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Teufel 5.1-Subwoofer CE 300 SW Heimkino Concept E Serie 150 Watt Bassreflex

End: 27.10. 2023 15:38:35 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 139.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 23:2:57
  • Item number: 314854762635
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Ingolstadt,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Teufel 5.1-Subwoofer CE 300 SW Heimkino Concept E Serie 150 Watt Bassreflexebay shopProfilBewertungenNewsletter Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen-Tag --> Teufel 5.1-Subwoofer CE 300 SW Heimkino Concept E Serie 150 Watt Bassreflexstarke Leistung mit elegantem Design höchste Qualität von Teufel Regelbarer Basspegelnutzbar fürs Heimkino oder HiFi-Systeme Subwoofer aktivZustand:B: Gut Lieferumfang:Subwoofer lagag.storeGeprüfte Neu- und Gebrauchtware Sichere Zahlungsabwicklung Top Auswahl in diversen Kategorien Schneller Versand nach Zahlung einfügen, damit die Umfließung durch float aufgehoben wird. -->BeschreibungZahlung & VersandZustandsdeklarationRechtliche HinweiseKontaktZustand:B: guter bis guter gebrauchter Zustand, mit Komplettreinigung und Funktionsprüfung; normale Gebrauchsspuren, siehe Fotos; Lieferung ohne Stellfüße; Alle Teile und Teilenummer sind genaustens dokumentiert;gesetzliche Gewährleistung (12 Monate) - siehe Rechtliche HinweiseDifferenzbesteuerung; Teufel Aktiv-Subwoofer CE 300 SW Erfahren Sie die herausragende Akustik des 5.1-Subwoofers CE 300 SW aus der renommierten Concept E-Serie. Dieses Modell, akribisch abgestimmt auf das Zusammenspiel mit den hochwertigen Zweiwege-Satelliten des Concept E 300-Sets, bietet Ihnen ein unvergleichliches Klangerlebnis. Dank der beeindruckenden Leistung von bis zu 150 Watt für den Subwoofer-Kanal und 300 Watt Gesamtleistung auf sechs Kanälen, setzt der CE 300 SW neue Maßstäbe in der Multimedia-Subwoofer-Welt. Die intuitive Bedienung über das Reglertrio an der Front ermöglicht eine feine Abstimmung der Lautstärke, des Basses und der Power. Die seitlich montierte Bassreflexabstimmung und der beeindruckende 250mm Tieftöner garantieren einen tiefen und vollmundigen Klang. Dieser Bassmeister hat alles, was Ihr Heimkino braucht, um lebendig zu werden. 5.1-Aktiv-Subwoofer aus der exklusiven Concept E-Serie Perfekt abgestimmt auf die hochwertigen Zweiwege-Satelliten des Concept E 300-Sets Mächtige 150 Watt für den Subwoofer-Kanal und insgesamt 300 Watt auf sechs Kanälen Seitlich montierter 250 mm Tieftöner für tiefe und klare Bässe Intuitive Bedienelemente zur feinen Abstimmung von Lautstärke, Bass und Power Direkter Anschluss an 5.1-PC-Soundkarte – kein AV-Receiver notwendig Kombinierbar mit DecoderStation 5 oder 6 für zusätzliche Eingangs- und KlangeinstellungsoptionenTechnische DatenMaximale Leistungsaufnahme: 450 WStandby-Funktion: Ja Standby-Leistungsaufnahme: 1,9 W Verstärker-Konfiguration: 5.1 Verstärker-Technologie: Class AB, IC type Verstärkerkanäle: 6 Untere Grenzfrequenz (-3 dB): 36 Hz Gehäusematerial: MDF Gehäuseoberfläche: Hochglanz (Front), Folie (Korpus) Magnetische Abschirmung: Ja Tieftöner: 1 x 250 mm (Material: Zellulose) Gehäuseaufbau: BassreflexAbmessungen: Breite: 24 cm, Höhe: 50,2 cm, Tiefe: 46,8 cmGewicht: 17 kg wünscht Viel Vergnügen! Zahlungsmöglichkeiten Sie können diesen Artikel direkt über die eBay-Plattform kaufen. Detaillierte Informationen erhalten Sie auf den folgenden eBay Hilfeseiten: hier klicken VersandeBay-Plus-Artikel (gekennzeichnet) werden per kostenlosem Premium- Versand und Rückversand abgewickelt Pakete und Warensendungen Versandpartner für Pakete ist die DHL-Deutsche Post.Die Lieferzeit beträgt in der Regel 2-3 Werktage nach Zahlungseingang. Zustandsbeschreibungen N: NEU (unbenutzt) A: Wie NEU, keine bis minimaleGebrauchsspuren. Verpackungen können Lagerspuren aufweisen und oder beschädigt sein. Ggf. neutrale Verpackung. Artikelfunktion ist uneingeschränkt gegeben. B:Sehr Gut bis Gut. Leichte, normale, altersbedingte Gebrauchsspuren. Meist neutrale Verpackung. Artikelfunktion ist uneingeschränkt gegeben. C: Normal bis Mäßig. Deutlich erkennbare Gebrauchsspuren. Artikelfunktion ist uneingeschränkt gegeben. D: Defekt! Keine Gewährleistung auf Funktion des Artikels. 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Hinweise zur Entsorgung von Elektro(alt)geräten und zur Bedeutung des Symbols nach Anhang 3 zum ElektroG:Besitzer von Altgeräten haben diese einer vom unsortierten Siedlungsabfall getrennten Erfassung zuzuführen. Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräte dürfen daher nicht als unsortierter Siedlungsabfall beseitigt werden und gehören insbesondere nicht in den Hausmüll. Vielmehr sind diese Altgeräte getrennt zu sammeln und etwa über die örtlichen Sammel- und Rückgabesysteme zu entsorgen.Besitzer von Altgeräten haben zudem Altbatterien und Altakkumulatoren, die nicht vom Altgerät umschlossen sind, vor der Abgabe an einer Erfassungsstelle von diesem zu trennen. Letzteres gilt nicht, soweit die Altgeräte nach § 14 Absatz 5 Satz 2 und 3 ElektroG im Rahmen der Optierung durch die öffentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungsträger zum Zwecke der Vorbereitung zur Wiederverwendung von anderen Altgeräten separiert werden, um diese für die Wiederverwendung vorzubereiten.Anhand des Symbols nach Anlage 3 zum ElektroG können Besitzer Altgeräte erkennen, die am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer getrennt vom unsortierten Siedlungsabfall zu erfassen sind. Das Symbol für die getrennte Erfassung von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten stellt eine durchgestrichene Abfalltonne auf Rädern dar und ist wie folgt ausgestaltet:2. Hinweise zu der Möglichkeit der Rückgabe von Altgeräten: Besitzer von Altgeräten aus privaten Haushalten können die Altgeräte zudem bei den Sammelstellen der öffentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungsträger oder bei den von Herstellern oder Vertreibern im Sinne des ElektroG eingerichteten Rücknahmestellen abgeben. Ein Onlineverzeichnis der Sammel- und Rücknahmestellen finden Sie hier: Hinweis zum DatenschutzAuf zu entsorgenden Altgeräten befinden sich teilweise sensible personenbezogene Daten (etwa auf einem PC oder einem Smartphone), die nicht in die Hände Dritter gelangen dürfen.Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass Endnutzer von Altgeräten eigenverantwortlich für die Löschung personenbezogener Daten auf den zu entsorgenden Altgeräten sorgen müssen. Batterie-EntsorgungHinweis zur Entsorgung von AltbatterienDer nachfolgende Hinweis richtet sich an diejenigen, die Batterien oder Produkte mit eingebauten Batterien nutzen und in der an sie gelieferten Form nicht mehr weiterveräußern (Endnutzer):1. Unentgeltliche Rücknahme von AltbatterienBatterien dürfen nicht über den Hausmüll entsorgt werden. Sie sind zur Rückgabe von Altbatterien gesetzlich verpflichtet, damit eine fachgerechte Entsorgung gewährleistet werden kann. Sie können Altbatterien an einer kommunalen Sammelstelle oder im Handel vor Ort abgeben. Auch wir sind als Vertreiber von Batterien zur Rücknahme von Altbatterien verpflichtet, wobei sich unsere Rücknahmeverpflichtung auf Altbatterien der Art beschränkt, die wir als Neubatterien in unserem Sortiment führen oder geführt haben. Altbatterien vorgenannter Art können Sie daher entweder ausreichend frankiert an uns zurücksenden oder sie direkt an unserem Versandlager unter der im Impressum genannten Adresse unentgeltlich abgeben.2. Bedeutung der BatteriesymboleBatterien sind mit dem Symbol einer durchgekreuzten Mülltonne (s. u.) gekennzeichnet. Dieses Symbol weist darauf hin, dass Batterien nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden dürfen. Bei Batterien, die mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber, mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium oder mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei enthalten, befindet sich unter dem Mülltonnen-Symbol die chemische Bezeichnung des jeweils eingesetzten Schadstoffes – dabei steht Cd für Cadmium, Pb steht für Blei, und Hg für Quecksilber.VerpackungsgesetzLUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE1996635692217KontaktFrage stellen (über eBay) Impressumsiehe rechtliche Informationen des Verkäufers Tab 6 - Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick Bitte den Text, den Sie ändern möchten doppelt anklicken oder markieren und beginnen zu tippen. Um Bilder zu tauschen bitte das Bild anklicken und Bild einfügen in der Toolbar auswählen. Zum Verlinken von Buttons und Passend-Dazu-Artikeln Text und Bild durch Doppelklicken markieren (für Buttons und die Passend-Dazu-Artikel rechts) und anschließend den Link über den Menüpunkt Link einfügen in der Toolbar hinterlegen. Mehr Informationen in der Anleitung weiter unten Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. 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Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergrenno sea takimata sanctus estLorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Über uns ist Ihr kompetenter Anbieter für Neue und gebrauchte Elektronik zu Top-Preisen! Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne jederzeit per Kontaktformular.Zahlung & Versand with love eBay-Payment Bruchsichere Verpackung Versand: DHL & Deutsche PostWeitere Angebote Viele weitere Angebote finden Sie in unserem eBay Shop oder erhalten Neuheiten und Aktionen bequem mit unserem Newsletter. Erfahren Sie die herausragende Akustik des 5.1-Subwoofers CE 300 SW aus der renommierten Concept E-Serie. Dieses Modell, akribisch abgestimmt auf das Zusammenspiel mit den hochwertigen Zweiwege-Satelliten des Concept E 300-Sets, bietet Ihnen ein unvergleichliches Klangerlebnis. Dank der beeindruckenden Leistung von bis zu 150 Watt für den Subwoofer-Kanal und 300 Watt Gesamtleistung auf sechs Kanälen, setzt der CE 300 SW neue Maßstäbe in der Multimedia-Subwoofer-Welt.Die intuitive Bedienung über das Reglertrio an der Front ermöglicht eine feine Abstimmung der Lautstärke, des Basses und der Power. Die seitlich montierte Bassreflexabstimmung und der beeindruckende 250mm Tieftöner garantieren einen tiefen und vollmundigen Klang. Dieser Bassmeister hat alles, was Ihr Heimkino braucht, um lebendig zu werden. #9e65dcflatauction295

Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speaker - Pair (White)

End: 16.10. 2023 12:39:14 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 924.59 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175815782043
  • Seller: world_wide_stereo_outlet (17626|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Hatfield, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Powered by FrooitionPayment & ReturnsSupportNewsletterHome AudioCar ElectronicsTelevisions and VideoPortable ElectronicsSale Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speaker - Pair (White)Product ID #: 178771-U8953 BRAND NEW / FACTORY SEALED / AUTHORIZED DEALERProduct InformationProduct InformationAbout UsPaymentReturnsShippingProduct Information Every element of acoustic innovation featured in the Concept 30 is geared towards designing the quietest cabinet possible. Unaffected by internal and external resonances these speakers deliver focused stereo imaging accurate audio and an extended holographic soundstage to emulate a live performance in the home. All of Q Acoustics’ anti-resonance innovations allow the state-of-the-art complement of drivers free to get on with the job of delivering the most realistic most involving sound ever heard at this price point.FeaturesGelcore™ cabinet construction reduces high-frequency cabinet noiseP2P™ (Point to Point™) internal bracing stiffens the cabinet to minimize lower frequency vibrationsIsolation suspension base eradicates unwanted external and internal vibrationsDriver assembly is mounted to the front aluminum baffle by pretensioned studs to give the correct acoustic sealGround-up mid/bass and tweeter driver design for increased power handling.High-frequency driver is fully hermetically sealed and mechanically isolatedCrossover design is mounted on the isolation base to minimize any microphonic pickup and away from electro-magnetic fields radiated by the drive unitsControlled Power Designed as an integral part of the mechanical structure of the cabinet both the 5-inch mid/bass and 0.9-inch tweeter drivers are new ground-up designs specifically for the Concept 30 50 and 90 loudspeakers. The drive units are fixed to a remarkably stiff 3mm aluminum baffle plate before it is fitted to the cabinet - this gives the correct acoustic seal dampening vibrations and minimizing structural coupling. Elsewhere the tweeter is hermetically sealed and mechanically isolated (floating) from the baffle which means lower distortion and a lower crossover point for seamless integration through the crossover region. At 30.5mm the larger mid/bass driver voice coil increases motor strength resulting in a 50% increase in power handling over a comparable driver with 25.4 mm voice coil. Lastly the crossover itself is mounted to the isolation base keeping it free of sound-effecting vibrations and away from the electro-magnetic influence of the drivers themselves.Elegant Design Boasting the same sophisticated design lines and stunning premium high gloss finish of the top-of-the-range 300 and 500 models the new range retains the signature aluminum front baffle plate that made the original Concept speakers so iconic. The Concept 30 arrives in three striking lacquers: black silver and white.Gelcore™ Technology Introduced in the original Concept speaker the Gelcore™ cabinet construction is designed to minimize high-frequency noise. A unique design comprised of a non-setting gel sandwiched between two individual layers this specially developed adhesive dissipates high-frequency vibrations generated by the moving drivers into heat to maintain a focused audio performance.Isolation Suspension System A variation on the hugely effective ‘isolation base’ principle first seen on Concept 300 means the Concept 30 have a suspension system in the form of a sprung baseplate. Two plates are separated by suspension ‘spheres’ that effectively isolates the cabinet from interference from external vibrations providing tighter stereo imaging while also bringing greater depth.P2P™ (Point to Point™) Technology To keep the cabinet as rigid as possible P2P™ (Point to Point™) internal bracing is employed. First introduced in the Concept 500 reinforcement is fitted to interior areas of the cabinet susceptible to low-end frequency reverberations. Using Finite Element Analysis and laser interferometry to examine the performance of the cabinet down to a microscopic level P2P™ bracing has been applied to the speaker cabinet. Implemented this state-of-the-art technology Q Acoustics have been able to identify and apply bracing to only the precise points of the cabinet that require additional support and unwanted energy is dissipated rather than transferred throughout the cabinet.Bi-Wire Terminals All models in the Concept series features Bi-Wire terminals on the rear of the cabinet. This means using a compatible speaker cable two pair of cables can be run from your power source (amplifier) to the speaker. One set of cables carries the high-frequency signals while the second pair transfers the mid/low frequencies. The advantage of separating these frequencies through bi-wiring are two-fold: Intermodulation distortion caused by interactions between the high and low frequencies traveling down the cable can be minimized with the result being noticeable improvement in the clarity of the mid-range. What’s in the Box(2) Concept 30 speakers(2) Foam BungsUser ManualSpecificationsBass unit: 1 x 5.0Treble unit: 1 x 0.9Frequency response(-6dB): 54 Hz - 30 kHzNominal impedance: 6 ΩMinimum impedance: 3.9 ΩSensitivity (2.83V @ 1kHz): 87 dB/w/mRecommended amplifier power: 25-100 WCrossover frequency: 2.4 kHzDistortion (120Hz - 20kHz @2.83Vrms): <0.2%Effective volume: 7.0 LDimensions (per loudspeaker) (W x H x D): 7.1” x 11.2” x 12.6”Weight (per loudspeaker): 17.4 lbsAbout UsAbout Us World Wide Stereo: Awe Inspired. Since 1979.For four decades, World Wide Stereo has delivered the worlds finest consumer electronics and home entertainment products. With two award winning stores, a brand new distribution center and one of the largest design and installation of Audio/Video departments in the country, we know what?s good and what?s not. We are very selective about what we sell, and we are an Authorized Reseller for every brand we represent. You can shop with confidence and know that you?re buying top-quality, new merchandise with a valid manufacturer?s warranty and best-in-class support. As a family-owned business, we live by our reputation for integrity, quality, personal service, and competitive pricing, striving to provide you with a superior experience.World Wide Stereo is proud to be named the Best of Philly Place for Home Gadgets by Philadelphia Magazine. World Wide Stereo has also received an Excellent Rating from STELLAService and top marks from the Better Business Bureau. PaymentPaymentPayment is required in full immediately upon winning an auction or selecting Buy It Now on an item. Orders where payment is not received within 24 hours can be cancelled for non-payment and the items may be relisted for sale by World Wide Stereo. eBay accepts payment via Credit card or PayPal for all purchases through our eBay store. We can only ship to the confirmed US billing address/Paypal address on your payment. Returns Returns As an authorized dealer, we are proud to offer manufacturers warranties with your purchase. Please contact us for a free copy of the manufacturers warranty. 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee: The quality of our products and your happiness is guaranteed. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you may return or exchange eligible items* in their original condition and packaging within 60 days of receipt of your shipment (less applicable shipping and handling costs). Start your return by sending us an ebay message or calling us at 1.866.961.7781 for your RMA# (Return Merchandise Authorization Number). 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Return Fees: Freight & Oversize Return Fee: Items originally shipped via free scheduled delivery/specialty motor freight require special shipping and will incur return fees (starting at $150). Oversize items include but are not limited to TVs over 55, select subwoofers and floorstanding speakers, furniture, and most items over 75 pounds. Returns for an exchange will also incur return fees. Restocking Fee: A partial refund may be given or the return may be refused in the event merchandise is not returned in its original condition or packaging, was previously installed, is missing parts, cables cut or terminated, has a missing or different serial number from the one shipped, or is damaged during return shipment due to improper packing. Refused Shipments: Packages refused for any reason other than shipping damages will be subject to return fees.ShippingShippingWe offer FREE standard shipping on all orders within the continental US. Additional charges will be added when expedited delivery is selected. Please verify your shipping address prior to checkout as we are unable to make any changes once checkout is complete. Most orders are processed by our warehouse within 1-2 business days. In-stock items are estimated to usually arrive within 3-9 business days (depending on the carrier and excluding holidays). Please keep in mind that adverse weather conditions, remote delivery locations and carrier delay could cause your actual delivery time to be slightly longer. Our warehouses, shipping carriers and customer contact center are closed on major holidays. Most packages will require an adult signature for delivery. You will receive an email confirmation of your order within 24 hours of placing your order and an additional email confirmation with tracking information once your order has been shipped. *Excludes Alaska, Hawaii, and International Addresses. 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Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speakers Gloss Black

End: 18.09. 2023 17:37:57 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 518.64 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195954315365
  • Seller: kirklandfar (308|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Thetford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 17,34 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pair of Q Acoustic Concept 30 speakers in Black. Bought these in Oct 22, so less than a year old. As you would expect, these are in great condition. Really nice product, only selling due to unexpected upgrade. Comes with original box, however box has seen better days due to being battered in the loft. These will be double boxed for delivery to protect them as best I can. This listing is for speakers only, stands not included. Any questions please ask. Thanks for looking.

Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box

End: 28.08. 2023 21:37:10 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 100.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204436165941
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: magic-minime (753|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hechingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 16,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box Teufel Subwoofer Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Lautsprecher Bass Box. Der Subwoofer eignet sich als Bass fr Stereo Musikanlage oder auch fr Surround System fr TV. Der Bass kann brachial klingen. Sehr guter Zustand mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren und vollfunktionsfhig. Der Subwoofer kann abgeholt oder mit DHL versendet werden. Privatverkauf Die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung verkauft.

Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speakers Gloss Black

End: 28.08. 2023 09:11:28 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 484.07 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285448624128
  • Seller: tomski_80 (1228|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Colchester Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 19,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    For sale Q Acoustics Concept 30 stand mount speakers in black gloss. They are in excellent working order and very good condition with just cleaning related marks, typical on gloss black finish. These are great speakersn only selling due to change to sealed speakers to suit my new room layout. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Teufel Heimkino 5.1 Set Concept E300

End: 29.07. 2023 17:33:25 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 150.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235096011740
  • Bids: 7
  • Seller: sven-schmidt (149|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Oberhausen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Angeboten wird ein gebrauchtes, voll funktionsfähiges Teufel Concept E 300 Set in schwarz, bestehend aus: 5x CE 20 FCR Satelliten-Lautsprecher schwarz1x CE 300 SW Subwoofer schwarz5x CE 20 TP Tischfuß silber1x CE 10 TP Tischfuß silber2x großer Standfuß M 50 P (Lautsprecher hinten)1x Decoderstation 5 Box (Schwarz) mit Fernbedienungdiverse Kabel für das System Die Decoderstation erlaubt das anschließen von etlichen Quellen über Cinch, Coaxial oder optisch. Integrierter Decoder für DTS, Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, es kommt also echter 5.1 Sound an den Lautsprechern an. Gerät stammt aus einem tierfreien Nichtraucherhaushalt. Abholung oder Versand als DHL Paket. Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf, Garantie und Gewährleistung sind ausgeschlossen. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmängelhaftung.

Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speakers Pair Gloss Black

End: 17.07. 2023 14:44:55 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 757.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364310291475
  • Seller: egotelgero-0 (39|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Harrow Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speakers Pair Gloss Black. Brand new, never used, unwanted gift. Opened box once, just to take pictures. 5-year warranty.

Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Black/Rosewood

End: 23.06. 2023 07:52:32 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2340.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225630481650
  • Seller: peter_tyson (35972|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Carlisle Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product Details Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Black/Rosewood This product comes with a 5 Year warranty. All Refurbished products have been fully checked and tested by the manufacturer. They are supplied with a manufacturer’s warranty giving you the ability to buy with confidence from Peter Tyson. Unless otherwise stated, they are in excellent condition and may only show a few handling or light usage marks, such as fingerprints or marks around input sockets. The brief for Concept 300 is simple, yet staggeringly ambitious. Build on the runaway success of the floorstanding Concept 500 and deliver a standmounting alternative that’s at once more affordable, of utterly uncompromised performance and of stylish, understated elegance. Since its founding in 2006, Q Acoustics has built an unrivalled reputation for designing, engineering and manufacturing innovative, high-performance and class-leading loudspeakers at every price-point. This ongoing and concerted demonstration of excellence has all led to Concept 300.The brief for Concept 300 is simple, yet staggeringly ambitious. Build on the runaway success of the floorstanding Concept 500 and deliver a standmounting alternative that’s at once more affordable, of utterly uncompromised performance and of stylish, understated elegance.There follows a brief explanation of just how Q Acoustics has made this happen and, by extension, why Concept 300 represents the state of the loudspeaker art in the 21st century. DesignThe days of performance being the be-all and end-all of a loudspeaker are long gone. Aesthetic considerations are perfectly valid and, to this end, in the Concept 300 Q Acoustics has designed a high-end, high-performance loudspeaker that’s unshowily sophisticated and able to interact discreetly with any interior design vocabulary.On the outside, numerous lacquer coats produce a high-quality gloss finish which is combined with real-wood veneers. This results in a cabinet that manages to be clean and understated at the same time as being of obviously high perceived value.The uncluttered look of the cabinets is further enhanced by innovative drive unit mounting. Both the tweeter and mid/bass driver are fixed, from behind, by strong spring-tensioned retaining bolts which negate the need for any exposed bolt-heads on the speaker face.At the rear of the speaker, Concept 300 features an over-specified terminal panel which is designed to resist vibrations from the cabinet. It’s equipped for bi-wiring (or bi-amping) via its electrically isolated terminals - these can accept bare wire, spade connectors or 4mm banana plugs.Q Acoustics uses MDF rather than one of the more glamorous and/or expensive alternatives to construct the Concept 300 cabinet. There are a couple of reasons for this: a) alternative materials offer no benefits in terms of damping, or even ease and simplicity of construction, over the very high performance MDF delivers, and b) more expensive materials simply drive up the eventual price of the speaker for no audio gain whatsoever.Point 2 Point Bracing™The intelligence of the design of the Concept 300 cabinet is evident in its use of P2P (point to point) bracing. Q Acoustics is able to measure the performance of the cabinet structure at a microscopic level, and identifies the precise positions that require support.So the P2P targeted cabinet-bracing method means the cabinet has exactly the support it needs, and no more. In this instance, a long and involved analysis of a problem results in a simple and brilliantly effective solution.Dual Gelcore™Having dealt with lower-frequency vibrations using P2P bracing, Q Acoustics then negates higher-frequency cabinet vibrations using its bespoke Dual Gelcore technology.The Concept 300 cabinet is comprised of three individual layers, each separated by a non-setting gel - the gel acts rather like a high-tech and extremely effective gasket. Any stray high-frequency vibrations are converted into heat which dissipates within the gel.Tensegrity Stand & Isolation Base SystemWith a standmounting speaker design like this, of course, the speaker’s relationship with its stand is of fundamental importance. And it’s the design of the new Tensegrity stand, and the new isolation base suspension system that joins Concept 300 to it, that allows Q Acoustics to redefine the level of performance that’s possible from a smaller loudspeaker.Tensegrity is a tripod - by definition, an extremely stable structure. It’s built It’s built from precision machined stainless steel rods (which are the load-bearing element) and thin stainless steel cables (which maintain the position of the load-bearing rods). The result is an exceptionally rigid and self-supporting structure with a remarkably low surface area and - let’s not pretend otherwise - beautifully elegant appearance. It’s not so much a speaker stand, it’s more an entirely new loudspeaker support concept.But, of course, it’s of little consequence how efficient your speaker cabinet is, or how ingenious the design of the stand it works from, if the union between the two is unsympathetic or inefficient. Q Acoustics joins Concept 300 speaker to Tensegrity stand with the new isolation base suspension system, which is about as sympathetic and efficient as it gets.The entire mass of Concept 300 is suspended on the four springs of the newly developed integrated base plate. This isolation base system works in multiple ways: it prevents energy from the speaker leaking into the Tensegrity stand and affecting the sound, it prevents vibrations for the floor making their way from the stands into the speaker, and in every circumstance it provides a rigid coupling between speaker and stand.Thanks to the combination of Tensegrity stand and isolation base suspension, the performance of Concept 300 is entirely unhindered by internal or external influences. Driver Units and CrossoverQ Acoustics has taken its proven (and acclaimed) driver technology from the Concept 500 floorstanding speaker and enhanced its performance to perfectly match the requirements of the Concept 300’s smaller cabinet.The mid/bass driver is a 165mm impregnated/coated paper cone with very low resonance thanks to its high-performance rubber surround. It sits in front of a large (35mm) glass fibre voice coil and equally substantial ferrite magnet. The result is midrange and bass response that’s as punchy and dynamic as it is poised and eloquent. Above it, the 28mm high-frequency driver, made of super-fine strands of coated microfibre, is decoupled from the speaker cabinet using a rubber gasket. This protects the tweeter from sending or receiving unwanted vibrations and allows it to be mounted close to the mid-bass driver. This improves integration with the larger driver - and the very subtle horn-shaped profile to the tweeter’s front plate allows perfect impedance-matching with its environment without colouring performance. ResultsA combination of rigorous engineering, uncompromised industrial design and aspirational aesthetics makes Concept 300 the most fully realised loudspeaker Q Acoustics has yet delivered. In combination with the equally meticulous Tensegrity stand, Concept 300 represents a step-change in loudspeaker design and a redefinition of what is possible at its price. Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Black/Rosewood Specifications Concept 300 Enclosure type 2 way reflex Mid/bass driver 165mm High frequency unit 28mm Frequency response 55Hz - 30kHz Nominal impedance 6ohms Minimum impedance 4.7ohms Sensitivity 84dB Stereo Amplifier Power 25-200w Crossover Frequency 2.5kHz Effective Volume 11.4L Dimensions W/H/D 220 x 355 x 400mm Weight 14.5kg (per speaker) Carton Dimensions W/H/D 320 x 500 x 520mm Packaged Weight 16.6kg (per speaker) Contact us To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question Returns Returns are accepted. Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending. Buyer will pay for return shipping.

Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Silver/Ebony

End: 23.06. 2023 07:52:30 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2340.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235059351294
  • Seller: peter_tyson (35972|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Carlisle Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product Details Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Silver/Ebony This product comes with a 5 Year warranty. All Refurbished products have been fully checked and tested by the manufacturer. They are supplied with a manufacturer’s warranty giving you the ability to buy with confidence from Peter Tyson. Unless otherwise stated, they are in excellent condition and may only show a few handling or light usage marks, such as fingerprints or marks around input sockets. The brief for Concept 300 is simple, yet staggeringly ambitious. Build on the runaway success of the floorstanding Concept 500 and deliver a standmounting alternative that’s at once more affordable, of utterly uncompromised performance and of stylish, understated elegance. Since its founding in 2006, Q Acoustics has built an unrivalled reputation for designing, engineering and manufacturing innovative, high-performance and class-leading loudspeakers at every price-point. This ongoing and concerted demonstration of excellence has all led to Concept 300.The brief for Concept 300 is simple, yet staggeringly ambitious. Build on the runaway success of the floorstanding Concept 500 and deliver a standmounting alternative that’s at once more affordable, of utterly uncompromised performance and of stylish, understated elegance.There follows a brief explanation of just how Q Acoustics has made this happen and, by extension, why Concept 300 represents the state of the loudspeaker art in the 21st century. DesignThe days of performance being the be-all and end-all of a loudspeaker are long gone. Aesthetic considerations are perfectly valid and, to this end, in the Concept 300 Q Acoustics has designed a high-end, high-performance loudspeaker that’s unshowily sophisticated and able to interact discreetly with any interior design vocabulary.On the outside, numerous lacquer coats produce a high-quality gloss finish which is combined with real-wood veneers. This results in a cabinet that manages to be clean and understated at the same time as being of obviously high perceived value.The uncluttered look of the cabinets is further enhanced by innovative drive unit mounting. Both the tweeter and mid/bass driver are fixed, from behind, by strong spring-tensioned retaining bolts which negate the need for any exposed bolt-heads on the speaker face.At the rear of the speaker, Concept 300 features an over-specified terminal panel which is designed to resist vibrations from the cabinet. It’s equipped for bi-wiring (or bi-amping) via its electrically isolated terminals - these can accept bare wire, spade connectors or 4mm banana plugs.Q Acoustics uses MDF rather than one of the more glamorous and/or expensive alternatives to construct the Concept 300 cabinet. There are a couple of reasons for this: a) alternative materials offer no benefits in terms of damping, or even ease and simplicity of construction, over the very high performance MDF delivers, and b) more expensive materials simply drive up the eventual price of the speaker for no audio gain whatsoever.Point 2 Point Bracing™The intelligence of the design of the Concept 300 cabinet is evident in its use of P2P (point to point) bracing. Q Acoustics is able to measure the performance of the cabinet structure at a microscopic level, and identifies the precise positions that require support.So the P2P targeted cabinet-bracing method means the cabinet has exactly the support it needs, and no more. In this instance, a long and involved analysis of a problem results in a simple and brilliantly effective solution.Dual Gelcore™Having dealt with lower-frequency vibrations using P2P bracing, Q Acoustics then negates higher-frequency cabinet vibrations using its bespoke Dual Gelcore technology.The Concept 300 cabinet is comprised of three individual layers, each separated by a non-setting gel - the gel acts rather like a high-tech and extremely effective gasket. Any stray high-frequency vibrations are converted into heat which dissipates within the gel.Tensegrity Stand & Isolation Base SystemWith a standmounting speaker design like this, of course, the speaker’s relationship with its stand is of fundamental importance. And it’s the design of the new Tensegrity stand, and the new isolation base suspension system that joins Concept 300 to it, that allows Q Acoustics to redefine the level of performance that’s possible from a smaller loudspeaker.Tensegrity is a tripod - by definition, an extremely stable structure. It’s built It’s built from precision machined stainless steel rods (which are the load-bearing element) and thin stainless steel cables (which maintain the position of the load-bearing rods). The result is an exceptionally rigid and self-supporting structure with a remarkably low surface area and - let’s not pretend otherwise - beautifully elegant appearance. It’s not so much a speaker stand, it’s more an entirely new loudspeaker support concept.But, of course, it’s of little consequence how efficient your speaker cabinet is, or how ingenious the design of the stand it works from, if the union between the two is unsympathetic or inefficient. Q Acoustics joins Concept 300 speaker to Tensegrity stand with the new isolation base suspension system, which is about as sympathetic and efficient as it gets.The entire mass of Concept 300 is suspended on the four springs of the newly developed integrated base plate. This isolation base system works in multiple ways: it prevents energy from the speaker leaking into the Tensegrity stand and affecting the sound, it prevents vibrations for the floor making their way from the stands into the speaker, and in every circumstance it provides a rigid coupling between speaker and stand.Thanks to the combination of Tensegrity stand and isolation base suspension, the performance of Concept 300 is entirely unhindered by internal or external influences. Driver Units and CrossoverQ Acoustics has taken its proven (and acclaimed) driver technology from the Concept 500 floorstanding speaker and enhanced its performance to perfectly match the requirements of the Concept 300’s smaller cabinet.The mid/bass driver is a 165mm impregnated/coated paper cone with very low resonance thanks to its high-performance rubber surround. It sits in front of a large (35mm) glass fibre voice coil and equally substantial ferrite magnet. The result is midrange and bass response that’s as punchy and dynamic as it is poised and eloquent. Above it, the 28mm high-frequency driver, made of super-fine strands of coated microfibre, is decoupled from the speaker cabinet using a rubber gasket. This protects the tweeter from sending or receiving unwanted vibrations and allows it to be mounted close to the mid-bass driver. This improves integration with the larger driver - and the very subtle horn-shaped profile to the tweeter’s front plate allows perfect impedance-matching with its environment without colouring performance. ResultsA combination of rigorous engineering, uncompromised industrial design and aspirational aesthetics makes Concept 300 the most fully realised loudspeaker Q Acoustics has yet delivered. In combination with the equally meticulous Tensegrity stand, Concept 300 represents a step-change in loudspeaker design and a redefinition of what is possible at its price. Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Silver/Ebony Specifications Concept 300 Enclosure type 2 way reflex Mid/bass driver 165mm High frequency unit 28mm Frequency response 55Hz - 30kHz Nominal impedance 6ohms Minimum impedance 4.7ohms Sensitivity 84dB Stereo Amplifier Power 25-200w Crossover Frequency 2.5kHz Effective Volume 11.4L Dimensions W/H/D 220 x 355 x 400mm Weight 14.5kg (per speaker) Carton Dimensions W/H/D 320 x 500 x 520mm Packaged Weight 16.6kg (per speaker) Contact us To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question Returns Returns are accepted. Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending. Buyer will pay for return shipping.

Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speakers Pair Gloss Black

End: 19.06. 2023 11:46:58 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 784.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364269088179
  • Seller: egotelgero-0 (37|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Harrow Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speakers Pair Gloss Black. Brand new, never used, unwanted gift. Opened box once, just to take pictures.

Q acoustics concept 300 Speakers Pair

End: 16.06. 2023 00:33:35 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2096.24 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314650289156
  • Seller: highperformance-22 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: New York, New York USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    10/10 condition Open box but have not been used or taken out of the box. Local pickup only.

Q acoustics concept 300 Speakers Pair

End: 14.06. 2023 23:04:34 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2090.24 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314635874916
  • Seller: highperformance-22 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: New York, New York USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    10/10 condition Open box but have not been used or taken out of the box. I have ANOTHER PAIR BRAND NEW IN THE BOX Local pickup only.

Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box

End: 13.06. 2023 13:32:56 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 110.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204360186782
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: magic-minime (743|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hechingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 16,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box. Der Subwoofer eignet sich als Bass fr Stereo Musikanlage oder auch fr Surround System fr TV. Sehr guter Zustand mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren und vollfunktionsfhig. Der Subwoofer kann abgeholt oder mit DHL versendet werden. Privatverkauf Die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung verkauft.

Q Acoustics Concept 30 Piano Black speakers - Excellent condition

End: 12.06. 2023 15:41:11 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 659.64 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354831115732
  • Seller: corne_481 (76|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 12,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bought from Sevenoaks Sound and Vision on 18 March 2023. I really enjoyed them - clean & very rich sound. Selling due to upgrade to flloorstanders. The speakers will be posted in the original box with all original packaging. after their test in 2022 - Best in Class Award. Smoke & pet free home. UK sale only.

Q Acoustics Concept 300 speakers with stands - excellent

End: 08.06. 2023 11:13:18 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1862.02 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 304929334863
  • Seller: whitepeak (520|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Matlock Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    A low mileage pair of Q Acoustics Concept 300s on Tensegrity stands only available due to an upgrade to a pair of 500s. I might describe them as almost new but the reality is that there arent any signs of use except perhaps a few specks of dust on the covers. Complete with speaker boxes, user manuals and foam bungs. They perform impeccably with any kind of music and the stands are pretty much essential to get the best from these highly rated speakers. Heres what Q Acoustics say about this model: A combination of rigorous engineering, uncompromised industrial design and aspirational aesthetics makes Concept 300 the most fully realised loudspeaker Q Acoustics has yet delivered. In combination with the equally meticulous Tensegrity stand, Concept 300 represents a step-change in loudspeaker design and a redefinition of what is possible..................... Happy to give a demo. From a child, pet and smoke free home and in need of similar owner who will continue to lavish TLC on them. Collection only please as I do not want to send these through the courier network. Id be happy to meet by arrangement to exchange if it helps.

Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box

End: 06.06. 2023 13:27:26 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 125.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204353333846
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: magic-minime (743|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hechingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 16,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box. Der Subwoofer eignet sich als Bass fr Stereo Musikanlage oder auch fr Surround System fr TV. Sehr guter Zustand mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren und vollfunktionsfhig. Der Subwoofer kann abgeholt oder mit DHL versendet werden. Privatverkauf Die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung verkauft.

Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Black/Rosewood

End: 05.06. 2023 08:18:44 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 2334.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235013042874
  • Seller: peter_tyson (35244|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Carlisle Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product Details Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Black/Rosewood This product comes with a 5 Year warranty. All Refurbished products have been fully checked and tested by the manufacturer. They are supplied with a manufacturer’s warranty giving you the ability to buy with confidence from Peter Tyson. Unless otherwise stated, they are in excellent condition and may only show a few handling or light usage marks, such as fingerprints or marks around input sockets. The brief for Concept 300 is simple, yet staggeringly ambitious. Build on the runaway success of the floorstanding Concept 500 and deliver a standmounting alternative that’s at once more affordable, of utterly uncompromised performance and of stylish, understated elegance. Since its founding in 2006, Q Acoustics has built an unrivalled reputation for designing, engineering and manufacturing innovative, high-performance and class-leading loudspeakers at every price-point. This ongoing and concerted demonstration of excellence has all led to Concept 300.The brief for Concept 300 is simple, yet staggeringly ambitious. Build on the runaway success of the floorstanding Concept 500 and deliver a standmounting alternative that’s at once more affordable, of utterly uncompromised performance and of stylish, understated elegance.There follows a brief explanation of just how Q Acoustics has made this happen and, by extension, why Concept 300 represents the state of the loudspeaker art in the 21st century. DesignThe days of performance being the be-all and end-all of a loudspeaker are long gone. Aesthetic considerations are perfectly valid and, to this end, in the Concept 300 Q Acoustics has designed a high-end, high-performance loudspeaker that’s unshowily sophisticated and able to interact discreetly with any interior design vocabulary.On the outside, numerous lacquer coats produce a high-quality gloss finish which is combined with real-wood veneers. This results in a cabinet that manages to be clean and understated at the same time as being of obviously high perceived value.The uncluttered look of the cabinets is further enhanced by innovative drive unit mounting. Both the tweeter and mid/bass driver are fixed, from behind, by strong spring-tensioned retaining bolts which negate the need for any exposed bolt-heads on the speaker face.At the rear of the speaker, Concept 300 features an over-specified terminal panel which is designed to resist vibrations from the cabinet. It’s equipped for bi-wiring (or bi-amping) via its electrically isolated terminals - these can accept bare wire, spade connectors or 4mm banana plugs.Q Acoustics uses MDF rather than one of the more glamorous and/or expensive alternatives to construct the Concept 300 cabinet. There are a couple of reasons for this: a) alternative materials offer no benefits in terms of damping, or even ease and simplicity of construction, over the very high performance MDF delivers, and b) more expensive materials simply drive up the eventual price of the speaker for no audio gain whatsoever.Point 2 Point Bracing™The intelligence of the design of the Concept 300 cabinet is evident in its use of P2P (point to point) bracing. Q Acoustics is able to measure the performance of the cabinet structure at a microscopic level, and identifies the precise positions that require support.So the P2P targeted cabinet-bracing method means the cabinet has exactly the support it needs, and no more. In this instance, a long and involved analysis of a problem results in a simple and brilliantly effective solution.Dual Gelcore™Having dealt with lower-frequency vibrations using P2P bracing, Q Acoustics then negates higher-frequency cabinet vibrations using its bespoke Dual Gelcore technology.The Concept 300 cabinet is comprised of three individual layers, each separated by a non-setting gel - the gel acts rather like a high-tech and extremely effective gasket. Any stray high-frequency vibrations are converted into heat which dissipates within the gel.Tensegrity Stand & Isolation Base SystemWith a standmounting speaker design like this, of course, the speaker’s relationship with its stand is of fundamental importance. And it’s the design of the new Tensegrity stand, and the new isolation base suspension system that joins Concept 300 to it, that allows Q Acoustics to redefine the level of performance that’s possible from a smaller loudspeaker.Tensegrity is a tripod - by definition, an extremely stable structure. It’s built It’s built from precision machined stainless steel rods (which are the load-bearing element) and thin stainless steel cables (which maintain the position of the load-bearing rods). The result is an exceptionally rigid and self-supporting structure with a remarkably low surface area and - let’s not pretend otherwise - beautifully elegant appearance. It’s not so much a speaker stand, it’s more an entirely new loudspeaker support concept.But, of course, it’s of little consequence how efficient your speaker cabinet is, or how ingenious the design of the stand it works from, if the union between the two is unsympathetic or inefficient. Q Acoustics joins Concept 300 speaker to Tensegrity stand with the new isolation base suspension system, which is about as sympathetic and efficient as it gets.The entire mass of Concept 300 is suspended on the four springs of the newly developed integrated base plate. This isolation base system works in multiple ways: it prevents energy from the speaker leaking into the Tensegrity stand and affecting the sound, it prevents vibrations for the floor making their way from the stands into the speaker, and in every circumstance it provides a rigid coupling between speaker and stand.Thanks to the combination of Tensegrity stand and isolation base suspension, the performance of Concept 300 is entirely unhindered by internal or external influences. Driver Units and CrossoverQ Acoustics has taken its proven (and acclaimed) driver technology from the Concept 500 floorstanding speaker and enhanced its performance to perfectly match the requirements of the Concept 300’s smaller cabinet.The mid/bass driver is a 165mm impregnated/coated paper cone with very low resonance thanks to its high-performance rubber surround. It sits in front of a large (35mm) glass fibre voice coil and equally substantial ferrite magnet. The result is midrange and bass response that’s as punchy and dynamic as it is poised and eloquent. Above it, the 28mm high-frequency driver, made of super-fine strands of coated microfibre, is decoupled from the speaker cabinet using a rubber gasket. This protects the tweeter from sending or receiving unwanted vibrations and allows it to be mounted close to the mid-bass driver. This improves integration with the larger driver - and the very subtle horn-shaped profile to the tweeter’s front plate allows perfect impedance-matching with its environment without colouring performance. ResultsA combination of rigorous engineering, uncompromised industrial design and aspirational aesthetics makes Concept 300 the most fully realised loudspeaker Q Acoustics has yet delivered. In combination with the equally meticulous Tensegrity stand, Concept 300 represents a step-change in loudspeaker design and a redefinition of what is possible at its price. Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Black/Rosewood Specifications Concept 300 Enclosure type 2 way reflex Mid/bass driver 165mm High frequency unit 28mm Frequency response 55Hz - 30kHz Nominal impedance 6ohms Minimum impedance 4.7ohms Sensitivity 84dB Stereo Amplifier Power 25-200w Crossover Frequency 2.5kHz Effective Volume 11.4L Dimensions W/H/D 220 x 355 x 400mm Weight 14.5kg (per speaker) Carton Dimensions W/H/D 320 x 500 x 520mm Packaged Weight 16.6kg (per speaker) Contact us To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question Returns Returns are accepted. Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending. Buyer will pay for return shipping.

Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Silver/Ebony

End: 05.06. 2023 08:18:43 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 2334.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275854477500
  • Seller: peter_tyson (35244|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Carlisle Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product Details Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Silver/Ebony This product comes with a 5 Year warranty. All Refurbished products have been fully checked and tested by the manufacturer. They are supplied with a manufacturer’s warranty giving you the ability to buy with confidence from Peter Tyson. Unless otherwise stated, they are in excellent condition and may only show a few handling or light usage marks, such as fingerprints or marks around input sockets. The brief for Concept 300 is simple, yet staggeringly ambitious. Build on the runaway success of the floorstanding Concept 500 and deliver a standmounting alternative that’s at once more affordable, of utterly uncompromised performance and of stylish, understated elegance. Since its founding in 2006, Q Acoustics has built an unrivalled reputation for designing, engineering and manufacturing innovative, high-performance and class-leading loudspeakers at every price-point. This ongoing and concerted demonstration of excellence has all led to Concept 300.The brief for Concept 300 is simple, yet staggeringly ambitious. Build on the runaway success of the floorstanding Concept 500 and deliver a standmounting alternative that’s at once more affordable, of utterly uncompromised performance and of stylish, understated elegance.There follows a brief explanation of just how Q Acoustics has made this happen and, by extension, why Concept 300 represents the state of the loudspeaker art in the 21st century. DesignThe days of performance being the be-all and end-all of a loudspeaker are long gone. Aesthetic considerations are perfectly valid and, to this end, in the Concept 300 Q Acoustics has designed a high-end, high-performance loudspeaker that’s unshowily sophisticated and able to interact discreetly with any interior design vocabulary.On the outside, numerous lacquer coats produce a high-quality gloss finish which is combined with real-wood veneers. This results in a cabinet that manages to be clean and understated at the same time as being of obviously high perceived value.The uncluttered look of the cabinets is further enhanced by innovative drive unit mounting. Both the tweeter and mid/bass driver are fixed, from behind, by strong spring-tensioned retaining bolts which negate the need for any exposed bolt-heads on the speaker face.At the rear of the speaker, Concept 300 features an over-specified terminal panel which is designed to resist vibrations from the cabinet. It’s equipped for bi-wiring (or bi-amping) via its electrically isolated terminals - these can accept bare wire, spade connectors or 4mm banana plugs.Q Acoustics uses MDF rather than one of the more glamorous and/or expensive alternatives to construct the Concept 300 cabinet. There are a couple of reasons for this: a) alternative materials offer no benefits in terms of damping, or even ease and simplicity of construction, over the very high performance MDF delivers, and b) more expensive materials simply drive up the eventual price of the speaker for no audio gain whatsoever.Point 2 Point Bracing™The intelligence of the design of the Concept 300 cabinet is evident in its use of P2P (point to point) bracing. Q Acoustics is able to measure the performance of the cabinet structure at a microscopic level, and identifies the precise positions that require support.So the P2P targeted cabinet-bracing method means the cabinet has exactly the support it needs, and no more. In this instance, a long and involved analysis of a problem results in a simple and brilliantly effective solution.Dual Gelcore™Having dealt with lower-frequency vibrations using P2P bracing, Q Acoustics then negates higher-frequency cabinet vibrations using its bespoke Dual Gelcore technology.The Concept 300 cabinet is comprised of three individual layers, each separated by a non-setting gel - the gel acts rather like a high-tech and extremely effective gasket. Any stray high-frequency vibrations are converted into heat which dissipates within the gel.Tensegrity Stand & Isolation Base SystemWith a standmounting speaker design like this, of course, the speaker’s relationship with its stand is of fundamental importance. And it’s the design of the new Tensegrity stand, and the new isolation base suspension system that joins Concept 300 to it, that allows Q Acoustics to redefine the level of performance that’s possible from a smaller loudspeaker.Tensegrity is a tripod - by definition, an extremely stable structure. It’s built It’s built from precision machined stainless steel rods (which are the load-bearing element) and thin stainless steel cables (which maintain the position of the load-bearing rods). The result is an exceptionally rigid and self-supporting structure with a remarkably low surface area and - let’s not pretend otherwise - beautifully elegant appearance. It’s not so much a speaker stand, it’s more an entirely new loudspeaker support concept.But, of course, it’s of little consequence how efficient your speaker cabinet is, or how ingenious the design of the stand it works from, if the union between the two is unsympathetic or inefficient. Q Acoustics joins Concept 300 speaker to Tensegrity stand with the new isolation base suspension system, which is about as sympathetic and efficient as it gets.The entire mass of Concept 300 is suspended on the four springs of the newly developed integrated base plate. This isolation base system works in multiple ways: it prevents energy from the speaker leaking into the Tensegrity stand and affecting the sound, it prevents vibrations for the floor making their way from the stands into the speaker, and in every circumstance it provides a rigid coupling between speaker and stand.Thanks to the combination of Tensegrity stand and isolation base suspension, the performance of Concept 300 is entirely unhindered by internal or external influences. Driver Units and CrossoverQ Acoustics has taken its proven (and acclaimed) driver technology from the Concept 500 floorstanding speaker and enhanced its performance to perfectly match the requirements of the Concept 300’s smaller cabinet.The mid/bass driver is a 165mm impregnated/coated paper cone with very low resonance thanks to its high-performance rubber surround. It sits in front of a large (35mm) glass fibre voice coil and equally substantial ferrite magnet. The result is midrange and bass response that’s as punchy and dynamic as it is poised and eloquent. Above it, the 28mm high-frequency driver, made of super-fine strands of coated microfibre, is decoupled from the speaker cabinet using a rubber gasket. This protects the tweeter from sending or receiving unwanted vibrations and allows it to be mounted close to the mid-bass driver. This improves integration with the larger driver - and the very subtle horn-shaped profile to the tweeter’s front plate allows perfect impedance-matching with its environment without colouring performance. ResultsA combination of rigorous engineering, uncompromised industrial design and aspirational aesthetics makes Concept 300 the most fully realised loudspeaker Q Acoustics has yet delivered. In combination with the equally meticulous Tensegrity stand, Concept 300 represents a step-change in loudspeaker design and a redefinition of what is possible at its price. Manufacturer Refurbished - Q Acoustics Concept 300 Speakers - Silver/Ebony Specifications Concept 300 Enclosure type 2 way reflex Mid/bass driver 165mm High frequency unit 28mm Frequency response 55Hz - 30kHz Nominal impedance 6ohms Minimum impedance 4.7ohms Sensitivity 84dB Stereo Amplifier Power 25-200w Crossover Frequency 2.5kHz Effective Volume 11.4L Dimensions W/H/D 220 x 355 x 400mm Weight 14.5kg (per speaker) Carton Dimensions W/H/D 320 x 500 x 520mm Packaged Weight 16.6kg (per speaker) Contact us To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question Returns Returns are accepted. Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending. Buyer will pay for return shipping.

Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box

End: 28.05. 2023 07:00:42 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 125.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204343874400
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: magic-minime (743|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hechingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 16,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box. Der Subwoofer eignet sich als Bass fr Stereo Musikanlage oder auch fr Surround System fr TV. Sehr guter Zustand mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren und vollfunktionsfhig. Der Subwoofer kann abgeholt oder mit DHL versendet werden. Privatverkauf Die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung verkauft.

Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speakers Gloss Black

End: 22.05. 2023 09:07:00 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 937.16 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364265390481
  • Seller: egotelgero-0 (36|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Harrow Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Q Acoustics Concept 30 Bookshelf Speakers Gloss Black. Mint condition, box never opened, brand new. Unwanted gift. Please message me, if more pictures are needed.

Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box

End: 21.05. 2023 09:07:23 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 125.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204336775952
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: magic-minime (743|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hechingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 16,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Teufel Subwoofer Concept S Aktiv schwarz 300 W Downfire Surround 25 cm Bass Box. Der Subwoofer eignet sich als Bass fr Stereo Musikanlage oder auch fr Surround System fr TV. Sehr guter Zustand mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren und vollfunktionsfhig. Der Subwoofer kann abgeholt oder mit DHL versendet werden. Privatverkauf Die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewhrleistung verkauft.

Dual CV 5650 Verstärker Audiophile Concept, 300Watt

End: 15.05. 2023 11:55:22 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 66.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295686147239
  • Bids: 10
  • Seller: hellmuut (1379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Mönchengladbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Dual CV 5650 Verstrker Audiophile Concept, 300Watt Leistungsaufnahme. Allgemein Hersteller: Dual Modell: CV 5650 (OEM: Rotel) Baujahre: 1989 - 1992 Leistungsaufnahme: 300 Watt Weitere Details siehe Bild 2. Einen passenden Dual Tuner CT 5750 findet ihr in meinen weiteren Auktionen. Privatverkauf daher keine Garantie oder Rcknahme oder Gewhrleistung mglich.

Teufel (16304) CM 2014 SW Aktiv Subwoofer aus Concept E 450 Serie Lautsprecher

End: 22.09. 2021 12:10:45 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 251.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 133672398139
  • Counter: 603
  • Seller: sediva-prime (94920|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hemsbünde Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Teufel Standfuß M 50 P * Ständer höhenverstellbar Concept E F G Consono K30 u.w

End: 08.09. 2021 15:04:27 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 18.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 254194044380
  • Counter: 6607
  • Seller: cb-sk2 (20265|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Cottbus Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 23,9 EUR
  • on EBAY