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Cambridge Audio Sonata NP30 Netzwerkplayer sehr guter Zustand

End: 25.08. 2023 09:59:25 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 102.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256187366138
  • Bids: 5
  • Seller: 3komma14 (1825|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio Sonata NP30 Netzwerkplayer sehr guter ZustandHier angeboten:Cambridge Audio SONATA NP 30 Netzwerkplayer Zustand: So gut wie keine Gebrauchs- oder Abnutzungsspuren und aus tierfreiem Nichtraucherhaushalt.Was man wissen muss: Einige Sender haben ihr Streamingformat geändert, für die es keine Updates für den NP 30 gibt. Daher ist die ehemals gewohnte Sendervielfalt geringer geworden.Ich hatte den NP 30 für das Abspielen der Musiksammlung auf unserem Netzwerk genutzt, und hier geht alles prima. Lieferumfang:Der NP30 selbstWLAN AntenneNetzwerkkabelNetzkabelBedienungsanleitung Die Fotos stellen exakt den angebotenen Netzwerkplayer dar, und sind Teil der Beschreibung. Die Angaben zu dieser Artikel-Beschreibung wurden von mir wahrheitsgemäß nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht. Ich bin kein Händler, sondern Privatperson. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmängelhaftung. Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzungen von Gesundheit, Körper oder Leben und grob fahrlässiger und/oder vorsätzlicherVerletzungen meiner Pflichten als Verkäufer bleibt davon unberührt. Mit Ihrer Gebotsabgabe erklären Sie sich mit diesen Vertragsbedingungen einverstanden. Versand als Paket (DHL) oder Abholung in Berlin

Cambridge Audio 851D * DA-Wandler + Vorverstärker * XLR * NP 1.500 € * lesen !

End: 24.08. 2023 09:58:12 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 390.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 305082112740
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: tintenfischi (2083|99.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 11,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio 851D * DA-Wandler + Vorverstärker * XLR * NP 1.500 € * lesen !Cambridge Audio 851D ** DA-Wandler + Vorverstärker *+ mit XLR Ausgängen ** NP 1.500 € * bitte unbedingt lesen ! ! ! Ich verkaufe einen Cambridge Audio 851D * DA-Wandler + Vorverstärker * XLR * mit Fernbedienung in Originalverpackung.Ein edler highend DAC mit Vorverstärker.Absolutes High End !Der Neupreis betrug mal 1.500 €. In gutem Zustand mit nur leichten Gebrauchspuren und voll funktionsfähig. Aber: Er hat einen Mangel, der nach ca. 3 Minuten verschwindet: Er rauscht auf einem Kanal nach dem Einschalten ein bischen - ca. 3 Minuten lang. Dann verschwindet das Rauschen und alles ist super. Anscheinend ein Problem beim Aufwärmen bis die Betriebstemperatur erreicht ist. Oder evtl. muß man einen Kondensator austauschen. Bitte sehen Sie sich die Bilder gut an, sie sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Beschreibung. Super Testergebnisse ! – im Internet zu finden unter: 1.) Zitat: „Lassen Sie es mich anders sagen. Eines wird Ihnen nicht gelingen: mit dem Cambridge Audio 851D irgendetwas falsch zu machen. Er klingt blitzsauber, hat mehr Digitaleingänge, als Sie ver­mutlich je brauchen werden – und macht sowohl als Stand-alone-DAC als auch als Vorstufe eine sehr gute Figur.“ 2.) Zitat: „Conclusions The Cambridge Audio Azur 851D has bang for the buck all over the place. It approached the sound of DACs costing four times as much—closely enough, I feel, to satisfy most audiophiles on a budget.“ 3.) Zitat: „Conclusion: An exceptional digital converter, it is one of the most detailed, insightful performers this side of the multi-thousand pound super-DACs, and many prospective purchasers will likely be dazzled by its own sound that is great, wide selection of connections and sturdy build.“ 4.) Zitat: „What Hi-Fi? Verdict: Solid performer for the money, even if it cant scale the heights of the class leaders. Pros: + Impressive build + Good features including aptX Bluetooth connectivity + Refined, tonally balanced presentation + Detail and refinement 5.) Zitat: „I truly hate the term “value”. I’m not entirely sure how it applies, isn’t it all relative anyway? In the audio world, $1,500 is a modest price to pay for a world class DAC I suppose, but to most out there it’s a lot of money. But anyone who wants to take on digital music seriously, the 851D is so feature packed and flexible, it’s hard not to consider and there is a whole lot to love.“ Verkauf von privat. Ohne Garantie und Rücknahme. Der Versand kostet 11,- €. Den Cambridge DAC kann man auch in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg abholen und bei der Gelegenheit kurz testen. Ich löse meine umfangreiche Hifi-Sammlung auf. Habe 20 Jahre gesammelt, aber jetzt steht der Umzug und neue Interessen an. In den nächsten Wochen werde ich also noch einiges einstellen. Schaut dch nochmal vorbei oder meldet euch, wenn ihr etwas sucht. Falls ich was geeignetes habe, dann kann ich es einstellen. Technische Daten: D/A-Wandler: zwei AD1955 von Analog Devices digitale Audioeingänge: 2x S/PDIF 4x Toslink (optisch) 1x BNC 1x AES/EBU 1x Bluetooth für BT100 1x USB analoge Audioausgänge: 1x symmetrischer XLR-Anschluss 1x unsymmetrischer RCA-Anschluss 1x Kopfhörerausgang unterstützte Audioeingangssignale Audio über USB: 16 bis 24 Bit, 32 bis 192 kHz Toslink: 16 bis 24 Bit, 32 bis 96 kHz S/PDIF: 16 bis 24 Bit, 32 bis 192 kHz BNC: 16 bis 24 Bit, 32 bis 192 kHz AES/EBU: 16 bis 24 Bit, 32 bis 192 kHz Maße (H x B x T): 115 x 430 x 360 mm Gewicht 7,5kg

