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BANG OLUFSEN MMC20S STYLUS CARTRIDGE B&O BEOGRAM 2400, 1102, 1100 1700 4002 4004

End: 20.12. 2023 15:35:34 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 154.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 186188674358
  • Seller: modclass603 (3561|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hove Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 29,06 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BANG OLUFSEN MMC20S STYLUS CARTRIDGE B&O BEOGRAM 2400, 1102, 1100 1700 4002 4004BANG OLUFSEN MMC20S STYLUS CARTRIDGE B&O BEOGRAM 2400, 1102, 1100 1700 4002 4004 Tested and working Good used condition

Bang & Olufsen B&o Beogram 4002 Turntable With MMC20EN System Dealer

End: 30.11. 2023 16:43:10 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1804.17 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 23:34:31
  • Item number: 296017947265
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Germany Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 169,9 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen B&o Beogram 4002 Turntable With MMC20EN System DealerThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4002 record player For sale here is a Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4002 Tagential record player with an MMC20EN needle system.The Beogram 4002 has been completely overhauled, the cover is also new and technically the Beogram 4002 record player is of course 100% functional and visually in a very good general condition, with of course a few very minor signs of wear, the Beogram 4002 has also been used and is a real rarity. I would highly recommend picking it up in person with a functional test at my location. Shipping takes place in a very stable Styrofoam box + another outer carton, so that the item will be 100% perfectly packed and will also be delivered to you 100% undamaged! Shipping costs abroad (Europe + worldwide) I have indicated, should the shipping costs for your country not be visible on Ebay, then please write to me.I have stated shipping costs abroad (Europe + Worldwide).If the shipping costs for your country cannot be seen on Ebay, please write to me.For buyers from countries with a power supply of 110 volts, a voltage converter is required (not included in the offer) because the item has a power supply of 220-240 volts.For information, when shipping to a non-EU country, the buyer will have to pay additional customs fees when the package is delivered, please note this. Scope of delivery: ° 1 Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4002 Tagential turntable with MMC20EN needle system In my other auctions I also offer more very beautiful Bang & Olufsen devices for sale!! As far as the warranty is concerned, I ask you to read it in my Ebay dealer terms and conditions!! !! We are also happy to trade in your old B&O system or your B&O loudspeakers, also defect !!The Beogram 4002 has been completely overhauled, the cover is also new and technically the Beogram 4002 record player is of course 100% functional and visually in a very good general condition, with of course a few very minor signs of wear, the Beogram 4002 has also been used and is a real rarity. I would highly recommend picking it up in person with a functional test at my location. Shipping takes place in a very stable Styrofoam box + another outer carton, so that the item will be 100% perfectly packed and will also be delivered to you 100% undamaged! Shipping costs abroad (Europe + worldwide) I have indicated, should the shipping costs for your country not be visible on Ebay, then please write to me. For buyers from countries with a power supply of 110 volts, a voltage converter is req Marke Bang & Olufsen EAN nichtzutreffend Abspielgeschwindigkeit 33,3 RPM Abspielgeschwindigkeit 45 RPM Besonderheiten MMC20EN Nadel System Modell Beogram 4002 Tagential Plattenspieler Herstellungsland und -region Dänemark Herstellergarantie keine

Bang&Olufsen B&O Beogram 4002 Plattenspieler mit MMC20EN System Händler

End: 30.11. 2023 07:39:18 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1699.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 23:5:24
  • Item number: 305239413166
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Dormagen,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang&Olufsen B&O Beogram 4002 Plattenspieler mit MMC20EN System HändlerBang & Olufsen Beogram 4002 Plattenspieler Zum verkauf kommt hier ein Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4002 Tagential Plattenspieler mit einem MMC20EN Nadel System. Der Beogram 4002 wurde komplett überholt, die Haube ist auch neu und technisch ist der Beogram 4002 Plattenspieler natürlich voll zu 100% funktionstüchtig und optisch in einem sehr guten Allgemeinzustand, mit natürlich ein paar ganz kleineren Gebrauchsspuren, der Beogram 4002 wurde ja auch benutzt und ist eine echte Rarität. Eine persönliche Abholung mit einem Funktionstest bei mir vor Ort würde ich sehr empfehlen. Ein Versand erfolgt in einer sehr stabilen Styropor Kiste + noch ein Umkarton, so dass der Artikel zu 100% perfekt verpackt sein wird und auch zu 100% unbeschädigt bei Ihnen zugestellt wird !! Versandkosten ins Ausland ( Europa + Weltweit ) habe ich angegeben, sollten die Versandkosten für Ihr Land bei Ebay nicht zu ersehen sein, dann bitte ich Sie mich anzuschreiben. Versandkosten ins Ausland ( Europa + Weltweit ) habe ich angegeben.Sollten die Versandkosten für Ihr Land bei Ebay nicht zu ersehen sein, dann bitte ich Sie mich anzuschreiben. Für Käufer aus den Ländern mit einer Stromversorgung von 110 Volt wird dann noch ein Spannungswandler benötigt ( nicht im Angebot enthalten ), denn der Artikel hat eine Stromnetzversorgung von 220-240 Volt. Zur Info, bei einem Versand in ein nicht EU Land fallen für den Käufer bei Zustellung des Paketes noch zusätzliche Zollgebühren an, bitte dies beachten. Lieferumfang: ° 1 Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4002 Tagential Plattenspieler mit MMC20EN Nadel System In meinen weiteren Auktionen biete ich auch noch mehr sehr schöne Bang & Olufsen Geräte zum kauf an !! Was die Gewährleistung betrifft, erbitte ich Sie diese in meiner Ebay Händler AGB nachzulesen !! !! Gerne nehmen wir auch Ihre alte B&O Anlage oder Ihre B&O Lautsprecher in Zahlung, auch Defekt !!

B&O Beogram 4002/4004 revidiert, RIAA, neue Haube, top mit Gewährleistung!

