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Harman Kardon AVR 370 A/V Receiver HDMI W-lan USB* 2-Zone Zubehör **OSD

End: 14.11. 2023 16:57:17 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 384.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335094369675
  • Seller: electronic-wangen (887|97.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wangen Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 16,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Harman Kardon AVR 370 A/V Receiver  HDMI W-lan USB* 2-Zone Zubehör **OSDModell : Harman Kardon AVR3700 Zustand :sehr gut Design Gerät für Augen und Ohren Zubehör : Fernbedienung Stromkabel W-LAN Antenne Gewährleistung 1 Jahr Beschreibung : Harman Kardon bietet für EUR 999,-- den 7.2. AV-Receiver AVR 370 an. Mit diesem Gerät möchte Harman Kardon in der beliebten 1.000 EUR-Liga für Furore sorgen, was sich in der Praxis aber nicht einfach gestaltet. Der AVR 370 trifft dort auf harte und bestens etablierte Konkurrenten, die sowohl bzgl. der Ausstattung, als auch bzgl. der technischen Leistungsfähigkeit auf hohem Niveau agieren. Wir haben für sie überprüft, ob Harman Kardon den Anschluss an die Besten der Klasse findet. Optisch ist der Wiedererkennungswert hoch, man sieht sofort, dass es sich um einen Harman Kardon AV-Receiver handelt. Während sich andere Geräte bis auf wenige Unterschiede oft gleichen, geht Harman Kardon bezüglich des Designs einen speziellen Weg. Die Front wirkt enorm aufgeräumt und hat nur kleine, gleichförmige Tasten unterhalb des zweizeiligen Displays. Das Display zeigt natürlich Punkt-Matrix-Auflösung. Beherrschendes Stilelement auf der rechten Seite der Frontblende ist der Lautstärkeregler. Im Gegensatz zu Konkurrenzprodukten ragt dieser aber nicht aus der Frontblende heraus, sondern ist eingelassen. Dies sieht zwar durchaus schick aus, erweist sich in der Praxis aber als nicht sonderlich praktisch. Der hübsche, hellblau-leuchtende Ring um den Drehregler macht dies leider auch nicht besser. So bleibt als Fazit: Die Lautstärke wird besser mit der Fernbedienung geregelt. Charakteristisch für den AVR 370 sind auch die gerundeten Ecken der Frontblende, das sorgt für einen harmonischen Gesamteindruck. Auf der linken Seite der Frontblende sind die Frontanschlüsse mit einer recht stabil wirkenden Klappe abgedeckt. So stören bei Nichtgebrauch keine offenen Anschlüsse das Design. Wenden wir uns den Anschlüssen zu. Selbstverständlich stehen für die Lautsprecher Schraubanschlüsse zur Verfügung. Die Endstufen sechs und sieben können entweder für Front-high oder für Surround-Back verwendet werden. An weiteren Anschlüssen gibt es einen 7.2 Vorverstärker-Ausgang, einen koaxialen Digitaleingang und zwei optische Digitaleingänge. Hinten finden sich gleich sieben HDMI-Eingänge, ein achter ist auf der Gerätefront untergebracht. Der AVR 370 bringt auch zwei HDMI-Ausgänge hinten mit. Weitere Anschlüsse: Vorne befindet sich noch der Kopfhörer-Ausgang, der ebenfalls für den Anschluss des Einmessmikrofons verwendet wird. Auch ein USB-Terminal ist auf der Front untergebracht. Der AVR 370 verfügt zwar über Apple AirPlay, alternativ kann man das iPhone aber auch vorne am USB-Terminal anschließen. Hängt das iPhone oder der iPod vorne am USB-Eingang, erfolgt die Steuerung über die Fernbedienung des Harman Kardon AV-Receivers. Man wechselt durch Druck auf die USB-Taste auf der FB zwischen normalem USB- und Apple Device-Mode. Dies ist dann wichtig, wenn man auch z.B. ein UDSB Flash Medium vorn anschließen möchte. Hinten findet sich noch eine konventionelle Netzwerkbuchse für die Einbindung ins kabelgebundene Netzwerk, und ein Gewinde, auf das eine WLAN-Antenne aufgeschraubt wird. Derartig ausgerüstet kann man den AVR 370 auch ins Drahtlosnetzwerk, W-LAN einbinden. An konventionellen, analogen Cinch-Anschlüssen gibt es einen Ausgang für eine zweite Hörzone, einen Recording-Ausgang und zwei analoge Eingänge. Des Weiteren finden sich zwei F-Bass-Videoeingänge, ein Komponenten-Video-Eingang und ein F-Bass-Videoausgang. Für die ebenfalls eingebauten FM-AM-Analog-Radio-Tuner gibt es auf der Rückseite ebenfalls die entsprechenden Anschlü Harman Kardon bringt gleich zwei Fernbedienungen mit, eine komplett beleuchtete Hauptfernbedienung und eine kleine, kompakte Fernbedienung für die zweite Hörzone. Die Hauptfernbedienung ist recht groß, aber ausgezeichnet verarbeitet und liegt dank des günstigen Schwerpunktes gut in der Hand. Mit nur einer Hand kann man die Navigationseinheit schnell und problemlos bedienen. Die Größe der Fernbedienung hat überdies einen nicht zu unterschätzenden Vorteil: Sie wirkt nicht überfrachtet, sondern tadellos gegliedert. Rückseite und Tasten sind überdies leicht gummiert. Dies sorgt für einen guten Grip beim Bedienen. Die kleine Fernbedienung ist unbeleuchtetDer AVR 370 kann eingehende Videosignale auf bis zu 4K hochrechnen und bringt überdies auch verschiedene Video-EQ-Funktionen mit. Diese ruft man durch Drücken der Video-Mode-Taste auf der Fernbedienung auf. Je nach Quelle können individuelle Einstellungen getroffen werden (quellselektiv). Zunächst gibt es verschiedene vordefinierte Bildprogramme: Sport, Natur und Kino. Wählt man benutzerdefiniert kann man Helligkeit, Kontrast, Farbe und Schärfe mit vier Reglern sehr präzise einstellen. Immer verfügbar, auch bei Verwendung der vorkonfigurierten Bildmodi, sind die erweiterten Videoeinstellungen. Hier gibt es einen globalen Rauschfilter, eine MPEG Rauschreduktion, einen Cross-Color-Suppressor und einen Film-Modus-Erkennung mit verschiedenen Betriebsarten: Auto, 2:2 Pull-Down und 3:2 Pull-Down. Immer wichtiger werden multimediale Eigenschaften. Hier hat Harman Kardon nach wie vor Nachholbedarf. Zwar gibt es ein DLNA-1.5 Zertifikat, plus Netzwerkfähigkeit – dies ermöglicht das Streaming von Musikdateien von PCs und Servern aus dem gleichen Netzwerk – es ist aber ausschließlich der kostenlose Dienst vTuner als Internet-Radio-Plattform an Bord. Spotify oder Napster sucht man vergeblich. Wie wir bereits erwähnt haben, verfügt der AVR 370 über AirPlay, so dass die Musik-Mediatheken von Apple-Devices oder dem iTunes auf dem PC über den AVR 370 wiedergegeben werden können. Der AV-Receiver ist auch in der Lage, hochauflösende Flac-Dateien zu verarbeiten. Natürlich gibt es auch eine App, die für Apple-iOS-Devices und für Android-Geräte erhältlich ist. Sie fungiert sozusagen als Fernbedienungsersatz, wer aber beispielsweise vTuner nutzen möchte, braucht nach wie vor seinen TV-Bildschirm, denn die App ermöglicht keine vollständige Steuerung über das Smartphone. Fazit Der Harman Kardon AVR 370 begeistert aus akustischer Perspektive praktisch ohne Einschränkung. Enorm pegelfest, sehr dynamisch und räumlich, und sogar beim Thema Feindynamik extrem stark – für 999 EUR (UVP) und einem Marktpreis, der sogar nochmals rund 100 EUR darunter liegt, kann man aus klanglicher Sicht kaum noch mehr erwarten. Sehr gut gefällt uns auch das hochauflösende On Screen Menü, das überdies einfach zu bedienen ist. Nur bei der Übersetzung hätte man sich noch etwas mehr Mühe geben können. Die mitgelieferte Hauptfernbedienung ist hochwertig verarbeitet und komplett beleuchtet. Des Weiteren liegt eine kleine zusätzliche Fernbedienung für die Bedienung in der 2. Hörzone bei. Der Harman Kardon AVR 370 zeigt bei der multimedialen Ausstattung Lücken. Zwar ist sehr positiv zu bewerten, dass ein WLAN-Modul mit an Bord ist, dafür aber fehlen bis auf die kostenlose Internet Radio Plattform vTuner andere onlinebasierte Musikdienste. Sehr gut ist, dass der HK auch Flac-Dateien in HiRes-Formaten wiedergibt. Hier gibt sich der AVR 370 keine Blöße. Die Fernbedienungs-App für Android und Apple iOS ist hingegen noch zu verbessern, so kann man z.B. vTuner nicht ausschließlich über die App steuern. Sehr gut ist die Upconversion von Video- und Filmmaterial auf 1.080p. Nur die Farbintensität erscheint etwas zu hoch. Die Anschlussbestückung mit einer Vielzahl an HDMI-Eingängen, 2 HDMI Ausgängen und 2 Subwoofer Pre-Outs kann sich zweifellos sehen lassen. So ist unser Gesamteindruck überaus positiv: Ein enorm leistungsstarker AV-Receiver mit bilanzierend einfacher Bedienung und erstklassiger Audio- sowie sehr guter Videosektion. 7.2 Kanal-A/V-Receiver voll Digital mit Dolby Digital , DTS und DLNA1.5 AirPlay®, 8 x HDMI®-Eingängen mit 3D und Audio-Rückkanal, 2 HDMI Ausgänge, USB mit iOS Direktanschluss HD-Dolby® und DTS® Surround-Modi, Dolby Volume sowie EzSet/EQ(TM) für perfekte Einmessung auf den Wohnraum Durchleitung und Skalieren auf 4 K Videoformat Lieferumfang: Receiver, Fernbedienung , Zone 2 Fernbedienung , EzSet/EQ-Mikrofon, UKW + MW Antenne, Netzteil, Kurzanleitung OSD Menü. UKW-Stereo-/MW-Tuner mit 40 Senderspeichern, RDS und Radiotext Video Component Eingang /Ausgang Technische Daten: Haupteingeschaften Typ Receiver -Verstärker Anzahl der Kanäle 7.2-Kanäle Stereo-Modus-Leistung 125 Watt @ 8Ohm, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, THD: 0.07% Surround-Modus-Leistung 95Watt @ 8 Ohm, 20Hz ….20kHz, THD: 0,07% Surround Sound DTS Dolby Digital Dolby Pro Logic Logic 7 Neo6 Inputs / Outouts AV-Frontanschlüsse 1x Kopfhörer 1x Audio 1 x USB-Anschlüsse Rückseitige Eingangsanschlüsse 7 x HDMI 1 x Digital, koaxial, 2 x Digital, optisch, 2x Composite Video, 1 x Component Video 2 x RCA (2 Audio-Kanäle) 1 x LAN 1 x W-LAN 1 x RS232 Rückseitige Ausgangsanschlüsse 1x Composite (Video), 2 HDMI 1 x Subwoofer Preout 7.2 Preout 1x Audio Lautsprecherimpedanz 6...16 Ohm Multi Audio -Eingänge 1 x 5.1 Tuner AM /FM mit RDS PTY und TP Abmessungen Breite 44 cm Tiefe 38,2 cm Höhe 16,6 cm Gewicht 9kg Bezahlung: Paypal,Überweisung, Nachnahme(+14€)