Cambridge Audio Sonata NP30 Netzwerkplayer mit Spotify Direkt wählbar

End: 05.08. 2023 17:35:01 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 216.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354941010032
  • Bids: 27
  • Seller: saragundi (1099|99.4%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pommersfelden Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 8,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ich verkaufe hier meinen CAMBRIDGE AUDIO SONATA NP30 Netzwerkplayer in Schwarz Das Gerät ist in einem sehr guten Zustand - siehe Bilder. Alles funktioniert einwandfrei. Ich verkaufe das Gerät nur, weil ich ein All-in-One Streaming Gerät habe und den NP30 nicht mehr benötige. Ein schöner kleiner Netzwerkstreamer, der jede Hifi-Anlage aufwertet und eine hohe Auflösung der Musik aus dem Heimnetzwerk, dem Internetradio oder per USB angeschlossene Medien bietet. DAS GERÄT KANN ALLE FUNKTIONEN ÜBER DIE KOSTENLOSE CAMBRIDGE CONNECT APP STEUERN (FÜR ANDROID UND IOS). Sie erhalten den NP30, die Fernbedienung, WLAN Antenne, Trigger Kabel, blauer Schutzbeutel, Originalverpackung und die Betriebsanleitung Artikelbeschreibung: Mit dem neuen Cambridge Audio Sonata NP30 Netzwerkplayer haben Sie garantiert jede Menge Spaß am Musikhören. Er überzeugt dank hervorragender Leistungsdaten, einer einfachen Bedienung und natürlich mit einem erstaunlichen Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Bei der Sonata-Serie handelt es sich um eine Baureihe, die aus Einzelkomponenten im Kompakt-Format besteht und so die individuelle Zusammenstellung einer Kompakt-Anlage mit überzeugenden Leistungsdaten erlaubt. Insofern passt der neue NP30 perfekt zu den anderen Sonata-Komponenten von Cambridge Audio. Der NP30 ist ausgesprochen hochwertig verarbeitet und präsentiert sich im edlen Metallgehäuse. An der Frontseite befindet sich ein großzügiges Display, das zahlreiche Bedienfunktionen anzeigt. Natürlich ist auch eine Fernbedienung im Lieferumfang enthalten, die den Zugriff auf alle Optionen erlaubt. Selbst bei umfangreichen Mediatheken garantiert die Fernbedienung eine komfortable Bedienung. Der NP30 kann Medien von verschiedenen Quelltypen empfangen und diese abspielen. Und natürlich haben Sie mit dem NP30 aber auch die Möglichkeit auf eine Vielzahl von Audio-Daten von lokalen Speichermedien oder direkt aus dem Internet zuzugreifen. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel folgende Dienste: UuVol Radio Der kostenlose Radioservice UuVol ist eine hauseigene Entwickung von Cambridge Audio und liefert Ihnen über die besten Internet-Radiostationen direkt ins Wohnzimmer. Derzeit sind mehr als 15000 Stationen verfügbar, Sie können aber auch jederzeit über die UuVol Webseite neu Stationen vorschlagen und sonstige Einstellungen für verschiedene UuVol-fähige Geräte verwalten sowie jede Menge Infos zu den Streaming-Diensten aufrufen. Streaming-Dienste Streaming-Dienste ähneln dem Internetradio nur mit dem Unterschied, dass Sie selbst ganz individuell entscheiden was gespielt werden soll - Beispiele für solche Dienste sind Spotify, Last.FM, Pandora, Rhapsody, Napster etc. Lokale Medien Dank der zwei USB Anschlüsse greift der NP30 auch auf Ihre auf USB-Sticks oder USB-Festplatte gespeicherten Dateien zu und gibt deren Inhalt wieder. Podcasts Speichern Sie Ihre persönlichen Podcast-Favoriten auf dem NP30 ab oder suchen im Podcast-Menü nach verschiedenen Podcasttypen, Themen oder Beliebtheit. Technische Daten DAC: Wolfson WM8728 24 Bit 96 kHz fähig THD+N: 0,003 % @ 1 kHz Übertragungsfunktion: 20 Hz - 20 kHz +/- 0,2 dB Signal-Rausch-Abstand: > 95 dB Gesamter korrelierter Jitter: < 200 pS Digitale Ausgänge: S/PDIF Co-axial and TOSLink Optical 16-24 Bits, 22.05-96kHz Audio-Formate: WAV containing uncompressed PCM 16-24 bit 32-96kHz, FLAC containing losslessly compressed PCM 16-24 bit 32-96kHz, AIFF containing uncompressed PCM 16 bit 32-48kHz, Microsoft® Windows MediaTM Audio (WMA 9 Standard) 32-320kbps, MP3 (CBR or VBR) 16-320kbps, AAC, HE AAC and AAC+ (CBR or VBR) 16-320kbps, Ogg Vorbis 32-320kbps Streaming-Protokolle: RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) MMS (Microsoft Media Server Protocol) HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) Playlists (Wiedergabeliste): ASX (Microsoft Playlist-Format), M3U, PLS Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 b / g or n Wi-Fi Verschlüsselung: WEP, WPA, WPA2 Ethernet: IEEE 802.3,10 Base-T or 100 Base-T USB: 2 x USB 1.1 current limited to 500mA each Dateisysteme: FAT32 Trigger In: 12V DC Netzwerkspannung: 120-240 VAC (switch mode) Standby-Stromverbrauch: <1W Standby-Stromverbrauch: 21W Maße (B x T x H): 67 x 270 x 285mm Gewicht: 2,1kg Testberichte AUDIO Februar 2012 Klangurteil: 100 Punkte Preis/Leistung: sehr gut Cambridge gelingt mit dem NP 30 ein außergewöhnlich lebendig klingender Netzwerkplayer. Wer nicht unbedingt Gapless und schnellen Vorlauf benötigt, wird diese beim Cambridge auch nicht vermissen. Alle anderen dürfen sich von seiner knackigen und zugleich gentleman-haft eleganten Wiedergabe verwöhnen lassen. HIFI DIGITAL November 2011 ohne Endnote Preis/Leistung: sehr gut (3 von 5 Sternen) Ein Ausstattungswunder ist er nicht, aber das, was er kann, macht er richtig gut: nämlich Musik übers Heimnetz streamen, auch in hoher Auflösung. Klanglich spielt er in seiner Preisklasse ziemlich weit vorn, und im Gegensatz zu etlichen Konkurrenzmodellen ist seine Bedienung ausgereift. HomeElectronics April 2012 Plus: knackig-lebendiger Klang; einfache Bedienung; Preis/Leistung.Minus: kein Vorlauf, kein Gaplesssoftware. Rechtliches„Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. „Die Haftung wegen Arglist und Vorsatz sowie auf Schadenersatz wegen Körperverletzungen sowie bei grober Fahrlässigkeit oder Vorsatz bleibt unberührt.“

