seller: zandal72 (23571|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Tarjeta Madre Vestel 17MB230 Para Hitachi 50HK5600La descripción de este producto se ha traducido automáticamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros.PLACA MADRE VESTEL 17MB230 PARA HITACHI 50HK5600No se excluye la compatibilidad con otros modelos.DESPEDIDO CON TV CON PANTALLA ROTARecomendamos la instalación solo por personal calificado!!!!! Entrega en 24h seleccionando la mensajería (48/72h islas y Calabria)se venden con recibo de la garantía de 3 meses que debe conservarse en todo caso. Reembolsaremos SOLAMENTE si el artículo devuelto es el mismo que se compró, intacto en todas sus partes y componentesNB La devolución debe realizarse a más tardar 10 días después de la recepción por parte del comprador del artículo.Artículo 67 Código del Consumidor¡¡¡¡No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta!!!!CENTRO DE SERVICIO ZANDAL - vendedor profesional de Ebay - Máxima fiabilidadEl laboratorio está abierto de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 13.00 y de 15.30 a 19.30Stefano DiGiovanniMontaje, venta y asistencia.Computadorareparaciones de equipos electronicos en general(Radio, TV, electrodomésticos, videoconsolas, etc.)Laboratorio y OficinaVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)celúla. 328 1640313 - Fax. Acepto TODOS los tipos de pago: Paypal Condiciones: Recogida en el sitio: recogida en nuestra sede en Cattolica provincia de (Rimini) Recomendamos la instalación solo por personal calificado!!!!! Entrega en 24h seleccionando la mensajería (48/72h islas y Calabria) se venden con recibo de la garantía de 3 meses que debe conservarse en todo caso. Reembolsaremos SOLAMENTE si el artículo devuelto es el mismo que se compró, intacto en todas sus partes y componentes NB La devolución debe realizarse a más tardar 10 días después de la recepción por parte del comprador del artículo. ¡¡¡¡No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta!!!! CENTRO DE SERVICIO ZANDAL - vendedor profesional de Ebay - Máxima fiabilidad El laboratorio está abierto de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 13.00 y de 15.30 a 19.30 (Radio, TV, electrodomésticos, videoconsolas, etc.) Recogida en el sitio: recogida en nuestra sede en Cattolica provincia Tecnologia del display LED Dimensioni schermo 50 Modello HITACHI50HK5600 Marca Hitachi Risoluzione massima V
Original Hitachi PN101256 UA5560 Fernbedienung / Remote, 2 Jahre Garantie
End: 10.10. 2023 07:31:07 on Tuesday
Motherboard 17MB230 Vestel TV HITACHI 50HK5607
End: 25.09. 2023 13:05:44 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 30.15 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 335017816866
- Seller: zandal72 (23537|97.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Cattolica
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 17,01 EUR
- on EBAY
MOTHERBOARD 17MB230 VESTEL TV hitachi 50HK5607Compatibility with other models is not excludedSMMPNT WITH TV WITH BROKEN DISPLAYWe recommend installation by qualified personnel only!!!!! Delivery within 24h by selecting the courier (48/72h islands and Calabria)They are sold with receipt for the 3 month warranty which must be kept in any case. We will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and components.NB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item.Article 67 Consumer CodeFeel free to contact me for any questions!!!!ZANDAL SERVICE CENTER - professional Ebay seller - Top ReliabilityThe laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30Stefano Di GiovanniAssembly, sales and assistanceComputerrepairs of electronic equipment in general(Radio, TV, household appliances, game consoles etc.)Laboratory and OfficeVia Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN)cell. 328 1640313 - Fax. I accept ALL types of payment: PayPal Conditions: Pick up on site: collection at our office in Cattolica province of (Rimini) MOTHERBOARD 17MB230 VESTEL TV hitachi 50HK5607 Compatibility with other models is not excluded We recommend installation by qualified personnel only!!!!! Delivery within 24h by selecting the courier (48/72h islands and Calabria) They are sold with receipt for the 3 month warranty which must be kept in any case. We will refund ONLY if the returned item is the same as purchased, intact in all its parts and components. NB The return must be made no later than 10 days after receipt by the buyer of the item. ZANDAL SERVICE CENTER - professional Ebay seller - Top Reliability The laboratory is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30 (Radio, TV, household appliances, game consoles etc.) Via Caduti del mare, 28 - 47841 - Cattolica (RN) Pick up on site: collection at o
Hitachi 60R70 StandBase 68-488560-0A0|68-488550-0A0 with screws
End: 17.09. 2023 13:21:36 on Sunday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 23.64 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 325799430246
- Seller: vintronics_71 (314|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Chesterfield, Missouri
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Note: Please check part numbers carefully before placing an order.Please contact us if you are doubtful about part or if you need help in diagnosis of problem in your TVParts are marked for identification in case of returns. Incorrect identified returns will be reported 30 Days return policy for full refund.Buyer pays for return shipping labelOriginal packaging is optional, It may have it or not Minor scratches may appear from handling Product Details - Manufacturer - Hitachi Model - Description - Professionally removed from Brand New cracked screen TVScrews Included Technical Details - Stand Base - 68-488560-0A0|68-488550-0A0 || X490191| X490192 Compatible Models - 60R70 55R80 55R7 (HT-SB-OAO)
Original Hitachi PN101256 UA5560 Fernbedienung / Remote, 2 Jahre Garantie
End: 14.09. 2023 20:23:48 on Thursday
Hitachi MS-W560E Boombox timewarp condition. new cassette player belts.
End: 12.09. 2023 21:09:00 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 57.73 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 186066416939
- Bids: 0
- Seller: jimburr123 (422|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Bedford
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 15,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Hitachi MS-W560E Boombox timewarp condition. New cassette player belts. Fully working on battery power and mains 240V. This fine looking piece of audio history is one of the inbetweeners, badged as digital as it has a line in labeled CD. A CD player attachment was available at the time but very hard to find now. The fun part is a bluetooth adapters fits in one of the line in sockets very discreetly. Dont expect this to blow your socks of with its audio performance. There are a few crackles from the volume knob but nothing nasty. All the graphic and the balance is good. Auto reverse working as it should. This takes 10 D Cell batterys so not included. Bluetooth adapter not included.
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