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End: 15.04. 2024 17:40:54 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126372662870
  • Seller: brittvegas (9988|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Henderson, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for sale is a Pioneer AXD!534 ELITE PureVision Plasma Monitor Remote in excellent condition. This is the original remote that was supplied with model PRO-FHD1. i have thoroughly tested this remote and guarantee it to arrive in working condition. Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have. Thanks in advance for your purchase.

EV EVM 15 L Pro Line Defekt PA Lautsprecher 15

End: 14.04. 2024 18:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 40.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 404903043934
  • Bids: 7
  • Seller: denhuhn (114|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Billerbeck Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    EV EVM 15 L Pro Line Defekt PA Lautsprecher 15Hallo, verkaufe hier 2x EV EVM 15L Pro Line. Die Lautsprecher sind beide Defekt!! Einer kratzt und bei dem anderem kommt garkein Ton. Kratzt aber auch beim eindrcken. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung

Pro-ject Debut Carbon Evo Power Supply Adapter OEM 15v

End: 25.03. 2024 01:25:03 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 18.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 156008080655
  • Seller: jnolas92 (257|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pacifica, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is the original power adapter that came with the debut carbon evo, works perfectly and hard to find online

2 Zeck 15/3 Pa Boxen Mit EV Pro LINE Bestückung Top

End: 13.03. 2024 11:10:55 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 285.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226003964914
  • Seller: makkelen22 (65|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Aldenhoven Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 Zeck 15/3 Pa Boxen Mit EV Pro LINE Bestückung TopZum Verkauf kommt ein paar (2) Lautsprecher der Marke Zeck mit Electro Voice Pro Bestckung. Sie laufen ohne Probleme. Gebrauchspuren vorhanden, Hinten an der Anschlussblende kann man noch umstellen ob kleine oder groe Rume damit beschallt werden sollen. 400 / 800 Watt Modell Kein Versand nur Abholung und Barzahlung. Die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung, wie beschrieben und abgebildet, verkauft

JVC TD-W315 Double Cassette Tape Deck Player Recorder HX PRO Auto Reverse

End: 13.03. 2024 00:58:42 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 99.87 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 27T 23:54:18
  • Item number: 134935027818
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Coos Bay,OR,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Introducing the JVC TD-W315 Double Cassette Tape Deck Player Recorder, a versatile piece of equipment for all your audio needs. This masterpiece from JVC is a dual cassette deck with the ability to play and record cassette tapes. It comes in a sleek gray/silver color and has stereo L/R RCA audio outputs for superior sound quality. The TD-W315 features auto-reverse playback, making it easier to listen to longer cassette tapes without having to flip them over. With cassette recording and playback capabilities, this device is perfect for those who still have a collection of cassette tapes they want to enjoy. Made in Malaysia, this cassette tape deck is a great addition to any home audio system. Cl2

CARRERA TRAFO 36635-5215 Evolution Pro-X Rennbahn Transformator

End: 11.02. 2024 18:39:53 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285680702870
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kreidler_rs_2014 (466|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Brackenheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    CARRERA TRAFO 36635-5215 Evolution Pro-X Rennbahn Transformatorschwarzer sehr guter neuwertiger wenn überhaupt dann wenige gebrauchter TOP Trafo Carrera Trafo Evolution Pro-X Modell 36635-5215 Funktionstest wurde durchgeführt; beide Ausgänge funktionieren einwandfrei!!! Die Bodenplatte ist noch org, Verschlossen. Zustand siehe BilderDie Versandkosten betragenals versicherter Versand ( Hermes Päckchen ) 5,00 Euro. HABE WEITERE ARTIKEL EINGESTELLT Nun der inzwischen leider nötig gewordene Satz: Ich bin kein Händler, sondern nach BGB eine Privatperson und schließe hiermit die nach neuem EU-Recht vorgeschriebene Garantie und Umtauschrecht von einem Jahr auf alle hier angebotenen Produkte aus. Die Angaben über den angebotenen Artikel sind nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht worden. Mit Abgabe eines Gebots nimmt der Bieter den Haftungsauschluss und die AGB von eBay an und akzeptiert, dass es sich bei einer Auktion um eine Versteigerung im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 5 des Fernabsatzgesetzes handelt und dem Höchstbietenden kein Widerrufsrecht gemäß dem Fernabsatzgesetz zusteht. Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gehen Sie mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes eine Kaufverpflichtung ein und verzichten auf jegliche Garantie und Gewährleistung, sowie Rückgabe und Umtausch. Verkauf ohne Garantie und Gewährleistung, da Privatverkauf. Zahlungshinweise des Verkäufers: Kaufabwicklung bis max.5 Tage nach d.Auktionende Bezahlung per Überweisung auf meinem Konto,oder Bargeld bei Abholung. Bei Überweisung wird Gleich nach d.Erhalt d.Kaufpreis d.Artikel an Käufer gesendet. Keine Garantie,keine Rückgaberecht. Reklamationen werden nicht angenommen. Versandrisiko bei Verlust oder Beschädigung trägt der Käufer.

