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Focal Sopra 3 - Nogaro Blue - Reference $26,000 Speakers

End: 16.12. 2023 23:33:12 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 24500.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 18:32:24
  • Item number: 395053718099
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: San Mateo,CA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering a pair of Focal Sopra3.This is a phenomenal pair of the Sopra3 speakers. Each of the speakers are in the gorgeous, and rare Nogaro Blue finish. These are in great shape, without issue. Complete with boxes. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

Focal Sopra # 3 Center Channel Brand New With Nordost Red Dawn Mono Banana

End: 15.12. 2023 22:05:35 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 4033.18 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295971038182
  • Seller: sammy51492 (288|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Twin Falls, Idaho USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Brand New Focal Sopra # 3 Center Channel Speaker Ebony Black Brand New Nordost Red Dawn Mono Banana / Banana 4M Cable Included In Price $1025.00 Value. This speaker is brand new it was one of 5 various Sopra # 3 speakers I ordered, shipped to me direct from Focal in France. I hooked it up and played it for about 30 seconds to ensure there was no damage from the shipping it is perfect. This speaker has less than 1 minute of play time so both the cable and speaker will require 200 Hrs burn in period per Focal / Nordost recommendations to sound optimum. It will ship in the original box with both grill covers. Included in this sale is 1 Nordost Red Dawn 4M mono banana / banana cable included in the price, separately the Nordost cable is $1025.00. I am including it in the price of the speaker, the cable too is brand new used only to hear the Focal. Buyer pays shipping costs / insurance. I will pay paypal fees.

Focal Sopra No 3 DEMO-Standlautsprecher

End: 04.11. 2023 12:14:54 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 13999.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204521442559
  • Seller: topas-highfidelity (2104|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Pforzheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 200,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Focal Sopra No 3 DEMO-StandlautsprecherFocal Sopra No 3 DEMO-Standlautsprecher Beschreibung Hier bekommen Sie HIFI Komponenten das ganze Jahr zum Vorzugspreis! Die Topas Vorteile: • Ankauf oder Inzahlungnahme Ihrer Geräte möglich • Persönliche Beratung von der Chefetage • Langjährige HiFi Erfahrung • Lieferung nach Absprache möglich • Hilfestellung mit Problemlösung rund um ihre HiFi-Anlagen • Umzugshilfe für ihre HiFi-Anlagen • Bei Fragen rufen oder schreiben Sie uns gerne an TECHNISCHE DATEN: Empfohlene Verstärkerleistung: 40 - 400 Watt Frequenzgang (±3 dB): 33 - 40.000 Hz Impedanz: 8 Ohm Prinzip: passiv, 3-Wege, Bassreflex Serie: Focal Serie Sopra Treiber: 1x 165 mm Mitteltöner, 1x 27 mm Hochtöner, 2x 210 mm Tieftöner Wirkungsgrad: 91,5 dB Übergangsfrequenz: 250 Hz, 2.200 Hz Maße (LxBxH): 59,5 x 40,2 x 126,4 cm Gewicht: 70 kg Ausführung: weiß Hochglanz Da es sich heirbei um einen Lautsprecher aus unserer Händlerdemo handelt, erhalten Sie die volle Herstellergarantie! Zustand und Zubehör Die Sopra No.3 befindet sich in einem makellosen Zustand! Verpackung und Versand Sicherer Versand per Spedition in der Originalpackung. Wir sind ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen. Wir lieben, leben und verkaufen qualitativ hochwertige HIFI Geräte! Unser Konzept besteht aus dem zuverlässigen Verkauf von gepflegtem und gut erhaltenem High-End HiFi von Händlern und Herstellern sowie Privatpersonen mit namenhaften Produkten. Zudem nehmen wir gebrauchte High-End Bausteine von Privatpersonen in Zahlung. Dies bietet unseren Kunden die Möglichkeit, sich ohne großen finanziellen Verlust oder Aufwand mit ihrer HiFi-Anlage weiterzuentwickeln. Was unser Unternehmen ausmacht: • wir sind jung und dynamisch • gemeinsam haben wir mehr als 20 Jahre HiFi-Erfahrung • wir haben unser Hobby zum Beruf gemacht • wir legen größten Wert auf hochwertige Ware, sowie deren erstklassigen Zustand • für uns ist es entscheidend, das unser Kunde mit seiner Entscheidung am Ende des Tages glücklich und zufrieden ist • Transparenz beim Preis Suchen Sie ein High-End Gerät, wollen aber nicht neu kaufen? Sie möchten sich aber sicher sein, High-End im bestmöglichsten Zustand für Ihr Geld zu bekommen? Dann sind Sie bei uns richtig. Sie finden bei uns Vollverstärker, Endverstärker, Monoblöcke, Röhrengeräte, CD-Player, Plattenspieler, Receiver, Tuner und natürlich Lautsprecher. Sollten wir einmal etwas nicht im Programm haben, erteilen Sie uns doch einfach einen Suchauftrag. Mit unseren weitläufigen Kontakten finden wir bestimmt in kürzester Zeit Ihr persönliches Wunschgerät für Sie. Andrea + Nedjeljko Topalovic + David Ovcarik zusätzliche Informationen: An- & Verkauf von Unterhaltungselektronik Abholung gerne möglich – bitte um vorherige telefonische Absprache nachfolgend finden Sie die rechtlichen Informationen, AGB’s, Widerrufsbelehrung sowie Rückgabebelehrung

