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Carte ballast EUC 190D N/T05 pour vidéoprojecteur BENQ MS513

End: 17.12. 2023 23:32:22 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 75.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: T22:26:13
  • Item number: 354921965387
  • Seller: central-electroparts (148|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Jarry Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 20,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AVANT DACHETER : il est courant pour les néophytes de se tromper de diagnostic. Les pannes de carte ballast produisent soit une absence de toute image / soit une image qui se coupe toute seul (le son continue de jouer), soit encore un vidéoprojecteur qui se met en protection. Il est possible de se tromper dans le cas où le vidéoprojecteur ne sallume pas mais avec le témoin de veille actif, car ce défaut peut également être causé par un problème sur la carte principale ou la carte dalimentation. Il est également possible de se tromper dans le cas où le vidéoprojecteur ne donne aucune image, car ce défaut peut également être causé par un problème sur la lampe ou le bloc de projection ou la roue chromatique. Dans les cas suivants, par exemple, CE NEST PAS votre carte ballast : vidéoprojecteur affiche moucheté (cest votre bloc de projection) / vidéoprojecteur qui ne sallume pas mais qui envoie quand même un signal avec le témoin de veille qui clignote (cest votre carte principale ou votre ventilateur) / vidéoprojecteur qui redémarre en boucle sur le logo de démarrage (cest votre carte principale) Le remplacement dune carte ballast demande du temps car une bonne partie du vidéoprojecteur doit être démontée. Ne vous lancez pas dans cette opération si vous nêtes pas sûr dy parvenir. En cas de doute, nhésitez pas à nous écrire AVANT LACHAT pour nous parler de votre panne et de votre modèle de vidéoprojecteur. Toutes les cartes proposées sont fonctionnelles, merci de bien diagnostiquer la panne, bien vérifier la référence de la carte et celle du vidéoprojecteur (ne pas commander pour une autre marque ou modèle), assurez-vous que, les connectiques et les branchements sont identiques. Carte ballast susceptible de convenir également à dautres marques ou modèles non-listés _________________________________________________________________________ Questo prodotto è una scheda di alimentazione [ EUC 190D N/T05 ] per videoproiettore BENQ MS513 / testata e funzionante / Te lo invieremo con piacere dalla Francia allItalia. Se hai una domanda, puoi inviarci un messaggio in italiano. _________________________________________________________________________ Este producto es una placa de alimentación [ EUC 190D N/T05 ] para video proyector BENQ MS513 / probada y funcionanda / Con gusto se lo enviaremos de Francia a España. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede enviarnos un mensaje en español. _________________________________________________________________________ Het product is een voedingskaart [ EUC 190D N/T05 ] voor BENQ MS513 projector / werkend en getest / we verzenden het graag voor u van Frankrijk naar Nederland of België. Als je vragen hebt, stuur ons dan een bericht in het Nederlands. _________________________________________________________________________ Das Produkt ist eine Netzteilplatine [ EUC 190D N/T05 ] für BENQ MS513 Projektor / funktionsfähig & getestet /Wir versenden es aus Frankreich gerne für Sie nach Deutschland oder Österreich. Bei Fragen senden Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht auf Deutsch. _________________________________________________________________________ This product is a power supply board [ EUC 190D N/T05 ] for BENQ MS513 video projector / tested & working / We will gladly send it from France to your country (for Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, France, Italy and Spain). If you have any question, you can message us in English

Remote Control: for BENQ Projector MP622, PB6115, MS513P-V, MS614, MX615+, MX660

End: 30.11. 2023 09:41:06 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 11.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:52:59
  • Item number: 225843357268
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Avondale,AZ,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This wireless remote control is designed for use with the BenQ MP622, PB6115, MS513P-V, MS614, MX615+, and MX660 projectors. It offers a wireless range of 5-10 meters and is compatible with the gray-colored units. The remote control is a unit quantity of one from China and has features like wireless connectivity that allows you to control your projector from a distance. The remote control is also compatible with the For BenQ brand and type of remote control. The year of manufacture is unknown, but it does not have a California Prop 65 Warning. The manufacturer does not provide a warranty.

Remote Control: for BENQ Projector MP622, PB6115, MS513P-V, MS614, MX615+, MX660

End: 18.11. 2023 19:46:21 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 14.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:3:7
  • Item number: 225824585772
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Avondale,AZ,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This wireless remote control is designed for use with the BenQ MP622, PB6115, MS513P-V, MS614, MX615+, and MX660 projectors. It offers a wireless range of 5-10 meters and is compatible with the gray-colored units. The remote control is a unit quantity of one from China and has features like wireless connectivity that allows you to control your projector from a distance. The remote control is also compatible with the For BenQ brand and type of remote control. The year of manufacture is unknown, but it does not have a California Prop 65 Warning. The manufacturer does not provide a warranty.