End: 20.11. 2023 15:10:20 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3500.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:34:14
  • Item number: 305216874238
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Berlin,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 39,98 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    B&O Beogram 4002/4004 revidiert, RIAA, neue Haube, top mit Gewährleistung!(english description at the bottom) Ich verkaufe hier einen wunderschönen, komplett revidierten und modifizierten Beogram 4004. Zu dem hier angebotenen Gerät: Der Beogram wurde technisch komplett überholt und optimiert. „Komplett“ heißt komplett. Das Gerät wurde vollständig zerlegt, alle mechanischen Teile gereinigt, poliert oder erneuert. Die Elektronik wurde ebenfalls vollständig überarbeitet. Sämtliche Kondensatoren und Widerstände sind neu. Alle Lötpunkte wurden nachgelötet, Plattenteller- und Motorlager gereinigt und mit feinstem Öl neu befüllt. Die anfälligen Festwiderstände der Steuerung wurden durch hochwertige Trim-Potis ersetzt, die Sensorik der Tonarmsteuerung auf LED umgerüstet und perfekt feinjustiert. Das Gleiche gilt für die Geschwindigkeitssteuerung. Dieser Beogram erkennt auch transparente Schallplatten und spielt diese anstandslos ab! Selbstverständlich sind die beiden Riemen ebenfalls erneuert. Zusätzlich wurde der Beogram mit einem hochwertigen RIAA Vorverstärker ausgestattet, der von einem Spezialisten in Dänemark entwickelt und hergestellt wird. Somit kann der Beogram an normalen Hochpegeleingängen betrieben werden. Die verbauten Module und Optimierungen stammen zum Großteil aus den USA von dem in der Szene sehr geschätzten Rudy Schlaf (beolover). Zur Optik: die Alupanele befinden sich in erstklassigem Zustand. Die Holzzarge wurde mit Echtholz in Palisander neu furniert. Die Haube (von Beoparts aus Dänemark) ist genauso wie der Zierstreifen aus Aluminium nagelneu. Es handelt sich um eine getönte Haube inklusive der Gummipuffer für die vorderen Ecken.Die Haube wurde in einem Stück gegossen (spritzgegossen). Sie hat keine geklebten Nähte!Diese Haube ist ein direkter Ersatz für die Original-Teilenummer 3164190 von Bang & Olufsen.Ich hatte das Gerät ursprünglich mit einer beschädigten Haube angeboten. Diese Haube hier ist wie gesagt neu! Dieser Beogram ist ein Traum, mit dem oben beschriebenen zusätzlichen Feature eines integrierten RIAA Vorverstärkers. Wer sind wir? Wir sind zwei B&O Enthusiasten, die die Restaurierung von alten B&O Geräten zum Hobby haben. Mein Techniker hat schon weit über 50 Beogram 400X restauriert und kennt die Geräte wie kaum ein Zweiter. Wir haben unzählige Arbeitsstunden investiert und alleine die Bauteile und das Basisgerät haben über 2500,-€ gekostet. Das gezeigte MMC 20EN ist in erstklassigem Zustand, klingt hervorragend und gehört zum Lieferumfang. B&O selbst bietet übrigens auch die Revision des Beogram 4002/4 an. Dort bekommt man einen neue Haube, eine neue Holzzarge, neue Kabel und Riemen und das Gerät wird geprüft und defekte Bauteile ersetzt. Preis bei B&O: 5000,-€ (nur für die Revision und Teile - der Beogram und MMC sind nicht im Preis enthalten und natürlich auch nicht der RIAA und die technischen Verbesserungen des von mir angebotenen Beogram). Hier nochmals eine Zusammenfassung der durchgeführten Arbeiten. Gehäuse: - Komplette Demontage des Beogram 4004 - Reinigung des Chassis - Erneuern der Haube - Holzzarge neu in Palisander (Echtholz) furniert Technik: - Neue Riemen für Plattenteller und Tonarmantrieb - Austausch der Glühbirne des Tracking-Sensors mit LED mit neuem Präzisionstrimmer statt Festwiderstand - Erneuerung der Beleuchtung der Drehzahlanzeigen 33/45 mit SMD LED - Austausch der Sensorarmbirne durch LED-Baugruppe inkl. Austausch des Transistors und Trimmers - Austausch des Drehzahl-Trimmers durch 20-Gang-Präzisionstrimmer - Austausch des Drehzahl-/Ausgangsrelais - neue Riemenscheibe für den Tonarmantrieb- Säubern aller Platinen - Nachlöten sämtlicher Lötpunkte - Austausch sämtlicher Elkos durch hochwertige Elkos - Einbau eines RIAA-Vorverstärkers mit integriertem Mutingrelais, entwickelt für die Beogram 4000 Serie - Überarbeitung von Motor- und Plattentellerlager Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf ohne Rücknahme. Da das Gerät vollständig neu aufgebaut wurde gibt es aber 1 Jahr Gewährleistung. Die Gewährleistung beinhaltet allerdings keine etwaig anfallenden Transportkosten! Das Gerät kann in Berlin Westend vorgeführt und abgeholt werden. Für dieses Exemplar lohnt sich mit Sicherheit auch eine etwas weitere Anfahrt! Versicherter Versand per DHL ist möglich, die Kosten sind wegen der aufwändigen Verpackung (box in a box) und des hohen Warenwertes aber entsprechend hoch (39,98 € innerhalb Deutschlands, 88,49 € innerhalb der EU).Bei Sofortkauf ist der Versand kostenlos. Auf Wunsch kann ich bei Sofortkauf den Beogram in einem Umkreis von 300 Kilometern von Berlin auch persönlich - ebenfalls kostenfrei - ausliefern. Bitte kontaktieren sie mich aber bitte vor dem Kauf, um einen Liefertermin zu besprechen. English Description: I am selling a beautiful and completely revised and modified Beogram 4004. About the device offered here:The Beogram has been completely technically overhauled and optimized. Complete means complete. The device has been completely disassembled, all mechanical parts have been cleaned, polished or renewed. The electronics have also been completely revised. All capacitors and resistors are new. All soldering points were resoldered, the turntable and motor bearings were cleaned and refilled with the finest oil. The vulnerable fixed resistors of the controller have been replaced by high-quality trim pots, the sensors of the tonearm controller have been converted to LEDs and fine-tuned to perfection. The same applies to the speed control. This Beogram also recognizes transparent records and plays them without any problems! Of course, the two belts have also been renewed. In addition, the Beogram has been equipped with a high-quality RIAA preamp, which is developed and manufactured by a specialist in Denmark. Thus the Beogram can be operated at normal high-level inputs. The built-in modules and optimizations come mostly from the USA by Rudy Schlaf (beolover), who is very much appreciated in the scene. As for the look: the aluminum panels are in excellent condition. The wooden frame was re-veneered with real rosewood.The dust cover (from Beoparts in Denmark) is brand new, as is the aluminum trim. It is a „smoked“ cover including the rubber buffers for the front corners.The dust cover was cast in one piece (injection molded). It has no glued seams!This one is a direct replacement for the original Bang & Olufsen part number 3164190.I originally offered the device with a damaged dust cover. As I said, this hood is new! Who are we? We are two B&O enthusiasts who have a hobby restoring old B&O devices. My technician has already restored well over 50 Beogram 400X and knows the devices like no other. We have invested countless hours of work and the components alone and the basic device cost over €2500. The MMC 20EN shown is in excellent condition and is included. B&O itself also offers the revision of the Beogram 4002/4.There you get a new hood, a new wooden frame, new cables and belts and the device is checked and defective components are replaced.Price at B&O: €5000 (only for the revision and parts - the Beogram and MMC are not included in the price and of course not the RIAA and the technical improvements to the Beogram I offer). Here is a summary of the work done.Housing:- Complete disassembly of the Beogram 4004- Cleaning the chassis- Renewal of the hood- Wooden frame newly veneered with real rosewood Technology:- New belts for platter and tonearm drive- Replacement of tracking sensor bulb with LED with new precision trimmer instead of fixed resistor- Renewal of the lighting of the rev counters 33/45 with SMD LED- Replacement of sensor arm bulb with LED assembly incl. replacement of transistor and trimmer- Replacing the speed trimmer with a 20-speed precision trimmer- Replacement of speed/output relay- new Pulley for threaded carriage shaft Beogram - Clean all circuit boards- Resoldering of all soldering points- Replacement of all electrolytic capacitors with high-quality electrolytic capacitors- Installation of a RIAA preamplifier with integrated muting relay, developed for the Beogram 4000 series- Revision of motor and turntable bearings This is a private sale with no returns. Since the device was completely rebuilt, there is a 1-year warranty. However, the warranty does not include any transport costs that may arise! The device can be demonstrated and picked up in Berlin Westend. Its definitely worth going a little further for this specimen! Insured shipping via DHL is possible, but the costs are correspondingly high due to the complex packaging (box in a box) and the high value of the goods (€39.98 within Germany, €88.49 within the EU). If you choose „buy it now“, shipping is free. If desired, I can also deliver the Beogram personally within a radius of 300 kilometers from Berlin - free of charge if you choose buy it now. However, please contact me before purchasing to discuss a delivery date.


