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Opera consonance M100 Plus Röhren Verstärker
End: 31.03. 2024 16:33:34 on Sunday
Opera consonance Forbitten Liu Plattenspieler
End: 31.03. 2024 16:32:14 on Sunday
Opera consonance M100 Plus Röhren Verstärker
End: 24.03. 2024 16:32:57 on Sunday
Opera consonance Forbitten Liu Plattenspieler
End: 24.03. 2024 16:32:02 on Sunday
End: 08.03. 2024 09:59:20 on Friday
Kopfhörerverstärker Opera Consonance Cyber 20 mk1, OVP
End: 05.03. 2024 20:20:56 on Tuesday
Opera Consonance Phonovorstufe PM-2 MM MC, s.g. Zustand, OVP, phono pre amp. BOX
End: 29.02. 2024 06:24:47 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 584.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 335255019512
- Seller: stereo-net (5101|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Nürnberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 22,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Your template | Trixum Phono-Vorstufe - Gesetzliche Gewährleistung - mit Rechnung vom Händler - alle Fotos sind vom angebotenen Produkt - sehr guter technischer Zustand - Alle Geräte können bei ernsthaftem Interesse in unserem Hörraum getestet werden und Sie können sich von der Richtigkeit unserer Angaben überzeugen. - Preisnachlaß bei Selbstabholung möglich! Infos gerne auch per Tel. Unsere Nummer finden Sie unten in den Pflichtangaben. › ‹ › ‹ Informationen zum Produkt / Product information Beschreibung: Hervorragende Phonovorstufe von Opera. Die technischen Details und Klangberichte finden Sie im www. Mit Originalverpackung und Verbindungskabel. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, die Vorstufe in unserem Hörraum probezuhören. Bitte vereinbaren Sie aber vorher einen Termin. Unsere Nummer finden Sie ganz unten in den Pflichtangaben. Bei Selbstabholung können wir Ihnen auch im Preis besser entgegenkommen. Zustand: Das Gerät hat oben ganz leichte Gebrauchspuren. Ansonsten sehr gut. Versand: In Deutschland: 22,49 mit hervorragender Verpackung. Description: For technical and sonical details we beg you to look in the internet. With original box and connection. Condition: The preamp is in a very good condition with some very light scratches on the top. Shipping: In EU: 39,99 Euro with insurance in original fabric box. Worldwide: 169,99 Euro. Sicher einkaufen Bei einem Händler sind Sie auf der sicheren Seite! Seit dem es das Internet gibt, gab es noch nie so viele Betrugsfälle und Betrugsversuche, wie im Moment! Die Methoden der Betrüger sind mittlerweile so ausgefeilt, dass selbst Profis darauf hereinfallen können. Ein Gewerblicher Händler bietet Ihnen davor Schutz. Er ermöglicht Ihnen:einen persönlichen Telefonkontakt (Nummer im Impressum)eine persönliche Besichtigung vor OrtSelbstabholungBarzahlung nach ProbelaufPaypal-ZahlungRückgaberecht gemäß Fernabsatzgesetzgesetzliche Gewährleistung (AGB´s beachten)Möglicherweise eine Garantie (AGB´s beachten)einen sicheren Versandprofessionelle Verpackung... und viele weitere Serviceleistungen Garantiebedingungen und Allgemeine Angaben In unseren Rechnungen wird wegen Differenzbesteuerung KEINE Mehrwertsteuer ausgewiesen.Fragen versuchen wir so schnell wie möglich zu beantworten. Im Einzelfall kann es aber mal zwei bis drei Tage dauern.Keine Garantie für die Angaben im Ebay-Produktkatalog. Für Fragen bitte den entsprechenden Button hier bei Ebay benutzen nicht das Telefon.Verwendete Markennamen sind Eigentum des Herstellers und werden nur verwendet um das Produkt uns seine hervorragende Qualität zu beschreiben.*GARANTIEBEDINGUNGEN:Wenn in unseren Angeboten eine Haltbarkeitsgarantie angegeben ist, dann bleiben Ihre weiteren gesetzlichen Rechte (z. B. Gewährleistung davon unberührt. Die Garantie umfasst alle technischen Fehlfunktionen, soweit diese nicht durch falschen Gebrauch hervorgerufen wurden. Ausgenommen von der hier dargestellten Garantie sind Batterien, Lautsprechersicken, Laser, CD-Laufwerke und Akkus (auch festinstallierte). Der Garantiegeber ist Harald Leichtle, Kobergerstraße 37, 90408 Nürnberg. Die Garantie ist deutschlandweit und ist auf den oben im Angebot angegebenen Zeitrahmen beschränkt. Zur Prüfung und Abwicklung des Garantiefalles setzen Sie sich bitte telefonisch oder schriftlich mit uns in Verbindung. Zur Prüfung und eventuellen Schadensbehebung muss uns der Kaufgegenstand und eine Kopie der Rechnung kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Ist eine Reperatur oder eine Ersatzlieferung nicht möglich, erhält der Käufer den Kaufpreis zuzüglich Rücksendekosten zurück.Hinweis nach dem Batteriegesetz: Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei. Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium. Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber.Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere AGB´s und unser Impressum. Beide sind auf dieser Seite hinterlegt.Photos are original. We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible. No guarantee for the informations of the Ebay-catalogue. For questions please use the button here on Ebay.