Cambridge Audio Sonata NP30 Netzwerkplayer mit Spotify Direkt wählbar

End: 24.07. 2023 17:35:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 131.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354913828896
  • Bids: 35
  • Seller: saragundi (1093|98.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pommersfelden Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 8,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ich verkaufe hier meinen CAMBRIDGE AUDIO SONATA NP30 Netzwerkplayer in Silber Das Gerät ist in einem makellosen Zustand, alles funktioniert einwandfrei. Ich verkaufe das Gerät nur, weil ich ein All-in-One Streaming Gerät habe und den NP30 nicht mehr benötige. Ein schöner kleiner Netzwerkstreamer, der jede Hifi-Anlage aufwertet und eine hohe Auflösung der Musik aus dem Heimnetzwerk, dem Internetradio oder per USB angeschlossene Medien bietet. DAS GERÄT KANN ALLE FUNKTIONEN ÜBER DIE KOSTENLOSE CAMBRIDGE CONNECT APP STEUERN (FÜR ANDROID UND IOS). Sie erhalten den NP30, die Fernbedienung, WLAN Antenne, Trigger Kabel, blauer Schutzbeutel, Originalverpackung und die Betriebsanleitung Artikelbeschreibung: Mit dem neuen Cambridge Audio Sonata NP30 Netzwerkplayer haben Sie garantiert jede Menge Spaß am Musikhören. Er überzeugt dank hervorragender Leistungsdaten, einer einfachen Bedienung und natürlich mit einem erstaunlichen Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Bei der Sonata-Serie handelt es sich um eine Baureihe, die aus Einzelkomponenten im Kompakt-Format besteht und so die individuelle Zusammenstellung einer Kompakt-Anlage mit überzeugenden Leistungsdaten erlaubt. Insofern passt der neue NP30 perfekt zu den anderen Sonata-Komponenten von Cambridge Audio. Der NP30 ist ausgesprochen hochwertig verarbeitet und präsentiert sich im edlen Metallgehäuse. An der Frontseite befindet sich ein großzügiges Display, das zahlreiche Bedienfunktionen anzeigt. Natürlich ist auch eine Fernbedienung im Lieferumfang enthalten, die den Zugriff auf alle Optionen erlaubt. Selbst bei umfangreichen Mediatheken garantiert die Fernbedienung eine komfortable Bedienung. Der NP30 kann Medien von verschiedenen Quelltypen empfangen und diese abspielen. Und natürlich haben Sie mit dem NP30 aber auch die Möglichkeit auf eine Vielzahl von Audio-Daten von lokalen Speichermedien oder direkt aus dem Internet zuzugreifen. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel folgende Dienste: UuVol Radio Der kostenlose Radioservice UuVol ist eine hauseigene Entwickung von Cambridge Audio und liefert Ihnen über die besten Internet-Radiostationen direkt ins Wohnzimmer. Derzeit sind mehr als 15000 Stationen verfügbar, Sie können aber auch jederzeit über die UuVol Webseite neu Stationen vorschlagen und sonstige Einstellungen für verschiedene UuVol-fähige Geräte verwalten sowie jede Menge Infos zu den Streaming-Diensten aufrufen. Streaming-Dienste Streaming-Dienste ähneln dem Internetradio nur mit dem Unterschied, dass Sie selbst ganz individuell entscheiden was gespielt werden soll - Beispiele für solche Dienste sind Spotify, Last.FM, Pandora, Rhapsody, Napster etc. Lokale Medien Dank der zwei USB Anschlüsse greift der NP30 auch auf Ihre auf USB-Sticks oder USB-Festplatte gespeicherten Dateien zu und gibt deren Inhalt wieder. Podcasts Speichern Sie Ihre persönlichen Podcast-Favoriten auf dem NP30 ab oder suchen im Podcast-Menü nach verschiedenen Podcasttypen, Themen oder Beliebtheit. Technische Daten DAC: Wolfson WM8728 24 Bit 96 kHz fähig THD+N: 0,003 % @ 1 kHz Übertragungsfunktion: 20 Hz - 20 kHz +/- 0,2 dB Signal-Rausch-Abstand: > 95 dB Gesamter korrelierter Jitter: < 200 pS Digitale Ausgänge: S/PDIF Co-axial and TOSLink Optical 16-24 Bits, 22.05-96kHz Audio-Formate: WAV containing uncompressed PCM 16-24 bit 32-96kHz, FLAC containing losslessly compressed PCM 16-24 bit 32-96kHz, AIFF containing uncompressed PCM 16 bit 32-48kHz, Microsoft® Windows MediaTM Audio (WMA 9 Standard) 32-320kbps, MP3 (CBR or VBR) 16-320kbps, AAC, HE AAC and AAC+ (CBR or VBR) 16-320kbps, Ogg Vorbis 32-320kbps Streaming-Protokolle: RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) MMS (Microsoft Media Server Protocol) HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) Playlists (Wiedergabeliste): ASX (Microsoft Playlist-Format), M3U, PLS Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 b / g or n Wi-Fi Verschlüsselung: WEP, WPA, WPA2 Ethernet: IEEE 802.3,10 Base-T or 100 Base-T USB: 2 x USB 1.1 current limited to 500mA each Dateisysteme: FAT32 Trigger In: 12V DC Netzwerkspannung: 120-240 VAC (switch mode) Standby-Stromverbrauch: <1W Standby-Stromverbrauch: 21W Maße (B x T x H): 67 x 270 x 285mm Gewicht: 2,1kg Testberichte AUDIO Februar 2012 Klangurteil: 100 Punkte Preis/Leistung: sehr gut Cambridge gelingt mit dem NP 30 ein außergewöhnlich lebendig klingender Netzwerkplayer. Wer nicht unbedingt Gapless und schnellen Vorlauf benötigt, wird diese beim Cambridge auch nicht vermissen. Alle anderen dürfen sich von seiner knackigen und zugleich gentleman-haft eleganten Wiedergabe verwöhnen lassen. HIFI DIGITAL November 2011 ohne Endnote Preis/Leistung: sehr gut (3 von 5 Sternen) Ein Ausstattungswunder ist er nicht, aber das, was er kann, macht er richtig gut: nämlich Musik übers Heimnetz streamen, auch in hoher Auflösung. Klanglich spielt er in seiner Preisklasse ziemlich weit vorn, und im Gegensatz zu etlichen Konkurrenzmodellen ist seine Bedienung ausgereift. HomeElectronics April 2012 Plus: knackig-lebendiger Klang; einfache Bedienung; Preis/Leistung.Minus: kein Vorlauf, kein Gaplesssoftware. Rechtliches„Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. „Die Haftung wegen Arglist und Vorsatz sowie auf Schadenersatz wegen Körperverletzungen sowie bei grober Fahrlässigkeit oder Vorsatz bleibt unberührt.“