Focal Sopra 3 - Nogaro Blue - Reference $26,000 Speakers

End: 29.10. 2023 04:47:38 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22634.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325857092933
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2802|96.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering a pair of Focal Sopra3.This is a phenomenal pair of the Sopra3 speakers. Each of the speakers are in the gorgeous, and rare Nogaro Blue finish. These are in great shape, without issue. Complete with boxes. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

Focal Sopra 3 - Nogaro Blue - Reference $26,000 Speakers

End: 17.10. 2023 06:44:49 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22445.15 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325843250259
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2787|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design is offering a pair of Focal Sopra3. This is a phenomenal pair of the Sopra3 speakers. Each of the speakers are in the gorgeous, and rare Nogaro Blue finish. These are in great shape, without issue. Complete with boxes. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD Audio, located in South San Francisco, CA) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997. In 2020 I became a dealer for several manufacturers - to add to the plethora of great quality, highly sought after, preowned gear.  Now an authorized dealer for Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, HINT 6, JC-5, JC-3+), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S2 Signature Midnight Blue, 705S2 Signature), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra 2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5, S5), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, 502SP, F700), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying S/812 and S/512), Lumin (displaying T2, D2, and U1 mini), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike and S3 walnut), Finite Element (displaying Pagode).   EHEAD Audio is always looking to buy quality used gear.  Do reach out and we can discuss single to entire systems, to even life long collections that you may be looking to sell.  Every piece of equipment EHEAD Audio provides, operates as expected as each and every piece is inspected, tested, and listened to prior to sale.  After all, I love music as you do and learning what pieces of gear do well and match with others is part of the invaluable experience I provide, and have since 1997.   Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear.  Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country.  If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work.  EhEAD Audio can facilitate and complete all necessary documentation for the export of your gear purchased from us. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work! California residents or any shipment within California must pay 9.75% sales tax.

Focal Sopra No3 Gloss Black 26k Speakers - LOW Hours MINT all Accessories

End: 14.10. 2023 16:50:45 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15803.22 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275953996453
  • Seller: bestbiz33 (1513|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Columbus, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 500,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for sale is a stunning pair of Focal Sopra No3 speakers in a Gloss Black finish. Focal continues to get great reviews and these speakers are amazing. They have great imaging, and beautiful mids, to me do not have bright highs, and due to their size deliver a very visceral performance!I am the original owner of them and they were purchased from a dealer brand new. The speakers are around 6 months year old with low hours on them. Pet, Smoke, and Kid free home. They were used in one of my home theater setups and I have them all boxed up and ready to ship, pictures were taken right before boxing. I am a longtime audiophile and know how to handle heavy equipment, therefore they are in 100% perfect operating condition and cosmetically they are also PERFECT. Very low hours and ready to go.You will get all items that come with the speaker from new. I have all accessories and literature and the grills were never used.I love these speakers but have decided to downgrade this setup for the time being. Again, cosmetically they are in perfect condition.I will only ship these Pilot Freight in the original boxes on a pallet. They can deliver to both commercial and residential addresses.Please let me know if you have any questions!Thanks!Jerry

