akai pd 33 (6) |
akai vt700 (7) |
akai vt110 (9) |
asa va-215t (10) |
akai vt100 (11) |
akai fd 7 (13) |
Akai VT-100 Vintage Portable VTR Tape Videorecorder
End: 19.07. 2024 20:28:04 on Friday
Akai Vt 110 Portable Video Set defect.
End: 28.06. 2024 12:42:54 on Friday
End: 30.04. 2024 09:13:31 on Tuesday
Akai VA-110 alimentatore / caricabatterie per VTR Akai VT-100 - VT110 - VT120
End: 14.04. 2024 16:57:25 on Sunday
AKAI VT-110 Video-Tape-System
End: 14.04. 2024 07:40:48 on Sunday
komplettes AKAI VT-110 Video-Tape-System / getestet mit Aufnahme und Wiedergabe
End: 19.03. 2024 16:27:19 on Tuesday
AKAI Vt-110 Reel To Reel Video VTR - Tested Full Working Ready For Transfer
End: 17.03. 2024 15:36:15 on Sunday
Akai Portable VTR VT - 100
End: 12.03. 2024 16:10:59 on Tuesday
AKAI VT-110 Video-Tape-System
End: 25.02. 2024 13:08:10 on Sunday
Enregistreur AKAI VT-110 Portable Video Tape Recorder + Camera VC-115 [TESTED]
End: 31.01. 2024 16:29:20 on Wednesday
End: 27.12. 2023 18:52:47 on Wednesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 100.0 EUR

- Status: 9T 13:23:0
- Item number: 235348443916
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Püttlingen,Deutschland
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 15,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Hallo. Hier gibts ein Ungeprüftes Akai Video-Set , das als DEFEKT mit stärkeren Gebrauchsspuren wie Schrammen , Flecken , Schmutz und Kratzer veräusert wird. An dem Mini-TV ist an der vorderen oberen ecke ein stück ausgebrochen (siehe Bild) und an dem Tuner ist ein teil der Antennenarretierung auch abgebrochen (siehe Bild) Leider ist das Set so wie es aussieht UNVOLLSTÄNDIG , da mindestens das Netzteil für den Recorder , Tuner und Mini-TV fehlt. Auch eine Bedienungsanleitung und gegebenfalls ein paar passende Video oder Stromkabeln fehlen. Im ersten Koffer ist enthalten : a) AKAI VTR-Portable SW-Videorecorder des Types VT-110 incl.Auffangspule b) AKAI VT-E Tuner c) AKAI VM-110 SW-Monitor d) div.Kabeln : Videokabel 10 pin mit Drehverschluß / 2 x Bananenstecker auf Klinke / 4 x Klinke groß auf 4 Cinch Im zweiten Koffer ist enthalten : a) AKAI Portable SW-Kamera VC 115 mit aufschraubbarem Handgriff b) 2 X CANON-Drehobjektive passend für passend für die AKAI VC 115 aufschraubbar c) 1 x Tragegurt d) Spezial-Videokabel mit 2 Stück 8-polige Stecker auf eine 8-polige Kupplung ( warscheinlich selbstgebastelt, unfachmännisch zusammengefügt mit Isolierband ) e) AKAI VCA - 800 Stromversorgungs-Kameraadapter-Netzteil mit Micro-Out und Video-Out f) BASF Videoband 1/4 Zoll neu und verschweißt des Types FV 26 AE passend für den AKAI VT 115 Das Video-Set von Akai besteht aus zwei einzelnen Koffern wobei spezielle eingearbeitete Fächer die Geräte und das Zubehör sicher verstauen sollen. Das komplette Akai-Video-Set wird ausdrücklich als DEFEKT und UNVOLLSTÄNDIG veräusert !!! Die Akai-Anlage stammt aus einer ehemaligen TV / Videowerkstatt . Vielleicht sucht noch jemand eine solche Videorarität oder Ersatzteile davon aus einer längst vergangenen Zeit. Bei Fragen einfach Mailen..... Keine Garantie nach EU , weil Privatanbieter. Wegen den zwei Koffern und dem Gesamtgewicht muß leider der Versand in zwei separaten einzelnen Paketen erfolgen. Versand mit Hermes als zwei Versicherte Pakete incl.Handling etc. : 15,00 ,- Euro (Versandzeit kann erfahrungsgemäss etwas länger dauern) Sehr gerne SELBSTABHOLER oder PAY-PAL Zahlung willkommen . Und nun viel Spass bieten.... !!! Kein Versand ins Ausland !!!