Cambridge Audio Sonata NP-30 Netzwerkplayer Internetradio, schwarz Fernbedienung

End: 23.07. 2023 17:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 129.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204398597548
  • Bids: 9
  • Seller: hasenkatze2014 (263|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ingolstadt Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio Sonata NP-30 Netzwerkplayer Internetradio, schwarz, mit Fernbedienung. Gerät gebraucht, aber in sehr guten Zustand.

Input Output PCB Board For Cambridge Audio Azur 751R AV Receiver Amplifier

End: 15.07. 2023 01:13:47 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 31.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404349563455
  • Seller: priceattackshop (264586|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Watford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Be sure to check out our other items.Come to our Store Please note that this item will only work with the specified unit mentioned. This item has been removed from a Fully Working item and is covered with our Free 30 Day Warranty. If you should encounter any problems using this part please message us via eBay immediately and we will do our best to help you correctly identify the fault you have.These are all the details/ specifications we know, if you require further details please surf the web for full specifications and reviews. The pictures supplied are stock photos only, you will receive an identical part, although there may be some minor colour and/or cosmetic variance to the one shown hereNo drivers (if applicable) or other accessies included unless shown in the pictures or specifically stated.These parts should only be installed by an experienced technician, Green Resource Recycling (GRR) Limiteds liabilities are limited to the purchase and postage cost of the item purchased only, GRR accept no responsibility or liability for any other cost, damage or injury incurred Stock#: FTP/01899RCS TV parts z118 Terms Of Sale WARRANTY: All items unless stated otherwise carry a 30 day warranty. All manufacturer warranties, obligations and liabilities are voidIf there’s an issue with your order please contact us with an eBay message to see if we can resolve the issue without you having to open an eBay return request. If you do need to return your order please ensure it is packed safely with everything included, plus a short note describing the issue & reference/item number Postage and Packaging We use APC Overnight and Royal Mail to get your goods quickly and safely to your doorstep. All 24hr orders paid for before 2PM weekdays will be dispatched the same day. You will always be informed of the dispatch via eBay. Tracking is uploaded onto eBay when the label is generatedCollection in person is available on for all our listings. When collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completedPallet shipping where available is a Kerbside Drop Service Only. It is recommended that you have someone to help unload at the time of delivery. Please provide a mobile number to help avoid your delivery being delayed Contact Info & Opening Hours The best way to contact us is with an eBay message, we do not reply to e-mails. When sending a message with a question or referring to your order please ensure you send the message from the actual contact seller link from the Running Listing or your Purchase HistoryOPENING/COLLECTION TIMES: We are open Monday-Friday 10-4 (closed between 1-2 for lunch). We are closed Weekends and Bank Holidays. Collection in person is available on for all our listingsWhen collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completed Return Policy If you have a problem with your order, please contact us via the Contact Seller link in your Purchase History and we promise always to do our absolute upmost to rectify any issue you may haveIf we cant get the issue resolved and you need to return your order, please open an eBay Return Request. This can be accessed from your Purchase History FAQ Is collection in person available on any of your items? Collection in person is available on for all our listings. When collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completed Ive placed an order by mistake, can I cancel? Please click this link How buyers can cancel an order | eBay I have received an order but no longer want it, can I return it? Yes, you may return it for a refund, if returned in the same condition we sent it. To begin the return process, open an eBay Return Request, this can be found in your Purchase History Can you offer combined shipping if I make more than 1 purchase? We are happy to combine the shipping for multiple orders but to do so you need to contact us before completing Checkout. Once Checkout is completed the invoice becomes fixed and the only way that we could combine would be to cancel the orders and start again Can I change the delivery address for my order? When completing checkout make sure the shipping address and contact information is correctIf you have made an error when checking out please send an eBay message and we will try to rectify this for you I havent received my order yet, where is it? If your orders estimated delivery date has passed then please contact us by clicking the Contact Us link in your purchase history, we will then find out the status of your order. Depending on the shipping service selected, we will (where applicable) upload tracking information. During peak periods there may be a delay with delivery when the courier is exceptionally busy (i.e Christmas and public holidays). Extreme weather may also cause delivery delays Do I have to pay the postage cost if I collect the item(s)? No, you can collect during our opening hours Do you ship internationally? No, UK Mainland only Do you have more detailed information on this item? All the information available for this listing is in the Item Specifics & Full Description Is there a manual/original box/accessories etc with the item? Only if stated in the description or shown in the pictures sp -->

Cambridge Audio Sonata NP30 Network Player

End: 14.07. 2023 17:25:46 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 184.94 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 185907719017
  • Seller: g7-audio-visual (1210|96.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leicester Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 43,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Full working order. We will ship worldwide contact for prices. 80% of our items sell within 2 weeks of being listed so be quick. We are hi fi dealers see our other hi fi items. Terms & Conditions The photos are part of the description you will get what you see in the photos - nothing more, nothing less. If an accessory is not shown assume it is NOT included. Eg, accessories such as remote control/ speaker covers/ cables etc. The condition of an item is as photographed - we take photos of items from all angles so study the photos carefully. As our items are used we are unsure if any accessories are missing from when the item was new. Returns are NOT accepted on items that are described as faulty or untested due to unauthorised repairs. If an item is to be returned the buyer will pay return shipping. A refund will be issued after the item has been inspected. We do NOT pack orders on weekends. We dispatch orders within 5 working days, we are very busy and our items are large and heavy which require a big packing job that can take up to an hour, some times longer. This is not Amazon where a small item will be slipped in to an envelope and dispatched the same day. Some items sent in more than one box such as a pair of speakers may arrive at different days, usually a few days later. We try to include power leads but not always as the metal part of the plug increases the risk of damage especially when there is less space in the box. Also when shipping outside the UK we do not include power leads as it will have the wrong plug. Kettle power leads and 2 pin leads are available on ebay very cheap if you dont already have them in your home. If you are not happy with your purchase contact us in the first instance so we can resolve or arrange a return, leaving negative feedback does not resolve any thing. Allow us up to 48 hours to respond to messages we get a lot of messages.

