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AKAI GX-266D Spitzenbandmaschine für 18 cm Spulen, mit Autoreversefunktion!TOP!

End: 21.01. 2024 20:28:22 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 399.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404742919920
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: georreinol-0 (176|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kaufbeuren Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AKAI GX-266D  Spitzenbandmaschine für 18 cm Spulen, mit Autoreversefunktion!TOP!Akai GX-266D, Spitzenbandmaschine für 18 cm Spulen, mit Autoreversefunktion. Perfekter Klang, praktisch kein Unterschied zum Original zu hören. 9,5 und 19 cm/sek. Bandgeschwindigkeit. Technisch ist die Maschine der 635 ebenbürtig. Motoren, Köpfe und Audioelektronik sind mit denen aus der 6er Serie identisch. Der enorme Vorteil dieser Maschine liegt in den Tonköpfen. Es sind verschleißfreie Tonköpfe aus Glas, die nur Akai gebaut hat. Damit ist sichergestellt, dass das Gerät immer perfekt klingt, auch noch in 20 Jahren. Verkaufe wegen Verkleinerung meiner Sammlung dieses schöne Tonbandgerät, inkl Abdeckhaube und den Tonbandspulen von Maxell. Optisch befindet sich genanntes Gerät in einem guten Zustand, genaueres entnehmen Sie bitte den Bildern. Die Haube ist ebenfalls in einem guten Zustand, hat keinerlei Sprünge. Kratzer ließen sich in 45 Jahren dennoch nicht vermeiden. Diese sollten meines Erachtens nach poliert werden können. Defekt ist das Zählwerk, sowie augenscheinlich die Record Taste. Hier kann ich aber auch nicht ausschließen das es sich um einen Bedienungsfehler handelt. Play beide Richtungen funktionstüchtig sowie FFW RWD Stopp und VU-Meter.Ob der Rest intakt ist entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis, somit ohne Gewähr. Definitiv ein restaurationswürdiges Objekt und absolut Wohnzimmertauglich! Aus tierfreien Nichtraucherhaushalt. AllgemeinHersteller: AkaiModell: GX 266 DTyp: BandmaschineBaujahre: 1977 - 1979Hergestellt in: JapanFarbe: SilberLeistungsaufnahme: 90 WAbmessungen: 404 x 470 x 250 mm (BxHxT) mit Holzseitenteilen 440 x 470 x 250 mmGewicht: 20,6 kgNeupreis ca.: 1348 DM AnschlüsseAnzahl der Ausgänge: 2Line (0,775 V)Kopfhörer (100 mV, 8 Ohm)Anzahl der Eingänge: 2Mikrofon (0,25 mV / 2,4 kOhm)Line (70 mV / 100 kOhm) Technische Datenmax. Spulendurchmesser: 18 cmAntrieb: 3 MotorenKöpfe: 6Spuren: 4Bandgeschwindigkeiten: 9,5 und 19 cm/sSchlupf:Gleichlaufschwankungen:bei 9,5 cm/s: < 0,06%bei 19 cm/s: < 0,04%Tonhöhenschwankungen: ± 0,6%Gesamtfrequenzgang:bei 9,5 cm/s: 30 - 19.000 Hzbei 19 cm/s : 30 - 25.000 HzSignalrauschabstand:Fremdspannungsabstand: >56 dBKlirrfaktor: < 0,5% (1 kHz)Entzerrung:Geräuschspannungsabstand:Übersprechdämpfung:gegensinnige Doppelspuraufzeichnung, Mono:gegensinniger Stereobetrieb:Löschdämpfung:bei 19 cm/sec: > 70 dBVormagnetisierungs- und Löschfrequenz: 100 kHz Besondere AusstattungenAuto-Reverse für Aufnahme und Wiedergabe mit Hinterbandkontrolleverschleißarme GX-Aufnahme- u. Wiedergabeköpfe