Denon AVR-X3700H Integrated AV Receiver - AS IS

End: 12.11. 2023 19:31:10 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 329.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 23:47:57
  • Item number: 134765610278
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Rancho Cordova,CA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 5,55 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description The unit powers up successfully, but there is no audio output. Video from HDMI, cable, DVD, Blu-ray, and media player has been tested and is functioning correctly. We have no tested any further. Due to these issues, we are offering this unit for sale AS-IS, primarily for parts or repair, as it is non-operational and may be incomplete. We have not conducted any further testing or inspections, which means there may be additional, undiscovered issues with the item. Please refer to all item photos to assess the units condition. The unit is in our possession and ready for immediate shipping. If you have any questions or need Specifics Manufacturer Denon Model Number AVR-X3700H SKU 19-69439 Terms and Conditions Includes This listing includes only what is pictured or described. Please contact us for additional details. Many of our items take a standard PC style power cable (NEMA 5-15P to IEC-320-C13) which unless pictured is not included. We can include one if requested at the time of checkout free of charge. If unsure, please do not hesitate message us and we will be happy to confirm for you what is included with your purchase. If a custom power cord or AC adapter is required for the item, it is only included if pictured or described above. Shipping Details Shipping originates from zip code 95742. Unless otherwise specified, orders will be shipped by Fedex, USPS, GSO, or UPS at the seller’s discretion in order to ensure delivery by the estimated delivery date. Orders received by 8am PST are shipped same day, all other orders are shipped within 1 business day. Most listings offer Standard, Expedited, and Overnight shipping options. If these shipping options do not meet your needs, please contact us to make arrangements. We gladly ship international, please contact us for a quote if no shipping option is provided. All items are carefully packed with brand new packaging materials to ensure your item arrives on time and without damage. International Buyers Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine with these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. Customs fees are normally charged by the shipping company or collected when you pick the item up. These fees are not additional shipping charges. We will not under-value merchandise or mark the item as a gift on customs forms. Doing so is against US and international law. Privacy Rest assured your information will not be given, sold, rented or loaned to any third party.

Used Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver - Immersive Audio Experience

End: 07.11. 2023 18:42:45 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 550.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 22:37:25
  • Item number: 196058762561
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Stuart,FL,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Used Denon In Command Series Integrated Network AV Receiver AVR-X3700H. This item was bought new on 11/14/2022. I do not have the original box.

OEM DENON RC-1239 Remote Control For AVR-X2700H, X3700H S960H

End: 06.11. 2023 03:54:29 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 19.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 23:12:53
  • Item number: 355085383073
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Corona,CA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    OEM DENON RC-1239 Remote Control For AVR-X2700H, X3700H S960H Condition: Pre-owned. Contain signs of wear from previous usage including surface scuffs/scratches and dings on the body. We tried our best to capture it in the photos. Does not include retail packaging, manual, or any other accessories. You will receive whats photographed only. Please see photos for more details. Before buying, please kindly check the item description and pictures carefully to confirm the item condition. Content includes whats photographed only. We are not experts by any means. We try to test our items and provide pertinent information and photos to the best of our ability. If weve missed something or you need clarification, please contact us before you bid as we want you to be pleased with your purchase. In case you are not satisfied with the transaction, please kindly let us know before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We do our best for your satisfaction. Please dont miss out on other valued items you might like in our listings! Shipping: Shipping is free (unless stated otherwise) to all buyers within the lower 48 states. Will only ship to valid home addresses (NO APO/PO BOX). We will ship small and mid-size items with USPS, or large-size items with Fedex. All orders will ship within 3 business days of your payment being processed. Returns: NEW items must be returned in new, unused, and resalable condition. USED items must be returned in the condition it was received. We offer a free 30 day return from the date you receive your merchandise. We are not responsible for any purchase after this 30 day period.