Akai VT-100s + VM110 Portable Camcorder Videorekorder
End: 10.12. 2023 19:47:05 on Sunday
Akai VT 110 VC110 Video Recorder Some life here new tires/belts
End: 09.12. 2023 01:12:38 on Saturday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 237.28 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 155671914777
- Seller: mg_auction (4035|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Littleton, Colorado
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 162,66 EUR
- on EBAY
Akai VT 110 with the VC110 Video camera. There is some life here. This one has new tires and belts, the drive is strong and pulls tape well but rewind needs a little help with a finger. I think this one might actually work. It will record and play back sound from the camera, however there is no video image coming from the camera so no video can be recorded. The view finder on the camera is dark, and that is what is displayed on the monitor. All other functions of the camera seem to work, like the record pause button. Unfortunately, I do not have another camera to try it with. The monitor responds to v-hold/h-hold/contrast, and will lock, meaning it does not scroll or flicker. The controls of the VT works smooth and nice and the battery compartment is clean. Overall unit is in very nice condition 8+ of 10. Included is the VT 110, VC110, The monitor, The VAS-1 selector, the VRFC-U5 RF Converter, origonal strap and some other odds and ends. Please ask questions Unit is being sold as is for parts Shipping is based on a 24x14,14 box weighing 32 lbs
Akai VT 100 T110 tape video recorder set defect.
End: 08.12. 2023 08:34:17 on Friday
End: 19.09. 2023 16:02:48 on Tuesday
- Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
- Price: 600.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 145141133028
- Seller: roblaz20 (64|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Besançon
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 80,0 EUR
- on EBAY
***2 emme BAISSE DE PRIX!!*** 600€ SUPER ENSEMBLE CAMÉSCOPE AKAI VT110 PORTABLE AVEC VALISE ** TOTALEMENT REMIS EN ÉTAT!!** ***EN ORDRE DE MARCHE.!!**. Avec le Jeu de Câbles pour sortie Vidéo et Audio vers TV! ***VOUS SEREZ PRESQUE LE SEUL A EN POSSEDER UN QUI FONCTIONNE EN FRANCE??*** (Vendu habituellement incomplet et/ou en panne entre 300 et 500 € ). Pour revoir vos vidéos de souvenirs! Composé de: 1 CAMESCOPE PORTABLE VT110 1 CAMÉRA avec ZOOM 10X 1 MONITEUR portable 1 ALIMENTATION secteur 1 VALISE pour le scope et le moniteur assemblé 1 Bandes vidéo de 20 Minutes PAS DE BATTERIES INTERNES ( Introuvables. Plus fabriquées) **Prévoir alimentation bloc batteries 12v externes portable ( Prise, câble et schémas fournis).** Sorti en 1971/72 ce caméscope propose la vidéo pour le grand public pour garder des évènements que lon peut revoir immédiatement. Remise en état TOTALE : COURROIES et GALETS + réglages MODE EMPLOI (ENG) ,Docs, Vidéos sur CD joint. Jen souhaite pour ce super matériel, EN ORDRE DE MARCHE ! un prix de justifié de 600 € + 2 X 30€= 60€ PORT ET ASSURANCE (FRANCE) 80 € (Europe) 2 COLIS de 12 Kg JE POURRAI FOURNIR BANDE VIDÉO 20 minutes: OCCASION 50€ Pièce port inclus (France), 20€ pour Europe ***********************************************************2 nd PRICE REDUCTION!!*** 600€ SUPER SET CAMCORDER AKAI VT110 PORTABLE WITH SUITCASE ** TOTALLY REFURBISHED!!** ***IN WORKING ORDER.!!**. With the Set of Cables for Video and Audio output to TV! ***YOU WILL BE ALMOST THE ONLY OWNER WHO WORKS IN FRANCE??