AKAI GX-266D Tonbandgerät , Bandmaschine zum Überholen, Wartungsbedürftig, 23486

End: 23.12. 2023 21:10:43 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 379.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305321849913
  • Seller: carpet-dreams (3600|98.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Dortmund Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AKAI GX-266D Tonbandgerät , Bandmaschine zum Überholen, Wartungsbedürftig, 23486Sie bieten hiermit auf ein Wartungsbedürftiges AKAI GX-266D Tonbandgerät. Dieses kommt so wie auf den Bildern zu sehen. Weiteres ist nicht dabei. Es lässt sich einschalten und bedienen. Weitergehende Tests haben wir nicht durchgeführt. Alles was es macht ist auf dem Video zu sehen. Wir verkaufen es als Wartungsbedürftig bzw. an Bastler und Ersatzteilsuchende. Bitte sehen Sie sich unsere Bilder ausgiebig an. Der Zustand ist auch nicht mehr der beste. VERKAUF AN BASTLER UND ERSATZTEILSUCHENDE ALS DEFEKT UND WARTUNGSBEDÜRFTIG.

Servizio Riparazione TV Akai Nordmende HK.T.NT72667V01 AKTV5534 ND55KS4000

End: 06.12. 2023 15:46:19 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 55.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 7T 9:39:21
  • Item number: 155594434169
  • Seller: alessandrol96 (274|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Grumo Nevano Italien
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Prima di effettuare lordine leggere attentamente la descrizione PAGAMENTO CON BONIFICO BANCARIO AL TERMINE DELLA RIPARAZIONESe interessati al servizio, si prega di lasciare un proprio recapito telefonico tramite messaggio. Linserzione riguarda il servizio di riparazione del TV/scheda e NON la vendita di un ricambio.Nel costo è inclusa sia la spedizione per il ritiro che la spedizione per la consegna della scheda riparata, entrambe tracciate con corriere 24/48h. Il servizio di riparazione si rivolge ai TV Akai e Nordmende che utilizzano HK.T.NT72667V01. Nel caso in cui i codici non dovessero coincidere vi preghiamo di contattarci prima dellacquisto del servizio. Risoluzione dei principali problemi:- Bloccato sul logo- Perdita di canali- Non memorizza i canali- Non accende- Solo standby- Continui messaggi di errore- Si riavvia Prima di essere rispedite, ciascuna scheda verrà riparata e testata, quindi riceverete la vostra scheda perfettamente funzionante (sarà possibile avere anche un video di tale funzionamento). Onde evitare problematiche, prima di effettuare qualsiasi ordine, assicuratevi che il vostro TV abbia gli stessi codici menzionati. Eventualmente sono accettate anche foto nel caso di dubbi. Per altre informazioni sul servizio, per altri ricambi, per consigli sulla riparazione o altre problematiche non esitate a contattare.

Akai GX-260D,265D,266D,267D Reel Table Take-up P/N BR482411 OEM GENUINE PARTS

End: 06.11. 2023 07:42:56 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 30.18 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235118115249
  • Seller: candytwin (1858|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Perris, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 24,21 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Akai GX-260D,265D,266D,267D Reel Table Take-up P/N BR482411 OEM GENUINE PARTSAkai GX-260D,265D,266D,267D Reel Table Take-up P/N BR482411 OEM GENUINE PARTS. In very good working condition. Clean.

Akai GX-266D Reel-to-Reel Stereo Tape Recorder Untested

End: 26.10. 2023 18:03:54 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 355.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 17:42:37
  • Item number: 204378581357
  • Seller: rocketman2001ab (788|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Weyauwega, Wisconsin USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 182,83 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage Akai GX-266D Reel to Reel Stereo tape Recorder. AS is untested. Made in Japan in good cosmetic shape. It is heavy. Not sure how to fully test it but it does power on and reels spin both ways and stop. Dont know what Im doing. Does not have name plate see pic. The party where I obtained it said it works by I have not tested sold as is.. Just bought head phones and tried it out on reel to reel and does play tape in forward and reverse.