End: 25.09. 2023 19:45:29 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 435.96 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195956132234
  • Seller: demares01 (1695|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ashford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 9,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BANG & OLUFSEN MMC20EN CARTRIDGE STYLUS B&O for BEOGRAM 4002 6000 4004 8000 BEOCENTER BEST MMC20CL REPLACEMENT Inspected, tested and confirmed as new condition - see images MMC means Moving Micro-Cross, a principle designed for quadraphonic recordings - see below Titanium-bonded naked elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered cantilever to reduce record wear and maintain optimum surface contact Effective Tip Mass of mg 0,4 this is what preserves your vinyl!Buy with confidence, over 40 new/new other condition MMC cartridge/styli sold in the last year with 100% feedbackThe QUALITRONICS DIFFERENCEMatch with:Beogram 2400 2200 2402 6000 (Radial) Beocenter 5000 4600 7000 7002 2800 Tangential Beogram 4000 4002 4004 6000 Upgrade with:MMC20CL for sapphire tube cantilever and contct line cut diamond tip MMC6000 for true CD4 quadraphonic capabilities Most of these are available in my other listings already or I have them in stock so do have a look below, if not I can source them for you in a few days. Please message me for that serviceTESTIMONIALS The MMC 20EN combined cartridge/stylus from Bang & Olufsen was fitted with a naked elliptical diamond, mounted on a tiny tapered cantilever. It had been designed for top of the range record decks such as the Beogram 4002 and 4004. It followed the MMC 4000 cartridge and kept the naked elliptical diamond stylus which had been fitted to its predecessor. Performance for the MMC 20EN was excellent. It was highly regarded by Bang & Olufsen enthusiasts and black vinyl aficionados alike and had been designed especially for record decks which used tangential arms such as the Beogram 4002 when it could read SQ 4-channel quadraphonic-encoded matrix records. It could of course read both monophonic and stereophonic records as well.The MMC 20E is supplied with an elliptical naked diamond stylus with a recommended tracking force of 1g. As with all the MMC range each cartridge was an integrated unit especially to permit the best possible performance. It gave an excellent frequency rate with high channel separationAny of the MMC range of cartridges can be substituted for another model in the range. The cartridge was superceded by the MMC3 but these were for newer phomographs and used a different connector. Radius of curvature: 5 x 1,7 mmFrequency range: 20 - 25000 Hz+/- 1,5dBChannel separation: 1000Hz > 20dB, 40 - 10000Hz > 20dBChannel difference: <1,5dBIntermodulation: <1%Recommended stylus pressure: 1gCompliance: 30 x 10(-6)cm/dyneEffective tip mass: 0,4mgOutput: mV/cm/sec. 0,6mV/47kOhms MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.WORLDWIDE carriage may cost more OR LESS!! than the listing states (I have to enter an estimated figure) and will be charged in full as per the service chosen and destination country. Eg, air, surface, express, economy. I ALWAYS SEND WITH QUALITY PACKAGING, TRACKING AND INSURANCE. IF IN ANY DOUBT PLEASE ASK FOR A QUOTE. I NEED YOUR FULL ADDRESS FOR THISPostage/Carriage charges:You may have noticed that these has risen lately. Insurance has almost doubled and many carriers will not accept turntables, speakers or amplifiers, meaning I have to find a specialist. Im sorry that these have to be passed onto you. Qualitronics aims to recycle packaging as much as possible but it will always be top quality and usually its double-box where appropriate too.DELIVERY TO CHINA, ISRAEL, AUSTRALASIA, INDIA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND SOUTH AMERICA WILL BE ROUGHLY DOUBLE THE QUOTED INTERNATIONAL PRICE. TO BID IS TO ACCEPT THIS EXTRA PAYMENT. THANKS!About Qualitronics!Im running this business part-time whilst I raise my children. My daughter Issy is 6 years old, the apple of my eye, my teacher and the beneficiary of your purchases. (She says THANK YOU VERY MUCH!) Tommy is a terror-bag Toddler, 2 years old and his dimples charm the world. I endeavour to source the HIGHEST quality electronics, mostly B&O HiFi and will have owned most of the models in question at some time in my life. This gives me a real experience of the merits to share with you. Im a time-served Sound Engineer and use my trained ear to check each audio item. Its not just sonics though, look out for the weird and wonderful... as long as its well madePRE-SALE ENQUIRIES:Im more than happy to answer any questions, offer advice and make suggestions over the phone and many customers have already found this useful.Please call the customer service line accessed by clicking the ask a question feature or opening the full information link in the business information section below. The full number is not always displayed. Often the first zero is missing. This is ebays procedure and not mine. PRODUCTION DESIGNERS AND PROPERTIES BUYERS A number of my items have now featured in TV ads, theatre and film productions and professional photography having been bought by production designers, location agents and properties buyers. These include a Beocenter 2200, Beocenter 7007, Beovox S45 speakers. I recognise the tight deadlines that you have to work to and the immediacy you often have to work under. For the speediest solution I can offer, including same or next day delivery, suitability of product or advice on matching items to an era (or decade), please use the customer service line accessed by clicking the ask a question feature or opening the full information link in the business information section below. COLLECT IN PERSON:This is actively encouraged! This way, no clumsy or disgruntled delivery person can break it! Do check in advance the location of the item youre interested in. A quick call will be all thats needed to confirm the whereabouts. Whilst the business is registered in London, I also have stock stored near Maidstone, Manchester and the Midlands. I can only accept cash on collection as the payment method if visiting the premises due to the PayPal charge back scam. INSTALLATION:I am increasingly being commissioned to complete installations of the products that I sell. Depending upon your location and items purchased this can be achieved for little more than the usual shipping and insurance costs of the selected units. You receive the assurance of a properly connected system, including optimum placement design and the benefit of a full demonstration, highlighting the tips and techniques garnered from decades of experience and expertise. Recent installations have ranged from a single Beocenter being connected to the existing speakers and unit for an 89-years young-lady for a few hundred pounds to a multi-room, Beocenter, Beogram, Beovox and B&O dedicated cabinet and stands combination, with remote control, for a few thousand pounds.Please use the ask a question feature to access the pre-sales telephone number to discuss your requirements.SOURCING SERVICE:Cant find that B&O product that youve yearned for since you were a kid? Need a rare or discontinued part to repair your unit? If I dont have it in stock, then I can normally source one very quickly. I have a wide network of fellow enthusiasts, collectors, dealerships and retired B&O Engineers whom I can call upon to fulfill your needs.FEEDBACK:Your positive feedback is vital to all good sellers. It lets us know that you are happy, if not delirious, about your purchase. On very rare occasions, there may be an issue with your order, such as courier damage or simply leaving transit screws engaged. (Quite common). I can remedy any such issues to your complete satisfaction most quickly via the telephone or eBay message (without the need to open a case). Please use the contact number shown when you select the ask a question button. I realise that you are very, very busy, only one in three of my clients has found the time to leave feedback that also informs their peers of their positive experience. Indeed all of Qualitronics feedback is from buyers and not inflated by that of other sellers. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. INTERNATIONAL PURCHASES:Please note that Qualitronics is not responsible for any additional import tariffs or customs charges levied at source or upon delivery. It is the buyers responsibility to check before purchasing for their own countrys charges. VOLTAGE:All electrical items are UK voltage (240v) and B&O UK type xxxx unless otherwise stated.