Focal Sopra 3 - Nogaro Blue - Reference $26,000 Speakers

End: 01.10. 2023 00:49:18 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23142.68 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325824747982
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2785|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design is offering a pair of Focal Sopra3. This is a phenomenal pair of the Sopra3 speakers. Each of the speakers are in the gorgeous, and rare Nogaro Blue finish. These are in great shape, without issue. Complete with boxes. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD Audio, located in South San Francisco, CA) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997. In 2020 I became a dealer for several manufacturers - to add to the plethora of great quality, highly sought after, preowned gear.  Now an authorized dealer for Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, HINT 6, JC-5, JC-3+), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S2 Signature Midnight Blue, 705S2 Signature), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra 2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5, S5), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, 502SP, F700), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying S/812 and S/512), Lumin (displaying T2, D2, and U1 mini), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike and S3 walnut), Finite Element (displaying Pagode).   EHEAD Audio is always looking to buy quality used gear.  Do reach out and we can discuss single to entire systems, to even life long collections that you may be looking to sell.  Every piece of equipment EHEAD Audio provides, operates as expected as each and every piece is inspected, tested, and listened to prior to sale.  After all, I love music as you do and learning what pieces of gear do well and match with others is part of the invaluable experience I provide, and have since 1997.   Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear.  Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country.  If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work.  EhEAD Audio can facilitate and complete all necessary documentation for the export of your gear purchased from us. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work! California residents or any shipment within California must pay 9.75% sales tax.

Focal Sopra 2 - Red - 3-way reference – 2 X 7 WOOFERS

End: 21.09. 2023 16:20:44 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5672.95 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266415751835
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: perizoqui (129|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Baltimore, Maryland USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Focal Sopra 2 - Red - 3-way reference – 2 X 7 WOOFERS. Purchased new in 2016. Gently driven with first rate electronics. I only listen to classical and jazz, never past 10 on the volume. Downsizing to a smaller home where these are just too much. Sold in original packaging/boxes. Local pickup only. Winner of Stereophile, SoundStage, Stereoplay, Ear, HiFi+, HiFi Critic, and countless other best speaker awards. These are far and away the fines speakers Ive ever heard. From Focal:REVEAL THE INVISIBLE*3-WAY HIGH-END LOUDSPEAKER – 2 X 7 WOOFERSSopra N°2 is the new epitome of today’s premium loudspeakers. It perfectly combines dynamics, space optimisation and harmonic richness.Sopra n°2 clearly inaugurates a new era for the “Premium High End” by taking into account new performance criteria. Compact, modern, a pure design, character... all these are essential factors to ensure perfect integration into your interior.Equipped with best midrange drivers ever developed by Focal, with the NIC and TMD technologies, Sopra n°2 pushes back the limits of sound reproduction in terms of transparency in a very compact enclosure. Indeed, unlike Utopia, which is extravagant by essence and where size is by no means a constraint, Sopra aims for maximal compactness to ensure easy integration into reasonably sized rooms. Sopra n°2 is perfectly at ease in rooms measuring up to 320ft2 (30m2), and is even ideal for larger rooms measuring up to 750ft2 (70m2). Stabilising the magnetic fieldNEUTRAL INDUCTANCE CIRCUITThe obsession with the midrangeTUNED MASS DAMPEROur teams have revealed resonances which alter definition in the suspension which connects the cone to the basket. The solutions already known for increasing the damping properties of the suspension all result in an increase of the mass which consequently alters definition. The answer came from a technology used in earthquake-resistant skyscrapers and which is also used for the suspension on racing cars. TMD technology consists of optimising the suspension profile which controls the resonance in order to drastically reduce distortion and increase the definition of bass and midrange. InnovationINFINITE HORN LOADINGOur Beryllium tweeter features an incredibly light and extremely rigid dome, that deliver a transparent and dynamic sound. Its main limitation comes from the compression of air in the cavity behind it. But the requirement for Sopra to be compact meant that as much of the cabinet as possible had to be used for the bass. We had to explore other options for loading the tweeter, which led us to come up with the IHL system. The IHL system enables to load the Beryllium tweeter respecting the compactness demand of the speaker. The rear wave of the tweeter is delicately and gradually absorbed to avoid any distortion. The treble definition is pushed to the maximumDETAILSThe main theme of Sopra is deliberately uncluttered, though it still offers connoisseurs the opportunity to enjoy all the small details. The grille with an incremental meshing motif protects the Beryllium tweeter and gives it a strong identity. This motif is repeated for sealing the curved back panel of the middle section. The terminal board, the thumb nuts and the adjustable spikes have all been specially designed for Sopra, as have the few visible screws, all of which were manufactured by watchmaking experts. MASTERING THE CABINET AND CHOICE OF MATERIALSMade in France Sopra’s cabinet was designed in our cabinet-making facility in Bourbon-Lancy (Burgundy, France) using the same manufacturing process as for Utopia The 69mm sandwich-machined front panel uses the same principle as ‘Gamma Structure’ to provide inertia and damping. Its density gives it the inertia necessary to provide a stable mechanical reference for optimal definition. The inside of the cabinet has no parallel side panels, and small Helmholtz resonators have been added to the lower section to prevent vertical standing waves. We chose glass as the material for the base of the loudspeaker to provide floor coupling, using spikes, which enabled the fastest propagation time possible, thus eliminating all halo effects in the bass. NO SACRIFICE OF PERFORMANCE TO AESTHETICSThe sleek design of the line naturally favours its performance, whilst the combination of high-end materials with an array of finishes provides real character and sophistication:coloured varnished finishes: Electric Orange, Carrara White, Black Lacquer.wood finishes: Light Oak, Smoked Oak, Macassar.Sopra N°2 is also available in Brown Concrete and Black Ostrea finishes. The architecture hinges around the central section. Made by polyurethane injection, this makes it possible to angle the top and bottom subs to achieve ‘Focus Time’, where the two channels acoustically converge. Since the beginning, we have always had a great interest in the magnetic circuit, an essential aspect of a speaker drive unit. The precision and detail of audio reproduction depends on the stability of the magnetic field. NIC technology (Neutral Inductance Circuit) permits to control the magnetic field and finally enables to master it in order to limit distortion. It decreases the effects of distortion and give the sound a very high-definition and an unprecedented dynamic.