Dish Network 21.0 IR/UHF Pro Remote Control 158925 Genuine Echo Star Television

End: 30.01. 2024 00:17:45 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 8.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 19:4:56
  • Item number: 395098437118
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Colorado Springs,CO,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Dish Network 21.0 IR/UHF Pro Remote Control 158925 Genuine Echo Star Television. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS Ground Advantage.

Dish Network 21.0 IR/UHF Pro Remote Control 158925 Genuine Echo Star Television

End: 30.01. 2024 00:17:12 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 8.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 19:4:23
  • Item number: 395098436156
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Colorado Springs,CO,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Dish Network 21.0 IR/UHF Pro Remote Control 158925 Genuine Echo Star Television. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS Ground Advantage.

CARRERA TRAFO 36635-5215 Evolution Pro-X Rennbahn Transformator

End: 28.01. 2024 18:59:48 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285663543942
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kreidler_rs_2014 (479|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Brackenheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    CARRERA TRAFO 36635-5215 Evolution Pro-X Rennbahn Transformatorschwarzer sehr guter neuwertiger wenn überhaupt dann wenige gebrauchter TOP Trafo Carrera Trafo Evolution Pro-X Modell 36635-5215 Funktionstest wurde durchgeführt; beide Ausgänge funktionieren einwandfrei!!! Die Bodenplatte ist noch org, Verschlossen. Zustand siehe BilderDie Versandkosten betragenals versicherter Versand ( Hermes Päckchen ) 5,00 Euro. HABE WEITERE ARTIKEL EINGESTELLT Nun der inzwischen leider nötig gewordene Satz: Ich bin kein Händler, sondern nach BGB eine Privatperson und schließe hiermit die nach neuem EU-Recht vorgeschriebene Garantie und Umtauschrecht von einem Jahr auf alle hier angebotenen Produkte aus. Die Angaben über den angebotenen Artikel sind nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht worden. Mit Abgabe eines Gebots nimmt der Bieter den Haftungsauschluss und die AGB von eBay an und akzeptiert, dass es sich bei einer Auktion um eine Versteigerung im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 5 des Fernabsatzgesetzes handelt und dem Höchstbietenden kein Widerrufsrecht gemäß dem Fernabsatzgesetz zusteht. Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gehen Sie mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes eine Kaufverpflichtung ein und verzichten auf jegliche Garantie und Gewährleistung, sowie Rückgabe und Umtausch. Verkauf ohne Garantie und Gewährleistung, da Privatverkauf. Zahlungshinweise des Verkäufers: Kaufabwicklung bis max.5 Tage nach d.Auktionende Bezahlung per Überweisung auf meinem Konto,oder Bargeld bei Abholung. Bei Überweisung wird Gleich nach d.Erhalt d.Kaufpreis d.Artikel an Käufer gesendet. Keine Garantie,keine Rückgaberecht. Reklamationen werden nicht angenommen. Versandrisiko bei Verlust oder Beschädigung trägt der Käufer.

MARANTZ SD 415 Stereo double Cassette Deck - Dolby HX Pro - double K7 révisée

End: 13.01. 2024 21:28:58 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 90.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285644716901
  • Seller: librirelives (1979|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Nébian Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 26,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MARANTZ SD 415 Stereo double Cassette Deck  - Dolby HX Pro - double K7 réviséeMarque et Modèle - Brand and model :MARANTZ SD 415 Stereo double Cassette Deck - Dolby B-C NR HX Pro - double platine K7Etat - Condition :Excellente double platine cassette, une conception de qualité de la marque américaine Marantz - Fabriquée au Singapour. Bon son détaillé. Avec 2x 2 têtes, x2 DC servo motor, dolby HX pro, B et C, Rec et Mix level, Dubbing Speed... Et les beaux vumètres digitaux, le tape counter et tout ce que lon peut attendre comme branchements, 1 sortie RCA + phones, 1 entrée RCA Rec + Mic. Bon signal to Noise ratio(70db) et large plage. A lintérieur de très nombreux composants de qualité et de marque (condensateurs, résistances, puces Sony, Nec, Toshiba...). Platine visuellement en bon état, superbe façade et boutons noirs (une marque et rares taches), bon capot en métal solide (quelques rayures). Platine révisée : - Capot démonté, nettoyage intérieur et extérieur (dépoussiérage, soufflage, nettoyage)- Application de la bombe contact sur tous les potentiomètres et circuits,- Test complet, lensemble des fonctions opèrent normalement, bon son cleir et puissant (test avec un ampli Technics et des enceintes Marantz),- Sortie casque de bonne qualité,- Les fonctions enregistrement et auto-reverse nont pas été testées,- Les courroies nont pas été remplacées (elles semblent en bon état). Visuellement en bon état, superbe façade en alu et boutons noirs (rares marques ou taches), bon capot en métal solide (plusieurs marques). Vendu nue SANS câbles RCA ni manuel ni cassette. ENVOI très soigné vers toutes destinations, emballage avec plusieurs couches de protections (carton, bulle, papier...). Spécifications - Specs : by HifiengineType: auto reverse, double compact cassette deckTrack System: 4-track, 2-channel stereoTape Speed: 4.8 cm/sHeads: 1 x playback, 1 x record/playback, 1 x eraseMotor: 2 x DC servoTape Type: type I, CrO2, MetalNoise Reduction: B, CFrequency Response: 20Hz to 18kHz (Metal tape)Signal to Noise Ratio: 70dB (dolby C)Wow and Flutter: 0.08%Input: 70mV (line)Output: 0.5V (line)Dimensions: 420 x 118 x 280mmWeight: 5.4kgYear: 1990 ***Nous proposons régulièrement à la vente : Platines vinyles, K7, tuners, enceintes, cellule et stylus et tout matériel Hi-Fi et DJ : TECHNICS - PIONEER - YAMAHA - MARANTZ - DENON - TEAC - SONY et dautres... Vente de matériels doccasion ou anciens, en état de marche ou pour pièces, sans garantie. We regularly offer for sale: Turntables, Cassette deck, receivers, speakers, headshells, stylus and all Hi-Fi an DJ equipment: TECHNICS - PIONEER - YAMAHA - MARANTZ - DENON - TEAC - SONY and other rarities...Sale of used or vintage equipment, on working order or for parts, without warranty! ***AudioRelives & LibriRelives - Hi-Fi et Librairie/// Envois soignés et protégés sous 24h /// Worldwide delivery ///***Paiements acceptés : cartes bancaires, virements bancaires et chèques, paypal.Facture : prix net (sans TVA)Livraison offerte en point relais en France : les prix et les transporteurs varient pour les autres pays.We ship to all countries and always with a tracking number.