End: 25.09. 2023 19:45:28 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 367.12 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195956132243
  • Seller: demares01 (1695|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ashford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 9,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BANG & OLUFSEN MMC20E CARTRIDGE STYLUS B&O for BEOGRAM 4002 6000 4004 8000 BEOCENTER 7000 7002 THE BEST BUDGET MMC20 REPLACEMENT Inspected, tested and confirmed as new condition - see images, not the best, sorry MMC means Moving Micro-Cross, a principle designed for quadraphonic recordings - see below Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered cantilever to reduce record wear and maintain optimum surface contact Effective Tip Mass of mg 0,4 this is what preserves your vinyl! Buy with confidence, over 80 new/new other condition MMC cartridge/styli sold in the last few years with 100% feedback. The QUALITRONICS DIFFERENCE Match with: Beogram 2400 2200 2402 6000 (Radial) Beocenter 5000 4600 7000 7002 2800 Tangential Beogram 4000 4002 4004 6000 Upgrade with: MMC20CL for sapphire tube cantilever and contct line cut diamond tip MMC6000 for true CD4 quadraphonic capabilities Most of these are available in my other listings already or I have them in stock so do have a look below, if not I can source them for you in a few days. Please message me for that service TESTIMONIALS

B&O Beogram 4002 Turntable Serviced - replacement cartridge- new stylus -belts

End: 11.09. 2023 16:09:12 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1715.4 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 276019271345
  • Seller: studiosound1 (76|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Blackpool Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Beogram 4002 Turntable - Serviced - replacement cartridge - new stylus - belts option of DIN or Phono connections very good condition images to follow £200 reduction if cash on collection Shipping yes - No Paypal if item to be shipped Unfortunately to many return frauds circulating on Ebay

B&O Beogram 4002

End: 08.09. 2023 13:31:19 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 1.14 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355017543131
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: miba_4059 (57|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Littlehampton Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 13,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    B&O Beogram 4002. In good used condition with some light scratches and marks. It runs when the start button is pressed but does no more. Appears complete but needs refurbishment. Advertised elsewhere so I reserve the right to end early. Im having trouble changing the postage option, it will be sent by courier tracked and insured. Thanks for looking, any questions please ask.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC20S STYLUS CARTRIDGE B&O BEOGRAM 2400, 1102, 1100 1700 4002 4004

End: 06.09. 2023 06:21:05 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 108.74 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335015189172
  • Seller: not_that_lever (3339|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Devon Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 4,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description: Selling a BANG OLUFSEN MMC20S STYLUS CARTRIDGE B&O BEOGRAM 2400, 1102, 1100 1700 4002 4004 Item comes as photographed. Needle slightly off center. Uk Only!I am Selling plenty of other unusual and Interesting Items so please do Look!Please be aware this is a delicate and fragile Item. Be Careful on opening.UK buyers, if you are unhappy with the item you may return them within a 7 day period for a refund in full but only once the item has arrived back. If it is a case of choice I would rather the purchaser assumes the cost of the shipping for the return but if broken or damaged in any way I will refund the addition for the shipping. If an item is sold as spares or repairs I offer no refund at all Post Based on Mainland Shipping (highlands and islands, please contact for a quote!)Please allow 5-10 working days for the arrival of any item purchase after payment but I will endeavour to have it to you much sooner.Any other questions feel free to askThe majority of the items I sell are second hand and some times I may miss something. Please dont expect the items to be in new condition there are bound to be marks and signs of useIF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 10 FEEDBACK PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE PLACING A BID!!!