Focal Sopra 3 - Nogaro Blue - Reference $26,000 Speakers

End: 19.09. 2023 07:08:38 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23210.65 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394874034040
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2785|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design is offering a pair of Focal Sopra3. This is a phenomenal pair of the Sopra3 speakers. Each of the speakers are in the gorgeous, and rare Nogaro Blue finish. These are in great shape, without issue. Complete with boxes. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD Audio, located in South San Francisco, CA) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997. In 2020 I became a dealer for several manufacturers - to add to the plethora of great quality, highly sought after, preowned gear.  Now an authorized dealer for Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, HINT 6, JC-5, JC-3+), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S2 Signature Midnight Blue, 705S2 Signature), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra 2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5, S5), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, 502SP, F700), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying S/812 and S/512), Lumin (displaying T2, D2, and U1 mini), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike and S3 walnut), Finite Element (displaying Pagode).   EHEAD Audio is always looking to buy quality used gear.  Do reach out and we can discuss single to entire systems, to even life long collections that you may be looking to sell.  Every piece of equipment EHEAD Audio provides, operates as expected as each and every piece is inspected, tested, and listened to prior to sale.  After all, I love music as you do and learning what pieces of gear do well and match with others is part of the invaluable experience I provide, and have since 1997.   Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear.  Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country.  If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work.  EhEAD Audio can facilitate and complete all necessary documentation for the export of your gear purchased from us. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work! California residents or any shipment within California must pay 9.75% sales tax.