Cambridge Audio Topaz AM1 Integrated Amplifier CD/Aux/ BD DVD Tape input Working

End: 10.07. 2023 10:22:48 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 58.23 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256077832427
  • Seller: fatlip74 (13146|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: ware, Hertfordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 41,32 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio Topaz AM1 Amp Integrated Amplifier Used working condition This model never came with a remote No phono stage or dedicated phono input and no gnd connector necessary for most record players Tested with a CD player and a tuner. Also tested with a tape deck. No dedicated tape inputs however there is a rec out input next to BD/DVD input. These can used as the tape playback and rec out inputs, tested and working well. Does come though slightly quieter than the other inputs. Aux input also tested using a CD player Some small knocks to top front edge and some small marks to left front edge of unit and a couple of small marks to bottom edge Some scratches and marks to top and sides of unit a few quite deep Colour black Fitted with a hardwired Uk mains power lead Unit measures 43cm across the front x 8.5cm high approx x 30.5cm deep (34.5cm deep approx if you include the knob on the front and connectors on the rear) Used working condition, this model never came with a remote Please see my feedback and other listings

Cambridge Audio Sonata NP30 Netzwerkplayer in OVP

End: 09.07. 2023 20:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 154.63 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175798774442
  • Bids: 19
  • Seller: the-duc (138|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ich verkaufe hier einen Cambridge Audio NP30 Network Player der Sonata Reihe aus einem tierfreien Nichtraucherhaushalt. Ich biete außerdem einen Cambridge Audio Sonata AR30 Receiver und einen CD30 CD Player (siehe Link Weitere Artikel ansehen) an. Technische Daten:DAC: Wolfson WM8728 24 Bit 96 kHz fähigTHD+N: 0,003 % @ 1 kHzÜbertragungsfunktion: 20 Hz - 20 kHz +/- 0,2 dBSignal-Rausch-Abstand: > 95 dBGesamter korrelierter Jitter: < 200 pSDigitale Ausgänge: S/PDIF Co-axial and TOSLink Optical 16-24 Bits, 22.05-96kHzAudio-Formate: WAV containing uncompressed PCM 16-24 bit 32-96kHz, FLAC containing losslessly compressed PCM 16-24 bit 32-96kHz, AIFF containing uncompressed PCM 16 bit 32-48kHz, Microsoft® Windows MediaTM Audio (WMA 9 Standard) 32-320kbps,MP3 (CBR or VBR) 16-320kbps,AAC, HE AAC and AAC+ (CBR or VBR) 16-320kbps,Ogg Vorbis 32-320kbpsStreaming-Protokolle: RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol), MMS (Microsoft Media Server Protocol), HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), SpotifyPlaylists (Wiedergabeliste): ASX (Microsoft Playlist-Format), M3U, PLSWi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 b / g or nWi-Fi Verschlüsselung: WEP, WPA, WPA2Ethernet: IEEE 802.3,10 Base-T or 100 Base-TUSB: 2 x USB 1.1 current limited to 500mA eachDateisysteme: FAT32Trigger In: 12V DCNetzwerkspannung: 120-240 VAC (switch mode)Standby-Stromverbrauch: <1WStandby-Stromverbrauch: 21WMaße (B x T x H): 67 x 270 x 285mmGewicht: 2,1kgIch bitte um Einhaltung folgender Regeln beim Bieten:Bitte alle Fragen vor dem Kauf klären.Bitte nicht nach Sofort-Kaufen fragen.Please do not ask about international bidding/shipping.Da ich Privatverkäufer bin, schließe ich eine Rücknahme, Gewährleistung oder Garantie aus. Sollten Unklarheiten bestehen, bitte ich Sie, mir vor einem Gebot eine Nachricht zur Klärung zu schreiben. Bitte bieten Sie nur mit, wenn Sie mit diesen Bedingungen einverstanden sind.

Cambridge Audio Input Control PCB Board

End: 26.06. 2023 12:35:34 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.49 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235056574237
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: 2.2digitalarts (162|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Leicester Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 1,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio Input Control PCB Board. Removed from a Cambridge Audio A300 AmplifierIn good used condition and as far as I know in fully working. Has some minor scratches and marks of used. Please see pictures carefully for condition.