End: 13.08. 2023 13:52:53 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 437.65 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374862055524
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: ferdor (8016|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Grayslake, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 200,29 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Bang & Olufsen B&O BeoGram 4002 Record Deck - Collectors Grade - Just Serviced

End: 13.08. 2023 12:32:27 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 1723.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195922533760
  • Seller: lifestyle-beo (2124|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Waldron Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 116,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen B&O BeoGram 4002 Record Deck - Collectors Grade - Just ServicedWelcome to LifeStyle-Beo - Bang & Olufsen Specialists for over 20 years. We constantly have a stream of fresh stock arriving and may have what youre looking for in the pipeline ready to be listed here on eBay, so please get in touch if theres anything specific youre looking for! Weve just had a huge delivery of beautiful Bang & Olufsen items as well as some non-B&O Audio Visual equipment so please do check the See Other Items or visit our Shop to see what we have. Theres something for everyone in there, all at great prices. In this auction we have a : Bang & Olufsen BeoGram 4002 Record Deck - Just serviced and in INCREDIBLE condition. One elderly owner from brand new and this deck really is incredibly special. It had been kept in a custom made oak cabinet from the day it was delivered and set up, with the record deck section being lined in thick felt. The owner passed away and it was handed down to his Daughter who wrapped it in a blanket and kept it for almost 20 years in a cool, dark cupboard. The deck comes with an original Bang & Olufsen MMC4000 stylus which plays perfectly and looks barely used. Type Number : 5636 Serial Number : 2676002 Condition : The lid is pretty much as new aside from a couple of little dusting/handling marks to the little brushed alu strip on the top edge (pictured, but really.. we are being seriously fussy). The perspex is incredible with virtually no marks whatsoever - and we mean 99% as good as the day it was made. The oak wood surround trim around the edges is superb, with just a tiny amount of dusting/cleaning wear to one leading edge. The wood is bright and fresh with zero fading thanks to it being either in a cabinet or wrapped up. A tiny dab of oak polish should make this disappear - which we could have done, but we want to sell it completely as we got it. The platter is spotless, as is the surround, and the finger plate control section is like the day it left the factory. Normally these are heavily worn, but this one is as new - indicating very minimal use throughout its life. Functionality : Being in this condition we took it for a service and check-up to a B&O specialist restorer who was gobsmacked at how spotless it was under the hood. He took a picture of it and sent it to us, which we have included in the listing. Apparently the internals look like the day they left the factory, which is nice to hear! Shipping : This is a delicate deck and its HEAVY, but were happy to pack it perfectly and ship to any UK Mainland destination for £29.95. You are, of course, welcome to collect in person from our premises near Heathfield, East Sussex. Conclusion : A rare opportunity to purchase a very desirable classic piece of B&O. We see one in this condition maybe once every 5 years if were lucky. You may find cheaper, but in our opinion you will not find better. You get what you pay for... Any questions please ask, and thank you for looking!

Bang & Olufsen - B&O - Beogram 4002 + MMC 4000 Vintage Plattenspieler

End: 05.08. 2023 13:32:09 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 590.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145226664527
  • Seller: gf-retro (666|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Ranstadt Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen - B&O - Beogram 4002 + MMC 4000 Vintage PlattenspielerBang & Olufsen - B&O - Beogram 4002 + MMC 4000 Vintage Plattenspieler. Der Plattenspieler läuft an sich und ich habe diesen vor Verkauf überholen lassen (einige Elkos wurden getauscht) allerdings ist der linke Kanal leiser als der rechte. Es müsste das Systems ausgetauscht werden dann läuft dieser wieder. Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Ware unter der Differenzbesteuerung gemäß § 25a UStG fällt. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Umsatzsteuer nicht gesondert auf der Rechnung ausgewiesen.


End: 03.08. 2023 13:17:36 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 441.02 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 126030301260
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ferdor (8006|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Grayslake, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 199,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Bang & Olufsen - B&O - BO Beogram 8000 8002 4002 etc Aluminum Plate Platter Part

End: 31.07. 2023 20:19:21 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 72.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 304972412430
  • Seller: bijouhills (3988|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Saint Petersburg, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 30,69 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Beogram 8000 platter. Should work on other models. Light scattered stains on the aluminum. Plastic risers are good. *The shipping cost you see is calculated based off of the items dimensions and your address. I do not charge extra for handling. Feel free to ask questions before bidding or purchasing. Sold as pictured so please see photos closely for details. * Florida residents are subject to a 7% sales tax. SOLD AS IS. * I am a small business and do my best to picture and describe items accurately, but sometimes, I make mistakes. If you purchased an item and believe that I have made a mistake, please contact me. Good communication is the best way to resolve any issue.Thank you!