TOP High End HDTV Beamer BenQ MS513 @ 2.700 AnsiLumen @FULL HD komp. @ HDMI @3D

End: 10.09. 2023 14:16:33 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 169.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266400814540
  • Seller: projektoren-shop-karlsruhe (2115|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Karlsruhe Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 13,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Epson EMP TW20 BENQ MS513 Daten- und Video-Projektor DLP-Technologie Native Auflösung in SVGA 800 x 600 Kontrast von 10.000:1 Erst 612 Stunden gelaufen Top Zustand New HDMI 3D 2.700 Ansi LumenHDMI-Anschluss Tageslichttauglich Gepflegter Zustand Full HD 1080P kompatibelFlüsterleise 26dB Heimkino in den eigenen 4 Wänden Ultraportabel: NUR 2,5 kg Gerät ist erst 612 Stunden gelaufen und hält laut Hersteller 6.500 Stunden Heimkinoathomosphäre die begeistert! Verwirklichen Sie ihren Traum vom eigenen Heimkino Aufgrund der hohen Auflösung von 800 x 600 haben Sie ein viel schärferes Bild, als bei den meisten Projektoren. Sie benötigen keine Leindwand, eine weiße Ebene Fläche oder ein Leinentuch reicht völlig aus!!! Der Projektor wird an ein Videosignal: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, NTSC 4,43 angeschlossen(=Multi - System fähig) Das heißt Filmgenuss international ohne Kompromisse !!! Dieses Multitalent ist auch für den Anschluss von DVD-Playern, Blu-Ray-Playern, Sky-HD-Reveiver, SAT Receiver, Laptop, Desktop-PC etc. ausgelegt. Ebenso lässt sich problemlos eine Spielekonsole, wie z.B. eine Playstation 5, Nintendo Switch etc. anschließen. Ebenfalls problemloser Anschluss eines Laptops oder Desktop-PC über den VGA-Anschluss Der VGA-Anschluss ist ein analoger Bildübertragungsstandard für Stecker- und Kabelverbindungen zwischen Grafikkarten (PC) und Anzeigegeräten (Projektor) Ideal für Präsentationen Genießen Sie unvergessliche Momente mit der ganzen Familie! Ideal für alle Fortnite Fans. Durch riesige Diagonale! Verschaffe Dir deinen Vorteil zum epischen Sieg! Sehen Sie SPORTEVENTS auf einer riesigen Leinwand im heimischen Ambiente Welche Kennzahlen sind wichtig? 1) Ansi Lumen: Ist das Maß für die Lichtleistung bei Projektoren. Wieviel Licht also auf einer bestimmten Fläche ankommt Der Lichtwert ist ausschlaggebend für den Einsatz des Projektors. Für Heimkino in abgedunkelten Räumen reicht eine Lichtleistung ab 500 Ansi Lumen. Für teilweise belichtete Räume sollte der Projektor mindestens 1000 Ansi Lumen haben. 2) Die Auflösung Gerade bei Digitalen Projektoren (LCD, DLP) wird die Auflösung wie beim Computer in Pixel angegeben. Die erste Zahl z.B. 640 Pixel gibt die horizontale Auflösung an, die 480 Pixel die Vertikale. Nimmt man also 640 x 480 ergibt das 307.200 Pixel. Bei LCD 1 Panel Projektoren ist das korrekt. Bei 3 Panel LCD Projektoren wird mal drei gerechnet, wegen den drei Grundfarben rot, grün und blau. VGAVideo Graphics Array640 x 480SVGASuper Video Graphics Array800 x 600PAL -720 x 576PAL 16:9-1024 x 576XGAeXtended VGA1024 x 768QVGAQuad VGA1280 x 960HDTVHigh Definition TV1280 x 720HDTVHigh Definition TV1920 x 1080HDTV+High Definition TV plus1920 x 1200HDTV+High Definition TV plus2048 x 1080WXGAWide eXtended VGA1366 x 768SXGASuper eXtended VGA1280 x 1024UXGAUltra eXtended VGA1600 x 1200QXGAQuad eXtended VGA2048 x 1536QSXGAQuad Super eXtended VGA2560 x 2048QUXGAQuad Ultra eXtended VGA3200 x 2400 3) Der Kontrast: Der Kontrast z.B. 13.000:1 gibt an wie viele Helligkeitsstufen der Projektor machen kann. Ein Projektor mit zu wenig Kontrast macht einfach ein sehr flaues Bild. Gerade bei dunklen Filmen ist dies deutlich zu erkennen. Welche Signale unterstützt der Projektor? Das Gerät ist fähig und unterstützt die folgenden Signale Natürlich kann der Projektor auch von 4:3 auf 16:9 umgestellt werden Mit diesem Projektor können riesige Bilddiagonalen von 51 cm bis ca. 4 m dargestellt werden. Projektionsbilder in HDTV Im 16:9 Kinoformat HDTV 720p , 1080i Digital Light Processing DLP Digital Light Processing ist eine digitale, reflektive Technologie, die von Texas Instruments entwickelt wurde. Digitale Projektion bietet eine Abbildungsqualität, die höchsten Ansprüchen genügt. Dazu gehören natürliche Farben, gleichmäßige Bilddarstellung. Daten werden ohne Farbkonvergenz-Probleme dargestellt, da die Technologie mit einem Bildgeber auskommt. Das bedeutet beispielsweise, das Kanten präzise und scharf abgebildet werden. Im Detail: Herz der digitalen Projektionstechnologie ist der DMD - Chip (Digital Mirror Device), mit vielen tausend Spiegeln, die das Licht reflektieren. Jeder Spiegel repräsentiert ein Pixel. Der Abstand zwischen den Pixeln ist so klein - 1/100 der Dicke des Menschlichen Haares -, daß Bilder ohne erkennbare Linienstruktur projiziert werden. Der Betrachter sieht nahtlose, lebendige Bilder, ohne störendes Raster. Digital Light Prozessing kontrolliert präzise den Weg des Lichtes, von den Eingangsdaten bis zum Bildschirm. Das Bild wird über die gesamte Fläche gleichmäßig dargestellt. Digitale Farbkontrolle ermöglicht eine präzise Wiedergabe von 16,7 Mio. Farben. !!Zoom-Möglichkeit!! Über die erste Zoomfunktion können Sie problemlos die Größe des Bildes regulieren. Dadurch müssen sie den Projektor auch nicht nach vorne oder hinten verschieben um die Projektionsfläche zu vergrößern bzw. zu verkleinern! Sehr angenehm und intuitiv ist das on-screen Menü, über das Sie alle erdenklichen Einstellungen vornehmen können. Natürlich auch über Fernbedienung einstellbar Digitale Keystone-Korrektur! Die Keystone-Korrektur (oder auch Trapezkorrektur) bezeichnet die Möglichkeit eine trapezförmige Verzerrung eines projizierten Bildes auszugleichen oder zu minimieren. Heimkino vom Feinsten Mit diesem vielseitigen Projektor, der sich an jeden Laptop, digitalen Receiver, DVD-Player, Blu-Ray Playern etc. anschließen lässt, wird eine gewöhnliche Folienpräsentation zur Multimedia-Show und jeder Film zum Kinoereignis. Nach einem schnellen und problemlosen Setup liefert er Bilder in Spitzenqualität, auch unter Umgebungsbedingungen, die nicht den idealen Voraussetzungen entsprechen. Er wiegt so wenig, dass Sie ihn im Handumdrehen zur nächsten Einsatzbesprechung, Präsentation oder Konferenz mitnehmen können - ganz gleich, wo sie stattfindet. Gerät ist erst 612 Stunden gelaufen und hält laut Hersteller 6.500 Stunden Lieferumfang: Videoprojektor StromkabelFernbedienung Beschreibung (PDF-Dokument) Viel Spaß beim bieten! Dieser Beamer ist wohl einer unter den Besten!! 2.700 Ansi Lumen, 10.000:1 Kontrast, 2,5 kg, die kleinen Maße, das geringe Gewicht und die vielfältigen Anschlussmöglichkeiten machen ihn zu mehr als nur einem TOP-Modell! Viel Erfolg beim Bieten...

BenQ Beamer MS513

End: 03.09. 2023 15:01:13 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 69.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295914844728
  • Seller: carver007 (239|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hirschberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BenQ Beamer MS513. Voll funktionstüchtig mit einer Lampenlaufzeit von 611 Stunden. Leider keine OVP und Fernbedienung mehr, dafür kommt er gut verpackt mit Stromkabel. Der Standard-Portabel MS513 3D BrilliantColor DLP Projektor von Benq hat 2700 Ansi-Lumen einen Kontrast von 10000:1 und eine SVGA 800 x 600 Auflösung. Hersteller Benq gibt die Lebensdauer der Lampe mit 4500 Stunden an, was bei einem täglichen schauen von 2 Stunden über 6.2 Jahre wären.Durch die Helligkeit von 2700 Ansi-Lumen ist eine Bildbreite von 453 cm möglich. Bei Raumlicht sollte das Bild max. 302 cm breit sein. Das Modell ist auch Full HD 1080P kompatibel. Mit gerade mal 27 Dezibel gehört das Gerät zu den leiseren Projektoren.