*** (Usually sold incomplete and/or broken down between 300 and 500 €). To review your memories videos! Made up of: 1 PORTABLE CAMCORDER VT110 1 CAMERA with 10X ZOOM 1 portable MONITOR 1 AC POWER SUPPLY 1 SUITCASE for the scope and the assembled monitor 1 Video Tapes of 20 Minutes NO INTERNAL BATTERIES (Not found. No longer manufactured) **Provide portable external 12v battery pack power supply (plug, cable and diagrams provided).** Released in 1971/72 this camcorder offers video for the general public to keep events that can be reviewed immediately. TOTAL overhaul: BELTS and ROLLERS + ADJUSTMENTS USER MANUAL (ENG), Docs, Videos on attached CD. I wish for this great equipment, IN WORKING ORDER! a justified reserve price of €600 + €50 SHIPPING AND INSURANCE (FRANCE) €80 (Europe) 2 PACKAGES of 12 Kg I CAN PROVIDE 20-minute VIDEO TAPE: USED 50€ Piece, postage included (France), 20€ for Europe
Akai videocamera Vc-115 vt-110 registratore bobine magnetico reel to reel LEGGI
End: 14.09. 2023 03:48:13 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 500.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204450153402
- Bids: 0
- Seller: vintageretro14 (49|80.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: palermo, PA
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 25,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Akai set composto da Videocamera telecamera Vc 115 e registratore magnetico a bobine reel to reel Akai digital vtr Vt 110 + alimentatore monitor e cavetteria. Si accende e sembrano funzionare ma non ho bobine per cui testare la registrazione con la telecamera, PER CUI VENDO COME DA TESTARE nb: non ci sono bobine incluse! set vintage antiquariato audio video per collezionisti e musei dellaudiovisivo anni 70 80 tutto venduto nelle esatte condizioni che vedete, no garanzia o rimborso o reso, in quanto vendita tra privati. spedizione 25 euro con corriere assicurato OGGETTI USATI, CHE POTREBBERO AVERE ALCUNI DIFETTI ESTETICI, COMUNQUE ESATTAMENTE COME DA FOTO / NON SI ACCETTANO RECLAMI, RIMBORSI O RESI, VENDITA TRA PRIVATI CON TOTALE ESCLUSIONE DI GARANZIA O RESO. LEGGETE LE DESCRIZIONI E GUARDATE LE FOTO PRIMA DI OFFRIRE !!
Akai VT-100S Tragbarer Videorecorder + Akai VM-110 Kontrollmonitor (ungeprüft)
End: 10.09. 2023 17:39:54 on Sunday
Akai AC-110 Power Supply / Charger for VT-100 VT-110 VT-120 VM-110 VC-115
End: 03.09. 2023 13:44:40 on Sunday
AKAI Videorecorderanlage VT 110 Monitor Tuner Netzteil Objektive Videobänder
End: 21.08. 2023 06:24:36 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 320.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 186041977487
- Bids: 1
- Seller: lotolb (250|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Bremen
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 18,5 EUR
- on EBAY
KompletteVideoanlage aus Auflösung. VideorecorderAKAI VT110 ,Tuner VHF-UHF, Monitor Netz/Ladeteil,Objektive, Modulator mit TV-Ausgang, Videobänder,Tragriemen. Gerät lässt sich einschalten, Monitor zeigt Rauschbild. Schneller Vor-Rücklauf defekt. Ein Treibriemensatz kostet 10 € beiEbay. Video/Tonandruckswelle rotiert. Zubehör: Bedienungsanweisung in deutsch.Gerät wird als defekt verkauft. Nach derEU-Gesetzgebung ist jeder Verkäufer dazu verpflichtet, Garantie auf seineProdukte zu geben, es sei denn, er schlisst diese ausdrücklich aus. Diesist eine Privatauktion. Ich schliesse jeglichesUmtausch-, Reklamations- oder Rücknahmerecht und jeglicheGarantieansprüche aus!!! Bei Abgabe eines Gebotes oder durch denSofort-Kauf (falls angeboten) verzichten Sie auf alle Garantieoder Rückgaberechte Ihrerseits und erkennen den oben aufgeführten Absatz an!!!