Focal Sopra 3 - Nogaro Blue - Reference $26,000 Speakers

End: 08.09. 2023 20:19:00 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23350.01 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394852211802
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2785|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design is offering a pair of Focal Sopra3. This is a phenomenal pair of the Sopra3 speakers. Each of the speakers are in the gorgeous, and rare Nogaro Blue finish. These are in great shape, without issue. Complete with boxes. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD Audio, located in South San Francisco, CA) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997. In 2020 I became a dealer for several manufacturers - to add to the plethora of great quality, highly sought after, preowned gear.  Now an authorized dealer for Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, HINT 6, JC-5, JC-3+), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S2 Signature Midnight Blue, 705S2 Signature), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra 2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5, S5), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, 502SP, F700), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying S/812 and S/512), Lumin (displaying T2, D2, and U1 mini), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike and S3 walnut), Finite Element (displaying Pagode).   EHEAD Audio is always looking to buy quality used gear.  Do reach out and we can discuss single to entire systems, to even life long collections that you may be looking to sell.  Every piece of equipment EHEAD Audio provides, operates as expected as each and every piece is inspected, tested, and listened to prior to sale.  After all, I love music as you do and learning what pieces of gear do well and match with others is part of the invaluable experience I provide, and have since 1997.   Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear.  Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country.  If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work.  EhEAD Audio can facilitate and complete all necessary documentation for the export of your gear purchased from us. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work! California residents or any shipment within California must pay 9.75% sales tax.

Focal Sopra No 3 Pair VERKAUF IM KUNDENAUFTRAG UVP 19 998€ Standlautsprecher

End: 17.08. 2023 08:14:04 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10500.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275854487867
  • Seller: md-sound_de (50792|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Karsbach – Weyersfeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 149,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    eBay Shop Bewertungsprofil Weitere Auktionen MichSeite Focal Sopra No 3 Pair VERKAUF IM KUNDENAUFTRAG UVP 19 998€ Standlautsprecher Artikelnummer: 22794 EAN: 3544051695145 Hersteller: Focal Herstellernummer: SopraNo3 Marke: Focal Modell: Sopra 3 Konnektivität: Verkabelt Produktart: Standlautsprecher Beschreibung Im Auftrag eines Kunden verkaufen wir seine Focal Sopra No. 3 in weiß hochglanz in TRAUMZUSTAND. Die Lautsprecher sind in technisch und optisch einwandfreiem neuwertigem Zustand mit Originalverpackung und komplettem originalem Zubehör. Die Originalrechnung vom Kunden wird beim Kauf mit beigelegt Der Preis bezieht sich auf ein Paar . Die Lautsprecher bei uns als autorisierten deutschen Focal Fachhändler im Jahr 2018 als Neuware erworben und wurden für die erweiterte Garantie bei Focal angemeldet und haben eine Restgarantie bis 2028. Der Zustand der Lautsprecher ist mangelfrei und in absolutem Traumzustand Die Fotos wurden noch direkt beim Kunden gemacht. Inzwischen befinden sich die Lautsprecher sicher verpackt im Lager. Auf Wunsch ist ein Probehören in unserem Vorführraum möglich. Die Rechnung auf Ihren Namen bei diesem Artikel erfolgt unter Verwendung der Differenzbesteuerung gemäß § 25a UStG. (Die MwSt. Ist im Preis zwar entsprechend der Regelungen zur Differenzbesteuerung enthalten, ein Umsatzsteuerausweis auf der Rechnung jedoch nicht möglich.) Bei uns erhalten Sie ein 30 tägiges Rückgaberecht auch auf Produkte, die im Kundenauftrag verkauft werden. Somit können Sie sich in Ruhe ein Bild vom technischen und optischen Zustand verschaffen, ohne ein Risiko einzugehen. Achtung: Da wir im Auftrag eines Kunden verkaufen, bestehen jedoch keinerlei Gewährleistungsansprüch Kategorien AIV SONDERPOSTEN % Aktiv-Subwoofer Autoradios Autoradios Doppel DIN Autoradios mit Navigation Beamer / Projektoren Blu-Ray Player CD Player CD/MP3-Wechsler Centerlautsprecher DVB-T CarHifi DVD-Player und Recorder Einzelstücke Endstufen Kabel Kassettendecks Lautsprecher CarHifi Mini/-Micro Anlagen Mobile Navigation Moniceiver Moniceiver Doppel-DIN Monitore CarHifi Navigationsrechner PA-Beschallung Plasma & LCD TV Receiver HomeHifi Regallautsprecher Restposten SACD Player Sat Receiver Sonstige Standlautsprecher Subwoofer CarHifi Surroundanlagen Surround-Receiver Tuner (Radioteil) Verstärker CarHifi Vollverstärker Vorstufen Zubehör CarHifi Powered by MD Sound GmbH & Co. KG