End: 19.07. 2023 20:45:34 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 444.24 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195832302692
  • Seller: demares01 (1688|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ashford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 9,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BANG & OLUFSEN MMC20EN CARTRIDGE STYLUS B&O for BEOGRAM 4002 6000 4004 8000 BEOCENTER BEST MMC20CL REPLACEMENT Inspected, tested and confirmed as new condition - see images MMC means Moving Micro-Cross, a principle designed for quadraphonic recordings - see below Titanium-bonded naked elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered cantilever to reduce record wear and maintain optimum surface contact Effective Tip Mass of mg 0,4 this is what preserves your vinyl!Buy with confidence, over 40 new/new other condition MMC cartridge/styli sold in the last year with 100% feedbackThe QUALITRONICS DIFFERENCEMatch with:Beogram 2400 2200 2402 6000 (Radial) Beocenter 5000 4600 7000 7002 2800 Tangential Beogram 4000 4002 4004 6000 Upgrade with:MMC20CL for sapphire tube cantilever and contct line cut diamond tip MMC6000 for true CD4 quadraphonic capabilities Most of these are available in my other listings already or I have them in stock so do have a look below, if not I can source them for you in a few days. Please message me for that serviceTESTIMONIALS The MMC 20EN combined cartridge/stylus from Bang & Olufsen was fitted with a naked elliptical diamond, mounted on a tiny tapered cantilever. It had been designed for top of the range record decks such as the Beogram 4002 and 4004. It followed the MMC 4000 cartridge and kept the naked elliptical diamond stylus which had been fitted to its predecessor. Performance for the MMC 20EN was excellent. It was highly regarded by Bang & Olufsen enthusiasts and black vinyl aficionados alike and had been designed especially for record decks which used tangential arms such as the Beogram 4002 when it could read SQ 4-channel quadraphonic-encoded matrix records. It could of course read both monophonic and stereophonic records as well.The MMC 20E is supplied with an elliptical naked diamond stylus with a recommended tracking force of 1g. As with all the MMC range each cartridge was an integrated unit especially to permit the best possible performance. It gave an excellent frequency rate with high channel separationAny of the MMC range of cartridges can be substituted for another model in the range. The cartridge was superceded by the MMC3 but these were for newer phomographs and used a different connector. Radius of curvature: 5 x 1,7 mmFrequency range: 20 - 25000 Hz+/- 1,5dBChannel separation: 1000Hz > 20dB, 40 - 10000Hz > 20dBChannel difference: <1,5dBIntermodulation: <1%Recommended stylus pressure: 1gCompliance: 30 x 10(-6)cm/dyneEffective tip mass: 0,4mgOutput: mV/cm/sec. 0,6mV/47kOhms MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.WORLDWIDE carriage may cost more OR LESS!! than the listing states (I have to enter an estimated figure) and will be charged in full as per the service chosen and destination country. Eg, air, surface, express, economy. I ALWAYS SEND WITH QUALITY PACKAGING, TRACKING AND INSURANCE. IF IN ANY DOUBT PLEASE ASK FOR A QUOTE. I NEED YOUR FULL ADDRESS FOR THISPostage/Carriage charges:You may have noticed that these has risen lately. Insurance has almost doubled and many carriers will not accept turntables, speakers or amplifiers, meaning I have to find a specialist. Im sorry that these have to be passed onto you. Qualitronics aims to recycle packaging as much as possible but it will always be top quality and usually its double-box where appropriate too.DELIVERY TO CHINA, ISRAEL, AUSTRALASIA, INDIA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND SOUTH AMERICA WILL BE ROUGHLY DOUBLE THE QUOTED INTERNATIONAL PRICE. TO BID IS TO ACCEPT THIS EXTRA PAYMENT. THANKS!About Qualitronics!Im running this business part-time whilst I raise my children. My daughter Issy is 6 years old, the apple of my eye, my teacher and the beneficiary of your purchases. (She says THANK YOU VERY MUCH!) Tommy is a terror-bag Toddler, 2 years old and his dimples charm the world. I endeavour to source the HIGHEST quality electronics, mostly B&O HiFi and will have owned most of the models in question at some time in my life. This gives me a real experience of the merits to share with you. Im a time-served Sound Engineer and use my trained ear to check each audio item. Its not just sonics though, look out for the weird and wonderful... as long as its well madePRE-SALE ENQUIRIES:Im more than happy to answer any questions, offer advice and make suggestions over the phone and many customers have already found this useful.Please call the customer service line accessed by clicking the ask a question feature or opening the full information link in the business information section below. The full number is not always displayed. Often the first zero is missing. This is ebays procedure and not mine. PRODUCTION DESIGNERS AND PROPERTIES BUYERS A number of my items have now featured in TV ads, theatre and film productions and professional photography having been bought by production designers, location agents and properties buyers. These include a Beocenter 2200, Beocenter 7007, Beovox S45 speakers. I recognise the tight deadlines that you have to work to and the immediacy you often have to work under. For the speediest solution I can offer, including same or next day delivery, suitability of product or advice on matching items to an era (or decade), please use the customer service line accessed by clicking the ask a question feature or opening the full information link in the business information section below. COLLECT IN PERSON:This is actively encouraged! This way, no clumsy or disgruntled delivery person can break it! Do check in advance the location of the item youre interested in. A quick call will be all thats needed to confirm the whereabouts. Whilst the business is registered in London, I also have stock stored near Maidstone, Manchester and the Midlands. I can only accept cash on collection as the payment method if visiting the premises due to the PayPal charge back scam. INSTALLATION:I am increasingly being commissioned to complete installations of the products that I sell. Depending upon your location and items purchased this can be achieved for little more than the usual shipping and insurance costs of the selected units. You receive the assurance of a properly connected system, including optimum placement design and the benefit of a full demonstration, highlighting the tips and techniques garnered from decades of experience and expertise. Recent installations have ranged from a single Beocenter being connected to the existing speakers and unit for an 89-years young-lady for a few hundred pounds to a multi-room, Beocenter, Beogram, Beovox and B&O dedicated cabinet and stands combination, with remote control, for a few thousand pounds.Please use the ask a question feature to access the pre-sales telephone number to discuss your requirements.SOURCING SERVICE:Cant find that B&O product that youve yearned for since you were a kid? Need a rare or discontinued part to repair your unit? If I dont have it in stock, then I can normally source one very quickly. I have a wide network of fellow enthusiasts, collectors, dealerships and retired B&O Engineers whom I can call upon to fulfill your needs.FEEDBACK:Your positive feedback is vital to all good sellers. It lets us know that you are happy, if not delirious, about your purchase. On very rare occasions, there may be an issue with your order, such as courier damage or simply leaving transit screws engaged. (Quite common). I can remedy any such issues to your complete satisfaction most quickly via the telephone or eBay message (without the need to open a case). Please use the contact number shown when you select the ask a question button. I realise that you are very, very busy, only one in three of my clients has found the time to leave feedback that also informs their peers of their positive experience. Indeed all of Qualitronics feedback is from buyers and not inflated by that of other sellers. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. INTERNATIONAL PURCHASES:Please note that Qualitronics is not responsible for any additional import tariffs or customs charges levied at source or upon delivery. It is the buyers responsibility to check before purchasing for their own countrys charges. VOLTAGE:All electrical items are UK voltage (240v) and B&O UK type xxxx unless otherwise stated.