Opera consonance M100 Plus Röhren Verstärker
End: 28.01. 2024 07:05:36 on Sunday
Opera consonance Forbitten Liu Plattenspieler
End: 28.01. 2024 07:04:31 on Sunday
opera consonance 2.3 CD Player
End: 17.01. 2024 12:10:55 on Wednesday
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER
End: 05.01. 2024 03:08:35 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1389.85 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 395096346099
- Bids: 0
- Seller: sashaaaa (7306|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Pompano Beach, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 150,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYERYou are bidding on Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER. Power up and works great. Looks great, but please remember is used and not new or brand and does have signs of being used. All connections working and look great. Missing box, remote control, cables and manual. Please look at the pictures before bidding, you will get what you see in the pictures.??POLICY: SELLING AS IS, NO RETURNWe ask all buyers to email us before opening a EBAY CLAIM CASEI WILL NOT ACCEPT THE ITEM BACK, IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND OR DO NOT LIKE THE ITEM OR DID NOT READ THE DESCRIPTION AND LOOKED AT THE PICTURES.We ask all the buyers before leaving a negative or neutral, please email us with a problem first and we will do our best to make you happy again.We care about our buyers and we only want to see them happy.WE WANT TO SEE ALL OUR BUYERS HAPPY PAYMENT: Payment must be received in 2 days, if you do not pay with in 2 days, EBAY claim will be open. LOCAL FLORIDA PICK UP ALWAYS WELCOME BY APPOINTMENT ONLY & CASH ONLY Notify us BEFORE making payment & we will send you a revised invoice without shipping charges. Allow 24hrs notice before coming by to pick up your item Available days for Pickup: M-F 12 NOON-2:30PM We are located in the CORAL SPRINGS/COCONUT CREEK/MARGATE AREA.ALL PICK UP WILL BE DONE IN PUBLIC PLACE. ALL FLORIDA BUYER: ALL FL STATE BUYERS MUST PAY 7% SALES TAX, THIS IS A LAW, IF BUYER REFUSE TO PAY SALES TAX, THAN TRANSACTION WILL BE CANCEL AND BUYER WILL BE REPORTED TO EBAY. SHIPPING: Boxing and shipping via FedEx ground to addresses in the USA continental ONLY and shipping rate is rated to all 48 state, please do not ask for the lower shipping rate. Shipping is $150 (NONE REFUNDABLE ) FEDEX DO NOT DELIVER TO PO.BOX, MUST HAVE A VALID ADDRESS.ALASKA, HAWAII & PR BUYERS must ask for the shipping rate before bidding. ATTENTION: INTERNATIONAL BIDDERSALL INTERNATIONAL BUYERS MUST USE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM, I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING RATE, THIS BETWEEN BUYER AND EBAY, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING COST THAN PLEASE DO NOT BUY THE ITEM.
Kopfhörerverstärker Opera Consonance Cyber 20 mk1, OVP
End: 24.12. 2023 15:33:26 on Sunday
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER
End: 22.12. 2023 03:05:48 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1500.0 USD

- Status: 6T 22:20:0
- Item number: 355290496066
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Pompano Beach,FL,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 150,0 USD
- on EBAY
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYERYou are bidding on Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER. Power up and works great. Looks great, but please remember is used and not new or brand and does have signs of being used. All connections working and look great. Missing box, remote control, cables and manual. Please look at the pictures before bidding, you will get what you see in the pictures.??POLICY: SELLING AS IS, NO RETURNWe ask all buyers to email us before opening a EBAY CLAIM CASEI WILL NOT ACCEPT THE ITEM BACK, IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND OR DO NOT LIKE THE ITEM OR DID NOT READ THE DESCRIPTION AND LOOKED AT THE PICTURES.We ask all the buyers before leaving a negative or neutral, please email us with a problem first and we will do our best to make you happy again.We care about our buyers and we only want to see them happy.WE WANT TO SEE ALL OUR BUYERS HAPPY PAYMENT: Payment must be received in 2 days, if you do not pay with in 2 days, EBAY claim will be open. LOCAL FLORIDA PICK UP ALWAYS WELCOME BY APPOINTMENT ONLY & CASH ONLY Notify us BEFORE making payment & we will send you a revised invoice without shipping charges. Allow 24hrs notice before coming by to pick up your item Available days for Pickup: M-F 12 NOON-2:30PM We are located in the CORAL SPRINGS/COCONUT CREEK/MARGATE AREA.ALL PICK UP WILL BE DONE IN PUBLIC PLACE. ALL FLORIDA BUYER: ALL FL STATE BUYERS MUST PAY 7% SALES TAX, THIS IS A LAW, IF BUYER REFUSE TO PAY SALES TAX, THAN TRANSACTION WILL BE CANCEL AND BUYER WILL BE REPORTED TO EBAY. SHIPPING: Boxing and shipping via FedEx ground to addresses in the USA continental ONLY and shipping rate is rated to all 48 state, please do not ask for the lower shipping rate. Shipping is $150 (NONE REFUNDABLE ) FEDEX DO NOT DELIVER TO PO.BOX, MUST HAVE A VALID ADDRESS.ALASKA, HAWAII & PR BUYERS must ask for the shipping rate before bidding. ATTENTION: INTERNATIONAL BIDDERSALL INTERNATIONAL BUYERS MUST USE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM, I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING RATE, THIS BETWEEN BUYER AND EBAY, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING COST THAN PLEASE DO NOT BUY THE ITEM.