Pioneer PRO-607PU 60" TV Television Side AV Input Board AWW1157 AWW1155

End: 30.11. 2023 07:22:17 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10.75 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:32:5
  • Item number: 325867754556
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: California,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Repair your Television with this working Board! Listing Store Feedback About Follow Contact Better for The Planet Easy on The Wallet Great for Your Soul Because your TV is a terrible thing to waste. Source TVPIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION Board InformationBoardPart NumberAWW1157Part NumberAWW1155TV CompatibilityMay Be Compatible With Some Other Models.May Be Compatible With Other Brands. Grid (if shown) in images is approx. one inch by one inch (1 x 1 square). My MissionI empower individuals and shops around the world to repair their broken electronics instead of replacing them by providing hard to find parts from surplus devices I tested and disassembled. Together we can help protect our environment from a waste of electronics. Simply by fixing what is broken. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!Item arrives in 100% working order. Tested working in original TV before recovery. Double checked by our technician to be in proper order. Take A LookPictures are of actual BoardEXPRESS PROCESSINGFast Shipping with Tracking! Shipping InformationWe understand you need your Board right away and will ship it quickly once we have received your payment. Most orders ship out the same day! Delivery time provided is simply an estimate based on the location and the shipping service selected. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Absolutely everything that you will receive is pictured in the listing. You will not receive any additional items, components, or instructions with your package.Return InformationReturns Accepted If you decide item you received isnt suitable for your needs, we would be able to accept your item back through the eBay returns system. Please open a return / refund request, select the appropriate reason and we will handle promptly.Customer SupportOur goal at Tech Parts Mart is to help you bring your device back to life by providing quality replacement parts for self-repair. Our friendly staff are eager to assist you in any way we can! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via eBay messages. Please allow us to resolve any issues before opening disputes or leaving feedback. Compatibility of any product with your device or system and safety procedures exercised during installation are the buyers responsibility. Our sole and exclusive maximum liability arising from any product sold shall be the price of the product ordered. 1428087917@0851/L54A 302.302 0x4 #I:10028954Source TV PIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION - - Board Information Board - Part Number AWW1157 - Part Number AWW1155 - - TV Compatibility May Be Compatible With Some Other Models. - May Be Compatible With Other Brands. - -