Original Fernbedienung für BENQ MS513

End: 30.07. 2023 16:30:26 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 17.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394655141397
  • Seller: globaltradenetworkeu (10819|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Heidelberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,18 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Fernbedienung für BENQ MS513. BX8730ST, CP270, DW843UST, DX806ST, DX818ST, DX819ST, DX842UST, EX728EST, HC1200, LW21, LW61ST, LX20, LX60ST, MH630, MH680, MH740, MH856UST, MP510, MP511, MP511+, MP512, MP512ST, MP513, MP514, MP515, MP522, MP522ST, MP523, MP525, MP525P, MP525ST, MP575, MP611, MP611C, MP612, MP612C, MP615, MP615P, MP622, MP622C, MP623, MP624, MP625, MP625P, MP626, MP670, MP722, MP723, MP727, MP730, MP770, MP771, MP772ST, MP776, MP776ST, MP777, MP780ST, MP780ST+, MP782ST, MS500, MS500+, MS500h, MS500V, MS500-V, MS502, MS502+, MS504, MS504P, MS510, MS512H, MS513, MS517, MS517F, MS521, MS521P, MS522P, MS524, MS612ST, MS614, MS619ST, MS630ST, MW512, MW516, MW519, MW523, MW526, MW621ST, MW632ST, MW663, MW665, MW665+, MW721, MW727, MW767, MW811ST, MW814ST, MW817ST, MW820ST, GlobalTradeNetwork EU Original Fernbedienung für BENQ MS513 Liebe Kunden, unsere angebotenen Ersatzfernbedienungen können ohne programmiert werden zu müssen, nach Einlegen der Batterien sofort eingesetzt werden. Einige unserer original Fernbedienungen müssen dagegen mit dem Fernseher gepaart oder programmiert werden. Eine Beschreibung wird sodann mitgeliefert. (Batterien sind nicht im Angebot enthalten) Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle unsere Bose Fernbedienungen nur mit den angegeben Modellen kompatibel sind und nicht universell eingesetzt werden können. Diese Fernbedienung ist mit folgenden Geräten kompatibel: MS513-NEW BX8730ST, CP270, DW843UST, DX806ST, DX818ST, DX819ST, DX842UST, EX728EST, HC1200, LW21, LW61ST, LX20, LX60ST, MH630, MH680, MH740, MH856UST, MP510, MP511, MP511+, MP512, MP512ST, MP513, MP514, MP515, MP522, MP522ST, MP523, MP525, MP525P, MP525ST, MP575, MP611, MP611C, MP612, MP612C, MP615, MP615P, MP622, MP622C, MP623, MP624, MP625, MP625P, MP626, MP670, MP722, MP723, MP727, MP730, MP770, MP771, MP772ST, MP776, MP776ST, MP777, MP780ST, MP780ST+, MP782ST, MS500, MS500+, MS500h, MS500V, MS500-V, MS502, MS502+, MS504, MS504P, MS510, MS512H, MS513, MS517, MS517F, MS521, MS521P, MS522P, MS524, MS612ST, MS614, MS619ST, MS630ST, MW512, MW516, MW519, MW523, MW526, MW621ST, MW632ST, MW663, MW665, MW665+, MW721, MW727, MW767, MW811ST, MW814ST, MW817ST, MW820ST, MW821ST, MW824ST, MW843UST, MW851UST, MW853UST, MW853UST+, MW855UST, MW860USTi, MW870UST, MX501, MX501V, MX501-V, MX503, MX503+, MX505, MX511, MX514, MX518, MX520, MX522, MX522P, MX525, MX600, MX613ST, MX615, MX615+, MX618ST, MX620ST, MX631ST, MX660, MX660P, MX661, MX662, MX666, MX666+, MX701, MX703, MX710, MX711, MX716, MX717, MX720, MX722, MX726, MX750, MX760, MX761, MX763, MX764, MX766, MX805ST, MX806PST, MX806ST, MX810ST, MX812ST, MX813ST, MX813ST+, MX815ST, MX815ST+, MX816ST, MX818ST, MX819ST, MX822ST, MX823ST, MX842UST, MX850UST, MX852UST, MX852UST+, MX854UST, MX880UST, RC02, SH910, SH915, SH960, SP830, SP831, SP870, SP890, SP891, SP920, SP920P, SX912, SX914, TH530, TH680, TH681, TH681+, TH682ST, TS513P, TS521P, TS537, TS819ST, TW523, TW523P, TW539, TW820ST, TX501, TX538, W1100, W1200, W2000, W20000, W5000 Wenn Sie Fragen zum Produkt haben kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Kundendienst über die Nachrichtenfunktion. Bei Unsicherheiten sind wir Ihnen auch gerne bei der Suche behilflich die passende Fernbedienung zu ihrem Fernseher zu finden. Versandmethode: Wir versenden unsere Ware täglich Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post/ DHL. Die Ware wird Ihnen in der Regel bereits innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen zugestellt. Es kann jedoch im Einzelfall auch mal 1-2 Tage länger dauern. Auf die Bearbeitung in der Postfiliale haben wir leider keinen Einfluss. Die Versandkosten sind im Kaufpreis enthalten. Auf Wunsch und gegen Aufpreis bieten wir Ihnen auch einen DHL-Expressversand an. Internationale Standardsendungen werden ebenfalls von Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post und mit DHL versendet. Diese benötigen je nach Zielland in der Regel 2-10 Arbeitstage. Auch hier kann der Transport im Ausnahmefall etwas länger dauern. Für den internationalen Versand bieten wir ebenfalls einen Expressversand über DHL an, dieser benötigt in der Regel 1-2 Werktage (Samstage ausgeschlossen). Nach dem Kauf: Sollte einmal mit ihrem gekauften Produkt etwas nicht in Ordnung sein oder sollten Sie nachträglich noch Fragen haben, dann nehmen Sie bitte ebenfalls Kontakt zu unserem Kundendienst auf. Wir werden Ihnen schnellstmöglich behilflich sein und im Falle eines Problems, dieses umgehend beheben. Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf, Ihr GlobalTradeNetworkEU Team

Original MS513P Replacement Projection Lamp for BenQ Projector Philips Inside

End: 20.07. 2023 16:31:14 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 58.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364268754745
  • Seller: discount-merchant-dlp-lamps (43000|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Projector lamps TV lamps Toys Home & other Original MS513P Replacement Projection Lamp for BenQ Projector Philips Inside Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for BenQ MS513P. Aurabeam Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Aurabeam housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Aurabeam Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: Acer EC.JDW00.001Acer MC.JEL11.001Acer 5J.J6D05.001Acer 5J.J6H05.001Acer 5J.J6V05.001Acer 5J.J7C05.001Acer 5J.J7K05.001Acer 5J.J7T05.001Acer 5J.J9205.001Acer 5J.J9A05.001Acer CP-DX300Acer DX818STAcer DX819STAcer EP5227PAcer EP5730DAcer EP8830DAcer DT01461Acer BPX5630Acer MW817STAcer MW820STAcer MX815STAcer MX816STAcer MX819STAcer S1210HnAcer TS819STAcer TW820STAcer TX6306Acer TS513PAcer TS5276Acer W770STAcer XS-S10Acer MS513PAcer MX520HAcer S1310WAcer S1313WAcer MX303DAcer MX514PAcer MS500HAcer EP6230Acer MS502Acer MS503Acer MX520Acer S1110Acer MX703Acer S1213Acer T200Acer T212Acer W750 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment We are one of the biggest distributors of DLP and LCD lamps and bulbs. We are a member of the National Electronics Service Dealers Association, as well as the BBB Online. With well over thousands of online transactions, you can trust our professional, knowledgeable, and courteous staff! Authorized dealer, backed by an established business setup. Excellent Customer service Free Troubleshooting service and free technical support Hassle free warranty guaranteed Super fast shipping... read reviews! Experts on the Lamp Market, We have verified specialist to ensure you can find the correct bulb for you Quality and superior products Above all, thousands of satisfied customers. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent, please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

MS513 Replacement For BenQ Lamp (Philips Bulb)

