audeze lcd-i4 (22) |
audio desk gläss cd (45) |
audeze lcdi4 (48) |
audio agile cd (54) |
audeze lcd i4 (79) |
audeze lcd-1 (80) |
Audeze LCD-2 Classic (LCD2C)
End: 31.03. 2024 16:50:53 on Sunday
Audeze LCD-2 Classic (guter Zustand, mit Originalbox)
End: 28.03. 2024 07:34:44 on Thursday
Audeze LCD-2 Classic Kopfhörer (neuwertig)
End: 25.03. 2024 15:55:07 on Monday
Audeze LCD-2 Classic (LCD2C)
End: 24.03. 2024 16:50:40 on Sunday
Audeze LCD-2 Classic (LCD2C)
End: 17.03. 2024 16:50:29 on Sunday
Audeze LCD-2 Classic (LCD2C)
End: 10.03. 2024 16:50:18 on Sunday
Audeze LCD-2 Classic Magnetostatischer Hifi-Kopfhörer High End Planar **TOP**
End: 03.03. 2024 18:37:01 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 505.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 156079941500
- Bids: 21
- Seller: sunrider666 (3149|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Neustadt
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 6,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Ihr bietet auf einen Highend Kopfhörer Audeze LCD-2c Der Kopfhörer ist sowohl für Studioanwendungen im (Home-)Studio - Bereich, wie Mixing und Mastering (zusammen mit der zum Download erhältlichen Reveal Software), geeignet. Natürlich auch zum Musik hören zu Hause, hier empfiehlt sich allerdings die Verwendung eines Kopfhörer-Preamps um die Stärken des LCD 2 voll auszuschöpfen. Aber ich denke mal wer hier vorbeischaut weiß in der Regel eh um was es geht... Es sind nur sehr wenige Gebrauchspuren zu sehen, an den Ohrpolstern so gut wie keine! Technisch ist die Funktion natürlich einwandfrei! Technische Daten: offenohrumschließend106 mm TreiberNeodym Magnete (N50)Impedanz: 70 OhmÜbertragungsbereich: 10 - 50.000 HzEmpfindlichkeit: 101 dB/1mwlederfreies Kopfband mit FederstahlaufhängungOhrpolster aus Kunstlederinkl. 1,9 m Kabel mit 6,3 mm Klinkenstecker/4-pin Mini-XLRDer Versand erfolgt versichert mit DHL, Versand nur innerhalb Deutschland und der EU! Ich habe einen verhältnismäßig niedrigen Mindestpreis angesetzt, denn verschenken möchte ich das gute Stück nun auch nicht, auch wenn ich aktuell keine Verwendung für die Kopfhörer habe! Es handelt sich hier um einen Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung!
Audeze LCD-2 Classic (LCD2C)
End: 03.03. 2024 16:50:03 on Sunday
Audeze LCD-2 Open Planar Magnetic Headphones Bamboo Rings Leather- 1 driver dead
End: 26.02. 2024 08:47:58 on Monday
Audeze LCD-2 Classic - Gebraucht
End: 13.02. 2024 15:05:54 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 350.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 176233252156
- Bids: 0
- Seller: docheilemann (176|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Merzenich
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Ich habe zu Weihnachten einen neuen Kopfhörer bekommen und das gute LCD-Stück liegt nur noch rum. Was superschade ist, denn der Audeze LCD-2 Classic ist ein Weltklasse Kopfhörer. Ich hatte ihn 2,5 Jahre im Einsatz, zu 90% am Drop AAA 789-Amp (tolle Kombination!) Selten über lange Zeit, aber immer mal wieder. Der Zustand ist absolut gebraucht, was man auf den Fotos ja klar sehen kann. Die Ohrmuscheln habe ich gerade erst ersetzt (Protein-Leder via Amazon). Der Klang hat über die Jahre eine klasse Evolution genommen. Über den Sound und das Klangbild gibt es nichts, was ich besser erklärten könnte, als es Tausend Leute vor mir schon mal getan haben. Ich gehe davon aus, dass ihr wisst was euch der edle Kopfhörer aus California in etwa zu bieten hat. Der LCD kommt ohne originale Verpackung (die war eh schrott), aber supersicher verpackt. On top lege ich noch ein schickes und hochwertiges XLR-Kabel bei (2,50m, Neupreis war 120€). ------Ich versende (DHL) am Tage des Geldeinganges oder den Tag drauf.Die Versandkosten gehen auf mich! Bei Fragen: Einfach melden! :D