VTG AKAI 10.5" Reel to Reel tape recorder adapter GX-747 GX-636 w/ tape splicer
End: 19.07. 2023 06:27:23 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 73.71 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256140485024
- Seller: margeno (309|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Fort Worth, Texas
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 19,39 EUR
- on EBAY
????thanks for checking out my ad! ?????????????ANY REASONABLE OFFER WILL DO! ????send me an offer you believe to be fair, and Ill more than likely think it fair as well. the worst I can do is counter, so let me know what youd like to pay, and Ill get back to you same day.relative bonus items included with every order!this item can also be purchased directly via lapyaP with next day shipping and tracking. check reputation and ask about this!please see Condition description for further item details. ????free shipping available anywhere and everywhere in the continental United States of America.I ship within 3 (usually 2) days of cleared payment via USPS First Class Mail, USPS Media Mail or UPS Ground for larger packages.I do ship to USPS boxes.I do not ship to A.P.O. and F.P.O. addresses.local pickup is currently not available for this item.send any serious questions you may have regarding this product, and I’ll get back to you same day.additional: photos, measurements, specifications, etc. of this product will be made available upon request.NO: low ballers, scammers, spammers or returns. buyer cancellations not accepted.this item is from a clean, smoke-free, drug-free, pet-free and pest-free, climate-controlled environment.good luck, stay safe, and take care,HH??????????
AKAI portable VTR VT-100 1/4” Video Reel Recorder untested Original Case
End: 15.07. 2023 18:45:01 on Saturday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 250.28 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 145178289521
- Bids: 6
- Seller: spuddystuff (1677|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Wolverhampton
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 32,9 EUR
- on EBAY
AKAI portable VTR VT-100 1/4” Video Reel Recorder untested Original Case. Extremely rare and one for the collectors Approximately 1969 Runs 5” open reel tapes Original batteries still fitted Battery door doesn’t lock properly Weighs a ton …. Glad I never carried it around Should be in a museum
Akai videocamera Vc-115 vt-110 registratore bobine magnetico reel to reel LEGGI
End: 02.07. 2023 08:52:32 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 500.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204374703393
- Bids: 0
- Seller: vintageretro14 (48|80.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: palermo, PA
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 25,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Akai set composto da Videocamera telecamera Vc 115 e registratore magnetico a bobine reel to reel Akai digital vtr Vt 110 + alimentatore monitor e cavetteria. Si accende e sembrano funzionare ma non ho bobine per cui testare la registrazione con la telecamera, PER CUI VENDO COME DA TESTARE nb: non ci sono bobine incluse! set vintage antiquariato audio video per collezionisti e musei dellaudiovisivo anni 70 80 tutto venduto nelle esatte condizioni che vedete, no garanzia o rimborso o reso, in quanto vendita tra privati. spedizione 25 euro con corriere assicurato OGGETTI USATI, CHE POTREBBERO AVERE ALCUNI DIFETTI ESTETICI, COMUNQUE ESATTAMENTE COME DA FOTO / NON SI ACCETTANO RECLAMI, RIMBORSI O RESI, VENDITA TRA PRIVATI CON TOTALE ESCLUSIONE DI GARANZIA O RESO. LEGGETE LE DESCRIZIONI E GUARDATE LE FOTO PRIMA DI OFFRIRE !!
End: 02.06. 2023 19:59:10 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 32.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 185917492247
- Bids: 8
- Seller: van40orl-9 (93|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Le Roeulx
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 30,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Akai videocamera Vc-115 vt-110 registratore bobine magnetico reel to reel LEGGI
End: 28.05. 2023 13:48:10 on Sunday
- Condition: New
- Price: 499.99 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204341187073
- Bids: 0
- Seller: vintageretro14 (48|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: palermo, PA
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 25,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Akai set composto da Videocamera telecamera Vc 115 e registratore magnetico a bobine reel to reel Akai digital vtr Vt 110 + alimentatore monitor e cavetteria. Si accende e sembrano funzionare ma non ho bobine per cui testare la registrazione con la telecamera, PER CUI VENDO COME DA TESTARE nb: non ci sono bobine incluse! set vintage antiquariato audio video per collezionisti e musei dellaudiovisivo anni 70 80 tutto venduto nelle esatte condizioni che vedete, no garanzia o rimborso o reso, in quanto vendita tra privati. spedizione 25 euro con corriere assicurato OGGETTI USATI, CHE POTREBBERO AVERE ALCUNI DIFETTI ESTETICI, COMUNQUE ESATTAMENTE COME DA FOTO / NON SI ACCETTANO RECLAMI, RIMBORSI O RESI, VENDITA TRA PRIVATI CON TOTALE ESCLUSIONE DI GARANZIA O RESO. LEGGETE LE DESCRIZIONI E GUARDATE LE FOTO PRIMA DI OFFRIRE !!
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