End: 19.07. 2023 16:36:16 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 44.07 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325663414989
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70615|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: CA USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 18,04 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:EC.JC800.001,EC.JC900.001,EC.JDW00.001,EC.K1400.001,MC.JEL11.001,A1275,5J.J0605.001,5J.J0T05.001,5J.J2V05.001,5J.J3K05.001,5J.J3L05.001,5J.J3S05.001,5J.J3T05.001,5J.J3V05.001,5J.J4V05.001,5J.J5405.001,5J.J5E05.001,5J.J6D05.001,5J.J6H05.001,5J.J6V05.001,5J.J7C05.001,5J.J7K05.001,5J.J7T05.001,5J.J8E05.001,5J.J8G05.001,5J.J8J05.001,5J.J9205.001,5J.J9A05.001,5J.J9W05.001,LV-LP37,LV-LP40,311-8943,330-6581,DT01461,SP-LAMP-052,SP-LAMP-061,SP-LAMP-062,SP-LAMP-077,SP-LAMP-084,VLT-EX240LP,VLT-EX320LP,NP13LP,NP18LP,BL-FP200H,BL-FU220D,ET-SLMP138,9281 636 05390,POA-LMP138,SP-LAMP-084,SP-LAMP-084,RLC-047,RLC-057,RLC-094,RLC-095,5811117175-S,1209S,1409X,1510X,1520X,1609X,1610HD,1610X,1620HD,A2270,A2275,BPX5630,CP-DX300,D860,D861,D862,DX818ST,DX819ST,EP335D+,EP4732C,EP5127P,EP5227P,EP5328,EP5730D,EP5920,EP6127,EP6230,EP8830D,ES200U,ES529,EW230U,EW330U,EW331U-St,EW539,EX240U,EX241U,EX270U,EX320U,EX321U-St,EX539,GS-326,GW575,GX-328,GX-330,GX-335,GX-375,HD808,HD82,HD8200,IN104,IN105,IN3914,IN3916,IN3924,IN3926,MP772,MP778,MP782,MS330,MS331,MS500H,MS502,MS503,MS510,MS513,MS513P,MS516,MS614,MW512,MW516,MW663,MW665,MW714ST,MW811ST,MW817ST,MW820ST,MW821ST,MW85,MW860USTi,MW870UST,MX303D,MX335A,MX511,MX514,MX514P,MX520,MX520H,MX613ST,MX615,MX618ST,MX660,MX660P,MX703,MX711,MX713ST,MX750,MX810ST,MX815ST,MX816ST,MX819ST,MX850UST,MX851UST,NP110,NP115,NP210,NP215,NP216,NP-V230,NP-V260,NP-V300W,NP-V300X,NP-V311W,NP-V311X,PDG-DWL100,PDG-DXL100,PJD5111,PJD5350LS,PJD5351,PJD5550LWS,PJD6252L,PJD6355LS,PJD6552W,PJD6555LWS,PJD7382,PJD7383,PJD7583,PJD7830HDL,PRO160S,PRO260X,PRO360W,S1110,S1210Hn,S1213,S1310W,S1313W,S5200,T200,T212,TS513P,TS5276,TS819ST,TW820ST,TX6306,W1060,W700,W703D,W750,W770ST,XS-S10 MS513 Replacement For BenQ Lamp (Philips Bulb) Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for BenQ MS513. Lutema Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Lutema housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Lutema Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: Acer 9281 636 05390Acer 5811117175-SAcer 5J.J0605.001Acer 5J.J0T05.001Acer 5J.J2V05.001Acer 5J.J3K05.001Acer 5J.J3L05.001Acer 5J.J3S05.001Acer 5J.J3T05.001Acer 5J.J3V05.001Acer 5J.J4V05.001Acer 5J.J5405.001Acer 5J.J5E05.001Acer 5J.J6D05.001Acer 5J.J6H05.001Acer 5J.J6V05.001Acer 5J.J7C05.001Acer 5J.J7K05.001Acer 5J.J7T05.001Acer 5J.J8E05.001Acer 5J.J8G05.001Acer 5J.J8J05.001Acer 5J.J9205.001Acer 5J.J9A05.001Acer 5J.J9W05.001Acer EC.JC800.001Acer EC.JC900.001Acer EC.JDW00.001Acer EC.K1400.001Acer MC.JEL11.001Acer SP-LAMP-052Acer SP-LAMP-061Acer SP-LAMP-062Acer SP-LAMP-077Acer SP-LAMP-084Acer VLT-EX240LPAcer VLT-EX320LPAcer SP-LAMP-084Acer SP-LAMP-084Acer POA-LMP138Acer ET-SLMP138Acer PDG-DWL100Acer PDG-DXL100Acer PJD5550LWSAcer PJD6555LWSAcer PJD7830HDLAcer PJD6355LSAcer PJD5350LSAcer BL-FP200HAcer BL-FU220DAcer EW331U-StAcer EX321U-StAcer MW860USTiAcer MW870USTAcer MX850USTAcer MX851USTAcer NP-V300WAcer NP-V300XAcer NP-V311WAcer NP-V311XAcer 311-8943Acer 330-6581Acer CP-DX300Acer PJD6552WAcer PJD6252LAcer PJD5351Acer PJD5111Acer PRO160SAcer PRO260XAcer PRO360WAcer PJD7382Acer PJD7383Acer PJD7583Acer S1210HnAcer TS819STAcer TW820STAcer DX818STAcer DX819STAcer EP335D+Acer EP4732CAcer EP5127PAcer EP5227PAcer EP5730DAcer EP8830DAcer BPX5630Acer RLC-047Acer RLC-057Acer RLC-094Acer RLC-095Acer DT01461Acer LV-LP37Acer LV-LP40Acer MX713STAcer NP-V230Acer NP-V260Acer MX810STAcer MX815STAcer MX816STAcer MX819STAcer MW714STAcer MW811STAcer MW817STAcer MW820STAcer MW821STAcer MX613STAcer MX618STAcer MX660PAcer MX514PAcer MX303DAcer MX335AAcer EX240UAcer EX241UAcer EX270UAcer EX320UAcer GX-328Acer GX-330Acer GX-335Acer GX-375Acer GS-326Acer HD8200Acer IN3914Acer IN3916Acer IN3924Acer IN3926Acer MS500HAcer MS513PAcer NP13LPAcer NP18LPAcer 1620HDAcer 1610HDAcer ES200UAcer EW230UAcer EW330UAcer EP5920Acer EP6127Acer EP6230Acer EP5328Acer TX6306Acer W770STAcer XS-S10Acer TS513PAcer TS5276Acer S1310WAcer S1313WAcer MX520HAcer S5200Acer S1213Acer W703DAcer W1060Acer S1110Acer ES529Acer 1610XAcer A2270Acer A2275Acer 1209SAcer 1409XAcer 1510XAcer 1520XAcer 1609XAcer A1275Acer MS516Acer MS614Acer MW512Acer MW516Acer MW663Acer MW665Acer MS502Acer MS503Acer MS510Acer MS513Acer MP772Acer MP778Acer MP782Acer MS330Acer MS331Acer IN104Acer IN105Acer GW575Acer HD808Acer EX539Acer EW539Acer MX511Acer MX514Acer MX520Acer MX615Acer MX703Acer MX711Acer MX660Acer NP110Acer NP115Acer NP210Acer NP215Acer NP216Acer MX750Acer MW85Acer HD82Acer D860Acer D861Acer D862Acer W700Acer W750Acer T200Acer T212 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

MS513P Replacement For BenQ Lamp (Philips Bulb)

End: 19.07. 2023 16:36:03 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 44.07 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334881196189
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70615|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: CA USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 18,04 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:EC.JC800.001,EC.JC900.001,EC.JDW00.001,EC.K1400.001,MC.JEL11.001,A1275,5J.J0605.001,5J.J0T05.001,5J.J2V05.001,5J.J3K05.001,5J.J3L05.001,5J.J3S05.001,5J.J3T05.001,5J.J3V05.001,5J.J4V05.001,5J.J5405.001,5J.J5E05.001,5J.J6D05.001,5J.J6H05.001,5J.J6V05.001,5J.J7C05.001,5J.J7K05.001,5J.J7T05.001,5J.J8E05.001,5J.J8G05.001,5J.J8J05.001,5J.J9205.001,5J.J9A05.001,5J.J9W05.001,LV-LP37,LV-LP40,311-8943,330-6581,DT01461,SP-LAMP-052,SP-LAMP-061,SP-LAMP-062,SP-LAMP-077,SP-LAMP-084,VLT-EX240LP,VLT-EX320LP,NP13LP,NP18LP,BL-FP200H,BL-FU220D,ET-SLMP138,9281 636 05390,POA-LMP138,SP-LAMP-084,SP-LAMP-084,RLC-047,RLC-057,RLC-094,RLC-095,5811117175-S,1209S,1409X,1510X,1520X,1609X,1610HD,1610X,1620HD,A2270,A2275,BPX5630,CP-DX300,D860,D861,D862,DX818ST,DX819ST,EP335D+,EP4732C,EP5127P,EP5227P,EP5328,EP5730D,EP5920,EP6127,EP6230,EP8830D,ES200U,ES529,EW230U,EW330U,EW331U-St,EW539,EX240U,EX241U,EX270U,EX320U,EX321U-St,EX539,GS-326,GW575,GX-328,GX-330,GX-335,GX-375,HD808,HD82,HD8200,IN104,IN105,IN3914,IN3916,IN3924,IN3926,MP772,MP778,MP782,MS330,MS331,MS500H,MS502,MS503,MS510,MS513,MS513P,MS516,MS614,MW512,MW516,MW663,MW665,MW714ST,MW811ST,MW817ST,MW820ST,MW821ST,MW85,MW860USTi,MW870UST,MX303D,MX335A,MX511,MX514,MX514P,MX520,MX520H,MX613ST,MX615,MX618ST,MX660,MX660P,MX703,MX711,MX713ST,MX750,MX810ST,MX815ST,MX816ST,MX819ST,MX850UST,MX851UST,NP110,NP115,NP210,NP215,NP216,NP-V230,NP-V260,NP-V300W,NP-V300X,NP-V311W,NP-V311X,PDG-DWL100,PDG-DXL100,PJD5111,PJD5350LS,PJD5351,PJD5550LWS,PJD6252L,PJD6355LS,PJD6552W,PJD6555LWS,PJD7382,PJD7383,PJD7583,PJD7830HDL,PRO160S,PRO260X,PRO360W,S1110,S1210Hn,S1213,S1310W,S1313W,S5200,T200,T212,TS513P,TS5276,TS819ST,TW820ST,TX6306,W1060,W700,W703D,W750,W770ST,XS-S10 MS513P Replacement For BenQ Lamp (Philips Bulb) Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for BenQ MS513P. Lutema Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Lutema housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Lutema Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: Acer 9281 636 05390Acer 5811117175-SAcer 5J.J0605.001Acer 5J.J0T05.001Acer 5J.J2V05.001Acer 5J.J3K05.001Acer 5J.J3L05.001Acer 5J.J3S05.001Acer 5J.J3T05.001Acer 5J.J3V05.001Acer 5J.J4V05.001Acer 5J.J5405.001Acer 5J.J5E05.001Acer 5J.J6D05.001Acer 5J.J6H05.001Acer 5J.J6V05.001Acer 5J.J7C05.001Acer 5J.J7K05.001Acer 5J.J7T05.001Acer 5J.J8E05.001Acer 5J.J8G05.001Acer 5J.J8J05.001Acer 5J.J9205.001Acer 5J.J9A05.001Acer 5J.J9W05.001Acer EC.JC800.001Acer EC.JC900.001Acer EC.JDW00.001Acer EC.K1400.001Acer MC.JEL11.001Acer SP-LAMP-052Acer SP-LAMP-061Acer SP-LAMP-062Acer SP-LAMP-077Acer SP-LAMP-084Acer VLT-EX240LPAcer VLT-EX320LPAcer SP-LAMP-084Acer SP-LAMP-084Acer POA-LMP138Acer ET-SLMP138Acer PDG-DWL100Acer PDG-DXL100Acer PJD5550LWSAcer PJD6555LWSAcer PJD7830HDLAcer PJD6355LSAcer PJD5350LSAcer BL-FP200HAcer BL-FU220DAcer EW331U-StAcer EX321U-StAcer MW860USTiAcer MW870USTAcer MX850USTAcer MX851USTAcer NP-V300WAcer NP-V300XAcer NP-V311WAcer NP-V311XAcer 311-8943Acer 330-6581Acer CP-DX300Acer PJD6552WAcer PJD6252LAcer PJD5351Acer PJD5111Acer PRO160SAcer PRO260XAcer PRO360WAcer PJD7382Acer PJD7383Acer PJD7583Acer S1210HnAcer TS819STAcer TW820STAcer DX818STAcer DX819STAcer EP335D+Acer EP4732CAcer EP5127PAcer EP5227PAcer EP5730DAcer EP8830DAcer BPX5630Acer RLC-047Acer RLC-057Acer RLC-094Acer RLC-095Acer DT01461Acer LV-LP37Acer LV-LP40Acer MX713STAcer NP-V230Acer NP-V260Acer MX810STAcer MX815STAcer MX816STAcer MX819STAcer MW714STAcer MW811STAcer MW817STAcer MW820STAcer MW821STAcer MX613STAcer MX618STAcer MX660PAcer MX514PAcer MX303DAcer MX335AAcer EX240UAcer EX241UAcer EX270UAcer EX320UAcer GX-328Acer GX-330Acer GX-335Acer GX-375Acer GS-326Acer HD8200Acer IN3914Acer IN3916Acer IN3924Acer IN3926Acer MS500HAcer MS513PAcer NP13LPAcer NP18LPAcer 1620HDAcer 1610HDAcer ES200UAcer EW230UAcer EW330UAcer EP5920Acer EP6127Acer EP6230Acer EP5328Acer TX6306Acer W770STAcer XS-S10Acer TS513PAcer TS5276Acer S1310WAcer S1313WAcer MX520HAcer S5200Acer S1213Acer W703DAcer W1060Acer S1110Acer ES529Acer 1610XAcer A2270Acer A2275Acer 1209SAcer 1409XAcer 1510XAcer 1520XAcer 1609XAcer A1275Acer MS516Acer MS614Acer MW512Acer MW516Acer MW663Acer MW665Acer MS502Acer MS503Acer MS510Acer MS513Acer MP772Acer MP778Acer MP782Acer MS330Acer MS331Acer IN104Acer IN105Acer GW575Acer HD808Acer EX539Acer EW539Acer MX511Acer MX514Acer MX520Acer MX615Acer MX703Acer MX711Acer MX660Acer NP110Acer NP115Acer NP210Acer NP215Acer NP216Acer MX750Acer MW85Acer HD82Acer D860Acer D861Acer D862Acer W700Acer W750Acer T200Acer T212 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

Original MS513 Replacement Projection Lamp for BenQ Projector Osram Inside

End: 16.07. 2023 16:30:04 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 77.62 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364263076445
  • Seller: discount-merchant-dlp-lamps (42998|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 20,17 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Projector lamps TV lamps Toys Home & other Original MS513 Replacement Projection Lamp for BenQ Projector Osram Inside Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for BenQ MS513. Aurabeam Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Aurabeam housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Aurabeam Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: 3M Phoenix S25-9303M 78-6969-9880-23M 78-6969-9881-03M 78-6969-9935-43M 78-6969-9996-63M 600i Unifi 353M 660i Unifi 353M 680i Unifi 353M DE.37976108003M DE.37976108003M DE.37976108003M DE.37976108003M 5811100173-S3M 5811100458-S3M EC.J5500.0013M EC.J6000.0013M EC.J6100.0013M EC.JC800.0013M EC.JC900.0013M EC.JDW00.0013M EC.K1400.0013M MC.JEL11.0013M 5J.06001.0013M 5J.08G01.0013M 5J.J0105.0013M 5J.J0T05.0013M 5J.J2S05.0013M 5J.J3K05.0013M 5J.J3L05.0013M 5J.J3T05.0013M 5J.J3V05.0013M 5J.J4R05.0013M 5J.J4V05.0013M 5J.J5E05.0013M 5J.J5R05.0013M 5J.J6D05.0013M 5J.J6H05.0013M 5J.J6V05.0013M 5J.J7C05.0013M 5J.J7K05.0013M 5J.J7T05.0013M 5J.J8E05.0013M 5J.J8G05.0013M 5J.J9205.0013M 5J.J9A05.0013M 5J.JAC05.0013M 5J.JAG05.0013M 5J.Y1405.0013M 5J.Y1605.0013M 5J.Y1E05.0013M 9E.Y1301.0013M CS.5JJ1K.0013M SP.87M01GC013M SP-LAMP-0413M SP-LAMP-0443M SP-LAMP-0523M SP-LAMP-0613M SP-LAMP-0623M EAQ324904013M VLT-EX240LP3M VLT-EX320LP3M VLT-XD510LP3M BP47-00044A3M BP96-02016A3M BP96-02183A3M 997-3443-003M Phoenix S353M Phoenix X303M EAQ324905013M LV-WX300ST3M 37976108003M 37976108003M POA-LMP1183M 37976108003M P0T84-10103M BL-FP200D3M BL-FS220A3M BL-FU220C3M 1000048-A3M KGLDP12303M KGLPS12303M EzPro 7713M PDG-DSU203M PDG-DSU213M SP-A400B3M SPD-S5503M Unifi 353M CP-DX3003M DMS800LK3M LS3-Lamp3M 01-002283M 69790-13M RLC-0263M RLC-0343M RLC-0473M DT014613M AL-JDT13M LV-LP373M LV-LP403M 111-1463M EP5127P3M DMS 8003M DMS 8103M DMS 8153M DMS 8653M DMS 8783M MX813ST3M SP-A6003M SP-D3003M PJD51113M PJD53513M LV-S3003M SCP7123M SCP7163M SCP7253M PJ508D3M PJ551D3M PJ557D3M PJ568D3M PJ588D3M MP615P3M IN31023M IN31063M IN31823M IN31863M IN39023M IN39043M EP53283M EP58323M EP67353M DP72593M D732MX3M D732MX3M D732MX3M D735VX3M D740MX3M NP13LP3M NP18LP3M PK-3513M DX6073M DX7703M EP7613M EP7703M A31003M A31803M A33003M A33803M AD20X3M AD20X3M AD20X3M CP2703M LS-HB3M MP5123M MP5133M MP5143M MP5223M MP5233M MP6123M MP6223M MP6233M MP6243M MP6253M MP7203M MP7303M MS5133M MS5163M MW5163M MW7123M MX5143M P52703M P53703M SD5103M WD5003M WD5103M TX7613M TX7703M TX7713M UF353M MP243M LS-13M LS-33M LS-53M EX513M X163M X17 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment We are one of the biggest distributors of DLP and LCD lamps and bulbs. We are a member of the National Electronics Service Dealers Association, as well as the BBB Online. With well over thousands of online transactions, you can trust our professional, knowledgeable, and courteous staff! Authorized dealer, backed by an established business setup. Excellent Customer service Free Troubleshooting service and free technical support Hassle free warranty guaranteed Super fast shipping... read reviews! Experts on the Lamp Market, We have verified specialist to ensure you can find the correct bulb for you Quality and superior products Above all, thousands of satisfied customers. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent, please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

MS513P Replacement For BenQ Lamp (Philips Bulb)

End: 13.07. 2023 16:31:31 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 50.28 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334873914285
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70613|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 32,22 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:EC.JDW00.001,MC.JEL11.001,5J.J6D05.001,5J.J6H05.001,5J.J6V05.001,5J.J7C05.001,5J.J7K05.001,5J.J7T05.001,5J.J9205.001,5J.J9A05.001,DT01461,BPX5630,CP-DX300,DX818ST,DX819ST,EP5227P,EP5730D,EP6230,EP8830D,MS500H,MS502,MS503,MS513P,MW817ST,MW820ST,MX303D,MX514P,MX520,MX520H,MX703,MX815ST,MX816ST,MX819ST,S1110,S1210Hn,S1213,S1310W,S1313W,T200,T212,TS513P,TS5276,TS819ST,TW820ST,TX6306,W750,W770ST,XS-S10 MS513P Replacement For BenQ Lamp (Philips Bulb) Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for BenQ MS513P. Lutema Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Lutema housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Lutema Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: Acer EC.JDW00.001Acer MC.JEL11.001Acer 5J.J6D05.001Acer 5J.J6H05.001Acer 5J.J6V05.001Acer 5J.J7C05.001Acer 5J.J7K05.001Acer 5J.J7T05.001Acer 5J.J9205.001Acer 5J.J9A05.001Acer CP-DX300Acer DX818STAcer DX819STAcer EP5227PAcer EP5730DAcer EP8830DAcer DT01461Acer BPX5630Acer MW817STAcer MW820STAcer MX815STAcer MX816STAcer MX819STAcer S1210HnAcer TS819STAcer TW820STAcer TX6306Acer TS513PAcer TS5276Acer W770STAcer XS-S10Acer MS513PAcer MX520HAcer S1310WAcer S1313WAcer MX303DAcer MX514PAcer MS500HAcer EP6230Acer MS502Acer MS503Acer MX520Acer S1110Acer MX703Acer S1213Acer T200Acer T212Acer W750 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

Original Fernbedienung für BENQ MS513

End: 01.07. 2023 04:34:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 18.26 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195741929907
  • Seller: globaltradenetworkeu (10509|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Heidelberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,18 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Fernbedienung für BENQ MS513. GlobalTradeNetwork EU Original Fernbedienung für BENQ MS513 Liebe Kunden, unsere angebotenen Ersatzfernbedienungen können ohne programmiert werden zu müssen, nach Einlegen der Batterien sofort eingesetzt werden. Einige unserer original Fernbedienungen müssen dagegen mit dem Fernseher gepaart oder programmiert werden. Eine Beschreibung wird sodann mitgeliefert. (Batterien sind nicht im Angebot enthalten) Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle unsere Bose Fernbedienungen nur mit den angegeben Modellen kompatibel sind und nicht universell eingesetzt werden können. Diese Fernbedienung ist mit folgenden Geräten kompatibel: MS513-NEW Wenn Sie Fragen zum Produkt haben kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Kundendienst über die Nachrichtenfunktion. Bei Unsicherheiten sind wir Ihnen auch gerne bei der Suche behilflich die passende Fernbedienung zu ihrem Fernseher zu finden. Versandmethode: Wir versenden unsere Ware täglich Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post/ DHL. Die Ware wird Ihnen in der Regel bereits innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen zugestellt. Es kann jedoch im Einzelfall auch mal 1-2 Tage länger dauern. Auf die Bearbeitung in der Postfiliale haben wir leider keinen Einfluss. Die Versandkosten sind im Kaufpreis enthalten. Auf Wunsch und gegen Aufpreis bieten wir Ihnen auch einen DHL-Expressversand an. Internationale Standardsendungen werden ebenfalls von Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post und mit DHL versendet. Diese benötigen je nach Zielland in der Regel 2-10 Arbeitstage. Auch hier kann der Transport im Ausnahmefall etwas länger dauern. Für den internationalen Versand bieten wir ebenfalls einen Expressversand über DHL an, dieser benötigt in der Regel 1-2 Werktage (Samstage ausgeschlossen). Nach dem Kauf: Sollte einmal mit ihrem gekauften Produkt etwas nicht in Ordnung sein oder sollten Sie nachträglich noch Fragen haben, dann nehmen Sie bitte ebenfalls Kontakt zu unserem Kundendienst auf. Wir werden Ihnen schnellstmöglich behilflich sein und im Falle eines Problems, dieses umgehend beheben. Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf, Ihr GlobalTradeNetworkEU Team