Sherwood DS-5015C Stereo Cassette Deck Dolby HX-Pro Auto Reverse

End: 26.11. 2023 16:41:39 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 18.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:49:21
  • Item number: 314914401802
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Wilhelmshaven,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 8,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sherwood DS-5015C Stereo Cassette Deck Dolby HX-Pro Auto ReverseInternational bidders are welcome Please ask your questions before bidding / buying! Sherwood DS-5015C Stereo Cassette Deck / Kassetten Deck Sie erhalten eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer. Stereo Kassetten Deck von Sherwood, Modell DS-5015C mit Auto Reverse. Optischer Zustand: Das Gerät befindet sich optisch in einem gebrauchten Zustand mit deutlich sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren / Kratzern (sehen Sie sich die Fotos vor dem Kauf bitte genau an). Technischer Zustand: Das Gerät lässt sich einschalten. Statt der Wiedergabe werden die Kassetten gespult. Der Eject-Knopf klemmt beim Öffnen. Weitere Defekte werden nicht ausgeschlossen. Der Verkauf erfolgt als Ersatzteilträger/defekt an Bastler. Inkl. Stromkabel For International bidders: Technical condition: The device can be switched on. Instead of playing, the cassettes are wound. The Eject button gets stuck when opening. Other defects are not excluded. The sale takes place as a spare part carrier/defective to hobbyists. Incl. power cable Technische Daten Fertigungsjahre: 1990-93Auto ReverseMotoren: 2Tonköpfe: 2Gleichlaufschwankung: 0,15 % DINKanaltrennung: 40 dBÜbersprechdämpfung: 70 dBBandsortenumschaltung: I, II, IVFrequenzgang: Normal: 20 - 16500 Hz, Chrom: 20 - 17500 Hz, Metall: 20 - 18500 HzDolby B-C NR HX ProAbmessungen in mm B/H/T: 440/125/245Gewicht: 5,5 kg (6748) Unsere Geräte sind mit einem Siegel gekennzeichnet. Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass die Gewährleistung / Rücknahme erlischt, wenn das Siegel beschädigt oder entfernt wird. Lieferumfang: wie abgebildet / OHNE weiteres Zubehör Gute und sichere Verpackung wird garantiert. Sollte sich ein Problem ergeben... ... Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte, bevor Sie sich an eBay wenden oder uns eine negative Bewertung geben! Denn für jedes Problem gibt es eine Lösung! Unser Service-Team beantwortet gerne Ihre Fragen! Wir werden uns um Ihre Zufriedenheit bemühen und das Problem lösen. Should a problem arise... ... Please contact us before contacting eBay or giving us negative feedback! Because for every problem there is a solution! Our service team will be happy to answer your questions! We will strive for your satisfaction and solve the problem.

Pioneer PRO-607PU 60" Television AWW1158 Pod Assembly Board ANP2167-A AWW1154

End: 24.11. 2023 03:38:36 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.87 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225836481254
  • Seller: techpartsmart (9298|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: California, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Repair your Television with this working Board! Listing Store Feedback About Follow Contact Better for The Planet Easy on The Wallet Great for Your Soul Because your TV is a terrible thing to waste. Source TVPIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION Board InformationBoardPart NumberANP2167-APart NumberAWW1154TV CompatibilityMay Be Compatible With Some Other Models.May Be Compatible With Other Brands. Grid (if shown) in images is approx. one inch by one inch (1 x 1 square). My MissionI empower individuals and shops around the world to repair their broken electronics instead of replacing them by providing hard to find parts from surplus devices I tested and disassembled. Together we can help protect our environment from a waste of electronics. Simply by fixing what is broken. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!Item arrives in 100% working order. Tested working in original TV before recovery. Double checked by our technician to be in proper order. Take A LookPictures are of actual BoardEXPRESS PROCESSINGFast Shipping with Tracking! Shipping InformationWe understand you need your Board right away and will ship it quickly once we have received your payment. Most orders ship out the same day! Delivery time provided is simply an estimate based on the location and the shipping service selected. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Absolutely everything that you will receive is pictured in the listing. You will not receive any additional items, components, or instructions with your package.Return InformationReturns Accepted If you decide item you received isnt suitable for your needs, we would be able to accept your item back through the eBay returns system. Please open a return / refund request, select the appropriate reason and we will handle promptly.Customer SupportOur goal at Tech Parts Mart is to help you bring your device back to life by providing quality replacement parts for self-repair. Our friendly staff are eager to assist you in any way we can! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via eBay messages. Please allow us to resolve any issues before opening disputes or leaving feedback. Compatibility of any product with your device or system and safety procedures exercised during installation are the buyers responsibility. Our sole and exclusive maximum liability arising from any product sold shall be the price of the product ordered. 1428089867@0852/L60C 298.297 0x4 #I:10028955Source TV PIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION - - Board Information Board - Part Number ANP2167-A - Part Number AWW1154 - - TV Compatibility May Be Compatible With Some Other Models. - May Be Compatible With Other Brands. - -

Pioneer PRO-607PU 60" TV Television Side AV Input Board AWW1157 AWW1155

End: 01.11. 2023 07:16:46 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 7.25 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:31:51
  • Item number: 325832712258
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: California,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 3,44 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Repair your Television with this working Board! Listing Store Feedback About Follow Contact Better for The Planet Easy on The Wallet Great for Your Soul Because your TV is a terrible thing to waste. Source TVPIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION Board InformationBoardPart NumberAWW1157Part NumberAWW1155TV CompatibilityMay Be Compatible With Some Other Models.May Be Compatible With Other Brands. Grid (if shown) in images is approx. one inch by one inch (1 x 1 square). My MissionI empower individuals and shops around the world to repair their broken electronics instead of replacing them by providing hard to find parts from surplus devices I tested and disassembled. Together we can help protect our environment from a waste of electronics. Simply by fixing what is broken. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!Item arrives in 100% working order. Tested working in original TV before recovery. Double checked by our technician to be in proper order. Take A LookPictures are of actual BoardEXPRESS PROCESSINGFast Shipping with Tracking! Shipping InformationWe understand you need your Board right away and will ship it quickly once we have received your payment. Most orders ship out the same day! Delivery time provided is simply an estimate based on the location and the shipping service selected. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Absolutely everything that you will receive is pictured in the listing. You will not receive any additional items, components, or instructions with your package.Return InformationReturns Accepted If you decide item you received isnt suitable for your needs, we would be able to accept your item back through the eBay returns system. Please open a return / refund request, select the appropriate reason and we will handle promptly.Customer SupportOur goal at Tech Parts Mart is to help you bring your device back to life by providing quality replacement parts for self-repair. Our friendly staff are eager to assist you in any way we can! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via eBay messages. Please allow us to resolve any issues before opening disputes or leaving feedback. Compatibility of any product with your device or system and safety procedures exercised during installation are the buyers responsibility. Our sole and exclusive maximum liability arising from any product sold shall be the price of the product ordered. 1428087917@0851/L54A 273.279 0x4 #I:10028954Source TV PIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION - - Board Information Board - Part Number AWW1157 - Part Number AWW1155 - - TV Compatibility May Be Compatible With Some Other Models. - May Be Compatible With Other Brands. - -