Input Output PCB Board For Cambridge Audio Azur 751R AV Receiver Amplifier

End: 25.06. 2023 04:58:24 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 33.29 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385661002283
  • Seller: priceattackshop (264437|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Watford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Be sure to check out our other items.Come to our Store Please note that this item will only work with the specified unit mentioned. This item has been removed from a Fully Working item and is covered with our Free 30 Day Warranty. If you should encounter any problems using this part please message us via eBay immediately and we will do our best to help you correctly identify the fault you have.These are all the details/ specifications we know, if you require further details please surf the web for full specifications and reviews. The pictures supplied are stock photos only, you will receive an identical part, although there may be some minor colour and/or cosmetic variance to the one shown hereNo drivers (if applicable) or other accessies included unless shown in the pictures or specifically stated.These parts should only be installed by an experienced technician, Green Resource Recycling (GRR) Limiteds liabilities are limited to the purchase and postage cost of the item purchased only, GRR accept no responsibility or liability for any other cost, damage or injury incurred Stock#: FTP/01899RCS TV parts z118 Terms Of Sale WARRANTY: All items unless stated otherwise carry a 30 day warranty. All manufacturer warranties, obligations and liabilities are voidIf there’s an issue with your order please contact us with an eBay message to see if we can resolve the issue without you having to open an eBay return request. If you do need to return your order please ensure it is packed safely with everything included, plus a short note describing the issue & reference/item number Postage and Packaging We use APC Overnight and Royal Mail to get your goods quickly and safely to your doorstep. All 24hr orders paid for before 2PM weekdays will be dispatched the same day. You will always be informed of the dispatch via eBay. Tracking is uploaded onto eBay when the label is generatedCollection in person is available on for all our listings. When collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completedPallet shipping where available is a Kerbside Drop Service Only. It is recommended that you have someone to help unload at the time of delivery. Please provide a mobile number to help avoid your delivery being delayed Contact Info & Opening Hours The best way to contact us is with an eBay message, we do not reply to e-mails. When sending a message with a question or referring to your order please ensure you send the message from the actual contact seller link from the Running Listing or your Purchase HistoryOPENING/COLLECTION TIMES: We are open Monday-Friday 10-4 (closed between 1-2 for lunch). We are closed Weekends and Bank Holidays. Collection in person is available on for all our listingsWhen collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completed Return Policy If you have a problem with your order, please contact us via the Contact Seller link in your Purchase History and we promise always to do our absolute upmost to rectify any issue you may haveIf we cant get the issue resolved and you need to return your order, please open an eBay Return Request. This can be accessed from your Purchase History FAQ Is collection in person available on any of your items? Collection in person is available on for all our listings. When collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completed Ive placed an order by mistake, can I cancel? Please click this link How buyers can cancel an order | eBay I have received an order but no longer want it, can I return it? Yes, you may return it for a refund, if returned in the same condition we sent it. To begin the return process, open an eBay Return Request, this can be found in your Purchase History Can you offer combined shipping if I make more than 1 purchase? We are happy to combine the shipping for multiple orders but to do so you need to contact us before completing Checkout. Once Checkout is completed the invoice becomes fixed and the only way that we could combine would be to cancel the orders and start again Can I change the delivery address for my order? When completing checkout make sure the shipping address and contact information is correctIf you have made an error when checking out please send an eBay message and we will try to rectify this for you I havent received my order yet, where is it? If your orders estimated delivery date has passed then please contact us by clicking the Contact Us link in your purchase history, we will then find out the status of your order. Depending on the shipping service selected, we will (where applicable) upload tracking information. During peak periods there may be a delay with delivery when the courier is exceptionally busy (i.e Christmas and public holidays). Extreme weather may also cause delivery delays Do I have to pay the postage cost if I collect the item(s)? No, you can collect during our opening hours Do you ship internationally? No, UK Mainland only Do you have more detailed information on this item? All the information available for this listing is in the Item Specifics & Full Description Is there a manual/original box/accessories etc with the item? Only if stated in the description or shown in the pictures sp -->

Amplifier Cambridge Audio Topaz AM1 150W Integrated With DAB/DVD/CD/AUX Input

End: 19.06. 2023 18:32:06 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 52.13 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195823535242
  • Seller: joff077 (2444|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Woodford Green Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 32,06 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Amplifier Cambridge Audio Topaz AM1 150W Integrated With DAB/DVD/CD/AUX Input Fully tested & working. Overall good clean condition with a few minor marks & scratch to top. Please see pictures to show what exactly is included and the condition more clearly. Please check all of the photos uploaded for the best idea of condition. I always do my best to ensure every angle and any possible defect is covered. **ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE MESSAGE BEFORE BIDDING OR BUYING** POSTAGE For Northern Ireland, Highlands and Islands Please ask for a postage quote before purchase If two or more items are purchased combined shipping is available. I always aim to post my items 1-2 working days after payment has been received. During busy periods this can be pushed to 2-3 days. All of my items are sent fully tracked for safe and secure delivery. I often use recycled packaging materials to keep my costs down and be a little eco-friendly. The eBay global shipping programme International price stated covers worldwide recorded shipping. I can also provide accurate alternative estimates for your specific country. Please don’t hesitate to contact me. RETURNS In the unlikely circumstance that the item arrives not as described or damaged in transit, I am more than happy to receive the item back to check over before sending a full refund. Please always contact me first as I’m always happy to assist in any way I can. If for some reason you would like to return the item because you have changed your mind, the item must be returned within 14 days of receiving and in the original condition it was sent. I must insist that these returns do not cover refund of returning postage cost. THANKS FOR LOOKING & HAPPY EBAYING

Cambridge Audio Azur 340A Integrated Amplifier 6 Inputs GWO UK FREE POST

End: 18.06. 2023 17:41:15 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 69.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175768258407
  • Seller: robinsons-northwalsham (5355|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: North Walsham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio Azur 340A SE Integrated Amplifier Nice example of a Cambridge amplifier it has been fully tested on all inputs and performs faultlessly. Comes complete with an IEC mains cable. Cosmetic condition is good but it does have some minor marks and scratches, to be expected of a used item, please see pictures. Lifted from the Richer sounds website : Welcome to the latest addition to the multi-awarding winning Cambridge Audio Azur range. The Azur 340A SE features all thats great about the Azur range in a low cost package. At the heart of this amp is a newly designed circuitry with exceptionally low levels of noise and distortion. An oversized, lowflux, toroidal power transformer boosts power over the standard 340A, to a credible 45 watts per channel. As before, the 340ASE benefits from the typically solid build of Cambridge Audio. The case features anti-vibration panelling and is fronted with a genuine aluminium front panel. In addition to the thorough internal modifications, the Azur 340A SE now has the added advantage of a front-mounted mini-jack. This is ideal for plugging in an iPod/MP3 player, without having to fumble around with wires at the back of the machine. As ever, the spec gives nothing away and takes in 5 inputs, a tape loop, headphone socket, defeatable tone controls and 2 pairs of speaker outlets. With an unmatched level of audio engineering at its price, first class build quality, and all the features youre likely to need, the Cambridge Audio Azur 340A SE looks set to take the market by storm. Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 400 x 140 x 520 Any other questions ?........Just mail me Terms and conditionsPlease Note we DO NOT use Evri for deliveries only Royal mail for smaller parcels, UPS for big ones via Paklink & DHL for 24 Hour delivery.If it doesn’t mention it in the description such as, manual, cable, remote etc. then it won’t be included.Please note the watts on the back of an amplifier is how much electricity the amp consumes and has nothing to do with the power outputParcels can be tracked via Ebay or next day. 24-hour parcel’s must be paid before 9 AM otherwise the parcel will be sent the following day, If paid late on a Friday or on Saturday or Sunday it won’t go out until the Monday.There are no 24 hour deliveries to Highlands and Islands and other UK Post Codes, if unsure please email firstPayment options PayPal only except larger items when cash on collection is available. Returns and warrantiesReturn PolicyWe hope that you will be pleased with your purchases from Robinsons North Walsham However, there may be occasions when you will need to return items to us.Items Damaged in TransitIf any items were damaged in transit, we ask that you report it to us within 3 working days.If the items are visibly damaged on receipt, its best to sign the carriers delivery note accordingly.We will arrange collection (UK mainland only, not all UK mainland post codes sorry, cannot collect from out of area post codes, I’m sure you know If your post code is classed as out of area, the item will need to be returned at buyers cost).Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation.Once received back, well issue a full refund to you via your original payment method.Items Faulty on Arrival and Items Faulty in 30-day Warranty Period (this does not include any faults listed in the description or items sold as faulty for spares or repair, these are not returnable)If your items are faulty on arrival, please inform us as soon as possible and let us know what the fault is.We will arrange collection (UK mainland only, not all UK mainland post codes sorry, we cannot collect from out of area post codes, I’m sure you know If your post code is classed as out of area, the item will need to be return at buyers cost).Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation.Once we have verified the fault, well issue a full refund to you via your original payment method.We test returned items, and if a returned item is found not to be faulty we will deduct return postage costs from the refund.We security mark all items and keep a record of serial numbers so if a different item is returned as faulty we will report it to Ebay and involve the local police as this is classed as fraud and can carry a custodial sentence.