Akai GX-266D Stereo Tape Recorder Reel to Reel 7 inch HiFi Vintage

End: 01.10. 2023 10:36:07 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 821.28 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 125937320667
  • Seller: squonk_art (1961|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Middlesbrough Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 93,35 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Akai GX-266D Stereo Tape Recorder Reel to Reel 7 inch HiFi Vintage Description Akai GX-266D Stereo Tape Recorder Reel to Reel from the ’70s. 4-track, 2-channel, stereo/monaural system. Up to 7-inch reel. Tape speeds: 33?4 & 71?2 ips. Tested and fully working. Good used condition, unfortunately, it was damaged in transport. Has two deep scratches in the front panel. The head cover has scrapes and scratches. See pictures carefully for condition. Spools NOT included. Power in 220V. Dimensions: 404 x 470 x 250mm Weight: 18.3kg Testing and collection are welcome. TS1 1RD Middlesbrough. General rules This is vintage equipment, which means they are made before 80s. If you are watching this auction, you would know what vintage equipment is. Any item that is made before the 1980s requires special care. You must have basic knowledge about the use and servicing of the equipment. So think, is this suitable equipment for you? I have to give such information, because I hah cases of customers who bought equipment, and couldnt put a cassette tape into a tape recorder or had a problem with connecting the amplifier. Remember, that after opening the parcel and checking the condition of the device, wait 12 hours before connectingthe device to the power supply. Temperature differences and external moisture may cause the device to malfunction or damage it. All items sold by me are cleaned and tested. I always describe things correctly and honestly. You always receive exactly what has been described and photographed on listing. However, sometimes things can go wrong and human error does occur. If you have any issues at all with your item, please get in touch with me and Ill endeavour to quickly and efficiently deal with your issue. Shipping Equipments are shipped within 2-3 business days of cleared payment. Delivery time is 1 business days after dispatch on Mainland via Yodel. Very heavy equipment over 30kg I send TNT/FedEx. If you have some special preference for delivery, please ask before you purchase/ bidding. All of our items are sent tracked which will update on your account once the item has been dispatched. International shipping, if it possible, is done via Global Shipping Programme. Other shippimg is possible after agreement (ask before bidding/purchase). Payment We accept the following payment methods: eBay Payment Method PayPal cash if collect Please contact us if you have any questions. Return policy You have 14 days to return the purchased device. When receiving the parcel, make sure that it is undamaged. In case of any doubts, take a picture. Any irregularities or faults must be reported immediately by eBay message. Please contact me before opening a return request. Many problems can be solved by phone or email. Item must be returned in original condition with valid security stickers and original box. Please keep all packaging until you are sure you will be keeping your item. Declimer All my equipments are security marked/tagged void stickers. If you try to repair the item yourself, or involve a third party to do this, a return (including partial refunds) will not be accepted so please get in touch with me, if there is an issue with your item before attempting to repair it yourself.Please contact me before opening a return request. Many problems can be solved by phone or email. Item must be returned in original condition with valid security stickers and original box. Please keep all packaging until you are sure you will be keeping your item.