End: 18.01. 2024 12:17:48 on Thursday
Audeze LCD-XC z dodatkowym otwartymi grillami od LCD-2
End: 13.01. 2024 21:07:09 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 948.31 EUR

- Status: 30T 22:26:42
- Item number: 395061801228
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Polen
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 30,07 EUR
- on EBAY
Audeze LCD-XCStan techniczny: bdbStan wizualny: bdb- (mo?na si? doszuka? mikro rysek na karbonowych muszlach, widocznych pod ?wiat?o)S? to LCD-XC, wersja 2021 z karbonowymi muszlami/deklami, dodatkowo mam dekle/grille od LCD-2, po których za?o?eniu otrzymujemy LCD-X :)Miesi?c temu kupi?em do nich nowe skórzane pady Dekoni, tak wi?c prezentuj? si? bardzo... ?wie?o :DW zestawie: s?uchawki i oryginalny kabel z jack 6,3mm. LCD-XC, z odpowiednim EQ, graj? naprawd? wybitnie, polecam na ich temat recenzje na YT, tu jedna z nich. LCD-X graja bardzo dobrze od razu z pude?ka i EQ nie jest im potrzebne, chyba, ?e kto? ma tak? potrzeb?.Sprz?t po gwarancji. Na sprzeda?, jest to co pokaza?em na zbiorczym zdj?ciu. Nowe pady s? za?o?one, stare wrzuci?em do pude?ka Dekoni. Audeze LCD-XCTechnical condition: very goodVisual condition: good/very good (you can find a few micro scratches on the carbon earcups)These are LCD-XC, 2021 version with carbon shells, additionally I have grills from LCD-2, after putting them we get LCD-X :)A month ago I bought new Dekoni leather pads for them, so they look very... fresh :DThe set includes: headphones and original cable with 6.3mm jack.LCD-XC, with appropriate EQ, sound really outstanding, I recommend their reviews on YT, here is one of them., LCD-X sound very good straight out of the box and do not need EQ unless someone needs it.Headphones are out of warranty. For sale is what I showed in the collective photo.New pads are installed, I put the old ones in the Dekoni box.
Audeze LCD-2 Classic 2023 w/ Travel Case
End: 08.01. 2024 19:42:06 on Monday
Audeze LCD-XC z dodatkowym otwartymi grillami od LCD-2
End: 07.01. 2024 12:38:43 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 917.68 EUR

- Status: 6T 18:46:28
- Item number: 395101588714
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Polen
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 29,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Audeze LCD-XCStan techniczny: bdbStan wizualny: bdb- (mo?na si? doszuka? mikro rysek na karbonowych muszlach, widocznych pod ?wiat?o)S? to LCD-XC, wersja 2021 z karbonowymi muszlami/deklami, dodatkowo mam dekle/grille od LCD-2, po których za?o?eniu otrzymujemy LCD-X :)Miesi?c temu kupi?em do nich nowe skórzane pady Dekoni, tak wi?c prezentuj? si? bardzo... ?wie?o :DW zestawie: s?uchawki i oryginalny kabel z jack 6,3mm. LCD-XC, z odpowiednim EQ, graj? naprawd? wybitnie, polecam na ich temat recenzje na YT, tu jedna z nich. LCD-X graja bardzo dobrze od razu z pude?ka i EQ nie jest im potrzebne, chyba, ?e kto? ma tak? potrzeb?.Sprz?t po gwarancji. Na sprzeda?, jest to co pokaza?em na zbiorczym zdj?ciu. Nowe pady s? za?o?one, stare wrzuci?em do pude?ka Dekoni. Audeze LCD-XCTechnical condition: very goodVisual condition: good/very good (you can find a few micro scratches on the carbon earcups)These are LCD-XC, 2021 version with carbon shells, additionally I have grills from LCD-2, after putting them we get LCD-X :)A month ago I bought new Dekoni leather pads for them, so they look very... fresh :DThe set includes: headphones and original cable with 6.3mm jack.LCD-XC, with appropriate EQ, sound really outstanding, I recommend their reviews on YT, here is one of them., LCD-X sound very good straight out of the box and do not need EQ unless someone needs it.Headphones are out of warranty. For sale is what I showed in the collective photo.New pads are installed, I put the old ones in the Dekoni box.