Sherwood DS-5015C Stereo Cassette Deck Dolby HX-Pro Auto Reverse Hi-3509

End: 26.10. 2023 12:44:56 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 90.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 115833551776
  • Seller: zeitreiseoldenburg2013 (57146|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Oldenburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 7,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ein tolles Single TapedeckSherwood DS-5015C Stereo Cassette Deckmit Auto Reverse Funktion und gegenden großen Rausch Dolby B/C und HX-ProPeak Hold, MPX Filter und Intro Scan.Da machen die süßen Musikkassettenwieder richtig Laune.Fernbedienbar über eine Systemfernbedienung.Anschlüsse vorhanden. Fernbedienung nicht dabei.Gecheckt und alles geht und alles dreht.Versandgewicht: 8 KgAllgemein Hersteller: SherwoodModell: DS-5015 CTyp: Kassetten Tape DeckBaujahre: 1990 - 1993Hergestellt in: JapanFarbe: SchwarzFernbedienung: über SystemfernbedienungLeistungsaufnahme: 18 WAbmessungen: 440 x 125 x 245 mm (BxHxT)Gewicht: 5,5 kgNeupreis ca.: 600 DM Anschlüsse Eingänge:Mikrofon:Line In: 100 mV, 47 kOhmAusgänge:Line Out: 500 mV, 47 kOhmKopfhörer: 8 Ohm (6,3 mm Klinke) Technische Daten Antrieb:Motore: 2Tonköpfe: 2Gleichlaufschwankung: 0,15 % DINKlirrfaktor:Kanaltrennung: 40 dBÜbersprechdämpfung: 70 dBBandsortenumschaltung: I, II, IVFrequenzgang:Normal: 20 - 16500 HzChrom: 20 - 17500 HzMetall: 20 - 18500 HzSignalrauschabstand:Dolby off: 65 dBDolby C on: 74 dBDolby: B, C, HX ProAuto-Reverse: jaVormagnetisierungsfrequenz: 85 kHz Besondere Ausstattung: Anzeige 2x 13 LED

Pioneer PRO-607PU 60" Television AWW1158 Pod Assembly Board ANP2167-A AWW1154

End: 26.10. 2023 03:35:52 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325829264482
  • Seller: techpartsmart (9281|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: California, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 3,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Repair your Television with this working Board! Listing Store Feedback About Follow Contact Better for The Planet Easy on The Wallet Great for Your Soul Because your TV is a terrible thing to waste. Source TVPIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION Board InformationBoardPart NumberANP2167-APart NumberAWW1154TV CompatibilityMay Be Compatible With Some Other Models.May Be Compatible With Other Brands. Grid (if shown) in images is approx. one inch by one inch (1 x 1 square). My MissionI empower individuals and shops around the world to repair their broken electronics instead of replacing them by providing hard to find parts from surplus devices I tested and disassembled. Together we can help protect our environment from a waste of electronics. Simply by fixing what is broken. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!Item arrives in 100% working order. Tested working in original TV before recovery. Double checked by our technician to be in proper order. Take A LookPictures are of actual BoardEXPRESS PROCESSINGFast Shipping with Tracking! Shipping InformationWe understand you need your Board right away and will ship it quickly once we have received your payment. Most orders ship out the same day! Delivery time provided is simply an estimate based on the location and the shipping service selected. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Absolutely everything that you will receive is pictured in the listing. You will not receive any additional items, components, or instructions with your package.Return InformationReturns Accepted If you decide item you received isnt suitable for your needs, we would be able to accept your item back through the eBay returns system. Please open a return / refund request, select the appropriate reason and we will handle promptly.Customer SupportOur goal at Tech Parts Mart is to help you bring your device back to life by providing quality replacement parts for self-repair. Our friendly staff are eager to assist you in any way we can! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via eBay messages. Please allow us to resolve any issues before opening disputes or leaving feedback. Compatibility of any product with your device or system and safety procedures exercised during installation are the buyers responsibility. Our sole and exclusive maximum liability arising from any product sold shall be the price of the product ordered. 1428089867@0852/L60C 270.279 0x4 #I:10028955Source TV PIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION - - Board Information Board - Part Number ANP2167-A - Part Number AWW1154 - - TV Compatibility May Be Compatible With Some Other Models. - May Be Compatible With Other Brands. - -