Akai GX 266D Stereo Tonbandgerät Tonbandmaschine

End: 05.08. 2023 17:23:19 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 500.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 325724102463
  • Seller: 1nitro-sever (1057|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Trier Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 20,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ich biete hier ein Akai GX 266D.Ohne Tonbandspulen. Abspiel- und Aufnahmequalität sind hervorragend. Das Gerät ist gebraucht. ( siehe Bilder).Technische Zustand TOP aber die Ware ist mehr als 40 Jahre alt. Technische Daten Allgemein Hersteller: AkaiModell: GX 266 DTyp: BandmaschineBaujahre: 1977 - 1979Hergestellt in: JapanFarbe: SilberLeistungsaufnahme: 90 WAbmessungen: 404 x 470 x 250 mm (BxHxT) mit Holzseitenteilen 440 x 470 x 250 mmGewicht: 20,6 kgNeupreis ca.: 1348 DM Anschlüsse Anzahl der Ausgänge: 2 Line (0,775 V)Kopfhörer (100 mV, 8 Ohm)Anzahl der Eingänge: 2 Mikrofon (0,25 mV / 2,4 kOhm)Line (70 mV / 100 kOhm) Technische Daten max. Spulendurchmesser: 18 cmAntrieb: 3 MotorenKöpfe: 6Spuren: 4Bandgeschwindigkeiten: 9,5 und 19 cm/sSchlupf:Gleichlaufschwankungen: bei 9,5 cm/s: < 0,06%bei 19 cm/s: < 0,04%Tonhöhenschwankungen: ± 0,6%Gesamtfrequenzgang: bei 9,5 cm/s: 30 - 19.000 Hzbei 19 cm/s : 30 - 25.000 HzSignalrauschabstand:Fremdspannungsabstand: >56 dBKlirrfaktor: < 0,5% (1 kHz)Entzerrung:Geräuschspannungsabstand:Übersprechdämpfung: gegensinnige Doppelspuraufzeichnung, Mono:gegensinniger Stereobetrieb:Löschdämpfung: bei 19 cm/sec: > 70 dBVormagnetisierungs- und Löschfrequenz: 100 kHz Besondere Ausstattungen Auto-Reverse für Aufnahme und Wiedergabe mit Hinterbandkontrolleverschleißarme GX-Aufnahme- u. Wiedergabeköpfe Besondere Ausstattungen verschleißarme GX-Aufnahme- u. Wiedergabeköpfe.Abholung wäre wünschenswert, verschicke aber auch!Ausländische Bieter bitte Versandkosten erfragen!Versand mit DHL als Paket mit Sendungsverfolgung. Privatverkauf: ohne Garantie, kein Umtausch, keine Rücknahme, kein Nachverhandeln. Bieten Sie nur wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind.

AKAI GX-266D w/ AUTO REVERSE SERVICED Reel to Reel Tape Recorder Reel/Cover Inc!

End: 22.07. 2023 10:24:26 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 468.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 186000525694
  • Seller: gsaudioinc (2020|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Colorado Springs, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 192,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    GS Audio Inc. is not the owner or seller of these goods, but merely a bailee acting on behalf of the seller to facilitate the sale of the goods by holding the goods until such time as a sale is completed and the goods are shipped to the buyer. GS Audio Inc. has used its best efforts to inspect the item(s) for sale and create descriptions and furnish photographs that fairly and adequately depict the type, condition and image of the goods at the time of sale. GS Audio Inc. makes no express or implied warranties or representations regarding the condition or suitability of the goods and to the extent allowed by law, specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to any warranty of merchantability or fitness for purpose. GS Audio Inc. reserves the right to cancel bids on any item due to feedback. This Listing Powered By

HLS4266W Replacement For Akai Lamp (Compatible Bulb)

End: 13.07. 2023 16:31:42 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 22.23 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334873917215
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70613|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: CA USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 27,06 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:BP96-01472A,R9842807,HD55,DLP Lamp,6912B22010A,AS-LX40,313912877921,915P027010,915P049010,TY-LA2006,313912877921,151-0005,265866,265919,269343,270414,271326,274417,275179,BP47-00023A,BP63-00279A,BP63-00670A,BP96-00271A,BP96-00271C,BP96-00497A,BP96-00608A,BP96-00677A,BP96-00823A,BP96-00837A,BP96-01073A,BP96-01074A,BP96-01099A,BP96-01394A,BP96-01403A,BP96-01415A,BP96-01472A,BP96-01578A,BP96-01600A,BP96-01653A,BP96-01795A,BP96-01869A,BP96-01472A,50 DLX648,50ML6200D,50ML6200D,50PL9126D,50PL9126D,50PL9200D,50PL9200D,50PL9220D,50PL9220D,60PL9220D,60PL9220D,61 DLX648,EC-100-SXT,EC-100-SXT+,EC-50-SXT,EC-50-SXT+,EC-50-XT,EC-56-WXT,EC-65-SXT,EC-67-HD,EC-67-SXT+,EC-67-XT,EC-70-SXT,EC-70-SXT+,EC-70-WXT,EC-70-XT,EC-80-SXT+,EC-80-XT,EC-84-SXT,ESP-HD,ESP-SXT+,ESP-WUXT,ESP-XT,HD44LPW134YX1,HD44LPW164YX1(M1),HD44LPW164YX2(M1),HD44LPW165YX1(H1),HD44LPW165YX2(H1),HD44LPW165YX3(H1),HD44LPW166YX1(W1),HD44LPW62,HD44LPW62YX1,HD44LPW62YX1(W1),HD44LPW62YX12,HD50LPW134YX1,HD50LPW164,HD50LPW164YX1,HD50LPW164YX1(M1),HD50LPW164YX2,HD50LPW164YX2(M1),HD50LPW164YX3,HD50LPW164YX3(M1),HD50LPW164YX4,HD50LPW164YX4(M1),HD50LPW165,HD50LPW165YX1(H1),HD50LPW165YX2(H1),HD50LPW165YX3(H1),HD50LPW165YX4(H1),HD50LPW166(W1),HD50LPW166AYX2(W1),HD50LPW166YX,HD50LPW166YX12,HD50LPW175YX1,HD50LPW175YX2,HD50LPW175YX7,HD50LPW52YX1(M1),HD50LPW52YX2(M1),HD50LPW52YX3(M1),HD50LPW62,HD50LPW62AYX1(W1),HD50LPW62AYX2(W1),HD50LPW62AYX2PK(W1),HD61LPW164,HD61LPW164YX1,HD61LPW164YX1(M1),HD61LPW164YX2,HD61LPW164YX2(M1),HD61LPW164YX3,HD61LPW164YX3(M1),HD61LPW164YX4,HD61LPW164YX4(M1),HD61LPW165YX1(H1),HD61LPW165YX2(H1),HD61LPW165YX3(H1),HD61LPW165YX4(H1),HD61LPW175,HD61LPW175YX1,HD61LPW175YX2,HD61LPW52YX1(M1),HD61LPW52YX2(M1),HD61LPW52YX3(M1),HD61LPW62,HL50A650C1F,HL56A650C1F,HL61A650,HL61A650C1F,HL67A510J1F,HL72A650C1F,HLP5063W,HLP5063WX,HLP5063WX/XA,HLP5085W,HLP5085WX/XAA,HLP5663W,HLP5663WX,HLP5663WX/XAA,HLP5685W,HLP5685WX,HLP5685WX/XAA,HLP6163W,HLP6163WX 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43L2HX,SP43J6HDX,SP43L2HX1X/RAD,SP46K5HD,SP-46L6HX,SP50K6HD,SP50L2HX1X/RAD,SP-50L6HDX,SP-50L6HX,SP56K6HD,SP56L5HX1X/RAD,SP67L6HX,SP72K8UH,WD-57731,WD-57732,WD-62827,WD-62927,WD-65731,WD-65732,WD-73727,WD-73827,WD-73927,WD-Y57,WD-Y65 HLS4266W Replacement For Akai Lamp (Compatible Bulb) Description: Economy Rear Projection lamp for Akai HLS4266W. For a better and brighter picture look for the Lutema Professional Series replacement lamp for your Device. This is the economic solution which provides 70% of the brightness of the Lutema Professional series replacement lamps. Compatible Models: Akai HD50LPW62AYX2PK(W1)Akai HD50LPW166AYX2(W1)Akai HD50LPW164YX4(M1)Akai HD50LPW164YX2(M1)Akai HD50LPW164YX3(M1)Akai HD50LPW165YX1(H1)Akai HD50LPW165YX2(H1)Akai HD50LPW165YX3(H1)Akai HD50LPW165YX4(H1)Akai HD44LPW164YX1(M1)Akai HD44LPW164YX2(M1)Akai HD44LPW165YX1(H1)Akai HD44LPW165YX2(H1)Akai HD44LPW165YX3(H1)Akai HD44LPW166YX1(W1)Akai HD50LPW164YX1(M1)Akai HD50LPW62AYX1(W1)Akai HD50LPW62AYX2(W1)Akai HD61LPW164YX1(M1)Akai HD61LPW164YX2(M1)Akai HD61LPW164YX4(M1)Akai HD61LPW165YX1(H1)Akai HD61LPW165YX2(H1)Akai HD61LPW165YX3(H1)Akai HD61LPW165YX4(H1)Akai HD61LPW164YX3(M1)Akai HD61LPW52YX1(M1)Akai HD61LPW52YX2(M1)Akai HD61LPW52YX3(M1)Akai HD50LPW52YX1(M1)Akai HD50LPW52YX2(M1)Akai HD50LPW52YX3(M1)Akai HD44LPW62YX1(W1)Akai HD50LPW166(W1)Akai HD50LPW166YX12Akai SP43L2HX1X/RADAkai SP56L5HX1X/RADAkai SP50L2HX1X/RADAkai HLS6187WX/XAAAkai HLS6187WX/XAAAkai HLS6187WX/XAAAkai HLS6188WX/XAAAkai HLS6188WX/XAAAkai HLS6188WX/XAAAkai HLS6767WX/XAAAkai HLS6767WX/XAAAkai 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BP96-00837AAkai BP96-01073AAkai BP96-01074AAkai BP96-01099AAkai BP96-01394AAkai BP96-01403AAkai BP96-01415AAkai BP96-01472AAkai BP96-01578AAkai BP96-01600AAkai BP96-01653AAkai BP96-01795AAkai BP96-01869AAkai BP96-01472AAkai HL50A650C1FAkai HL56A650C1FAkai HL61A650C1FAkai HL67A510J1FAkai HL72A650C1FAkai HD61LPW175Akai HD61LPW164Akai HD50LPW165Akai HD50LPW164Akai EC-100-SXTAkai EC-50-SXT+Akai EC-67-SXT+Akai EC-70-SXT+Akai EC-80-SXT+Akai 915P027010Akai 915P049010Akai PT-56DLX76Akai PT-61DLX76Akai M52WH72SYXAkai SP-50L6HDXAkai IPT50DLP30Akai IPT50DLP30Akai IPT50DLP30Akai HLT5075SXAkai HLT5675SXAkai HLS4676SXAkai HLT4675SXAkai HLS6188WXAkai HLS6188WXAkai HLS6188WXAkai HLS6767WXAkai HLS6767WXAkai HLS6767WXAkai SP-50L6HXAkai SP-46L6HXAkai HLT5676SXAkai HLT6176SXAkai SP 43L2HXAkai SP43J6HDXAkai TY-LA2006Akai EC-84-SXTAkai EC-70-WXTAkai EC-56-WXTAkai EC-65-SXTAkai EC-50-SXTAkai 50 DLX648Akai 50ML6200DAkai 50ML6200DAkai 50PL9126DAkai 50PL9126DAkai 50PL9200DAkai 50PL9200DAkai 50PL9220DAkai 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HLS6167WAkai HLS6167WAkai HLS5088WAkai HLS5088WAkai HLS5088WAkai HLS5665WAkai HLS5665WAkai HLS5665WAkai HLS5666WAkai HLS5666WAkai HLS5666WAkai HLS5687WAkai HLS5687WAkai HLS5687WAkai HLS5686CAkai HLS5686CAkai HLS5686CAkai HLS5686WAkai HLS5686WAkai HLS5686WAkai HLS5086WAkai HLS5086WAkai HLS5086WAkai HLS5066WAkai HLS5066WAkai HLS5066WAkai HLS5087WAkai HLS5087WAkai HLS5087WAkai HLS4676SAkai HLS5055WAkai HLS5055WAkai HLS5055WAkai HLS5065WAkai HLS5065WAkai HLS5065WAkai HLS4675SAkai HLR5688WAkai HLR7178WAkai HLR6767WAkai HLR6768WAkai HLS4666WAkai HLS4666WAkai HLS4666WAkai HLS4265WAkai HLS4265WAkai HLS4265WAkai HLS4266WAkai HLS4266WAkai HLS4266WAkai HLR5687WAkai HLR4264WAkai HLR5087WAkai HLP6163WAkai HLP5685WAkai HLP5085WAkai HLP5663WAkai HL61A650Akai HLP5063WAkai ESP-SXT+Akai ESP-WUXTAkai DLP LampAkai EC-67-HDAkai EC-50-XTAkai EC-70-XTAkai EC-67-XTAkai EC-80-XTAkai R9842807Akai 151-0005Akai SP46K5HDAkai M50WH74SAkai M61WH74SAkai M50WH92SAkai SP50K6HDAkai SP56K6HDAkai SP67L6HXAkai SP72K8UHAkai WD-57731Akai WD-57732Akai WD-62827Akai WD-62927Akai WD-65731Akai WD-65732Akai WD-73727Akai WD-73827Akai WD-73927Akai HLS6767WAkai HLS6767WAkai HLS6767WAkai HLS6188WAkai HLS6188WAkai HLS6188WAkai HLS7178WAkai HLS7178WAkai HLS7178WAkai HLT4675SAkai HLT5075SAkai HLT5055WAkai HLT5055WAkai HLT5055WAkai HLT5676SAkai HLT5076SAkai HLT5675SAkai HLT6176SAkai HLT6156WAkai HLT6156WAkai HLT6156WAkai M50WH185Akai M50WH187Akai M50WH72SAkai HLT7288WAkai HLT6756WAkai HLT6756WAkai HLT6756WAkai HLS7178Akai HLS7178Akai HLS7178Akai M61WH74Akai M50WH74Akai AS-LX40Akai HLS4676Akai 265866Akai 265919Akai 269343Akai 270414Akai 271326Akai 274417Akai 275179Akai ESP-HDAkai ESP-XTAkai WD-Y57Akai WD-Y65Akai HD55 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