Focal Sopra N3 Audiophile Quality Floorstanding Speakers in Excellent Condition

End: 20.07. 2023 21:00:38 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 8230.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354903197074
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15412|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 500,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Focal Sopra N3 Audiophile Quality Floorstanding Speakers in Excellent Condition For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Focal Sopra N3 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:8/10: Very Good - flawless front face, other minor imperfectionsCosmetic Notes:Conservatively graded. One cabinet has a couple of very faint blemishes on its right/rear side and baseboard. The one on the side can only be seen in direct light at an angle. Nearly invisible otherwise. Each tweeter has a circular stain ring in the middle that does not affect playback. Please see all high resolution photographs below.Functional Notes:Functions as intended and sound amazing.Serial #:A1BCOG000521/A1BCOG000522Original Box:NoManual:NoShipping Method:Flat Rate FreightShipping Weight (lbs):$500 USA / $1200 International Please Note: These flat rates are placeholder estiamtes. Please contact us for rates specific to your state or country. High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Focal Sopra 3 - Nogaro Blue - Reference $26,000 Speakers

End: 16.07. 2023 14:17:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22329.57 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325725148128
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2781|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design is offering a pair of Focal Sopra3. This is a phenomenal pair of the Sopra3 speakers. Each of the speakers are in the gorgeous, and rare Nogaro Blue finish. These are in great shape, without issue. Complete with boxes. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD Audio, located in South San Francisco, CA) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997. In 2020 I became a dealer for several manufacturers - to add to the plethora of great quality, highly sought after, preowned gear.  Now an authorized dealer for Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, HINT 6, JC-5, JC-3+), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S2 Signature Midnight Blue, 705S2 Signature), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra 2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5, S5), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, 502SP, F700), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying S/812 and S/512), Lumin (displaying T2, D2, and U1 mini), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike and S3 walnut), Finite Element (displaying Pagode).   EHEAD Audio is always looking to buy quality used gear.  Do reach out and we can discuss single to entire systems, to even life long collections that you may be looking to sell.  Every piece of equipment EHEAD Audio provides, operates as expected as each and every piece is inspected, tested, and listened to prior to sale.  After all, I love music as you do and learning what pieces of gear do well and match with others is part of the invaluable experience I provide, and have since 1997.   Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear.  Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country.  If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work.  EhEAD Audio can facilitate and complete all necessary documentation for the export of your gear purchased from us. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work! California residents or any shipment within California must pay 9.75% sales tax.

Focal Sopra 3 - Nogaro Blue - Reference $26,000 Speakers

End: 24.06. 2023 15:34:17 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22201.08 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394685288796
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2775|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design is offering a pair of Focal Sopra3. This is a phenomenal pair of the Sopra3 speakers. Each of the speakers are in the gorgeous, and rare Nogaro Blue finish. These are in great shape, without issue. Complete with boxes. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD Audio, located in South San Francisco, CA) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997. In 2020 I became a dealer for several manufacturers - to add to the plethora of great quality, highly sought after, preowned gear.  Now an authorized dealer for Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, HINT 6, JC-5, JC-3+), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S2 Signature Midnight Blue, 705S2 Signature), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra 2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5, S5), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, 502SP, F700), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying S/812 and S/512), Lumin (displaying T2, D2, and U1 mini), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike and S3 walnut), Finite Element (displaying Pagode).   EHEAD Audio is always looking to buy quality used gear.  Do reach out and we can discuss single to entire systems, to even life long collections that you may be looking to sell.  Every piece of equipment EHEAD Audio provides, operates as expected as each and every piece is inspected, tested, and listened to prior to sale.  After all, I love music as you do and learning what pieces of gear do well and match with others is part of the invaluable experience I provide, and have since 1997.   Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear.  Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country.  If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work.  EhEAD Audio can facilitate and complete all necessary documentation for the export of your gear purchased from us. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work! California residents or any shipment within California must pay 9.75% sales tax.