End: 19.07. 2023 20:44:26 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 374.09 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195832302663
  • Seller: demares01 (1688|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ashford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 9,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BANG & OLUFSEN MMC20E CARTRIDGE STYLUS B&O for BEOGRAM 4002 6000 4004 8000 BEOCENTER 7000 7002 THE BEST BUDGET MMC20 REPLACEMENT Inspected, tested and confirmed as new condition - see images, not the best, sorry MMC means Moving Micro-Cross, a principle designed for quadraphonic recordings - see below Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered cantilever to reduce record wear and maintain optimum surface contact Effective Tip Mass of mg 0,4 this is what preserves your vinyl! Buy with confidence, over 80 new/new other condition MMC cartridge/styli sold in the last few years with 100% feedback. The QUALITRONICS DIFFERENCE Match with: Beogram 2400 2200 2402 6000 (Radial) Beocenter 5000 4600 7000 7002 2800 Tangential Beogram 4000 4002 4004 6000 Upgrade with: MMC20CL for sapphire tube cantilever and contct line cut diamond tip MMC6000 for true CD4 quadraphonic capabilities Most of these are available in my other listings already or I have them in stock so do have a look below, if not I can source them for you in a few days. Please message me for that service TESTIMONIALS

Bang & Olufsen - B&O - Beogram 4002 + MMC 20 EN/top conditions

End: 19.07. 2023 10:06:29 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 1350.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 185943623061
  • Seller: abridenni (131|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Paris Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 140,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang & Olufsen / B&O / Beogram 4002 + MMC 20 EN. Very good state working as it should .as a new item. Shipped with an mmc 20en For an international shipping please ask before buying

BANG OLUFSEN MMC20CL STYLUS CARTRIDGE B&O BEOGRAM 6000 4002 3400 1700, 2400 4004

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:25 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 395.06 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185395
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 48,27 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC20CL Cartridge/Stylus perfect working order Uk stock ready for dispatch NOW Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1gram vertical tracking force The first B&O cartridge to use a single crystal sapphire cantilever. Get yourself the originalSingle crystal sapphire cantilever offers a very rigid but light structure five times stiffer than aluminium and 21% stiffer than beryllium transferring more of the signal from your vinylEffective tip mass is a very low 0.3mg which ensures low record wear and a high stylus resonance well beyond the audible rangeThe body itself forms an effective Mu-Metal screen against stray hum fields practically eliminating magnetic interference Courtesy of Beoworld.orgMMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies. Any questions just get in touch, Id be glad to help.


End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:24 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 255.21 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185397
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 41,68 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4000 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1gram vertical tracking forceNo stock images what you see is what you getMMC4000 Product SpecificationsElliptical naked diamond Radius of curvature 5 x 1,7 mm Frequency range 20 - 25000 Hz+/- 1,5dB Channel separation 1000Hz > 20dB 40 - 10000Hz > 20dB Channel difference <1,5dB Intermodulation <1% Recommended stylus pressure 1g Compliance 30 x 10(-6)cm/dyne Effective tip mass 0,4mg Output mV/cm/sec. 0,6mV/47kOhmsMMC4000Large photoManufactured: 1974 - 1980Designer: Subir PramanikColours: Silver MMC 4000This pick-up cartridge was specially designed for use in Bang & Olufsen record-players with tangential arms.It was designed to track SQ 4 channel matrix records and tracked both mono and stereo records extremely well. It was fitted to Beogram 4002. The stylus was an elliptical naked diamond, radii 5x17u. Recommended tracking force was 1g. Each MMC 4000 was designed as an integrated unit. This meant that all critical components were designed and constructed as an entity in order to give optimum performance. The stylus unit was not separately replaceable as it was part of the integrated unit. Frequency range was 20-30,000 Hz ± 3 dB. Effective tip mass was a mere 0.5 mg and compliance was higher than 30x10-6 cm/dyne.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC20E CART STYLUS B&O BEOGRAM 2400, 1902, 1100, 1700, 4002, 4004,

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:24 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 227.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185434
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 41,57 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC20E Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise.Tracking perfectly.Sounds great.Stock images appearance will vary slightly.BANG & OLUFSEN MMC20E CART & STYLUS BEOGRAM 6000 4000 8000 BEOCENTER 7000 7002 3600 4600Inspected, tested - see images MMC means Moving Micro-Cross Titanium-bonded naked elliptical diamond, to reduce record wear and maintain optimum surface contact Effective Tip Mass of mg 0,4 this is what preserves your vinyl! MMC20EManufactured: 1979 - 1985 Designer: Jacob Jensen Colours: BlackPrior to the release of MMC1 - 5 cartridges, Bang & Olufsen had the following MMC range of combined styli and cartridges:MMC cartridges were available with standard ½ mounting brackets, or with easy plug-in, lightweight connectors. These enabled you to mount MMC cartridges onto non-Bang & Olufsen arms. The cartridges plugged directly into Beogram pickup arms without additional mounting gearMMC 20 S was a stereo cartridge with a spherical framed diamondMMC 20 E was fitted with a framed elliptical diamond which has a high polishMMC 20EN had a naked elliptical diamond, mounted on a tiny tapered cantileverMMC 20 CL utilised a Contact Line naked diamond mounted on a single crystal sapphire cantilever. This shape ensures maximum groove contact. This was the most highly-specified cartridge in the MMC 20 rangeIn 1958, Bang & Olufsen introduced the first stereo pickup cartridge ever made in Europe. This was called the SP1. Since then, many design innovations and the creative use of new materials have kept B&Os cartridges at the forefront of audio technology. By 1979 - 80, Bang & Olufsens cartridges were represented by the MMC 20 series. MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. The MMC20 series therefore represented the closest that modern technology at that time, could possibly afford.Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.Bang & Olufsen cartridges have always been highly acclaimed for their low ETM values. The ETM of the MMC 20CL is a mere 0,3mg and in the standard MMC 20 range,, only 0,5mg.MMC cartridges were manufactured by Bang & Olufsen as totally integrated units. This means that the elements were matched, balanced and sealed at the factory. Using a computer-supported testing programme,, each sealed unit was meticulously tested and its performance information automatically registered and packed with each cartridge. The information given included output voltage, relative voltage output (channel balance), channel separation and frequency response. Individually-calibrated frequency response curves were also supplied with the higher-specified MMC 20CL cartridges.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC20S STYLUS CARTRIDGE B&O BEOGRAM 2400, 1102, 1100 1700 4002 4004