Opera consonance Forbitten Liu Plattenspieler
End: 21.12. 2023 14:45:40 on Thursday
Opera consonance M100 Plus Röhren Verstärker
End: 19.12. 2023 10:05:14 on Tuesday
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER
End: 15.12. 2023 03:04:31 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1500.0 USD

- Status: 6T 21:53:2
- Item number: 395049785116
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Pompano Beach,FL,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 150,0 USD
- on EBAY
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYERYou are bidding on Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER. Power up and works great. Looks great, but please remember is used and not new or brand and does have signs of being used. All connections working and look great. Missing box, remote control, cables and manual. Please look at the pictures before bidding, you will get what you see in the pictures.??POLICY: SELLING AS IS, NO RETURNWe ask all buyers to email us before opening a EBAY CLAIM CASEI WILL NOT ACCEPT THE ITEM BACK, IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND OR DO NOT LIKE THE ITEM OR DID NOT READ THE DESCRIPTION AND LOOKED AT THE PICTURES.We ask all the buyers before leaving a negative or neutral, please email us with a problem first and we will do our best to make you happy again.We care about our buyers and we only want to see them happy.WE WANT TO SEE ALL OUR BUYERS HAPPY PAYMENT: Payment must be received in 2 days, if you do not pay with in 2 days, EBAY claim will be open. LOCAL FLORIDA PICK UP ALWAYS WELCOME BY APPOINTMENT ONLY & CASH ONLY Notify us BEFORE making payment & we will send you a revised invoice without shipping charges. Allow 24hrs notice before coming by to pick up your item Available days for Pickup: M-F 12 NOON-2:30PM We are located in the CORAL SPRINGS/COCONUT CREEK/MARGATE AREA.ALL PICK UP WILL BE DONE IN PUBLIC PLACE. ALL FLORIDA BUYER: ALL FL STATE BUYERS MUST PAY 7% SALES TAX, THIS IS A LAW, IF BUYER REFUSE TO PAY SALES TAX, THAN TRANSACTION WILL BE CANCEL AND BUYER WILL BE REPORTED TO EBAY. SHIPPING: Boxing and shipping via FedEx ground to addresses in the USA continental ONLY and shipping rate is rated to all 48 state, please do not ask for the lower shipping rate. Shipping is $150 (NONE REFUNDABLE ) FEDEX DO NOT DELIVER TO PO.BOX, MUST HAVE A VALID ADDRESS.ALASKA, HAWAII & PR BUYERS must ask for the shipping rate before bidding. ATTENTION: INTERNATIONAL BIDDERSALL INTERNATIONAL BUYERS MUST USE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM, I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING RATE, THIS BETWEEN BUYER AND EBAY, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING COST THAN PLEASE DO NOT BUY THE ITEM.