Cambridge Audio Input Control PCB Board

End: 12.06. 2023 12:34:28 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.54 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235038658930
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: 2.2digitalarts (159|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Leicester Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 1,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio Input Control PCB Board. Removed from a Cambridge Audio A300 AmplifierIn good used condition and as far as I know in fully working. Has some minor scratches and marks of used. Please see pictures carefully for condition.

cambridge audio Network player & Receiver - NP30-B & AR30-B

End: 08.06. 2023 11:04:35 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 125.11 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235029890512
  • Bids: 19
  • Seller: christine1211purple (20|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Abingdon Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    cambridge audio Network player & Receiver - NP30-B & AR30-B. Used but not recently. Boxes provided Remote controls included

Input Output PCB Board For Cambridge Audio Azur 751R AV Receiver Amplifier

End: 05.06. 2023 08:40:36 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 35.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385617562858
  • Seller: priceattackshop (264020|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Watford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Be sure to check out our other items.Come to our Store Please note that this item will only work with the specified unit mentioned. This item has been removed from a Fully Working item and is covered with our Free 30 Day Warranty. If you should encounter any problems using this part please message us via eBay immediately and we will do our best to help you correctly identify the fault you have.These are all the details/ specifications we know, if you require further details please surf the web for full specifications and reviews. The pictures supplied are stock photos only, you will receive an identical part, although there may be some minor colour and/or cosmetic variance to the one shown hereNo drivers (if applicable) or other accessies included unless shown in the pictures or specifically stated.These parts should only be installed by an experienced technician, Green Resource Recycling (GRR) Limiteds liabilities are limited to the purchase and postage cost of the item purchased only, GRR accept no responsibility or liability for any other cost, damage or injury incurred Stock#: FTP/01899RCS TV parts z118 Terms Of Sale WARRANTY: All items unless stated otherwise carry a 30 day warranty. All manufacturer warranties, obligations and liabilities are voidIf there’s an issue with your order please contact us with an eBay message to see if we can resolve the issue without you having to open an eBay return request. If you do need to return your order please ensure it is packed safely with everything included, plus a short note describing the issue & reference/item number Postage and Packaging We use APC Overnight and Royal Mail to get your goods quickly and safely to your doorstep. All 24hr orders paid for before 2PM weekdays will be dispatched the same day. You will always be informed of the dispatch via eBay. Tracking is uploaded onto eBay when the label is generatedCollection in person is available on for all our listings. When collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completedPallet shipping where available is a Kerbside Drop Service Only. It is recommended that you have someone to help unload at the time of delivery. Please provide a mobile number to help avoid your delivery being delayed Contact Info & Opening Hours The best way to contact us is with an eBay message, we do not reply to e-mails. When sending a message with a question or referring to your order please ensure you send the message from the actual contact seller link from the Running Listing or your Purchase HistoryOPENING/COLLECTION TIMES: We are open Monday-Friday 10-4 (closed between 1-2 for lunch). We are closed Weekends and Bank Holidays. Collection in person is available on for all our listingsWhen collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completed Return Policy If you have a problem with your order, please contact us via the Contact Seller link in your Purchase History and we promise always to do our absolute upmost to rectify any issue you may haveIf we cant get the issue resolved and you need to return your order, please open an eBay Return Request. This can be accessed from your Purchase History FAQ Is collection in person available on any of your items? Collection in person is available on for all our listings. When collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completed Ive placed an order by mistake, can I cancel? Please click this link How buyers can cancel an order | eBay I have received an order but no longer want it, can I return it? Yes, you may return it for a refund, if returned in the same condition we sent it. To begin the return process, open an eBay Return Request, this can be found in your Purchase History Can you offer combined shipping if I make more than 1 purchase? We are happy to combine the shipping for multiple orders but to do so you need to contact us before completing Checkout. Once Checkout is completed the invoice becomes fixed and the only way that we could combine would be to cancel the orders and start again Can I change the delivery address for my order? When completing checkout make sure the shipping address and contact information is correctIf you have made an error when checking out please send an eBay message and we will try to rectify this for you I havent received my order yet, where is it? If your orders estimated delivery date has passed then please contact us by clicking the Contact Us link in your purchase history, we will then find out the status of your order. Depending on the shipping service selected, we will (where applicable) upload tracking information. During peak periods there may be a delay with delivery when the courier is exceptionally busy (i.e Christmas and public holidays). Extreme weather may also cause delivery delays Do I have to pay the postage cost if I collect the item(s)? No, you can collect during our opening hours Do you ship internationally? No, UK Mainland only Do you have more detailed information on this item? All the information available for this listing is in the Item Specifics & Full Description Is there a manual/original box/accessories etc with the item? Only if stated in the description or shown in the pictures sp -->