Wharfedale Pro EVP-X15P Professional Loudspeaker (Single Speaker)

End: 23.10. 2023 15:31:45 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 173.33 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 14:30:41
  • Item number: 394640448385
  • Seller: (51100|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Berkshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 60,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Wharfedale Pro EVP-X15P Professional Loudspeaker (Single Speaker) This Wharfedale Pro EVP-X15P Professional Loudspeaker, a single speaker, has been fully tested and is in good working condition. Cosmetically this unit has some minor marks and scratches but is in overall good condition. Built around the development of an exceptional new Elliptical Waveguide Horn coupled with a Ferro fluid cooled 44mm titanium compression driver, the high frequency performance and system reliability of this series is unprecedented in this product class. High output capability and low distortion with excellent high frequency extension characterise these new drivers. When comparing sound quality and specifications to the competition, the advantages of Wharfedale Pro built and designed components, the real compression driver and our sophisticated crossover can immediately be heard and appreciated. All of our Used items are tested prior to listing, and are in full working order. Any components or replacement parts are tested before removal from the original system. If a notable cosmetic defect is present, it will be shown in the photographs - please check these carefully before purchasing. If we have listed an item as New, the box or packaging may have been opened to photograph the contents - please check our photographs of the item to confirm this. Have a question about this item? Feel free to get in touch, by clicking Contact Seller above, and we will do our best to help! Note: Unless otherwise stated in this description, or shown in the photographs - no cables, remotes, power supplies, power packs, peripherals, batteries, or accessories are included with the item. We include exactly what is shown in the photographs, nothing more and nothing less. Looking for more competitively priced AV or IT equipment? Take a look at the rest of our stock here We hope that you are happy with your purchase but in the unlikely event that you are not, please contact us via the eBay messaging system so we can try to help resolve the problem. We may have used a stock photograph for this listing - if we have, the item you receive will be in comparable cosmetic condition. Please contact us to arrange a collection for collection only items - we are only able to see customers who have pre-arranged a visit, and unfortunately any customers not having done so will be turned away. Please note - only items listed as Collection Only are available to collect. You are welcome to organise your own courier - If you do organise your own courier, please be advised that your item will not be packaged or wrapped. It will be ready for collection in the packaging condition as shown in the photographs. If you wish to pay on collection, we accept payment by card through our PayPal terminal. You are welcome to pay via Paypal prior to collection. All payments are due within 5 business days of purchase. If you require more time to pay please let us know, otherwise if we do not hear from you we will follow standard eBay procedure and begin the unpaid item process. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog Wharfedale Pro EVP-X15P Professional Loudspeaker (Single Speaker) This Wharfedale Pro EVP-X15P Professional Loudspeaker, a single speaker, has been fully tested and is in good working condition. Cosmetically this unit has some minor marks and scratches but is in overall good condition. Built around the development of an exceptional new Elliptical Waveguide Horn coupled with a Ferro fluid cooled 44mm titanium compression driver, the high frequency performance and system reliability of this series is unprecedented in this product class. High output capability and low distortion with excellent high frequency extension characterise these new drivers. When comparing sound quality and specifications to the competition, the advantages of Wharfedale Pro built and designed components, the real compression driver and our sophisticated crossover can immediately be heard and appreciated. All of our Used items are tested prior to listing, and are in full working order. Any components or replacement parts are tested before removal from the original system. If a notable cosmetic defect is present, it will be shown in the photographs - please check these carefully before purchasing. If we have listed an item as New, the box or packaging may have been opened to photograph the contents - please check our photographs of the item to confirm this. Have a question about this item? Feel free to get in touch, by clicking Contact Seller above, and we will do our best to help! Note: Unless otherwise stated in this description, or shown in the photographs - no cables, remotes, power supplies, power packs, peripherals, batteries, or accessories are included with the item. We include exactly what is shown in the photographs, nothing more and nothing less. Looking for more competitively priced AV or IT equipment? Take a look at the rest of our stock here We hope that you are happy with your purchase but in the unlikely event that you are not, please contact us via the eBay messaging system so we can try to help resolve the problem. We may have used a stock photograph for this listing - if we have, the item you receive will be in comparable cosmetic condition. Please contact us to arrange a collection for collection only items - we are only able to see customers who have pre-arranged a visit, and unfortunately any customers not having done so will be turned away. Please note - only items listed as Collection Only are available to collect. You are welcome to organise your own courier - If you do organise your own courier, please be advised that your item will not be packaged or wrapped. It will be ready for collection in the packaging condition as shown in the photographs. If you wish to pay on collection, we accept payment by card through our PayPal terminal. You are welcome to pay via Paypal prior to collection. All payments are due within 5 business days of purchase. If you require more time to pay please let us know, otherwise if we do not hear from you we will follow standard eBay procedure and begin the unpaid item process. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog

15-16 Inch Laptop Sleeve with Stand Case for MacBook Pro/Surface Laptop/Dell XPS

End: 14.10. 2023 23:00:10 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 18.56 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335038909667
  • Seller: randr_resellers (41|93.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    15-16 Inch Laptop Sleeve with Stand Case Compatible with 2019 MacBook Pro 16 A2141/ Surface Laptop 3 15 Inch/Dell XPS 15/2012-2015 Old MacBook Pro Retina 15 A1398Adjustment Angle: You can use the holder function adjustment angle of the notebook which is working to bring more comfortable working experience when you feel tired .its very important for protecting your neck. and keeps your device in good working performance by helping dissipate heat. Exquisite Workmanship: Superb quality and exquisite workmanship can show from every detail. Product fashion beauty, exquisite workmanship, personalized workmanship makes the laptop case even more perfect. Invisible Magnet: Magnetic closure style easy opening and closing without zipper. Features an opening flap with gentle, yet durable magnets that make opening and closing the sleeve an incredibly seamless process. Internal Dimensions:14.56*10.23 inch Previous pageMacBook Sleeve CaseMicrofiber (Faux) Suede Leather360 Protective MacBook SleeveMacBook Sleeve with StandNext pageMacBook Sleeve MacBook Partner Ergonomic Design Fashionable & PortablePlay VideoProtective Laptop Sleeve for MacBook Air/MacBook ProMulti-function design macbook sleeve is also a computer laptop stand. Use it anywhere to give you a comfortable angle. Invisible Magnet, high strength and durable microfiber (faux) suede leather, waterproof, scratch resistant, compact and slim design. Its a good mix of protection, stylish look, and quality.Invisible MagnetMagnetic closure style easy opening and closing without zippe that make opening and closing the sleeve an incredibly seamless process.Stable StandYou can use the holder function adjustment angle of the notebook which is working to bring more comfortable working experienceAdjustment AngleComfortable angle to relieve the pressure on your hands and protect your neckWater-resistantThe MacBook sleeve is made of microfiber (faux) suede leather,waterproof,lightweight and wear-resistant with heavy-duty durability. ???? Product Note: (New items) in excellent condition, though original box may exhibit minor damage. Rest assured, the product remains untouched and pristine. ????Contact us We always try to provide the best service and reliable products for every customer. However, accidents happen sometimes. If you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us to resolve the issue before leaving feedback or contacting eBay, any issue can be quickly resolved! We want you to be 100% satisfied. When you receive your order, please take a moment to leave us positive feedback and a 5-star rating on eBay. This is appreciated and very valuable to the continued success of our business. PaymentThis is the payment method we can accept: credit card, debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal2. You can checkout and pay immediately after the auction ends or you complete the purchases. If you need an eBay invoice sent to you by Email, please contact us via Ebay message. 3. Once the checkout is completed, you will not be able to include any additional purchases. We start to process and fulfill your order once payment is received. New purchases after the checkout will be processed separately. 4. Payments are expected within 4 days after the order is confirmed. Unpaid item (UPI) strike may be filed with eBay upon non-receipt of payment. Shipping1.We will ship to U.S 48 continental via UPS, FedEx or USPS, outside of U.S will ship by Fedex or DHL from our US warehouse2.The following is an estimated delivery time for your reference: Shipping within 48 states usually takes 3 to 5 days by UPS/FedEx/USPS (We are shipping from NC) Returns• No Hassle 30 Day Returns • No Restocking Fee • No Handling Fee • Free Lifetime Tech Support From US1. We put buyers satisfaction at top priority. If youre not pleased with your purchases, well be happy to make an exchange or return for a full refund within 30 days of your purchases. Customer responsible for shipping.2. For any RMA Exchange, Replacement, Repair, Refund or Return, please contact us via Ebay message.3. Please allow up to 5 business days for returns to be processed.

Pioneer PRO-607PU 60" TV Television Side AV Input Board AWW1157 AWW1155

End: 01.10. 2023 05:08:35 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.69 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325797434415
  • Seller: techpartsmart (9038|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: California, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 3,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Repair your Television with this working Board! Listing Store Feedback About Follow Contact Better for The Planet Easy on The Wallet Great for Your Soul Because your TV is a terrible thing to waste. Source TVPIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION Board InformationBoardPart NumberAWW1157Part NumberAWW1155TV CompatibilityMay Be Compatible With Some Other Models.May Be Compatible With Other Brands. Grid (if shown) in images is approx. one inch by one inch (1 x 1 square). My MissionI empower individuals and shops around the world to repair their broken electronics instead of replacing them by providing hard to find parts from surplus devices I tested and disassembled. Together we can help protect our environment from a waste of electronics. Simply by fixing what is broken. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!Item arrives in 100% working order. Tested working in original TV before recovery. Double checked by our technician to be in proper order. Take A LookPictures are of actual BoardEXPRESS PROCESSINGFast Shipping with Tracking! Shipping InformationWe understand you need your Board right away and will ship it quickly once we have received your payment. Most orders ship out the same day! Delivery time provided is simply an estimate based on the location and the shipping service selected. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Absolutely everything that you will receive is pictured in the listing. You will not receive any additional items, components, or instructions with your package.Return InformationReturns Accepted If you decide item you received isnt suitable for your needs, we would be able to accept your item back through the eBay returns system. Please open a return / refund request, select the appropriate reason and we will handle promptly.Customer SupportOur goal at Tech Parts Mart is to help you bring your device back to life by providing quality replacement parts for self-repair. Our friendly staff are eager to assist you in any way we can! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via eBay messages. Please allow us to resolve any issues before opening disputes or leaving feedback. Compatibility of any product with your device or system and safety procedures exercised during installation are the buyers responsibility. Our sole and exclusive maximum liability arising from any product sold shall be the price of the product ordered. 1428087917@0851/L54A 245.244 0x4 #I:10028954Source TV PIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION - - Board Information Board - Part Number AWW1157 - Part Number AWW1155 - - TV Compatibility May Be Compatible With Some Other Models. - May Be Compatible With Other Brands. - -