Opera consonance M100 Plus Röhren Verstärker
End: 12.12. 2023 10:05:03 on Tuesday
cd player high end Opera Consonance Reference 2.2
End: 11.12. 2023 19:49:36 on Monday
Opera consonance forbitten Tristan Vollverstärker
End: 09.12. 2023 01:51:05 on Saturday
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER
End: 08.12. 2023 03:02:14 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1381.72 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 315001297364
- Bids: 0
- Seller: sashaaaa (7304|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Pompano Beach, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 150,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYERYou are bidding on Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER. Power up and works great. Looks great, but please remember is used and not new or brand and does have signs of being used. All connections working and look great. Missing box, remote control, cables and manual. Please look at the pictures before bidding, you will get what you see in the pictures.??POLICY: SELLING AS IS, NO RETURNWe ask all buyers to email us before opening a EBAY CLAIM CASEI WILL NOT ACCEPT THE ITEM BACK, IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND OR DO NOT LIKE THE ITEM OR DID NOT READ THE DESCRIPTION AND LOOKED AT THE PICTURES.We ask all the buyers before leaving a negative or neutral, please email us with a problem first and we will do our best to make you happy again.We care about our buyers and we only want to see them happy.WE WANT TO SEE ALL OUR BUYERS HAPPY PAYMENT: Payment must be received in 2 days, if you do not pay with in 2 days, EBAY claim will be open. LOCAL FLORIDA PICK UP ALWAYS WELCOME BY APPOINTMENT ONLY & CASH ONLY Notify us BEFORE making payment & we will send you a revised invoice without shipping charges. Allow 24hrs notice before coming by to pick up your item Available days for Pickup: M-F 12 NOON-2:30PM We are located in the CORAL SPRINGS/COCONUT CREEK/MARGATE AREA.ALL PICK UP WILL BE DONE IN PUBLIC PLACE. ALL FLORIDA BUYER: ALL FL STATE BUYERS MUST PAY 7% SALES TAX, THIS IS A LAW, IF BUYER REFUSE TO PAY SALES TAX, THAN TRANSACTION WILL BE CANCEL AND BUYER WILL BE REPORTED TO EBAY. SHIPPING: Boxing and shipping via FedEx ground to addresses in the USA continental ONLY and shipping rate is rated to all 48 state, please do not ask for the lower shipping rate. Shipping is $150 (NONE REFUNDABLE ) FEDEX DO NOT DELIVER TO PO.BOX, MUST HAVE A VALID ADDRESS.ALASKA, HAWAII & PR BUYERS must ask for the shipping rate before bidding. ATTENTION: INTERNATIONAL BIDDERSALL INTERNATIONAL BUYERS MUST USE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM, I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING RATE, THIS BETWEEN BUYER AND EBAY, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING COST THAN PLEASE DO NOT BUY THE ITEM.
Opera consonance Forbitten Liu Plattenspieler
End: 07.12. 2023 14:45:06 on Thursday
End: 17.11. 2023 09:58:21 on Friday
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER
End: 09.11. 2023 02:06:35 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1374.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 394973500933
- Bids: 0
- Seller: sashaaaa (7294|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Pompano Beach, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 150,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYERYou are bidding on Opera Consonance Droplet CDP 5.0 CD PLAYER. Power up and works great. Looks great, but please remember is used and not new or brand and does have signs of being used. All connections working and look great. Missing box, remote control, cables and manual. Please look at the pictures before bidding, you will get what you see in the pictures.??POLICY: SELLING AS IS, NO RETURNWe ask all buyers to email us before opening a EBAY CLAIM CASEI WILL NOT ACCEPT THE ITEM BACK, IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND OR DO NOT LIKE THE ITEM OR DID NOT READ THE DESCRIPTION AND LOOKED AT THE PICTURES.We ask all the buyers before leaving a negative or neutral, please email us with a problem first and we will do our best to make you happy again.We care about our buyers and we only want to see them happy.WE WANT TO SEE ALL OUR BUYERS HAPPY PAYMENT: Payment must be received in 2 days, if you do not pay with in 2 days, EBAY claim will be open. LOCAL FLORIDA PICK UP ALWAYS WELCOME BY APPOINTMENT ONLY & CASH ONLY Notify us BEFORE making payment & we will send you a revised invoice without shipping charges. Allow 24hrs notice before coming by to pick up your item Available days for Pickup: M-F 12 NOON-2:30PM We are located in the CORAL SPRINGS/COCONUT CREEK/MARGATE AREA.ALL PICK UP WILL BE DONE IN PUBLIC PLACE. ALL FLORIDA BUYER: ALL FL STATE BUYERS MUST PAY 7% SALES TAX, THIS IS A LAW, IF BUYER REFUSE TO PAY SALES TAX, THAN TRANSACTION WILL BE CANCEL AND BUYER WILL BE REPORTED TO EBAY. SHIPPING: Boxing and shipping via FedEx ground to addresses in the USA continental ONLY and shipping rate is rated to all 48 state, please do not ask for the lower shipping rate. Shipping is $150 (NONE REFUNDABLE ) FEDEX DO NOT DELIVER TO PO.BOX, MUST HAVE A VALID ADDRESS.ALASKA, HAWAII & PR BUYERS must ask for the shipping rate before bidding. ATTENTION: INTERNATIONAL BIDDERSALL INTERNATIONAL BUYERS MUST USE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM, I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING RATE, THIS BETWEEN BUYER AND EBAY, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING COST THAN PLEASE DO NOT BUY THE ITEM.
Opera consonance M100 Plus Röhren Verstärker
End: 07.11. 2023 10:02:22 on Tuesday
Live search