Cambridge Audio Azur 351A Integrated Amplifier - USB & Aux Input - GWO

End: 22.05. 2023 12:47:29 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 151.15 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266267060219
  • Seller: hestias_hifi_treasures (2377|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: LONDON Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 30,67 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    UNIT IS IN USED CONDITION. TESTED & WORKING. NO REMOTE INCLUDED BUT FULLY FUNCTIONAL WITHOUT ONE. EXCELLENT HIGH QUALITY AMP. AMAZING SOUND. GOOD WORKING ORDER. USB AND AUX INPUT CONNECTIONS ALONG WITH STANDARD RCA INPUTS. COSMETICALLY SOME RUBS / MARKS / SIGNS OF USE. CONSULT PHOTOS FOR EXACT AMP YOU WILL RECEIVE. TESTED & WORKING. USED CONDITION SpecificationsPower output: 45 watts per channel into 8? (stereo)Frequency response: 5Hz to 50kHzTotal harmonic distortion: 0.15%Signal to noise ratio: 92dB (line)Speaker load impedance: 4? (minimum)Digital inputs: USBDimensions: 430 X 86 X 340mmWeight: 6kgFinish: black

Cambridge Audio Azur 340A Integrated Amplifier 6 Inputs GWO UK FREE POST

End: 20.05. 2023 16:29:12 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 70.07 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175729658752
  • Seller: robinsons-northwalsham (5317|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: North Walsham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 20,22 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio Azur 340A SE Integrated Amplifier Nice example of a Cambridge amplifier it has been fully tested on all inputs and performs faultlessly. Comes complete with the original remote control and an IEC mains cable. Cosmetic condition is good but it does have some minor marks and scratches, to be expected of a used item, please see pictures. Lifted from the Richer sounds website : Welcome to the latest addition to the multi-awarding winning Cambridge Audio Azur range. The Azur 340A SE features all thats great about the Azur range in a low cost package. At the heart of this amp is a newly designed circuitry with exceptionally low levels of noise and distortion. An oversized, lowflux, toroidal power transformer boosts power over the standard 340A, to a credible 45 watts per channel. As before, the 340ASE benefits from the typically solid build of Cambridge Audio. The case features anti-vibration panelling and is fronted with a genuine aluminium front panel. In addition to the thorough internal modifications, the Azur 340A SE now has the added advantage of a front-mounted mini-jack. This is ideal for plugging in an iPod/MP3 player, without having to fumble around with wires at the back of the machine. As ever, the spec gives nothing away and takes in 5 inputs, a tape loop, headphone socket, defeatable tone controls and 2 pairs of speaker outlets. Youll also find a full and comprehensive Azur remote control thrown in. With an unmatched level of audio engineering at its price, first class build quality, and all the features youre likely to need, the Cambridge Audio Azur 340A SE looks set to take the market by storm. Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 400 x 140 x 520 Any other questions ?........Just mail me Terms and conditionsPlease Note we DO NOT use Evri for deliveries only Royal mail for smaller parcels, UPS for big ones via Paklink & DHL for 24 Hour delivery.If it doesn’t mention it in the description such as, manual, cable, remote etc. then it won’t be included.Please note the watts on the back of an amplifier is how much electricity the amp consumes and has nothing to do with the power outputParcels can be tracked via Ebay or next day. 24-hour parcel’s must be paid before 9 AM otherwise the parcel will be sent the following day, If paid late on a Friday or on Saturday or Sunday it won’t go out until the Monday.There are no 24 hour deliveries to Highlands and Islands and other UK Post Codes, if unsure please email firstPayment options PayPal only except larger items when cash on collection is available. Returns and warrantiesReturn PolicyWe hope that you will be pleased with your purchases from Robinsons North Walsham However, there may be occasions when you will need to return items to us.Items Damaged in TransitIf any items were damaged in transit, we ask that you report it to us within 3 working days.If the items are visibly damaged on receipt, its best to sign the carriers delivery note accordingly.We will arrange collection (UK mainland only, not all UK mainland post codes sorry, cannot collect from out of area post codes, I’m sure you know If your post code is classed as out of area, the item will need to be returned at buyers cost).Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation.Once received back, well issue a full refund to you via your original payment method.Items Faulty on Arrival and Items Faulty in 30-day Warranty Period (this does not include any faults listed in the description or items sold as faulty for spares or repair, these are not returnable)If your items are faulty on arrival, please inform us as soon as possible and let us know what the fault is.We will arrange collection (UK mainland only, not all UK mainland post codes sorry, we cannot collect from out of area post codes, I’m sure you know If your post code is classed as out of area, the item will need to be return at buyers cost).Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation.Once we have verified the fault, well issue a full refund to you via your original payment method.We test returned items, and if a returned item is found not to be faulty we will deduct return postage costs from the refund.We security mark all items and keep a record of serial numbers so if a different item is returned as faulty we will report it to Ebay and involve the local police as this is classed as fraud and can carry a custodial sentence.

Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10v2 Amplifier - 85 Watts Per Channel - Phono Input

End: 14.05. 2023 11:59:57 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 115.2 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 304914284464
  • Seller: keepaar (790|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Huddersfield Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10 Amplifier - 85 Watts Per Channel - Phono Input. Really excellent condition, including remote and original box I purchased this new July 2020 from cambridge Audio Direct I am selling other cambridge audio separates please take a look

Cambridge Audio A1Mk3 V0.2 Input board

End: 29.09. 2021 06:00:44 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.51 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 114877031761
  • Counter: 101
  • Seller: syro_200 (323|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Reading Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Cambridge Audio Dacmagic 1 DAC Upgraded with USB Input and Balanced Valve Output

End: 26.09. 2021 13:53:46 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 173.96 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 284457704642
  • Counter: 131
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: vold21 (4563|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 32,8 EUR
  • on EBAY

Cambridge Audio A500 Stereo Integrated Amplifier Hi-Fi Separate 5 Line Inputs

End: 09.09. 2021 14:31:58 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 140.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 224472518589
  • Counter: 737
  • Seller: rach-connor26 (319|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wolverhampton Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 18,31 EUR
  • on EBAY

Cambridge Audio Azur 540A Stereo Integrated Amplifier Black RCA inputs

End: 02.09. 2021 18:05:50 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 138.68 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 324770075819
  • Counter: 79
  • Seller: tech-woot (1097|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Westcliff-on-Sea Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 11,99 EUR
  • on EBAY

Cambridge Audio Azur 340C Conpact Disc CD Player Unit Black

End: 30.08. 2021 13:47:36 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 34.98 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 265281182957
  • Counter: 142
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: ki-ceci (1004|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ramsey Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 26,76 EUR
  • on EBAY