Pro V8 Projector WiFi 6 Bluetooth 2023 15000 Lumens1080P 4K&5G (never used)

End: 28.09. 2023 20:09:27 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 141.66 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145316065894
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: kahlashopp (32|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Burleson, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro V8 Projector WiFi 6 Bluetooth 2023 15000 Lumens1080P 4K&5G (never used). Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.

Pioneer PRO-607PU 60" Television AWW1158 Pod Assembly Board ANP2167-A AWW1154

End: 25.09. 2023 18:18:27 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225748106348
  • Seller: techpartsmart (9021|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: California, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 3,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Repair your Television with this working Board! Listing Store Feedback About Follow Contact Better for The Planet Easy on The Wallet Great for Your Soul Because your TV is a terrible thing to waste. Source TVPIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION Board InformationBoardPart NumberANP2167-APart NumberAWW1154TV CompatibilityMay Be Compatible With Some Other Models.May Be Compatible With Other Brands. Grid (if shown) in images is approx. one inch by one inch (1 x 1 square). My MissionI empower individuals and shops around the world to repair their broken electronics instead of replacing them by providing hard to find parts from surplus devices I tested and disassembled. Together we can help protect our environment from a waste of electronics. Simply by fixing what is broken. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!Item arrives in 100% working order. Tested working in original TV before recovery. Double checked by our technician to be in proper order. Take A LookPictures are of actual BoardEXPRESS PROCESSINGFast Shipping with Tracking! Shipping InformationWe understand you need your Board right away and will ship it quickly once we have received your payment. Most orders ship out the same day! Delivery time provided is simply an estimate based on the location and the shipping service selected. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Absolutely everything that you will receive is pictured in the listing. You will not receive any additional items, components, or instructions with your package.Return InformationReturns Accepted If you decide item you received isnt suitable for your needs, we would be able to accept your item back through the eBay returns system. Please open a return / refund request, select the appropriate reason and we will handle promptly.Customer SupportOur goal at Tech Parts Mart is to help you bring your device back to life by providing quality replacement parts for self-repair. Our friendly staff are eager to assist you in any way we can! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via eBay messages. Please allow us to resolve any issues before opening disputes or leaving feedback. Compatibility of any product with your device or system and safety procedures exercised during installation are the buyers responsibility. Our sole and exclusive maximum liability arising from any product sold shall be the price of the product ordered. 1428089867@0852/L60C 238.238 0x4 #I:10028955Source TV PIONEER PRO-607PU 60 TV TELEVISION - - Board Information Board - Part Number ANP2167-A - Part Number AWW1154 - - TV Compatibility May Be Compatible With Some Other Models. - May Be Compatible With Other Brands. - -

Pro V8 Projector WiFi 6 Bluetooth 2023 15000 Lumens1080P 4K&5G (never used)

End: 21.09. 2023 20:09:06 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 142.81 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145300822724
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kahlashopp (31|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Burleson, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro V8 Projector WiFi 6 Bluetooth 2023 15000 Lumens1080P 4K&5G (never used). Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.

DiscSox CD Pro Sleeves, 2x25-pack New + 159 Used $1 NO RESERVE

End: 19.09. 2023 03:17:58 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 38.83 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 186075762238
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: rekursion (28|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Los Altos, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 unopened 25-packs of DiscSox brand CD storage sleeves, plus 159 used sleeves, clean condition. Designed to store the disc, the pamphlet, and the artwork from the back! 209 sleeves total!


End: 17.09. 2023 18:39:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Sehr Gut
  • Price: 10.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275903486004
  • Seller: radiotvmanuals (15727|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Spring Hill, Florida USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 15,74 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    TELEVISION SERVICE MANUAL1962 SETCHELL CARLSON 159 (LATE PRODUCTION) This listing is for an original Photofact service folder that fits the make and model listed above. This item includes information such as alingnment insntructions, schematics, line drawings, exploded views of the interior, parts listings and more. This manual is 28 pages long. US customers receive FREE SHIPPING on all radio and TV service manuals. Outside the US? We mail up to FIVE manuals for the single manual shipping cost! _gsrx_vers_795 (GS 7.0.7 (795)) _gsrx_vers_856 (GS 7.0.20 (856))