Audeze LCD-XC z dodatkowym otwartymi grillami od LCD-2
End: 21.12. 2023 19:40:52 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 934.62 EUR

- Status: 6T 19:55:44
- Item number: 395063870267
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Polen
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 30,45 EUR
- on EBAY
Audeze LCD-XCStan techniczny: bdbStan wizualny: bdb- (mo?na si? doszuka? mikro rysek na karbonowych muszlach, widocznych pod ?wiat?o)S? to LCD-XC, wersja 2021 z karbonowymi muszlami/deklami, dodatkowo mam dekle/grille od LCD-2, po których za?o?eniu otrzymujemy LCD-X :)Miesi?c temu kupi?em do nich nowe skórzane pady Dekoni, tak wi?c prezentuj? si? bardzo... ?wie?o :DW zestawie: s?uchawki i oryginalny kabel z jack 6,3mm. LCD-XC, z odpowiednim EQ, graj? naprawd? wybitnie, polecam na ich temat recenzje na YT, tu jedna z nich. LCD-X graja bardzo dobrze od razu z pude?ka i EQ nie jest im potrzebne, chyba, ?e kto? ma tak? potrzeb?.Sprz?t po gwarancji. Na sprzeda?, jest to co pokaza?em na zbiorczym zdj?ciu. Nowe pady s? za?o?one, stare wrzuci?em do pude?ka Dekoni. Audeze LCD-XCTechnical condition: very goodVisual condition: good/very good (you can find a few micro scratches on the carbon earcups)These are LCD-XC, 2021 version with carbon shells, additionally I have grills from LCD-2, after putting them we get LCD-X :)A month ago I bought new Dekoni leather pads for them, so they look very... fresh :DThe set includes: headphones and original cable with 6.3mm jack.LCD-XC, with appropriate EQ, sound really outstanding, I recommend their reviews on YT, here is one of them., LCD-X sound very good straight out of the box and do not need EQ unless someone needs it.Headphones are out of warranty. For sale is what I showed in the collective photo.New pads are installed, I put the old ones in the Dekoni box.
Audeze LCD-2 Classic (LCD2C)
End: 16.12. 2023 22:03:25 on Saturday
End: 16.12. 2023 21:22:01 on Saturday
Audeze LCD-2 Classic - gepflegt, mit Neuteilen - TOP!
End: 03.12. 2023 18:16:45 on Sunday
End: 02.12. 2023 07:44:26 on Saturday
AUDEZE LCD-2 Rosewood und Leder, aktuelles Modell inklusive 4,4 mm Kabel
End: 16.11. 2023 18:27:03 on Thursday
End: 11.11. 2023 19:03:33 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 595.0 EUR

- Status: 9T 23:21:15
- Item number: 386246684396
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Frankreich
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 25,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Casque audiophile Audeze LCD-2 Closed Back. Audeze LCD-2 Closed en parfait tat, achet le 14/04/2020 chez Cobra (France) . Ce casque a t utilis dans un environnement non-fumeur et sans animaux, sa condition est impeccable. **Caractristiques :** - Modle : Audeze LCD-2 Closed - Condition : Comme neuf - Utilisation : Environnement non-fumeur, sans animaux, (peut-tre des cheveux gris ;) - Son : Qualit audio exceptionnelle grce la technologie planar magnetic drivers - Cble dorigine en cuivre OFHC neuf (Jack 6,35) Un adaptateur jack 6,35 mm vers mini-jack 3,5 mm est galement fourni. - Confort : Coussinets confortables pour de longues sessions dcoute - Accessoires inclus : Bote dorigine, cble dtachable, manuel dutilisation Ce casque Audeze LCD-2 Closed est idal pour les audiophiles la recherche dune exprience sonore exceptionnelle. Il est en excellent tat et prt offrir des heures de plaisir musical. Je men spare suite au passage lAudeze LCD-X. Nhsitez pas me contacter si vous avez des questions ou si vous tes intress. Merci ! Audeze LCD-2 Closed Back Audiophile Headphones.Audeze LCD-2 Closed in perfect condition, purchased on 04/14/2020 from Cobra (France). These headphones have been used in a smoke-free and pet-free environment, and their condition is impeccable. Features: Model: Audeze LCD-2 Closed Condition: Like newUsage: Smoke-free, pet-free environment, (maybe some gray hairs ;) Sound: Exceptional audio quality thanks to planar magnetic drivers technologyNew OFHC copper original cable (6.35mm Jack). Also includes a 6.35mm to 3.5mm mini-jack adapter. Comfort: Comfortable ear cushions for extended listening sessionsIncluded Accessories: Original box, detachable cable, user manual These Audeze LCD-2 Closed headphones are perfect for audiophiles seeking an exceptional sound experience. They are in excellent condition and ready to provide hours of musical enjoyment. Im parting with them due to upgrading to the Audeze LCD-X. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if youre interested. Thank you!