FOR PARTS Denon MODEL AVR-X3700H 9.2ch AV Receiver Black #IS7890

End: 05.11. 2023 20:43:15 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 311.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195987696650
  • Seller: aatstore (9626|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Cleveland, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    FOR PARTS Denon MODEL AVR-X3700H 9.2ch AV Receiver Black #IS7890 (KS) AS IS/ FOR PARTS OR REPAIR/ NO RETURNS ACCEPTED Cosmetic Condition: Scratches, scuffs and marks on the body. Small dents on the edges. We are a reseller of this product, and not the products manufacturer. This product is not covered by manufacturer warranty and therefore does not get manufacturer service assistance. This product covered by seller 30 day warranty. This item is sold under the First Sale Doctrine Copyright Law Title 17 Chapter 1 113 Functional Condition: Tested. for parts - no sound Included: main item only Not Included: No original box, manual, cables, remote or any other accessories not pictured You will get what is shown on the pictures Payment: PAYPAL with confirmed addresses only. Payment is due within 3 days of the close of the sale. Ohio residence may be subject to 7.5% tax. Shipping: Orders are shipped Monday through Saturday. If you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or any US Territory, please email us for shipping quote. Shipping is not always free to these locations . We will send you a message with the quote and you need to respond the same day as we have 1 day handling time, otherwise we will have to cancel the order. We are offering international shipping via eBays Global Shipping Program The buyer can eBay message us for an international shipping quote. We dont ship large items to PO Box addresses, if you are buying something large and heavy from us , please provide us your street address. We dont always ship for free to APO addresses. Returns: Returns are accepted!!! Feedback: Please let us know if you have a problem with your order/item before leaving negative feedback. 100% Customer satisfaction is our #1 Goal. If you are satisfied with your purchase, please leave positive feedback. Customer Service: PLEASE use eBay messages for communication, do not send emails. eBay messages are checked frequently and a response will be given ASAP.

Denon AVC-X3700H AVR Receiver (9.2-Kanal ,8K )

End: 05.11. 2023 19:26:43 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 749.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 115955764927
  • Seller: grey_shinobi (115|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Innsbruck Österreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AVC-X3700H AVR Receiver  (9.2-Kanal ,8K )Zum Verkauf steht ein neuwertiger Denon X3700H . Bevorzuge jetzt ein reines Stereo Setup und verkaufe den Receiver somit wieder. Da er nur sehr kurz benutzt wurde, ist er absolut makellos. Zubehör: Fernbedienung Einmessmikrofon