Focal Sopra No3 Floor Standing Speakers High Gloss Carrera White $26k MSRP

End: 05.06. 2023 22:34:59 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 14558.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 185917438831
  • Seller: theelectronicsclearinghouse (74|95.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Irving, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Dealer Demo Pair, Low Hours, Shipped on Pallets as focal does. free ship conus GENEROUS & CONTROLLEDBASS3-WAY HIGH-END LOUDSPEAKER – 2 WOOFERS 8¼” (21CM)The longest standing loudspeaker of the line, Sopra N°3 perfectly combines dynamics, space optimisation and harmonic richness.With its two 8¼ (21cm) woofers, this loudspeaker offers solid, rich and perfectly defined bass for music lovers looking for optimum performance. Despite its reasonable size, it will reveal its full potential in rooms measuring up to 860 ft2 (80 m2).Sopra clearly inaugurates a new era for the “Premium High End” by taking into account new performance criteria. Compact, modern, a pure design, character... all these are essential factors to ensure perfect integration into your interior.Equipped with best midrange drivers ever developed by Focal, with the NIC and TMD technologies, Sopra pushes back the limits of sound reproduction in terms of transparency in a very compact enclosure. Indeed, unlike Utopia, which is extravagant by essence and where size is by no means a constraint, Sopra aims for maximal compactness to ensure easy integration into reasonably sized rooms.

Focal Sopra 3 - Nogaro Blue - Reference $26,000 Speakers

End: 03.06. 2023 16:24:39 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22842.76 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394647683822
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2769|97.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design is offering a pair of Focal Sopra3. This is a phenomenal pair of the Sopra3 speakers. Each of the speakers are in the gorgeous, and rare Nogaro Blue finish. These are in great shape, without issue. Complete with boxes. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD Audio, located in South San Francisco, CA) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997. In 2020 I became a dealer for several manufacturers - to add to the plethora of great quality, highly sought after, preowned gear.  Now an authorized dealer for Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, HINT 6, JC-5, JC-3+), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S2 Signature Midnight Blue, 705S2 Signature), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra 2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5, S5), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, 502SP, F700), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying S/812 and S/512), Lumin (displaying T2, D2, and U1 mini), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike and S3 walnut), Finite Element (displaying Pagode).   EHEAD Audio is always looking to buy quality used gear.  Do reach out and we can discuss single to entire systems, to even life long collections that you may be looking to sell.  Every piece of equipment EHEAD Audio provides, operates as expected as each and every piece is inspected, tested, and listened to prior to sale.  After all, I love music as you do and learning what pieces of gear do well and match with others is part of the invaluable experience I provide, and have since 1997.   Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear.  Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country.  If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work.  EhEAD Audio can facilitate and complete all necessary documentation for the export of your gear purchased from us. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work! California residents or any shipment within California must pay 9.75% sales tax.

Focal Sopra No. 3 Lautsprecher in einwandfreiem Zustand

End: 12.02. 2021 20:29:41 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 8822.22 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 373454528417
  • Counter: 1392
  • Bids: 51
  • Seller: sarel-8294 (6|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Oestrich-Winkel Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 190,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Focal Sopra N2 Loudspeakers - Black, and boxed with 3 months warranty

End: 05.02. 2021 14:27:38 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 7370.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 193868806672
  • Counter: 362
  • Seller: 2ndhandhifi-uk (4829|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Teesside Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 90,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Focal Sopra No. 3 High-End Standlautsprecher **HIGHLIGHT**

End: 15.01. 2020 11:16:55 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 11999.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 202860999413
  • Counter: 1106
  • Seller: topas-highfidelity (1860|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Pforzheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 254,86 EUR
  • on EBAY

Focal Sopra No. 3 High-End Standlautsprecher **HIGHLIGHT**

End: 16.12. 2019 21:08:44 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 11999.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 202820115552
  • Counter: 1526
  • Seller: topas-highfidelity (1856|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Pforzheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 258,43 EUR
  • on EBAY

Focal Sopra 3,High End Lautsprecher , Demolautsprecher- inkl. OVP! *Bitte lesen!

End: 14.07. 2018 11:31:20 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 8989.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 163145651015
  • Counter: 128
  • Seller: wenwaudionl (1072|96.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Enschede Niederlande
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 250,0 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 23.02. 2018 16:08:47 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 112830385977
  • Counter: 10
  • Seller: 2011suiram (1016|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kiel Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 3,7 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 25.12. 2017 04:02:45 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5650.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 292377230549
  • Counter: 1045
  • Bids: 51
  • Seller: experthen (110|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bruckmühl Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Focal Sopra No2 3-way High- End Loudspeaker

End: 08.12. 2017 17:09:09 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 995.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 253299549861
  • Counter: 81
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: aleale2017 (1|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Incirano Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY