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B&O Bang & Olufsen Beoystem 6500 Beomaster Beogram CD MCP 6500 SET

End: 24.12. 2023 19:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 499.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 9T 23:13:16
  • Item number: 166459664650
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Willich,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 39,98 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    B&O Bang & Olufsen Beoystem 6500 Beomaster Beogram CD MCP 6500 SETAus Sammlerhänden abzugeben: Beosystem 6500 mit Fernbedienung Das Set besteht aus:1. Receiver (Vor-)verstärker mit Tuner Beomaster 65002. CD Spieler Beogram CD 65003. Fernbedienung Master Control Panel MCP 6500 (ohne Batterien)4. originale Anleitungen Das System funktioniert einwnandfrei.Optisch sehr schöner Zustand - siehe Fotos. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich um eine mehr als 30 Jahre alte Vintage Anlage handelt, natürlich keine Garantie/Gewährleistung (Privatverkauf). Das System war bis vor kurzem noch im Einsatz und wird wegen Veränderung unseres Bang & Olufsen Setups nun verkauft. Versand in zwei Paketen, jeweils >10 kg.Wir versenden mit reichlich Luftpolsterfolie und Verpackungschips geschützt.Die Transportclips des CD Players werden natürlich ebenso verwendet. Worldwide shipping - please ask for shipping costs.We will send in two parcels, each weighs more than 10 kg. Für Fragen stehen wir gerne zur Verfügung. Eckdaten von BeoMaster 6500 Tuner/Amplifier Product SpecificationsTypes:2336 (1989 - Dec 1991)AUS 2340 (1989 - Sept 1991)GB 2337 (1989 - Oct 1991)J 2339 (1989 - Oct 1991)US 2338 (1989 - Sept 1991)Long-term max. output power IEC: 2 x 110 W / 8 ohmsTotal harmonic distortion IHF: < 0.09 % / 50 W 20 - 20,000 HzIntermodulation: < 0.1 % Bass control at 40 Hz:: +/- 10 dBTreble control at 12.500 Hz: +/- 8 dB FM range:76 - 90 MHZ (Type 2339)87.5 - 108 MHz (Types 2336, 2337, 2338, 2340) AM tuner sectionLW range: 150 - 350 KHz (Type 2336, 2337)MW range: 520 - 1610 KHz (2336, 2337, 2338, 2339, 2340) Power supply:2336 220V2337 240V2338 120V2339 100V2340 240V Power consumption: max. 225 WDimensions W x H x D: 42 x 7.5 x 32.5cmWeight: 8.5 kg RIAA amplifier built-in (8001245) Connections: Audio Link CD, Tape1, Tape2, PH (RIAA in Beogram 6500)Audio AUX Link Beovision, 7 pinPower Link BeoLab speakers, 2 sockets 8-pinSpeaker Link Beovox speakers, 2 sockets 4-pinMaster Control Link: 2 sockets 3-pinHeadphones: max 10 V/470 ohms Link compatibility: Master Control Link BeoGram CD6500 Compact Disc Player Product SpecificationsTypes:5136 (1989 - Feb 1992)AUS 5140 (1989 - Sept 1991)GB 5137 (1989 - Oct 1991)J 5139 (1989 - Oct 1991)USA 5138 (1989 - Dec 1991)Frequency range: 3 - 20,000 Hz +/- 0.3 dBSignal-to-noise ratio: > 100 dB / 110 dB A-weightedDynamic range: > 96 dBHarmonic distortion incl. noise: < 0.0025% at 0 dB< 0.025% at -20 dBChannel separation: > 101 dBChannel difference: < 0.08 dB Converter system: 2 x 16 bit, 4 x oversampling 176.4Low pass filter: Digital + Bessel/elliptical analogueDamping: > 20,000 Hz > 50 dBPhase error between L & R 0 degree at 20 - 20,000 HzOutput analogue: 1.3 V RMS at 0 dBOutput, signal: For digital equipmentPower supply:5136: 220 V5137: 240 V5138: 100 V5139: 120 V5140: 240 VPower consumption 23 WDimensions W x H x D: 42 x 7.5 x 32.5cmWeight 6.3 kgLink compatibility: Data Link Most recent S/W 1.2

Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD50 CD5500 Beocord 6500

End: 16.12. 2023 18:26:12 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 22:39:35
  • Item number: 126228864066
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Herzogenaurach,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 45,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD50 CD5500 Beocord 6500Entdecken Sie das exklusive Bang & Olufsen Stereoanlagen-Set, bestehend aus dem eleganten Beogram CD50, dem fortschrittlichen Beogram CD5500 und dem leistungsstarken Beocord 6500 (bitte beachten Sie, dass der Recorder manuell geffnet werden muss). Trotz leichter Gebrauchsspuren, wie auf den Bildern zu sehen, funktionieren alle Gerte einwandfrei. Tauchen Sie in die Welt von Bang & Olufsen ein und sichern Sie sich dieses hochwertige Set fr ein beeindruckendes Klangerlebnis!

Bang & Olufsen BeoGram CD 6500 ‘100% Functional’

End: 11.12. 2023 01:28:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 228.12 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285336180181
  • Seller: ishams*123 (1356|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Mason, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 105,39 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is a 2nd listing (DIFFERENT UNIT) for Bang & Olufsen BeoGram CD 6500 in 100% functional and fair cosmetic condition, see pics. This is a part of stackable component so if one puts another unit on top then scratch is not visible. The silver chrome is totally clean on all sides as that’ll be one visible from three sides as a stackable component.  There are no CD track skips, all tracks are working perfect. Sound is great as it should be. Please see pics in close proximity. Buy it with confidence based on my rating and feedback. Will be shipped via FedEx Ground with declared value equal to purchase price. CD tray will be locked down thru transporter screws shown underneath in one of the pics. Please check my other B&O listings. Regards, Imran.

Nice Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD Player 6500 Type: 5138 w/ Org Box - B&O -- Cool!

End: 09.12. 2023 22:39:19 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 274.65 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285599093029
  • Seller: pjkorman (5872|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Munster, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 45,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Nice Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD Player 6500 Type: 5138. Works as it should and sounds great. Includes a fabricated DIN to RCA adapter for use with any system. Includes original box but none of the inserts. Shipping is $45 to the continental US; all others use eBays Global Shipping Program. Sorry, no shipping to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico.

Bang & Olufsen BEOsystem 6500 B&O Master + Beogram Plattenspieler + CD + Beocord

End: 25.11. 2023 09:26:45 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 999.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:52:10
  • Item number: 404571717328
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Würselen,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen BEOsystem 6500 B&O Master + Beogram Plattenspieler + CD + BeocordShop Bewertungen Kontakt Bang & OlufsenBEOsystem Stereo-Anlage BEOMASTER 6500 - BEOCORD 6500 - BEOGRAM 5500 - BEOGRAM CD 6500 - MASTER CONTROL Panel 6500 BEOMASTER 6500 Receiver BEOCORD 6500 Tapedeck BEOGRAM 5500 Plattenspieler BEOGRAM CD 6500 CD-Palyer MASTER CONTROL Panel 6500 weitere Infos Inkl. Bedienungsanleitung, Phono-Pre-Amp, Anschlusskabel Zustand  voll funktionstüchtig, außer Kassetttendeck (defekt) - auf der Oberseite des BEOCORD sind Kratzer (s.Fotos)     Weitere Informationen Über uns ID: 577771 aix1708 Zusätzliche Informationen Als Verkaufsagentur bieten wir auch Artikel im Kundenauftrag an. Diese Artikel unterliegen der Differenzbesteuerung nach §25 UStG. Mehrwertsteuer ist darin enthalten, wird aber auf der Rechnung nicht ausgewiesen. (On the Invoice is no Vat reported) Dies gilt insbesondere für die gebrauchten Artikel sowie Antiquitäten in unserem Angebot auf eBay. Hinweise zur Batterieentsorgung Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber. Bitte beachten Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise. Über uns Seit August 2006 ermöglichen wir sowohl Privatkunden, als auch Händlern und Herstellern den einfachen Verkauf Ihrer Artikel über eBay. Hierdurch ist ein reichhaltiges Sortiment an Neuware, Restposten, aber auch Sammlerstücken, Antiquitäten und gebrauchter Ware aus nahezu allen Bereichen entstanden. Wir verkaufen diese Artikel in Kommission und versuchen hierbei stets dem Käufer, wie auch unserem Mandanten gerecht zu werden und die Artikel neutral und entsprechend des Zustands zu beschreiben. Durch die hohe Vielfalt an Artikeln können wir nicht in allen Bereichen Fachhandels-Auskünfte erteilen, versuchen aber gerne offene Fragen bestmöglich zu beantworten. Seiten eBay Shop Kontakt Newsletter Tragen Sie sich in unseren Newsletter ein und verpassen Sie keine günstigen Angebote mehr von uns! Newsletter Abonnement Template Gallium © BullMedia Interne Vermerke: StK #aix1708, qqetopelogooffqq 46 - 100770 etope 8

Bang & Olufsen BeoGram CD 6500 ‘100% Functional’

End: 24.11. 2023 21:06:27 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 294.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285285093767
  • Seller: ishams*123 (1354|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Mason, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 127,96 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is a listing for Bang & Olufsen BeoGram CD 6500 in 100% functional and good cosmetic condition with the exception of cosmetic scratch on top left that has been touched, see pics. This is a part of stackable component so if one puts another unit on top then scratch is not visible. The silver chrome is totally clean on all sides as that’ll be one visible from three sides as a stackable component. There are no CD track skips, all tracks are working perfect. Sound is great as it should be. Please see pics in close proximity. Buy it with confidence based on my rating and feedback. Will be shipped via FedEx Ground with declared value equal to purchase price. CD tray will be locked down thru transporter screws shown underneath in one of the pics. Please check my other B&O listings. Regards, Imran.

Bang&Olufsen BeoGram CD6500 *Limited Edition White* SELTEN! Jacob Jensen Design

End: 24.11. 2023 17:19:59 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 379.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:38:53
  • Item number: 175985803227
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Schweiz Schweiz
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang&Olufsen BeoGram CD6500 *Limited Edition White* SELTEN! Jacob Jensen DesignBeoGram CD6500 Compact Disc Player Product SpecificationsType: 5136 (1989 - Feb 1992) Frequency range: 3 - 20,000 Hz +/- 0.3 dB Signal-to-noise ratio: > 100 dB / 110 dB A-weighted Dynamic range: > 96 dB Harmonic distortion incl. noise: < 0.0025% at 0 dB < 0.025% at -20 dB Channel separation: > 101 dB Channel difference: < 0.08 dB Converter system: 2 x 16 bit, 4 x oversampling 176.4 (Phillips TDA1541A) Low pass filter: Digital + Bessel/elliptical analogue Damping: > 20,000 Hz > 50 dB Phase error between L & R 0 degree at 20 - 20,000 Hz Output analogue: 1.3 V RMS at 0 dB Output, signal: For digital equipment Power supply: 5136: 220 V 5137: 240 V 5138: 100 V 5139: 120 V 5140: 240 V Power consumption 23 W Dimensions W x H x D: 42 x 7.5 x 32.5cm Weight 6.3 kg Link compatibility: Data Link EIN VERSAND ERFOLGT AUSSCHLIESSLICH AUF RISIKO DES KÄUFERS. Privatverkauf, keine Garantie, keine Rücknahme. Die hier gezeigten Bilder wurden von mir selbst gemacht und sind somit mein Eigentum.Persönliche Abholung ist möglich und bevorzugt.

BANG & OLUFSEN BeoMaster 6500 Tuner/Amplifier & CD50 CD PLAYER SPARES / REPAIRS

End: 23.11. 2023 19:26:07 on Thursday
  • Condition:
  • Price: 573.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 23:56:2
  • Item number: 266469622600
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Großbritannien Großbritannien
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 - Highend CD-Player

End: 17.11. 2023 14:55:09 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 150.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:15:42
  • Item number: 305210504154
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Haltern am See,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 - Highend CD-PlayerBang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 - Highend CD-Player. Der CD-Spieler ist bei meinem Test durchgefallen, aus irgendeinem Grund hat es aufgehört zu spielen, deshalb defekt. Er weißt wenige deutliche Gebrauchsspuren auf. Die HiFi Geräte, meist B+O, stammen aus meiner alten Sammlung, (oder aus den Kinderzimmern meiner 4 Söhne) die ich vor langer Zeit aufgelöst habe. Diese teile waren beim Verkauf nicht dabei, aber jetzt sollen sie raus. Wir sind eine Hobby-Fotografen Familie. Wegen eines Todesfalls geben wir unser kleines Studio auf unserem Hof auf und verkaufen alles. Wenn jemand Interesse hat ein komplettes Studio und div. KB Kameras und Objektive als ein Konglomerat zu kaufen, Bitte melden. Ansonsten verkaufen wir alles als Einzelteile. Studio mit 2x 2000 Ws Manfrotto Blitzgeräten und unzähligen Einzelteilen , Hintergrundhalter und Hintergründe, Stative bis 4m höhe, Nikon Ausrüstung mit Kameras und vielen Objektiven etc. Und noch das unvermeidbare:Versand erfolgt an die hinterlegte Adresseden von Ebay hinzugefügten Text mit Produkteigenschaften überprüfe ich nicht im Detail, und hafte nicht für die Richtigkeit.Ich lehne ausdrücklich als privater Anbieter jegliche Garantie und Gewährleistung als unzumutbar ab. Rücknahme wird ausgeschlossen. Mit der Gebotsabgabe nehmen sie diese Bedingungen an. Die Ware wird nach bestem Wissen mit allen bekannten Fehlern beschrieben. Danke für ihr VerständnisVersandkosten nur für deutsches Festland

BANG & OLUFSEN CD Player Beogram CD 6500 231630

End: 17.11. 2023 12:38:00 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 179.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 19:39:28
  • Item number: 386205934521
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: München,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 16,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BANG & OLUFSEN CD Player Beogram CD 6500 231630EINGESTELLT MIT

USED!! UNTESTED! Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 CD Player

End: 14.11. 2023 15:33:31 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 159.27 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155832316084
  • Seller: trentsmillmansion (1065|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Powhatan, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    USED!! Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 CD Player 1L1-Banzet

Bang&Olufsen BeoGram CD6500 VINTAGE Compact Disc Player - Stilikone Jacob Jensen

End: 03.11. 2023 10:49:17 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 379.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175900543089
  • Seller: x_b9_fuj (319|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Aarwangen Schweiz
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang&Olufsen BeoGram CD6500 VINTAGE Compact Disc Player - Stilikone Jacob JensenBeoGram CD6500 Compact Disc Player Product SpecificationsType: 5136 (1989 - Feb 1992) Frequency range: 3 - 20,000 Hz +/- 0.3 dB Signal-to-noise ratio: > 100 dB / 110 dB A-weighted Dynamic range: > 96 dB Harmonic distortion incl. noise: < 0.0025% at 0 dB < 0.025% at -20 dB Channel separation: > 101 dB Channel difference: < 0.08 dB Converter system: 2 x 16 bit, 4 x oversampling 176.4 (Phillips TDA1541A) Low pass filter: Digital + Bessel/elliptical analogue Damping: > 20,000 Hz > 50 dB Phase error between L & R 0 degree at 20 - 20,000 Hz Output analogue: 1.3 V RMS at 0 dB Output, signal: For digital equipment Power supply: 5136: 220 V 5137: 240 V 5138: 100 V 5139: 120 V 5140: 240 V Power consumption 23 W Dimensions W x H x D: 42 x 7.5 x 32.5cm Weight 6.3 kg Link compatibility: Data Link EIN VERSAND ERFOLGT AUSSCHLIESSLICH AUF RISIKO DES KÄUFERS. Privatverkauf, keine Garantie, keine Rücknahme. Die hier gezeigten Bilder wurden von mir selbst gemacht und sind somit mein Eigentum.Persönliche Abholung ist möglich und bevorzugt.

Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player White 220v

End: 02.11. 2023 23:21:50 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 199.99 USD Auktion
  • Status: 4T 18:39:32
  • Item number: 196054667078
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Fall Creek,WI,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 39,99 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for auction is one Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player! White in color. NOTE: CURRENTLY 220V WITH 220V ELECTRICAL PLUG. I BELIEVE THIS CAN BE CONVERTED TO 110V IF NEEDED, BUT NOT SURE. In working condition. Overall physical condition is good, showing some signs of previous use/marks/smudges/scuffs/etc. (Please see all photos). ===================================================================================================== ** ANY QUESTIONS OR ISSUES, EITHER NOW OR IN THE FUTURE, PLEASE SEND AN EBAY MESSAGE FIRST AND WE WILL RESPOND TO YOU VERY QUICKLY. THANKS MUCH IN ADVANCE! ** Thank you for visiting Rest Assured Bargains!.Q: Why Rest Assured A: Because we strive for customers to have that Rest Assured feeling after purchasing any item we offer. Each item is described to the best of our ability so you receive the actual described and pictured product that you view on E-Bay --- We Guarantee it! Shipping We will ship within 1 business day (Unless otherwise stated under handling time) of successful receipt of payment. You can use most major credit cards through eBay for payment. The item will be shipped either through USPS, FedEx or UPS depending on the size/weight of the item. Note: FedEx and UPS do not deliver to P.O. Boxes. The shipping amount stated is applicable to all of the 48 continental states. If the shipping address in question is located in Alaska or Hawaii, please contact us before purchase to request a shipping quote. If you would like international shipping, please contact us for a shipping quote before purchase. Additional Information Please look at the pictures to further understand the quality/conditions of the product. If you have ANY questions whatsoever, please ask before purchasing. We do our best to describe each item, but are not experts in all areas, which makes all items As Described / AS IS unless otherwise stated. We describe each item to the best of our ability and test them to the fullest extent that we are capable of. All items described are with our best intent for everybody viewing them. In some instances, the ability to test certain equipment is limited by a lack of specific expertise including whether additional accessories/attachments/etc. are needed. If this item/lot is Buy It Now or Best Offer, please feel free to leave an offer and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any problems with the product after purchase, please contact us directly and we will solve it as soon as possible! Our messages are checked very frequently so a response is most likely not too far off. Thanks again! (Obligatory Statements Below) More Important Information - Read Before Bidding or Buying Regardless of the origin of the equipment, documentation provided or identification appearing upon the equipment, the equipment described and offered here is in no way certified for, recommended for, or offered for any specific use. The purchaser agrees that the seller shall not be held responsible or liable for any injuries or damages, whether incidental or consequential, associated in any way with the equipment. The purchaser, by purchasing this equipment, indicates their acknowledgement of, and agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. Pieces of equipment carry inherent risks. Buyer acknowledges that seller does not have the means or expertise to test this item for safety of use, and makes no warranty or guarantee pertaining thereto expressed or implied. Hence, before an item is used, it is the sole responsibility of the buyer to thoroughly inspect the item(s) and make his/her own assessment of the condition, performance and safety of the item(s) and any of its parts. Buyer agrees that seller and any of seller’s associates or representatives shall be not be held liable, nor accept any responsibility and will be held harmless in any event, and under any circumstances for any consequential damages, damages to property, damages for loss of use, loss of time, loss of life, loss of profits or income, or any other incidental damages arising out of the purchase, possession, use, resale, or disposal of the item(s) by the buyer, or any other person or entity at any time. A bid / purchase of this item is hereby considered an unconditional agreement to these terms. Please note, the FDA disclaimer below is for devices/equipment requiring government authorization: The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item. This unit has been used. Unit has been cleaned and handled in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Rest Assured BargainsFall Creek, WI

Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player White 220v

End: 27.10. 2023 20:48:49 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 185.04 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204512205735
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (5758|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Fall Creek, Wisconsin USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 39,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for auction is one Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player! White in color. NOTE: CURRENTLY 220V WITH 220V ELECTRICAL PLUG. I BELIEVE THIS CAN BE CONVERTED TO 110V IF NEEDED, BUT NOT SURE. In working condition. Overall physical condition is good, showing some signs of previous use/marks/smudges/scuffs/etc. (Please see all photos). ===================================================================================================== ** ANY QUESTIONS OR ISSUES, EITHER NOW OR IN THE FUTURE, PLEASE SEND AN EBAY MESSAGE FIRST AND WE WILL RESPOND TO YOU VERY QUICKLY. THANKS MUCH IN ADVANCE! ** Thank you for visiting Rest Assured Bargains!.Q: Why Rest Assured A: Because we strive for customers to have that Rest Assured feeling after purchasing any item we offer. Each item is described to the best of our ability so you receive the actual described and pictured product that you view on E-Bay --- We Guarantee it! Shipping We will ship within 1 business day (Unless otherwise stated under handling time) of successful receipt of payment. You can use most major credit cards through eBay for payment. The item will be shipped either through USPS, FedEx or UPS depending on the size/weight of the item. Note: FedEx and UPS do not deliver to P.O. Boxes. The shipping amount stated is applicable to all of the 48 continental states. If the shipping address in question is located in Alaska or Hawaii, please contact us before purchase to request a shipping quote. If you would like international shipping, please contact us for a shipping quote before purchase. Additional Information Please look at the pictures to further understand the quality/conditions of the product. If you have ANY questions whatsoever, please ask before purchasing. We do our best to describe each item, but are not experts in all areas, which makes all items As Described / AS IS unless otherwise stated. We describe each item to the best of our ability and test them to the fullest extent that we are capable of. All items described are with our best intent for everybody viewing them. In some instances, the ability to test certain equipment is limited by a lack of specific expertise including whether additional accessories/attachments/etc. are needed. If this item/lot is Buy It Now or Best Offer, please feel free to leave an offer and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any problems with the product after purchase, please contact us directly and we will solve it as soon as possible! Our messages are checked very frequently so a response is most likely not too far off. Thanks again! (Obligatory Statements Below) More Important Information - Read Before Bidding or Buying Regardless of the origin of the equipment, documentation provided or identification appearing upon the equipment, the equipment described and offered here is in no way certified for, recommended for, or offered for any specific use. The purchaser agrees that the seller shall not be held responsible or liable for any injuries or damages, whether incidental or consequential, associated in any way with the equipment. The purchaser, by purchasing this equipment, indicates their acknowledgement of, and agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. Pieces of equipment carry inherent risks. Buyer acknowledges that seller does not have the means or expertise to test this item for safety of use, and makes no warranty or guarantee pertaining thereto expressed or implied. Hence, before an item is used, it is the sole responsibility of the buyer to thoroughly inspect the item(s) and make his/her own assessment of the condition, performance and safety of the item(s) and any of its parts. Buyer agrees that seller and any of seller’s associates or representatives shall be not be held liable, nor accept any responsibility and will be held harmless in any event, and under any circumstances for any consequential damages, damages to property, damages for loss of use, loss of time, loss of life, loss of profits or income, or any other incidental damages arising out of the purchase, possession, use, resale, or disposal of the item(s) by the buyer, or any other person or entity at any time. A bid / purchase of this item is hereby considered an unconditional agreement to these terms. Please note, the FDA disclaimer below is for devices/equipment requiring government authorization: The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item. This unit has been used. Unit has been cleaned and handled in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Rest Assured BargainsFall Creek, WI

Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 - Highend CD-Player - defekt, an Bastler!

End: 24.10. 2023 11:35:03 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 90.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 276103501117
  • Seller: schnellzuende (928|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hohenlockstedt Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 - Highend CD-Player - defekt, an Bastler!Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 - Highend CD-Player - defekt, an Bastler! Das Gerät wurde nicht geprüft Die Schublade fährt rein und raus mehr habe ich nicht getestet An den Seiten lösen sich die weißen Streifen schlechter verschmutzter Zustand Hinweis: Bei hier als defekt angegebenen Artikeln wird nicht alles geprüft da die Geräte aus meiner privaten Sammlung kommen und zum Teil längere Zeit nicht benutzt waren.Bitte die Beschreibung immer sehr genau lesen Möchte auch darauf hinweisen das eine Reparatur sich meistens nicht lohnt also zu aufwendig und zu teuer ist.Eine Reparatur ist teilweise auch nicht möglich da es eventuell auch keine Reparatur ( Ersatzteile ) mehr gibt. Die Fotos sind Bestand Teil der Auktion und zeigen den Zustand Es kann sein das Teile fehlen ! Privatverkauf ohne Garantie und ohne Gewährleistung.Bitte beachten Sie folgende Verkaufsbedingungen:stellen Sie ihre Fragen vor Abgabe eines Gebotes.Der Artikel wird so wie er ist von Privat verkauft,dies der Abgabe eines Gebotes erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden auf die Ihnen nach dem neuen EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehenden Gewährleistung/Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren völlig zu verzichten.Das Versandrisiko geht zu lasten des Käufers.Bieten Sie nur,wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln einverstanden sind.Es handelt sich hier um eine Auktion im Sinne des § 156 BGB.Die Ware kann natürlich vorher besichtigt werden. Ebay zahl ich,Versand ist vom Käufer zu zahlen.Bitte beachten Sie auch meine anderen Auktionen. Die Verwendung von Markennamen sowie anderer urheberrechtlichgeschützten Bezeichnungen dienen lediglich zur Darstellungund Beschreibung des Produkts und dessen qualitative und / odertechnische Beschaffenheit,um dem Käufer ein wahrheitsgemäßes Bild der Ware vermitteln zu können.Es handelt sich immer um ein Original des von mir verwendeten Markennamens,soweit Dies für mich offensichtlich erkennbar ist.

Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram 6500 CD WEISS

End: 22.10. 2023 19:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 4T 23:27:50
  • Item number: 225821045400
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Kiel,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram 6500 CD WEISSSchöner CD Player von Bang & Olufsen. Der BEOGRAM 6500 CD wurde fachmännisch revidiert & gereinigt. Die Servo-PCB wurde mit neuen Kondensatoren versehen, der Laser gereinigt und die Mechanik neu gefettet.Ein neuer Riemen für den Antrieb des CD-Schubladenmechanismus und neue Geräte Gummifüsse wurden auch montiert. Der Player kommt in der Sonderfarbe WEISS und ist optisch in einem guten Zustand. Der CD Player spielt CD ohne Probleme ab, in Verbindung mit einem Beomaster ist er dazu noch voll fernsteuerbar. Bitte beachten Sie, das der CD Player für den analogen Ausgang einen DIN Stecker benutzt. Ein Adapter auf Cinch müsste ggf. noch erworben werden. Bitte schauen Sie sich auch meine weiteren Auktionen an. Danke. Dies ist ein Privatverkauf, daher keine Garantie oder Rücknahme. Bitte beachten Sie dies vor dem Bieten.

Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 Front Panel Display and Controls 3114273 • B&O

End: 22.10. 2023 17:55:50 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 80.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186053925984
  • Seller: obscure-eclectics (265|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Blandford Forum Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description • 07753 241443 • Obscure Eclectics Parts UK delivery and 30-day returns included on all parts • worldwide delivery available • before and after sales enquiries: 07753 241443 Beogram 6500 Display and control panel Part numbers The closest part number to be found is 3414032 for a 5500 aluminium front strip. Condition The aluminium has escaped with very light marking as shown, and the display Perspex has one long but very light scratch around the centre. Postage The part will be carefully packed, boxed, and sent by recorded post. More parts and accessories for this and other B&O models are listed separately, or are available on request. Worldwide courier delivery is available: the price shown applies to Europe only, and delivery further afield may attract a supplement. Enquire before purchase for further details. All parts are carefully packed and promptly despatched

Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 5500/6500/7000 Decoder and Power Supply 8005188 • B&O

End: 22.10. 2023 17:55:50 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 68.85 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186053925936
  • Seller: obscure-eclectics (265|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Blandford Forum Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description • 07753 241443 • Obscure Eclectics Parts UK delivery and 30-day returns included on all parts • worldwide delivery available • before and after sales enquiries: 07753 241443 Beogram CD 5500/6500/7000 Complete decoder and power supply PCB Part numbers 8005188L, 8005220 Module 5 8005223 Module 10 Includes heat sinks, guide rails, springs, and captive cables as shown Compatibility Compatible with all CD 5500, 6500, and 7000 models, including both CDM-2 and CDM-4 models of the CD 5500, and the Version II model of CD 7000. Condition Fully tested and working Removed from a Beogram CD 6500 Postage The parts will be very carefully packed in an ESD-safe bag, boxed, and sent by recorded post. Other B&O parts and accessories are listed for combined postage, and all other BeoSound 4 parts are available on request Worldwide courier delivery is available: the price shown applies to Europe only, and delivery further afield may attract a supplement. Enquire before purchase for further details. All parts are carefully packed and promptly despatched

Bang & Olufsen – Beogram 6500 CD – voll funktionsfähig!

End: 21.10. 2023 23:39:39 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 239.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195758029339
  • Seller: jojkub3 (11|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Schwäbisch Gmünd Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 9,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen – Beogram 6500 CD. Zum Verkauf steht ein Beogram 6500 CD von Bang & Olufsen. Das Gerät wurde überprüft und ist technisch voll funktionsfähig.  Zusätzlich wurde das Gerät gründlich gereinigt. Auf der Front sowie auf der Glasplatte befinden sich minimale Gebrauchsspuren. Ansonsten ist das Gerät optisch in einem super Zustand! Versand ist gegen Aufpreis möglich, erfolgt jedoch auf eigene Gefahr, da keine Transportsicherungen vorhanden sind. Der CD-Spieler wird beim Versand jedoch sicher und gründlich verpackt.  –––––––––––– The device has been checked and is technically fully functional.  In addition, the device was thoroughly cleaned. On the front and on the glass plate are minimal traces of use. Otherwise, the device is visually in great condition! Shipping is possible for an additional charge and at your own risk, as there are no transport locks left. Nevertheless the CD player will be packed safely and thoroughly.

Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player White 220v

End: 20.10. 2023 00:05:18 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 181.97 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196034649564
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (5736|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Fall Creek, Wisconsin USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 39,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for auction is one Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player! White in color. NOTE: CURRENTLY 220V WITH 220V ELECTRICAL PLUG. I BELIEVE THIS CAN BE CONVERTED TO 110V IF NEEDED, BUT NOT SURE. In working condition. Overall physical condition is good, showing some signs of previous use/marks/smudges/scuffs/etc. (Please see all photos). ===================================================================================================== ** ANY QUESTIONS OR ISSUES, EITHER NOW OR IN THE FUTURE, PLEASE SEND AN EBAY MESSAGE FIRST AND WE WILL RESPOND TO YOU VERY QUICKLY. THANKS MUCH IN ADVANCE! ** Thank you for visiting Rest Assured Bargains!.Q: Why Rest Assured A: Because we strive for customers to have that Rest Assured feeling after purchasing any item we offer. Each item is described to the best of our ability so you receive the actual described and pictured product that you view on E-Bay --- We Guarantee it! Shipping We will ship within 1 business day (Unless otherwise stated under handling time) of successful receipt of payment. You can use most major credit cards through eBay for payment. The item will be shipped either through USPS, FedEx or UPS depending on the size/weight of the item. Note: FedEx and UPS do not deliver to P.O. Boxes. The shipping amount stated is applicable to all of the 48 continental states. If the shipping address in question is located in Alaska or Hawaii, please contact us before purchase to request a shipping quote. If you would like international shipping, please contact us for a shipping quote before purchase. Additional Information Please look at the pictures to further understand the quality/conditions of the product. If you have ANY questions whatsoever, please ask before purchasing. We do our best to describe each item, but are not experts in all areas, which makes all items As Described / AS IS unless otherwise stated. We describe each item to the best of our ability and test them to the fullest extent that we are capable of. All items described are with our best intent for everybody viewing them. In some instances, the ability to test certain equipment is limited by a lack of specific expertise including whether additional accessories/attachments/etc. are needed. If this item/lot is Buy It Now or Best Offer, please feel free to leave an offer and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any problems with the product after purchase, please contact us directly and we will solve it as soon as possible! Our messages are checked very frequently so a response is most likely not too far off. Thanks again! (Obligatory Statements Below) More Important Information - Read Before Bidding or Buying Regardless of the origin of the equipment, documentation provided or identification appearing upon the equipment, the equipment described and offered here is in no way certified for, recommended for, or offered for any specific use. The purchaser agrees that the seller shall not be held responsible or liable for any injuries or damages, whether incidental or consequential, associated in any way with the equipment. The purchaser, by purchasing this equipment, indicates their acknowledgement of, and agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. Pieces of equipment carry inherent risks. Buyer acknowledges that seller does not have the means or expertise to test this item for safety of use, and makes no warranty or guarantee pertaining thereto expressed or implied. Hence, before an item is used, it is the sole responsibility of the buyer to thoroughly inspect the item(s) and make his/her own assessment of the condition, performance and safety of the item(s) and any of its parts. Buyer agrees that seller and any of seller’s associates or representatives shall be not be held liable, nor accept any responsibility and will be held harmless in any event, and under any circumstances for any consequential damages, damages to property, damages for loss of use, loss of time, loss of life, loss of profits or income, or any other incidental damages arising out of the purchase, possession, use, resale, or disposal of the item(s) by the buyer, or any other person or entity at any time. A bid / purchase of this item is hereby considered an unconditional agreement to these terms. Please note, the FDA disclaimer below is for devices/equipment requiring government authorization: The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item. This unit has been used. Unit has been cleaned and handled in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Rest Assured BargainsFall Creek, WI

Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 Type 5138 CD Player

End: 19.10. 2023 04:00:32 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 92.45 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235234912257
  • Seller: deram-61 (236|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Ventura, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This listing is for a pre-owned Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 Type 5138 CD Player that is being offered as-is for parts or repair. The unit powers on but I cant get the CD to eject or play. This CD player measures (L x W x H): 16 5/8 x 12 3/4 x 2 3/4 and weighs 17 lbs. 8 oz. The winning bidder will receive exactly what is pictured. Manufactured: 1989 - 1992 Designer: Jacob Jensen Colors: Silver, Black, WhiteIf you wanted to indulge yourself with the finest sound quality then youd do no better than listening to your favorite pieces of music on Bang & Olufsens Beogram CD 6500. Beogram CD 6500 was a replacement for its predecessor, Beogram CD 5500. It plays both 12cm and 8cm compact discs, and housed sophisticated and advanced digital technology. And it offered sound reproduction which would satisfy even the most demanding of listeners. Beogram CD 6500 could be used as part of the Beosystem 6500 hi-fi system.

USED!! UNTESTED! Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 CD Player

End: 13.10. 2023 12:25:16 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 159.59 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155812233313
  • Seller: trentsmillmansion (1065|99.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Powhatan, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    USED!! Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD 6500 CD Player 1L1-Banzet

Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player White 220v

End: 12.10. 2023 16:41:43 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 258.4 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196021588338
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (5730|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Fall Creek, Wisconsin USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 39,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for auction is one Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player! White in color. NOTE: CURRENTLY 220V WITH 220V ELECTRICAL PLUG. I BELIEVE THIS CAN BE CONVERTED TO 110V IF NEEDED, BUT NOT SURE. In working condition. Overall physical condition is good, showing some signs of previous use/marks/smudges/scuffs/etc. (Please see all photos). ===================================================================================================== ** ANY QUESTIONS OR ISSUES, EITHER NOW OR IN THE FUTURE, PLEASE SEND AN EBAY MESSAGE FIRST AND WE WILL RESPOND TO YOU VERY QUICKLY. THANKS MUCH IN ADVANCE! ** Thank you for visiting Rest Assured Bargains!.Q: Why Rest Assured A: Because we strive for customers to have that Rest Assured feeling after purchasing any item we offer. Each item is described to the best of our ability so you receive the actual described and pictured product that you view on E-Bay --- We Guarantee it! Shipping We will ship within 1 business day (Unless otherwise stated under handling time) of successful receipt of payment. You can use most major credit cards through eBay for payment. The item will be shipped either through USPS, FedEx or UPS depending on the size/weight of the item. Note: FedEx and UPS do not deliver to P.O. Boxes. The shipping amount stated is applicable to all of the 48 continental states. If the shipping address in question is located in Alaska or Hawaii, please contact us before purchase to request a shipping quote. If you would like international shipping, please contact us for a shipping quote before purchase. Additional Information Please look at the pictures to further understand the quality/conditions of the product. If you have ANY questions whatsoever, please ask before purchasing. We do our best to describe each item, but are not experts in all areas, which makes all items As Described / AS IS unless otherwise stated. We describe each item to the best of our ability and test them to the fullest extent that we are capable of. All items described are with our best intent for everybody viewing them. In some instances, the ability to test certain equipment is limited by a lack of specific expertise including whether additional accessories/attachments/etc. are needed. If this item/lot is Buy It Now or Best Offer, please feel free to leave an offer and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any problems with the product after purchase, please contact us directly and we will solve it as soon as possible! Our messages are checked very frequently so a response is most likely not too far off. Thanks again! (Obligatory Statements Below) More Important Information - Read Before Bidding or Buying Regardless of the origin of the equipment, documentation provided or identification appearing upon the equipment, the equipment described and offered here is in no way certified for, recommended for, or offered for any specific use. The purchaser agrees that the seller shall not be held responsible or liable for any injuries or damages, whether incidental or consequential, associated in any way with the equipment. The purchaser, by purchasing this equipment, indicates their acknowledgement of, and agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. Pieces of equipment carry inherent risks. Buyer acknowledges that seller does not have the means or expertise to test this item for safety of use, and makes no warranty or guarantee pertaining thereto expressed or implied. Hence, before an item is used, it is the sole responsibility of the buyer to thoroughly inspect the item(s) and make his/her own assessment of the condition, performance and safety of the item(s) and any of its parts. Buyer agrees that seller and any of seller’s associates or representatives shall be not be held liable, nor accept any responsibility and will be held harmless in any event, and under any circumstances for any consequential damages, damages to property, damages for loss of use, loss of time, loss of life, loss of profits or income, or any other incidental damages arising out of the purchase, possession, use, resale, or disposal of the item(s) by the buyer, or any other person or entity at any time. A bid / purchase of this item is hereby considered an unconditional agreement to these terms. Please note, the FDA disclaimer below is for devices/equipment requiring government authorization: The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item. This unit has been used. Unit has been cleaned and handled in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Rest Assured BargainsFall Creek, WI

Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player White 220v

End: 08.10. 2023 17:58:36 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 273.19 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196014181089
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (5730|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Fall Creek, Wisconsin USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 39,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for auction is one Bang & Olufsen B&O Beogram CD 6500 CD Player! White in color. NOTE: CURRENTLY 220V WITH 220V ELECTRICAL PLUG. I BELIEVE THIS CAN BE CONVERTED TO 110V IF NEEDED, BUT NOT SURE. In working condition. Overall physical condition is good, showing some signs of previous use/marks/smudges/scuffs/etc. (Please see all photos). ===================================================================================================== ** ANY QUESTIONS OR ISSUES, EITHER NOW OR IN THE FUTURE, PLEASE SEND AN EBAY MESSAGE FIRST AND WE WILL RESPOND TO YOU VERY QUICKLY. THANKS MUCH IN ADVANCE! ** Thank you for visiting Rest Assured Bargains!.Q: Why Rest Assured A: Because we strive for customers to have that Rest Assured feeling after purchasing any item we offer. Each item is described to the best of our ability so you receive the actual described and pictured product that you view on E-Bay --- We Guarantee it! Shipping We will ship within 1 business day (Unless otherwise stated under handling time) of successful receipt of payment. You can use most major credit cards through eBay for payment. The item will be shipped either through USPS, FedEx or UPS depending on the size/weight of the item. Note: FedEx and UPS do not deliver to P.O. Boxes. The shipping amount stated is applicable to all of the 48 continental states. If the shipping address in question is located in Alaska or Hawaii, please contact us before purchase to request a shipping quote. If you would like international shipping, please contact us for a shipping quote before purchase. Additional Information Please look at the pictures to further understand the quality/conditions of the product. If you have ANY questions whatsoever, please ask before purchasing. We do our best to describe each item, but are not experts in all areas, which makes all items As Described / AS IS unless otherwise stated. We describe each item to the best of our ability and test them to the fullest extent that we are capable of. All items described are with our best intent for everybody viewing them. In some instances, the ability to test certain equipment is limited by a lack of specific expertise including whether additional accessories/attachments/etc. are needed. If this item/lot is Buy It Now or Best Offer, please feel free to leave an offer and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any problems with the product after purchase, please contact us directly and we will solve it as soon as possible! Our messages are checked very frequently so a response is most likely not too far off. Thanks again! (Obligatory Statements Below) More Important Information - Read Before Bidding or Buying Regardless of the origin of the equipment, documentation provided or identification appearing upon the equipment, the equipment described and offered here is in no way certified for, recommended for, or offered for any specific use. The purchaser agrees that the seller shall not be held responsible or liable for any injuries or damages, whether incidental or consequential, associated in any way with the equipment. The purchaser, by purchasing this equipment, indicates their acknowledgement of, and agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. Pieces of equipment carry inherent risks. Buyer acknowledges that seller does not have the means or expertise to test this item for safety of use, and makes no warranty or guarantee pertaining thereto expressed or implied. Hence, before an item is used, it is the sole responsibility of the buyer to thoroughly inspect the item(s) and make his/her own assessment of the condition, performance and safety of the item(s) and any of its parts. Buyer agrees that seller and any of seller’s associates or representatives shall be not be held liable, nor accept any responsibility and will be held harmless in any event, and under any circumstances for any consequential damages, damages to property, damages for loss of use, loss of time, loss of life, loss of profits or income, or any other incidental damages arising out of the purchase, possession, use, resale, or disposal of the item(s) by the buyer, or any other person or entity at any time. A bid / purchase of this item is hereby considered an unconditional agreement to these terms. Please note, the FDA disclaimer below is for devices/equipment requiring government authorization: The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item. This unit has been used. Unit has been cleaned and handled in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Rest Assured BargainsFall Creek, WI