BenQ 1051A-5986 Projector Remote Control for TH682ST, MS513, MS521P, MS504, MS61

End: 27.06. 2023 16:21:02 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 22.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115816918164
  • Seller: dans-electronics-etc-inc (25885|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Winston-Salem, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 15,72 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    You are buying: BenQ 1051A-5986 Projector Remote Control BenQ 1051A5986 Models Originally Supplied with: HT1085, W1070W, W1075, W1350 **Models listed may not be a full list. Please email us if you do not see your model. Compatible Device Type: **Models listed may not be a full list. Please email us if you do not see your model. Product Details: BenQ 1051A-5986 5J.JAD06.001 Remote Control Compatible with BenQ Projectors: MW824ST MX823ST MW855UST MW727 MW726 MW632ST MX763 MX764 LX60ST LW61ST MW714ST MX762ST MW80UST MP623 MP624 MH680 MS517 MH630 MANUFACTURER INFORMATION BenQ 1051A5986

BenQ Projector Remote for MX662, MX661, MX504, MX522, MS500, MS510, MS513P

End: 27.06. 2023 16:21:02 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 22.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125951914112
  • Seller: dans-electronics-etc-inc (25885|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Winston-Salem, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 15,72 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    You are buying: BenQ 1051A-5986 Projector Remote Control BenQ 1051A5986 Models Originally Supplied with: HT1085, W1070W, W1075, W1350 **Models listed may not be a full list. Please email us if you do not see your model. Compatible Device Type: **Models listed may not be a full list. Please email us if you do not see your model. Product Details: BenQ 1051A-5986 5J.JAD06.001 Remote Control Compatible with BenQ Projectors: MW824ST MX823ST MW855UST MW727 MW726 MW632ST MX763 MX764 LX60ST LW61ST MW714ST MX762ST MW80UST MP623 MP624 MH680 MS517 MH630 MANUFACTURER INFORMATION BenQ 1051A5986

BenQ Projector Remote for MS513P-V, W1080ST, W1070, MW663, MW516, MW821ST, MX514

End: 27.06. 2023 16:21:02 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 22.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115816918129
  • Seller: dans-electronics-etc-inc (25885|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Winston-Salem, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    You are buying: BenQ 1051A-5986 Projector Remote Control BenQ 1051A5986 Models Originally Supplied with: HT1085, W1070W, W1075, W1350 **Models listed may not be a full list. Please email us if you do not see your model. Compatible Device Type: **Models listed may not be a full list. Please email us if you do not see your model. Product Details: BenQ 1051A-5986 5J.JAD06.001 Remote Control Compatible with BenQ Projectors: MW824ST MX823ST MW855UST MW727 MW726 MW632ST MX763 MX764 LX60ST LW61ST MW714ST MX762ST MW80UST MP623 MP624 MH680 MS517 MH630 MANUFACTURER INFORMATION BenQ 1051A5986

BENQ Telecomando 5J.J6L06.001, RCX021 per MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521, MW51, MW51

End: 24.06. 2023 04:34:17 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 12.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275869882659
  • Seller: (10819|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Monaco, Baviera Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 9,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Telecomando originale 5J.J6L06.001, RCX021 di BENQIl telecomando è compatibile con i seguenti dispositivi: MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521, MW51, MW516, MW516+, MW519, MW523, MX505, MX514, MX518, MX520, MX522, MX618ST, MX661Il prodotto offerto è un telecomando sostitutivo che non deve essere programmato e può essere utilizzato immediatamente dopo aver inserito le batterie. (Le batterie non sono incluse nellofferta) Consegna veloce 60 giorni di diritto di recesso Garanzia di sostituzione di 180 giorni per le lampade del proiettore difettose Shop Chi siamo Contatto Iscriviti alla Newsletter BENQ Telecomando 5J.J6L06.001, RCX021 per MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521, MW51, MW516, MW516+, MW519, MW523, MX505, MX514, MX518, MX520, MX522, MX618ST, MX661 Telecomando originale 5J.J6L06.001, RCX021 di BENQIl telecomando è compatibile con i seguenti dispositivi: MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521, MW51, MW516, MW516+, MW519, MW523, MX505, MX514, MX518, MX520, MX522, MX618ST, MX661Il prodotto offerto è un telecomando sostitutivo che non deve essere programmato e può essere utilizzato immediatamente dopo aver inserito le batterie. (Le batterie non sono incluse nellofferta) Per il bene dellambiente - una nota sulle nostre bollette Tieni presente che riceverai la tua fattura in formato PDF via e-mail. Controlla la tua casella di posta elettronica e, se necessario, la cartella dello spam. Hai domande sul tuo ordine o sul nostro prodotto? Scrivici, saremo felici di aiutarti!

Full HD komp. Beamer BenQ MS513 2700 ANSI Lumen 3D

End: 15.06. 2023 10:30:28 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 149.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 304956731550
  • Seller: faulenzenderjimmy654 (200|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Saarbrücken Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BenQ Beamer MS513 Beamer, voll funktionsfähig aus Nichtraucherhaushalt. Wurde nur für Familienfeierlichkeiten benutzt, gerade einmal 50 Lampenstunden (Lebensdauer Lampe 4500h-6000h)! Passende originale Fernbedienung, sowie Strom- und Anschlusskabel und die Betriebsanleitung wie auf den Bildern zu sehen, sind dabei. - hohe Lichthelligkeit von 2700 ANSI Lumen - Bildauflösung 800 x 600 SVGA - HD kompatibel - starker Kontrast 10000:1 Der Beamer ist außerdem 3D ready! - leises Betriebsgeräusch: 27 dB - in Eco nur 25 dB! Eingänge: 1 x HDMI 1 x RS232 1 x VGA 1 x Cinch-Video 1 x S-Video Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, keine Garantie oder Rücknahme. Viel Spaß beim Bieten :)

azurano Beamer-Ersatzlampe für BENQ 5J.J5R05.001 | Beamerlampe für MS513PB,

End: 14.06. 2023 16:36:17 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 41.26 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285287478221
  • Seller: (10774|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Fürstenfeldbruck, Bayern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Die Beamer-Ersatzlampe für BENQ 5J.J5R05.001 passt für folgende Beamer / Projektoren:MS513PB, MX514PB, MX701SCHONEN SIE DIE UMWELT: Die azurano Ersatzlampe für BENQ 5J.J5R05.001 ist ein qualitatives, preiswertes Leuchtmittel für die Do-It-Yourself Wiederaufbereitung einer Hersteller-BeamerlampeMAXIMALE KOSTENERSPARNIS BEI HOHER QUALITÄT: Außerordentliche Helligkeit für brillante Lichteffekte sowie ausdauernde Performance senken Ihre Betriebskosten und ermöglichen sorgenfreie ProjektionenVIELFÄLTIG EINSETZBAR: Die azurano Ersatz-Beamerlampe eignet sich zur Verwendung in den verschiedenen Projektoren gemäß der untenstehenden ProduktbeschreibungKUNDENSERVICE: Sollte unsere Ersatzlampe innerhalb von 12 Monaten ab Rechnungsdatum einen Defekt aufweisen, tauschen wir sie anstandslos und Schnelle Lieferung 30 Tage Rückgaberecht Austausch bei defekten Beamerlampen (180 Tage ab Kauf) Shop Über uns Kontakt FÜr Newsletter anmelden azurano Beamerlampe kompatibel mit BENQ 5J.J5R05.001 Ersatzlampe für MS513PB MX514PB MX701 Die Beamer-Ersatzlampe für BENQ 5J.J5R05.001 passt für folgende Beamer / Projektoren:MS513PB, MX514PB, MX701SCHONEN SIE DIE UMWELT: Die azurano Ersatzlampe für BENQ 5J.J5R05.001 ist ein qualitatives, preiswertes Leuchtmittel für die Do-It-Yourself Wiederaufbereitung einer Hersteller-BeamerlampeMAXIMALE KOSTENERSPARNIS BEI HOHER QUALITÄT: Außerordentliche Helligkeit für brillante Lichteffekte sowie ausdauernde Performance senken Ihre Betriebskosten und ermöglichen sorgenfreie ProjektionenVIELFÄLTIG EINSETZBAR: Die azurano Ersatz-Beamerlampe eignet sich zur Verwendung in den verschiedenen Projektoren gemäß der untenstehenden ProduktbeschreibungKUNDENSERVICE: Sollte unsere Ersatzlampe innerhalb von 12 Monaten ab Rechnungsdatum einen Defekt aufweisen, tauschen wir sie anstandslos und unkompliziert ausDEUTSCHER HERSTELLER MIT LANGJÄHRIGER ERFAHRUNG: Wir sind seit mehr als 10 Jahren im Bereich Videobeamer- und Projektionslampen für Schulen, Heimkino und professionellen Bedarf tätig Der Umwelt zu Liebe - ein Hinweis zu unseren Rechnungen Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie Ihre Rechnung bei uns im PDF-Format via E-Mail erhalten. Bitte prÜfen Sie hierzu Ihr E-Mail Postfach und ggf. Ihren Spam Ordner. Sie haben noch Fragen zur Bestellung oder zu unserem Produkt? Schreiben Sie uns an, wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!

BENQ Ersatz Fernbedienung 5J.J6L06.001, RCX021 für MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521,

End: 14.06. 2023 04:35:07 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 12.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285286805600
  • Seller: (10772|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Fürstenfeldbruck, Bayern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 9,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original BENQ Fernbedienung mit voller Funktionalität (Sendereinstellung, Menüfunktionen, etc.)Die Fernbedienung ist mit folgenden Geräten kompatibel: MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521, MW51, MW516, MW516+, MW519, MW523, MX505, MX514, MX518, MX520, MX522, MX618ST, MX661Bei dem angebotenen Produkt handelt sich um eine Ersatzfernbedienung, die nicht programmiert werden muss und nach Einlegen der Batterien sofort einsetzbar ist. (Batterien sind nicht im Angebot enthalten). Schnelle Lieferung 30 Tage Rückgaberecht Austausch bei defekten Beamerlampen (180 Tage ab Kauf) Shop Über uns Kontakt FÜr Newsletter anmelden BENQ Ersatz Fernbedienung 5J.J6L06.001 RCX021 für MS504 MS513 MS517 MS521 MW51 MW516 MW516+ MW519 MW523 MX505 MX514 MX518 MX520 MX522 MX618ST MX661 TV Projektor HiFi Receiver Stereoanlage Original BENQ Fernbedienung mit voller Funktionalität (Sendereinstellung, Menüfunktionen, etc.)Die Fernbedienung ist mit folgenden Geräten kompatibel: MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521, MW51, MW516, MW516+, MW519, MW523, MX505, MX514, MX518, MX520, MX522, MX618ST, MX661Bei dem angebotenen Produkt handelt sich um eine Ersatzfernbedienung, die nicht programmiert werden muss und nach Einlegen der Batterien sofort einsetzbar ist. (Batterien sind nicht im Angebot enthalten). Der Umwelt zu Liebe - ein Hinweis zu unseren Rechnungen Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie Ihre Rechnung bei uns im PDF-Format via E-Mail erhalten. Bitte prÜfen Sie hierzu Ihr E-Mail Postfach und ggf. Ihren Spam Ordner. Sie haben noch Fragen zur Bestellung oder zu unserem Produkt? Schreiben Sie uns an, wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!

BENQ Télécommande 5J.J6L06.001, RCX021 pour MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521, MW51, MW

End: 14.06. 2023 04:34:59 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 12.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275853268282
  • Seller: (10772|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Munich, Bavière Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 9,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Télécommande dorigine 5J.J6L06.001, RCX021 de BENQLa télécommande est compatible avec les appareils suivants: MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521, MW51, MW516, MW516+, MW519, MW523, MX505, MX514, MX518, MX520, MX522, MX618ST, MX661Le produit proposé est une télécommande de remplacement qui na pas besoin dêtre programmée et qui peut être utilisée immédiatement après linsertion des piles. (Les piles ne sont pas incluses dans loffre) Livraison rapide 60 jours de droit de retour 180 jours de garantie de remplacement pour les lampes défectueuses Magasin en ligne A propos de nous Sinscrire aux Newsletters BENQ Télécommande 5J.J6L06.001 RCX021 pour MS504 MS513 MS517 MS521 MW51 MW516 MW516+ MW519 MW523 MX505 MX514 MX518 MX520 MX522 MX618ST MX661 Télécommande dorigine 5J.J6L06.001, RCX021 de BENQLa télécommande est compatible avec les appareils suivants: MS504, MS513, MS517, MS521, MW51, MW516, MW516+, MW519, MW523, MX505, MX514, MX518, MX520, MX522, MX618ST, MX661Le produit proposé est une télécommande de remplacement qui na pas besoin dêtre programmée et qui peut être utilisée immédiatement après linsertion des piles. (Les piles ne sont pas incluses dans loffre) Pour le bien de lenvironnement - une note sur nos factures Veuillez noter que vous recevrez votre facture de notre part au format PDF par e-mail. Veuillez vérifier votre boîte de réception e-mail et, si nécessaire, votre dossier spam.

Full HD komp. Beamer BenQ MS513 2700 ANSI Lumen 3D

End: 26.05. 2023 13:54:12 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 50.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195774657365
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: horsti_1943 (15|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köngen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 9,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Full HD komp. Beamer BenQ MS513 2700 ANSI Lumen 3D.

Alda Pq-Original, Projector Lamp For BENQ MS513P, Umbauset With Philips Bulb

End: 27.09. 2021 22:39:55 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 115.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 324731269561
  • Counter: 7
  • Seller: aldacom-gmbh (4780|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Neu Isenburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 9,9 EUR
  • on EBAY

Alda PQ Original Lampes de Projecteur / Lampe pour Benq MS513P Projecteur

End: 21.09. 2021 13:11:18 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 184.55 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 224507076424
  • Counter: 142
  • Seller: aldacom-gmbh (4774|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Neu Isenburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 5,9 EUR
  • on EBAY

Alda PQ Original Projector Lamp/Projector Lamp for Benq MS513P Projector

End: 15.09. 2021 13:19:38 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 180.16 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 224573004621
  • Counter: 32
  • Seller: aldacom-gmbh (4780|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Neu Isenburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 9,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
Benq Ms513