End: 01.11. 2023 19:02:50 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 595.0 EUR

- Status: 9T 23:30:23
- Item number: 386219748670
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Frankreich
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 25,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Casque audiophile Audeze LCD-2 Closed Back. Audeze LCD-2 Closed en parfait tat, achet le 14/04/2020 chez Cobra (France) . Ce casque a t utilis dans un environnement non-fumeur et sans animaux, sa condition est impeccable. **Caractristiques :** - Modle : Audeze LCD-2 Closed - Condition : Comme neuf - Utilisation : Environnement non-fumeur, sans animaux, (peut-tre des cheveux gris ;) - Son : Qualit audio exceptionnelle grce la technologie planar magnetic drivers - Cble dorigine en cuivre OFHC neuf (Jack 6,35) Un adaptateur jack 6,35 mm vers mini-jack 3,5 mm est galement fourni. - Confort : Coussinets confortables pour de longues sessions dcoute - Accessoires inclus : Bote dorigine, cble dtachable, manuel dutilisation Ce casque Audeze LCD-2 Closed est idal pour les audiophiles la recherche dune exprience sonore exceptionnelle. Il est en excellent tat et prt offrir des heures de plaisir musical. Je men spare suite au passage lAudeze LCD-X. Nhsitez pas me contacter si vous avez des questions ou si vous tes intress. Merci ! Audeze LCD-2 Closed Back Audiophile Headphones.Audeze LCD-2 Closed in perfect condition, purchased on 04/14/2020 from Cobra (France). These headphones have been used in a smoke-free and pet-free environment, and their condition is impeccable. Features: Model: Audeze LCD-2 Closed Condition: Like newUsage: Smoke-free, pet-free environment, (maybe some gray hairs ;) Sound: Exceptional audio quality thanks to planar magnetic drivers technologyNew OFHC copper original cable (6.35mm Jack). Also includes a 6.35mm to 3.5mm mini-jack adapter. Comfort: Comfortable ear cushions for extended listening sessionsIncluded Accessories: Original box, detachable cable, user manual These Audeze LCD-2 Closed headphones are perfect for audiophiles seeking an exceptional sound experience. They are in excellent condition and ready to provide hours of musical enjoyment. Im parting with them due to upgrading to the Audeze LCD-X. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if youre interested. Thank you!
Audeze LCD-2 Classic Edition Kopfhörer - Mixing Mastering High End
End: 24.10. 2023 14:19:58 on Tuesday
End: 22.10. 2023 19:01:11 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 690.0 EUR

- Status: 9T 23:29:29
- Item number: 386194488024
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Frankreich
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 25,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Casque audiophile Audeze LCD-2 Closed Back. Audeze LCD-2 Closed en parfait tat, achet le 14/04/2020 chez Cobra (France) . Ce casque a t utilis dans un environnement non-fumeur et sans animaux, sa condition est impeccable. **Caractristiques :** - Modle : Audeze LCD-2 Closed - Condition : Comme neuf - Utilisation : Environnement non-fumeur, sans animaux, (peut-tre des cheveux gris ;) - Son : Qualit audio exceptionnelle grce la technologie planar magnetic drivers - Cble dorigine en cuivre OFHC neuf (Jack 6,35) Un adaptateur jack 6,35 mm vers mini-jack 3,5 mm est galement fourni. - Confort : Coussinets confortables pour de longues sessions dcoute - Accessoires inclus : Bote dorigine, cble dtachable, manuel dutilisation Ce casque Audeze LCD-2 Closed est idal pour les audiophiles la recherche dune exprience sonore exceptionnelle. Il est en excellent tat et prt offrir des heures de plaisir musical. Je men spare suite au passage lAudeze LCD-X. Nhsitez pas me contacter si vous avez des questions ou si vous tes intress. Merci ! Audeze LCD-2 Closed Back Audiophile Headphones.Audeze LCD-2 Closed in perfect condition, purchased on 04/14/2020 from Cobra (France). These headphones have been used in a smoke-free and pet-free environment, and their condition is impeccable. Features: Model: Audeze LCD-2 Closed Condition: Like newUsage: Smoke-free, pet-free environment, (maybe some gray hairs ;) Sound: Exceptional audio quality thanks to planar magnetic drivers technologyNew OFHC copper original cable (6.35mm Jack). Also includes a 6.35mm to 3.5mm mini-jack adapter. Comfort: Comfortable ear cushions for extended listening sessionsIncluded Accessories: Original box, detachable cable, user manual These Audeze LCD-2 Closed headphones are perfect for audiophiles seeking an exceptional sound experience. They are in excellent condition and ready to provide hours of musical enjoyment. Im parting with them due to upgrading to the Audeze LCD-X. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if youre interested. Thank you!
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