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:22 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 220.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185440
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
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  • Shipping: 41,35 EUR
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    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC20S Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.5gram vertical tracking forceTested on a Beogram 2400-2 and 4002 and sounds crisp and clear on both channelsThe model replacement for the MMC3000Matches black systems like the Beocenter 3600 - available with a cartridge in my other listings giving you the look of the original systemKeep playing your vinyl in the manner it was meant to be heardLow Effective Tip Mass protects your most precious vinyl from wear and damage Courtesy of Beoworld.orgMMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies. This was the last of the MMC 20 range to be discontinued with cartridges being available late into the 1990s. It produced a typical warm B&O sound though lacked some of the more expensive models treble clarity. With an ETM of only 0.5mg, it was a fine cartridge and sturdy with it.The company’s range of MMC cartridges were integrated units, combining both stylus and cartridge as one slip-on unit. Matched, balanced and sealed in the factory each unit was meticulously computer tested with its results printed off and offered to the customer at time of sale. The printout included such information as output voltage, relative voltage output (channel balance), channel separation and frequency response. Manufactured: 1979 - 1985 Designer: Jacob Jensen Colours: BlackMMC 20 CartridgesPrior to the release of MMC1 - 5 cartridges, Bang & Olufsen had the following MMC range of combined styli and cartridges:MMC 20 S is a stereo cartridge with a spherical framed diamond Any questions just get in touch, Id be glad to help.

B&O Beogram 4002 Turntable Serviced - replacement cartridge- new stylus -belts

End: 03.07. 2023 14:26:00 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1741.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275911433619
  • Seller: studiosound1 (75|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Blackpool Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
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    Beogram 4002 Turntable - Serviced - replacement cartridge - new stylus - belts option of DIN or Phono connections very good condition images to follow £200 reduction if cash on collection Shipping yes - No Paypal if item to be shipped Unfortunately to many return frauds circulating on Ebay

BANG OLUFSEN MMC20E CART STYLUS B&O BEOGRAM 2400, 1902, 1100, 1700, 4002, 4004,

End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:43 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 237.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266301730098
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 42,18 EUR
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    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC20E Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise.Tracking perfectly.Sounds great.Stock images appearance will vary slightly.BANG & OLUFSEN MMC20E CART & STYLUS BEOGRAM 6000 4000 8000 BEOCENTER 7000 7002 3600 4600Inspected, tested - see images MMC means Moving Micro-Cross Titanium-bonded naked elliptical diamond, to reduce record wear and maintain optimum surface contact Effective Tip Mass of mg 0,4 this is what preserves your vinyl! MMC20EManufactured: 1979 - 1985 Designer: Jacob Jensen Colours: BlackPrior to the release of MMC1 - 5 cartridges, Bang & Olufsen had the following MMC range of combined styli and cartridges:MMC cartridges were available with standard ½ mounting brackets, or with easy plug-in, lightweight connectors. These enabled you to mount MMC cartridges onto non-Bang & Olufsen arms. The cartridges plugged directly into Beogram pickup arms without additional mounting gearMMC 20 S was a stereo cartridge with a spherical framed diamondMMC 20 E was fitted with a framed elliptical diamond which has a high polishMMC 20EN had a naked elliptical diamond, mounted on a tiny tapered cantileverMMC 20 CL utilised a Contact Line naked diamond mounted on a single crystal sapphire cantilever. This shape ensures maximum groove contact. This was the most highly-specified cartridge in the MMC 20 rangeIn 1958, Bang & Olufsen introduced the first stereo pickup cartridge ever made in Europe. This was called the SP1. Since then, many design innovations and the creative use of new materials have kept B&Os cartridges at the forefront of audio technology. By 1979 - 80, Bang & Olufsens cartridges were represented by the MMC 20 series. MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. The MMC20 series therefore represented the closest that modern technology at that time, could possibly afford.Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.Bang & Olufsen cartridges have always been highly acclaimed for their low ETM values. The ETM of the MMC 20CL is a mere 0,3mg and in the standard MMC 20 range,, only 0,5mg.MMC cartridges were manufactured by Bang & Olufsen as totally integrated units. This means that the elements were matched, balanced and sealed at the factory. Using a computer-supported testing programme,, each sealed unit was meticulously tested and its performance information automatically registered and packed with each cartridge. The information given included output voltage, relative voltage output (channel balance), channel separation and frequency response. Individually-calibrated frequency response curves were also supplied with the higher-specified MMC 20CL cartridges.


End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:42 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 265.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266301730100
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 42,3 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4000 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1gram vertical tracking forceNo stock images what you see is what you getMMC4000 Product SpecificationsElliptical naked diamond Radius of curvature 5 x 1,7 mm Frequency range 20 - 25000 Hz+/- 1,5dB Channel separation 1000Hz > 20dB 40 - 10000Hz > 20dB Channel difference <1,5dB Intermodulation <1% Recommended stylus pressure 1g Compliance 30 x 10(-6)cm/dyne Effective tip mass 0,4mg Output mV/cm/sec. 0,6mV/47kOhmsMMC4000Large photoManufactured: 1974 - 1980Designer: Subir PramanikColours: Silver MMC 4000This pick-up cartridge was specially designed for use in Bang & Olufsen record-players with tangential arms.It was designed to track SQ 4 channel matrix records and tracked both mono and stereo records extremely well. It was fitted to Beogram 4002. The stylus was an elliptical naked diamond, radii 5x17u. Recommended tracking force was 1g. Each MMC 4000 was designed as an integrated unit. This meant that all critical components were designed and constructed as an entity in order to give optimum performance. The stylus unit was not separately replaceable as it was part of the integrated unit. Frequency range was 20-30,000 Hz ± 3 dB. Effective tip mass was a mere 0.5 mg and compliance was higher than 30x10-6 cm/dyne.