*OPEN BOX* DENON AVR-X3800H 9.4 Ch A/V Receiver W/ HEOS | REPLACES AVR-X3700H |/

End: 01.11. 2023 12:37:29 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1280.46 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 4T 12:32:31
  • Item number: 285358478606
  • Seller: safeandsoundhq (8178|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicopee, Massachusetts USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    eBay Store Design by OCDesignsOnline Architectural Speakers A/V Receivers A/V Preamp Processors Amplifiers BluRay Players Bookshelf Speakers Cables / Accessories Center Channel Speakers Floor Standing Speakers Headphones / Portable Audio Home Audio Packages Multi-Zone Audio Outdoor Speakers Subwoofers Soundbars Accessories Amplifiers CD Players DACs Integrated Amplifiers Phono Cartirdges Preamplifiers Turntables Two Channel Packages Amplifiers Cables / Accessories Double Din Video / Navigation Double Din Stereo Single Din Stereo Speakers & Subwoofers Menu ... Home audio and video Two channel hifi Car audio and video Trade in used products *OPEN BOX* DENON AVR-X3800H Whats included DENON AVR-X3800H | NEW FOR 2022-2023 OPEN BOX ITEM - FULLY TESTED - INSPECTED BY OUR TEAM OF EXPERTS - ORIGINAL PACKAGING - ITEM IN EXCELLENT CONDITION & COMPLETE WITH ALL ACCESSORIES $1,349.99 Expert hotline Click Thumbnails to Enlarge Product description Powering 105W per channel, the Denon AVR-X3800H 9.4 channel 8K AV receiver delivers an enveloping 3D audio experience and amazing picture quality thanks to Dolby Atmos®, DTS:X® , and the latest HDMI technology featuring HDR10+, Dolby Vision™ , and 8K video. Powered by HEOS® Built-in, access streaming music services and share with HEOS-enabled speakers in other rooms. With flexibility to set up the best speaker arrangement for your space and Audyssey MultEQ XT32 room correction technology to optimize the sound, we made this AV receiver to meet the demands of home theater enthusiasts, like you.Dolby AtmosFeel every dimension in Dolby Atmos. Upgrade your home theater with height speakers to unleash a fully immersive 3D audio experience from Dolby Atmos content. Dolby Surround upmixer engages all speakers to create 3D audio sensation from legacy content. Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization Technology creates the sensation of overhead sound even without height speakers. You can also enjoy Dolby Atmos music tracks available from Apple Music, Amazon HD and TIDAL and a compatible streaming device.DTS:XDTS:X immersive audio content places sound where it would naturally occur in space, creating lifelike, multidimensional audio. DTS Neural:X upmixer offers improved immersion and heightened realism for legacy content. DTS Virtual:X provides immersive audiowithout height channels, creating virtual height effects in a 7.1, 5.1 or 2.1 speaker setup.IMAX EnhancedGet the most premium at-home entertainment experience with IMAX Enhanced—the latest technology from DTS that sets a new standard for home theater imaging, sound, scale, and clarity. See clearer pictures and brighter images. Feel immersive, heart-pounding audio and experience premium content digitally remastered by IMAX. You can enjoy IMAX Enhanced experience starting from 5.1.4 speaker setup. IMAX Enhanced compatible TV or projector is required.Auro 3DAuro 3D elevates the home theater experience to amazing new levels by delivering the excitement of threedimensional sound for music, games, broadcast, and films, putting you in a cocoon of lifelike sound. Turn your existing audio-visual collection into an Auro 3D experience, thanks to the Auro-Matic upmixing engine. Supports up to 7.1.4 Auro 3D speaker configuration with an external 2 channel amplifier.360 Reality Audio360 Reality Audio is a new immersive music experience that uses Sony‘s 360 Spatial Sound technology. Individual Sounds such as vocals, chorus, piano, guitar, bass and even the sounds of the live audience can be placed in a 360 spherical sound field. With 360 Reality Audio, music has never been so immersive and so real. Select Denon AV receivers are capable of 360 Reality Audio playback by connecting a 360RA streaming device via HDMI. Stay tuned for further updates!8K / HDCP 2.3Enjoy pristine 8K picture quality on your 8K TV or projector. Supports both 8K pass-through and 8K upscaling of 4K content. Supports HDCP 2.3, the latest copy protection standard, for peace of mind when streaming copy protected content.Brilliant color from HDR 10+Supports HDR (High Dynamic Range), HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma), as well as Dynamic HDR and HDR10+ pass-through. HLG offers HDR technology over broadcast content. Both Dynamic HDR and HDR10+ use dynamic metadata to optimize shadows and highlights as screens change.Dolby VisionDolby Vision is a stunning HDR imaging technology that brings extraordinary color, contrast, and brightness to the screen. Compatible with Dolby Vision so you can enjoy Dolby Vision content from a compatible source device and TV.Next-generation gamingSupports Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), Quick Frame Transport (QFT) and Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM) for smooth, lagfree gaming experience when connected with the compatible gaming devices.HEOS Built-inWith HEOS® Built-in, your AV receiver can stream music wirelessly across compatible HEOS components from a variety of free and premium streaming services. Consumers can also enjoy their favorite music in any room of the home wirelessly. Play the same song in every room or select a different song for each connected room via a variety of streaming sources. Add Denon Home speakers to more rooms and control it all with the HEOS app.HDMI Connectivity with ARC/eARCSupports the latest technology on all HDMI inputs and output. ARC (Audio Return Channel) or eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel) makes playing TV audio through your AV receiver simple, with just a single HDMI connection eARC provides HD and 3D audio transmission such as Dolby TrueHD, DTS HD Master Audio and Dolby Atmos while ARC is limited to conventional 5.1ch audio formats or PCM.11-channel processing, 9- channel amplification9-channel amplification does not mean you need to stop at max 11 channel speaker configuration. With external 2- channel amplification that can be assigned to either Front, Left, and Right, or a pair of height channels, you can setup an 11-channel speaker configuration such as 7.1.4, allowing you even more flexibility and an engulfing audio experience.Subwoofer outputs & settingsBlanket yourself in evenly distributed, accurate bass. Featuring up to four subwoofer outputs to smooth out low frequencies and provide better dispersion. No audible peaks or dips — just powerful, room-filling bass. Tweak your subwoofer settings to your preference when more than two subwoofers are connected. Select Standard if you want evenly distributed bass performance. Select Directional if you want more directional bass performance seamlessly integrated into the speaker channel closest to each subwoofer in the room.Pre-Amplifier ModeYour Denon AV amplifier can work as a perfect AV preamplifier with the latest HDMI connectivity. Pre-Amplifier Mode provides a cleaner signal path and more tolerance in clipping level by disconnecting internal amplifiers. Add the flexibility to disconnect select speaker channels so that you can use the AV receivers built-in amplification to drive non-critical channels to get a clearer signal path for the channels driven by external amplification.High-resolution audioDiscover the incredible fidelity of high-resolution audio tracks and enjoy music as the artist intended. A front USB port supports up to 24bit/192kHz hires audio playback from a USB drive. Supported audio formats are MP3, WMA, WAV, MPEG- 4/AAC, FLAC, and ALAC.Denon Setup AssistantAward-winning guide Denon Setup Assistant provides simple, clear instructions to get started. Just connect your AV receiver to your TV and follow the instructions on the TV screen to connect your speakers, perform speaker measurements and connect source devices. For additional convenience, the AV receiver renames HDMI inputs automatically when connected or you can rename manually at your convenience.Audyssey premium suites of room correction technologyDenon AV receivers use the Audyssey suite of EQ software for simple, accurate set-up and calibration. With the supplied Audyssey measuring microphone, Audyssey measures all the speakers in your home theater, and tunes the AV receiver to provide the smoothest, most optimal overall listening experience for your room. This AV receivers supports Audyssey MultEQ room correction technology. The other supported Audyssey features are Dynamic EQ, and Dynamic Volume.Audyssey MultEQ XTYou can go even further with the Audyssey MultEQ XT app, going under the hood” to view and adjust settings for detailed tuning— allowing you to customize the sound more precisely to the specific problems in your room, and tailor the sound to your personal preferences. With this comprehensive app, you can harness the power of Audyssey MultEQ XT to take total control of the way your home cinema sounds. The app is available for purchase in iOS and Google Play stores.Dual speaker preset memoryStore two Speaker and Audyssey settings and switch between the two settings on the fly, giving you freedom to optimize your listening experience based on the content or listening environment. Settings also include Amp Assign, Speaker Config, Distances, Levels, Crossovers, Bass, Front Speaker, 2ch Playback, and Graphic EQ (when Audyssey is not used)Multichannel SurroundDTS HD Master, DTS:X, DTS:X Pro Yes, Yes, NoDTS Neo:X, DTS Neural:X No, YesDTS Virtual:X YesIMAX Enhanced YesDolby TrueHD, Dolby Atmos, Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization, Dolby Atmos Music Yes, Yes, Yes, YesDolby ProLogic Ilz, Dolby Surround No, YesAuro 3D Yes360 Reality Audio / MPEG H Yes, YesMultichannel Stereo YesMax. Number of Processing (Pre-Amp) Channels 11.4Sound EnhancementsDiscrete Power Amplifier YesPure Direct YesAudyssey MultEQ XT32Audyssey Dynamic EQ, Dynamic Volume Yes, YesAudyssey LFC YesDirac Live Upgradability YesCompressed Audio Restorer YesNetworkMedia Server YesHEOS Wireless Multi-Room Technology YesAlexa / Google Voice Assistant / Apple HomePod Yes, Yes, YesLossy Formats: MP3, WMA, AAC Yes, Yes, YesLossless Formats: FLAC, ALAC, WAV Yes, Yes, YesLossless Formats: FLAC HD, WAV, ALAC (all 192kHz/24 bit) Yes, Yes, YesDSD Audio Streaming Yes (2.8/5.6MHz)AirPlay 2 YesTuneIn YesSpotify Connect YesPandora YesSiriusXM* YesRoon Tested YesHEOS App Control YesCompatible with Remote APP for Smart Phones Denon 2016 AVR RemoteEthernet Ports YesWi-Fi YesBluetooth YesHDMIHDMI Inputs: Back, Front 6, NoHDCP2.3 support YesHDMI Outputs: Main, Zone 2, 1HDMI 2.1: 8K/60Hz AB, 4K/120Hz AB Yes, YesHDR, HLG, Dolby Vision, HDR10+, Dynamic HDR Yes , Yes, Yes, Yes, YesALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) Pass-through for gaming YesVariable Refresh Rate, Quick Flame Transport, Quick Media Switching Yes, Yes, No3D Signal Pass-through Yes8K Signal Pass-Through, Scaling, GUI Overlay Yes, Yes, YesDSD Audio Capability YesAudio Return Channel (ARC), Enhanced ARC Yes, YesAuto LipSync YesMulti-room CIMulti-Room Zones 2Zone Audio Source: HDMI; Optical, Coax, Network, USB; Analog Yes (2ch), Yes (2ch), Yes, YesZone Audio Output: Speaker, Pre-Out Yes, YesZone HDMI Output from HDMI Source YesIP Control, RS232 Control, Web Control, App Control Yes, Yes /Yes, YesRemote In / Out Yes, YesDC Trigger Output 1HDMI Diagnostics YesOthersAuto Speaker Setup by Microphone Audyssey MultEQ XT32Dirac Live (upgrade)Front Display 1-Line FLDGUI Languages 3Setup Assistant YesQuick Select Plus, Quick Select Yes, NoVariable Crossover YesOptimized Bass Redirection YesBass Sync YesECO Mode YesAuto Power Off YesSleep Timer YesInputs OutputsHDMI In, Out 6, 3Multi-Room Video Out: Video, HDMI No, YesAnalog In, Out 5, NoPhono (MM) In YesDigital In: Optical, Coaxial 2, 2Multi-Room Out: Analog, Digital 1, NoMultichannel Preout Yes (11.4)Subwoofer Out 4 (independent)Speaker Terminal: Regular ScrewNumber of Speaker Terminals 11Speaker A / B AssignableBi-amp Drive AssignableMulti-Room Speaker Terminal AssignableFront Inputs: Audio, Composite, Digital (Opt), HDMI, USB No, No, No, No, YesUSB Audio, Made for iPod, Made for iPhone Yes, No, NoAM/FM Tuner YesSpecificationsNumber of Power Amps 9Power Output (8 ohm, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.08% 2ch Drive) 105WPower Output (6 ohm, 1 kHz, 0.7% 2ch Drive) 135WPower Output (6 ohm, 1 kHz, 10% 1ch Drive) 215WGeneralSystem Remote Control RC-1253Power Consumption in W 660WPower Consumption No-Sound (ECO On / Off) in W 60W/100WStandby Consumption in W 0.1CEC Standby Consumption in W 0.5Network Standby Consumption in W Less than 2.0Maximum DimensionsAntenna: Horizontal: (W x D x H) in Inches 17.1 x 15.3 x 6.6Antenna: Vertical: (W x D x H) in Inches 17.1 x 15.3 x 9.3W/O Antenna: (W x D x H) in Inches 17.1 x 14.9 x 6.6Weight in LBS 27.6 Payment Shipping Returns About us Contact us Payment Payment Safe & Sound requires that payments be made immediately upon purchase of your item. Should payment not be received immediately we will attempt to contact you. Should we not receive payment within 24 hours your order will be cancelled. We accept Paypal as a method of payment. If you have any questions regarding our payment terms please contact us before purchasing. Shipping Shipping In stock orders that are placed before 3PM EDT Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) are shipped same day. We offer FREE ground shipping within the United States *Excludes: Alaska, Hawaii & Puerto Rico. We fully insure all of our shipments. We ONLY ship to confirmed PayPal addresses. Some orders are shipped SIGNATURE REQUIRED. Most items ship in their factory carton unless otherwise stated. If you have any questions regarding our shipping terms please contact us before purchasing. Returns Returns Returns are accepted for products purchased within the last 30 days. You must contact us to initiate a Return Authorization. Product MUST be in LIKE NEW Resalable condition. You MUST have the ORIGINAL BOX and PACKAGING MATERIALS. You MUST have all of the original accessories, manuals etc. PLEASE NOTE: Products that arrive not in original packaging, missing accessories, without a Return Authorization or damaged will be REFUSED. Refunds are credited using the original payment method and are usually credited within 10-15 business days upon receipt of your return. If you have any questions regarding our return policy, please feel free to contact us. About Us About Us Since 1983, Safe and Sound has been providing customers with quality products and service. We began as a small stereo shop and now we have transformed into a company well-versed in popular, trending home theater systems and speakers. While our store has changed physically and our customer base has grown exponentially, we have not lost focus of the traditional methods of business ethics that have been the foundation of our growing company. We deliver service which is, and has always been, friendly, honest, and personal. At Safe and Sound, we dont just gain a customer, we gain a lifelong relationship. As years go by, you wont necessarily remember the product model number you purchased from us or the price you paid. However, you will remember the exceptional service you received. We design home and car stereo systems for customers with passion. The same passion we had when we designed a similar speaker system for our own home or car. Having 100% belief in every brand we sell makes this passion come naturally. Celebrating well over 30 years in business, we are very fortunate and grateful for our companys past, how we have evolved to the present, and more importantly we are enthusiastic and motivated to grow our company further. Whether you are a new or returning customer, we look forward to serving you. Advantages of being a family owned business: A family is the most natural team. At Safe and Sound, we take pride in our innate ability to work as a team which translates to effective communication and understanding with our customers. Our staff is knowledgeable and well versed with the products we sell and we encourage all our customers to call us with any and all of their questions. More than just a job, this is our life! Although the doors may close after business hours at our retail location, our staff is dedicated and available to customers whenever they need us. We understand our customers have time sensitive inquires, either sales related or technical. Being a family business, Safe and Sound is able to address your questions or issues when most other businesses simply cannot. When you email us you can expect a reply the same day, and more often than not, within minutes! We understand customers lead busy lifestyles and we strive to provide the convenience you deserve. Contact us Contact Us Please feel free to message us or contact us through eBay with any questions you may have. We look forward to speaking with you! We encourage local customers to visit our showroom where we have many Car and Home Audio Products on Display for demonstration. Home About Us Why Buy Authorized Policies Contact Us Copyright © SAFE AND SOUND INC. All Rights Reserved. eBay Store Design by OCDesignsonline

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2ch 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver (For Parts or Repair)

End: 31.10. 2023 14:25:56 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 199.99 USD Auktion
  • Status: 4T 21:26:59
  • Item number: 256270715221
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Austin,TX,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    When viewing on iOS or Android please click on See Full Description to see all the pictures. Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2ch 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver (For Parts or Repair) Click image to enlarge Description When viewing on iOS or Android, please click on See Full Description to see all the pictures. Location – A01 FOR LOCAL PICKUP, PLEASE CONTACT US  TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT THANK YOU FOR VISITING MY AUCTION PLEASE READ FULL PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BEFORE BIDDING COMES AS PHOTOGRAPHED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED     Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2ch 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver (For Parts or Repair) USED – IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION – POWERS ON AND BACK OFF (Does not stay powered on) – WITH SCUFFS AND/OR SCRATCHES – ALSO MISSING THE FEET. GRADE “C” Sold AS_IS Non-Functioning You Will Receive: x1 Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2ch 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver (For Parts or Repair) x1 Power Adapter   You Will Not Receive: Any items not specifically mentioned or photographed When viewing on iOS or Android, please click on See Full Description to see all the pictures.     !!! This item will ship via USPS Ground Advantage, USPS Priority, or FedEx Ground !!!       Once your item arrives in satisfactory condition, PLEASE leave positive feedback for us, we have done the same for you. Leaving us positive feedback and Detailed Seller Ratings allows us to keep bringing you great deals at even better prices! If you changed your mind or purchased by mistake, there is a 20% restocking fee   Please contact us before leaving negative feedback We will do everything we can to repair or replace the item   GRADE DEFINITION GRADE “NEW” = NEW, UNOPENED – IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING GRADE “A” = LIKE NEW PRODUCT IN OPENED ORIGINAL PACKAGING OR OVERALL EXCELLENT CONDITION WITH MINOR SIGNS OF WEAR GRADE “B” = USED, IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION, MINOR TO MODERATE SURFACE SCRATCHES / SCUFFS, AND/OR MINOR CRACKS IN PLASTICS GRADE “C” = POWERS UP BUT HAS MAJOR DAMAGE AND/OR MISSING PARTS, DISCOLORATION, ETC. GRADE “D” = AS-IS FOR PARTS OR REPAIR. PAYMENT TERMS Please note that payment must be made within 16 days after the auction has ended. Payments not received within the allotted time will automatically be turned in for non-payment. SHIPPING TERMS Shipping via FedEx Ground Shipping via FedEx Ground. Please be aware that FedEx can NOT ship to P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO addresses. All orders going to APO/FPO, U.S. Territories and Protectorates will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail. Please contact our Customer Service for a shipping quote. Shipments to these locations are limited to 70 lbs and a maximum of 130 inches (3.3 m) in combined length and girth. International Shipping offered through ebays Global / International Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING YES, we offer combined shipping. All combined orders will be shipped FedEx Ground. Please review the criteria for combined shipping with Z-Tech: v If you purchase more than one item from us, you can save on shipping by having your items combined. v Z-Tech will combine up to 10 items on a single invoice. v All items being combined must be paid for within our 16-day payment policy (see under “Accepted Payment Methods”). v All items must be paid for on a single invoice. If items are paid for separately, they will not be eligible for the combined shipping discount. Please request a combined shipping invoice from us via email or phone prior to paying for your items to receive this discount. LOCAL PICKUP We offer local pickup for our customers who want to save money and not pay for shipping.  Please be aware that while you will not be paying for shipping costs, you will be paying a Texas State Sales Tax of 8.25%. Items must be picked up within 5 business days of when they are available. If you would like to pick up your item(s) in person, then you must follow these steps below: v Contact us a minimum of 24 hours before you plan to pick up your item(s) to let us know you are coming, so we may have your item ready. v Visit us between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm (Central Standard Time), Monday through Friday. v Provide our staff with a copy of your invoice, a form of identification, and a signature for your item(s). 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Used Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver - Immersive Audio Experience

End: 30.10. 2023 23:01:19 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 563.98 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 115951524866
  • Bids: 9
  • Seller: basketbalgod (630|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Tallahassee, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This thing is amazing , its barely used, I never had time to use it, but I will tell you now that the experience watching movies was one of the best , I never would go to theater , bc mine sounded like one!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I got to!! I hope you take good care of my baby!! Thank you !!

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver

End: 30.10. 2023 18:19:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 600.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 22:14:57
  • Item number: 225797065776
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Conroe,TX,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unit is fully functional, has all accessories, has Crack on faceplate. See pi ture for more details.

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver w/ 3D Audio (Certified Open-Box)

End: 29.10. 2023 12:05:58 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 779.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 19:11:41
  • Item number: 155801581721
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Hatfield,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Our GuaranteeAll Denon Factory Certified Pre-owned Product sold by World Wide Stereo is guaranteed to perform “as new” and is backed by a one-year parts and labor warranty serviceable by any authorized Denon service center. Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2 channel 8K AV receiver with 105W per channel that fully supports 3D audio formats like Dolby Atmos Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization Technology DTS:X DTS Virtual:X and IMAX Enhanced as well as the latest HDMI specifications such as 8K/60Hz 4K/120Hz pass-through VRR ALLM Dynamic HDR HDR10+ and eARC support.High-performance discrete 9-channel amplifier Delivers a dynamic 105W per channel (8 ohms 20Hz-20kHz THD: 0.08% 2 ch. driven) to provide a trusted precise and powerful Denon sound experience.Full 8K/60Hz and 4K/120Hz support With the latest HDMI support enjoy 8K quality video from your 8K source devices. One 8K input and 2 outputs allow for 8K/60Hz and 4K/120Hz pass-through. 8K upscaling is available on all 8 HDMI inputs.Enjoy your favorite 3D audio formats Enjoy immersive 3D audio from sources like Dolby Atmos Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization DTS:X DTS Virtual:X and IMAX Enhanced.Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC) HDMI support Through the main HDMI output connect your TV with eARC HDMI support to allow uncompressed and object-based audio formats like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X directly from your smart TV app to your AV receiver.The latest in video compatibility The latest HDR format support including HDR10 HDR10+ (new in 2020) HLG Dolby Vision as well as Dynamic HDR (New in 2020) to provide the greatest picture quality for brightness clarity and contrast.The next generation in movie immersion With 8K/60Hz pass-through and upscaling Dynamic HDR and Quick Media Switching (QMS) enjoy a crystal clear picture in the highest quality available.The latest in gaming experiences With 4K/120Hz pass-through Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM) and Quick Frame Transport (QFT) enjoy your gaming experience with amazing imaging with reduced lag.New DSP for more processing power With 11.2ch max audio processing connect an external power amplifier to the AVR-X3700H to power two extra channels to enjoy an 11.2ch home theater setup.Works with your favorite voice services Use your voice to control the AVR-X3700H and wireless music services hands-free with Amazon Alexa Google Assistant Apple Siri and streaming from the most popular music services Enjoy all of your favorite music services like Spotify Pandora Amazon Music HD TIDAL SiriusXM Deezer and more. The AVR-X3700H also lets you enjoy your music via AirPlay 2 letting you stream your favorite tracks from Apple Music.HEOS Built-in wireless multi-room music streaming technology Listen from any room for a connected whole-home audio experience. The AVR-X3700H also works with the newly introduced Denon Home speakers to let you enjoy a whole-home audio experience. Whats in the BoxReceiverStart GuideRemoteCalibration MicrophoneFM/AM Tuner Antenna SpecificationsNumber of Power Amps: 9Power Output:180 watts per channel(6 ohms 1 kHz THD:1% 1 ch driven)135 watts per channel(6 ohms 1 kHz THD:0.7% 2 ch driven)165 watts per channel(6 ohms 1 kHz THD:0.7%2 ch driven)105 watts per channel(8 ohms 20Hz–20kHz THD:0.08% 2 ch drivenImpedance: 4-16Ω/ohmsFrequency Response: 10 Hz-100 kHz - +1 -3 dB (Direct Mode)S/N Ratio: 100 dB (IHF-A weighted Direct mode)Power Supply: 120V / 60HzPower Consumption: 660W (Standby 0.1W CEC standby 0.5W)Inputs:HDMI: 7 (1 8K HDMI Capable)Component (Video): 2Composite (Video): 2PhonoAnalog Audio: 5Digital Coaxial: 2Digital Optical: 2USB Front: 1Outputs:HDMI Monitor (eARC): 3 (2 8k HDMI Capable)Component (Video): 1Composite Monitor: 2Audio Pre-Out: 11.2 chZone 2: Pre-Out and Speaker AssignableHeadphones: 1Ethernet: 1Microphone Port: 1

3 x MONITOR AUDIO RADIUS 225-Lautsprecher +  370 Subwoofer + DENON AVR 3313

End: 28.10. 2023 11:44:05 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 777.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 18:48:44
  • Item number: 134776633278
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Berlin,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 39,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    3 x MONITOR AUDIO RADIUS  225-Lautsprecher +  370 Subwoofer + DENON AVR 3313ZU VERKAUFEN STEHEN 3 x MONITOR AUDIO RADIUS 225-Lautsprecher ; 1 x MONITOR AUDIO 370 Subwoofer + DENON AVR-3313 7.2-Kanal Netzwerk-A/V-Surround-Receiver mit AirPlay, 4k, 3 HDMI-Ausgängen, . KOMPLETT SET- 3 x Monitor Audio Radius 3G 225 Universal-Lautsprecher, weiß seidenmatt, mit Wandhalterung Beschreibung siehe: - 1 x Monitor Audio Silber Radius 370 HD 250 Watt Subwoofer 5.1 Surround *Made in UK Beschreibung siehe: - 1 x AVR-3313 7.2-Kanal Netzwerk-A/V-Surround-Receiver mit AirPlay, 4k, 3 HDMI-Ausgängen, Denon Link HD und D.D.S.C.-HD (leider ohne Einmessmikrofon) Beschreibung siehe: (HABE NOCH MONITOR AUDIO RADIUS 90 Kompakt-Lautsprecher [Paar] weiß, seidenmatt) AUF WUNSCH GIBT ES DIE NOCH DAZU GEGEN EIN KLEINES ENTGELD ! SIND ALLE IM TOP ZUSTAND TECHNISCH (mit Gebrauchsspuren siehe Bilder)BITTE VORORT UM ZU TESTEN! PRIVATVERKAUF. Nach aktuellem EU-Recht muss ich darauf hinweisen: Dies ist ein Privatverkauf, womit keine Rücknahme oder Umtausch gewährt werden kann. „Wie beschrieben und abgebildet“ PS. : BEI FRAGEN EINFACH ANSCHREIBEN !

Used Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver - Immersive Audio Experience

End: 27.10. 2023 17:13:46 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 265.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 18:34:49
  • Item number: 225827675481
  • Bids: 3
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Oakland,NJ,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Looking for a top-tier AV receiver without breaking the bank? Dive into the world of high-quality entertainment with this Used Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-channel AV receiver. Immerse yourself in a world of stunning 8K Ultra HD visuals and unparalleled surround sound, all at a budget-friendly price.Bundle Includes:Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV ReceiverRemote ControlPower PlugSurround Sound Microphone for CalibrationKey Features:Immersive 3D Audio: Enjoy a cinematic audio experience with Dolby Atmos, DTS:X, and Auro-3D, delivering three-dimensional sound that surrounds you from all angles.8K Ultra HD: Future-proof your home theater setup with support for 8K Ultra HD video, ensuring breathtaking clarity, contrast, and color for your 8K content.High-Resolution Audio: Delight your ears with high-resolution audio formats like FLAC, ALAC, and DSD, delivering music as the artist intended.Multi-Room Audio: Enjoy your favorite tunes in every corner of your home with built-in HEOS technology, enabling multi-room audio streaming.Voice Control: Seamlessly integrate with popular voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri for convenient, hands-free control of your entertainment.Advanced Connectivity: With multiple HDMI inputs, HDCP 2.3 support, and eARC capability, connect all your devices effortlessly and enjoy stunning audio and video quality.Custom Calibration: Tailor the audio to your specific room with Audyssey MultEQ XT32, ensuring optimized sound no matter where you sit.This Used Denon AVR-X3700H is fully tested and in excellent working condition. Upgrade your home entertainment setup to the next level with this powerful and feature-packed AV receiver.

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver

End: 25.10. 2023 02:04:21 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 567.81 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145373964488
  • Bids: 28
  • Seller: marra_634519 (8|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Georgetown, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver. Includes remote, power cord, microphone and microphone stand, antennas. No manual. Everything works and is in good condition.

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2ch 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver

End: 23.10. 2023 14:56:38 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 789.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 21:49:3
  • Item number: 134740832131
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Dallas,TX,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Elevate your home entertainment experience with the Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2 channel 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver. This top-of-the-line device boasts a multitude of audio inputs and outputs, including TRS/Audio Jack, Digital Coaxial RCA, Stereo L/R RCA, HDMI, and XLR. With DTS Neo:X surround sound formats, you'll feel like you're right in the middle of the action. This black Denon avr-3700h model is perfect for any home theater system, with 9 channels and 9 inputs to accommodate all your audio needs. Whether you're a music lover or a movie buff, you'll appreciate the versatility and power of this AV receiver.

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2ch 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver !Please Read Description!

End: 20.10. 2023 18:15:15 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 340.56 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 404547767910
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: shga-9787 (13|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Clay, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 60,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Powers on, sound comes from the front channel and nothing else has been tested. What you see is what you get, receiver, power cord, antenna and the audyssey microphone. That is it! Nothing else will be included. Also not in original box.

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver

End: 20.10. 2023 16:22:05 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 418.56 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126136315007
  • Bids: 11
  • Seller: rhgiantsfan (900|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Marietta, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Recently refurbished used Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver. Functions perfectly and has been reset to factory defaults. HDMI board and display just replaced under warranty by Denon-certified repair location. Comes complete with all original accessories (see photos) and shipped in original box.

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-Channel 8K AV Receiver

End: 17.10. 2023 14:42:57 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 448.9 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 364522841533
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: fabiaponc_65 (22|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Used Denon AVR in good condition Missing: - Microphone and stand for tuning


End: 15.10. 2023 23:00:00 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 496.08 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204494843393
  • Bids: 41
  • Seller: regencytechnologies (135585|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Austell, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Brand:DenonModel:AVR-X3700HMan. Serial:DBCF102008205Type:9.2 Channel ReceiverPower Cord:Included# of Channels:9.2Remote:Not IncludedBluetooth:YesCategory:Home Audio ReceiverIncludes:Power Cable, HDMI Cable, Wireless AntennaPlease Note:Receiver has Scratches and Scuffs, Remote Not IncludedThe item above is fully tested. This is a used item that may show normal signs of use such as chipped corners, marks, slight dents, or scratches. Wear will vary from item to item. This wear does not affect the working condition. Unless stated otherwise in the listing, our Windows-based laptop and desktop computers are sold without an operating system (No OS).ANY ITEMS OR ACCESSORIES NOT LISTED ABOVE OR ANYTHING NOT SHOWN IN PHOTOS PROVIDED ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS ITEM.Shipping Services: We only ship using UPS Ground. We cannot ship using any other carriers. We are not able to offer Local Pick Up. All items will have to be shipped unless otherwise detailed in the listing.Shipping Locations: United States only. We do not sell or ship Internationally. Any buyers found using a freight forwarding service to forward items out of the US will be blocked from making future purchases.Excludes: Alaska/Hawaii, US Protectorates, APO/FPO, Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Oceania, Southeast Asia, South America, PO BoxReturns: Require an RMA Number.

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2ch 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver !Please Read Description!

End: 13.10. 2023 18:14:58 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 323.61 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404535087713
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: shga-9787 (9|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Clay, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 60,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Powers on, sound comes from the front channel and nothing else has been tested. What you see is what you get, receiver, power cord, antenna and the audyssey microphone. That is it! Nothing else will be included. Also not in original box.

DENON AVR-X3700H 9.2 Channel AV Receiver

End: 12.10. 2023 02:00:01 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 407.92 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 394916832254
  • Bids: 3
  • Seller: sashaaaa (7102|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Pompano Beach, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 65,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DENON AVR-X3600H 9.2 Channel AV ReceiverYou are bidding on DENON AVR-X3600H 9.2 Channel AV Receiver. Power up and works great. Looks great, but please remember is used and not new or brand and does have signs of being used. All connections working and look great. Comes with power cable. Missing box, remote control and manual. Please look at the pictures before bidding, you will get what you see in the pictures.??POLICY: SELLING AS IS, NO RETURNWe ask all buyers to email us before opening a EBAY CLAIM CASEI WILL NOT ACCEPT THE ITEM BACK, IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND OR DO NOT LIKE THE ITEM OR DID NOT READ THE DESCRIPTION AND LOOKED AT THE PICTURES.We ask all the buyers before leaving a negative or neutral, please email us with a problem first and we will do our best to make you happy again.We care about our buyers and we only want to see them happy.WE WANT TO SEE ALL OUR BUYERS HAPPY PAYMENT: Payment must be received in 2 days, if you do not pay with in 2 days, EBAY claim will be open. LOCAL FLORIDA PICK UP ALWAYS WELCOME BY APPOINTMENT ONLY & CASH ONLY Notify us BEFORE making payment & we will send you a revised invoice without shipping charges. Allow 24hrs notice before coming by to pick up your item Available days for Pickup: M-F 12 NOON-2:30PM We are located in the CORAL SPRINGS/COCONUT CREEK/MARGATE AREA.ALL PICK UP WILL BE DONE IN PUBLIC PLACE. ALL FLORIDA BUYER: ALL FL STATE BUYERS MUST PAY 7% SALES TAX, THIS IS A LAW, IF BUYER REFUSE TO PAY SALES TAX, THAN TRANSACTION WILL BE CANCEL AND BUYER WILL BE REPORTED TO EBAY. SHIPPING: Boxing and shipping via FedEx ground to addresses in the USA continental ONLY and shipping rate is rated to all 48 state, please do not ask for the lower shipping rate. Shipping is $65 (NONE REFUNDABLE ) FEDEX DO NOT DELIVER TO PO.BOX, MUST HAVE A VALID ADDRESS.ALASKA, HAWAII & PR BUYERS must ask for the shipping rate before bidding. ATTENTION: INTERNATIONAL BIDDERSALL INTERNATIONAL BUYERS MUST USE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM, I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING RATE, THIS BETWEEN BUYER AND EBAY, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING COST THAN PLEASE DO NOT BUY THE ITEM.

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2 Channel (105 Watt X 9) 8K Ultra HD AV Receiver with 3D Audi

End: 11.10. 2023 20:33:19 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 916.6 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235244484555
  • Seller: gramophoneltd (2730|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Owings Mills, Maryland USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Powered by Frooition HOME AUDIO VIDEO PORTABLE AUDIO FURNITURE ACCESSORIES Newsletter Contact us Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2 Channel (105 Watt X 9) 8K Ultra HD AV Receiver with 3D Audio HEOS Built-in and Voice Control Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2 Channel (105 Watt X 9) 8K Ultra HD AV Receiver with 3D Audio HEOS Built-in and Voice Control Product Information: Brand: Denon Item Number: AVRX3700H UPC: 883795005074 Item Condition: Excellent 30 Day Hassle-Free Returns FREE U.S. Shipping 100% Authorized Dealer Expert Tech Support Item Description Immerse yourself in high-power, precision-based home theater entertainment with the new Denon AVR-X3700H. With 105W per channel (8 ohms, 20Hz-20kHz, THD: 0.08%, 2 ch. driven) this performance-tuned Denon receiver delivers a truly immersive 3D audio experience with eARC supported pass-through. The AVR-X3700H supports the latest in 3D audio formats, such as Dolby Atmos®, Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization Technology, DTS:X®, DTS Virtual:X™, and IMAX® Enhanced. It also supports the latest video technologies such as 8K/60Hz and 4K/120Hz pass-through, Dolby Vision™, HDR10, HDR10+, Dynamic HDR, HLG, as well as 8K upscaling and HDCP 2.3 support on all HDMI inputs (7 in/3 out). The front-panel USB offers convenient audio playback of MP3 and Hi-Res audio formats (WAV, FLAC, ALAC and DSD 2.8/5.6 MHz files). Stream popular music services like Spotify®, Pandora®, TIDAL and more wirelessly via Bluetooth, Apple AirPlay 2 and Wi-Fi with HEOS® Built-in. The Denon AVR-X3700H works with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri and for effortless voice control. By visually guiding you through each step in the setup process, the award-winning Denon Setup Assistant ensures you get set up right the first time. Every home theater is different — that’s why Denon uses the premium Audyssey MultEQ XT32 room calibration technology from Audyssey that automatically measures and optimizes your AV receiver to provide a truly immersive 3D audio experience custom-tailored to your unique listening environment. ABOUT SKY BY GRAMOPHONE SEE IT. HEAR IT. LIVE IT. SKY by Gramophone offers the finest audio, video and tech products in the industry. Were very careful about the products we offer and we want them to represent the best value in every price range. We have high standards for quality, performance, and value and are proud to offer products that we would want in our own homes. We stay on top of changes in technology and whats new in the marketplace to make sure we have the best value products in every range. We stand behind every product we carry and want you to love everything you buy from us. Satisfaction guaranteed isnt just a motto to us--its the foundation of our business and the reason our business has endured for five decades. SKY by Gramophone is the online division of Maryland based retailer Gramophone. Since opening in Baltimore Maryland in 1976, Gramophone has been a privately held, family-owned company with more than 100 employees, many of whom have been with the company for over a decade. Gramophone has five luxury showrooms throughout the Maryland and Washington D.C Metro areas including three Gramophone AV full line showrooms, the Gramophone Experience Center and the Kitchen Design Center by Gramophone. In addition to our showrooms our Design & Build, Electrical, and Custom Install teams offer in-house design and installation services to our many satisfied clients throughout the Mid-Atantic region and beyond. PAYMENT INFORMATION Payment is required in full immediately upon winning an auction or selecting Buy It Now on an item. Orders where payment is not received within 24 hours can be cancelled for non-payment and the items may be relisted for sale. eBay Payments is our exclusive payment option for all purchases through our SKY by Gramophone eBay store. We can only ship to the confirmed eBay Address on your account and cannot change or alter an address once it is confirmed by eBay. SHIPPING INFORMATION All orders will ship FREE via 3-5 business day standard shipping unless otherwise noted in the listing. Additional charges may be added when an expedited option is selected at checkout. Please verify your shipping address prior to checkout as we are unable to make any changes once checkout is complete. Please note that orders cannot be cancelled once an item has shipped or is in the shipping process. Our returns policy applies to all items once they have entered the shipping process. Most orders are processed by our warehouse within 1-2 business days, excluding weekends and holidays. Televisions, furniture, large speakers, special orders and custom items will take additional time to ship. Please keep in mind that adverse weather conditions, remote delivery locations and carrier delay could cause your actual delivery time to be slightly longer. Our warehouses, shipping carriers and client support offices are closed on major holidays. Most packages will require an adult signature for delivery. You will receive an email confirmation of your order within 24 hours of placing your order and an additional email confirmation with tracking information once your order has been shipped. Please note we are unable to deliver products to the following locations: Alaska, Hawaii, PO Boxes, US Territories, AFO/FPO or international shipping addresses. RETURNS & EXCHANGES SKY by Gramophone guarantees the quality of all items that we sell on eBay and your satisfaction is very important to us. 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This includes any associated freight or white glove delivery charges. You may choose an exchange or a refund for eligible* items that are returned in original condition with all packaging material and accessories. Refunds must be issued to the same credit card, debit card, gift certificate, or other form of payment used in the original transaction. *Media Servers/Players and Oversized items (Furniture, Televisions, Projectors, Screens, Floorstanding Speakers and ALL items over 50 lbs) will receive a partial refund less any applicable restocking and shipping fees.** DEFECTIVE ITEMS - Eligible products that are deemed to be defective during our 30 day guarantee may be exchanged for a new, working unit. Certain oversized products will require the manufacturer to schedule a service call or appointment with you in order to arrange service. Please contact us via eBay Messages to discuss any issues with an item that you have purchased from us. 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3 x MONITOR AUDIO RADIUS 225-Lautsprecher +  370 Subwoofer + DENON AVR 3313

End: 11.10. 2023 18:19:01 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 799.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134751289431
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ramtag_83 (110|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 39,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    3 x MONITOR AUDIO RADIUS  225-Lautsprecher +  370 Subwoofer + DENON AVR 3313ZU VERKAUFEN STEHEN 3 x MONITOR AUDIO RADIUS 225-Lautsprecher ; 1 x MONITOR AUDIO 370 Subwoofer + DENON AVR-3313 7.2-Kanal Netzwerk-A/V-Surround-Receiver mit AirPlay, 4k, 3 HDMI-Ausgängen, . KOMPLETT SET- 3 x Monitor Audio Radius 3G 225 Universal-Lautsprecher, weiß seidenmatt, mit Wandhalterung Beschreibung siehe: - 1 x Monitor Audio Silber Radius 370 HD 250 Watt Subwoofer 5.1 Surround *Made in UK Beschreibung siehe: - 1 x AVR-3313 7.2-Kanal Netzwerk-A/V-Surround-Receiver mit AirPlay, 4k, 3 HDMI-Ausgängen, Denon Link HD und D.D.S.C.-HD (leider ohne Einmessmikrofon) Beschreibung siehe: (HABE NOCH MONITOR AUDIO RADIUS 90 Kompakt-Lautsprecher [Paar] weiß, seidenmatt) AUF WUNSCH GIBT ES DIE NOCH DAZU GEGEN EIN KLEINES ENTGELD ! SIND ALLE IM TOP ZUSTAND TECHNISCH (mit Gebrauchsspuren siehe Bilder)BITTE VORORT UM ZU TESTEN! PRIVATVERKAUF. Nach aktuellem EU-Recht muss ich darauf hinweisen: Dies ist ein Privatverkauf, womit keine Rücknahme oder Umtausch gewährt werden kann. „Wie beschrieben und abgebildet“ PS. : BEI FRAGEN EINFACH ANSCHREIBEN !

Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-channel 8k AV Receiver

End: 11.10. 2023 00:28:28 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 740.36 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134755885744
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: brucelovestheocean (7525|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Laguna Beach, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AVR-X3700H 9.2-channel 8k AV Receiver Condition: Pre-owned in working condition. External condition is very good. A couple minor burnish marks here and there. There is some fine dust on rear panel that can be brushed off. I use a womans blush brush for dusting. Its an excellent tool. Comes with 2 remotes. You will need fresh batteries for them. Shipping: This ships in the original box as seen in the photograph. Box will be sealed. Internal foam is present and it will be packaged well.