HLS4266WX Replacement For Akai Lamp (Compatible Bulb)

End: 13.07. 2023 16:31:21 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 22.23 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334873917067
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70613|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: CA USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 27,06 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:BP96-01472A,R9842807,HD55,DLP Lamp,6912B22010A,AS-LX40,313912877921,915P027010,915P049010,TY-LA2006,313912877921,151-0005,265866,265919,269343,270414,271326,274417,275179,BP47-00023A,BP63-00279A,BP63-00670A,BP96-00271A,BP96-00271C,BP96-00497A,BP96-00608A,BP96-00677A,BP96-00823A,BP96-00837A,BP96-01073A,BP96-01074A,BP96-01099A,BP96-01394A,BP96-01403A,BP96-01415A,BP96-01472A,BP96-01578A,BP96-01600A,BP96-01653A,BP96-01795A,BP96-01869A,BP96-01472A,50 DLX648,50ML6200D,50ML6200D,50PL9126D,50PL9126D,50PL9200D,50PL9200D,50PL9220D,50PL9220D,60PL9220D,60PL9220D,61 DLX648,EC-100-SXT,EC-100-SXT+,EC-50-SXT,EC-50-SXT+,EC-50-XT,EC-56-WXT,EC-65-SXT,EC-67-HD,EC-67-SXT+,EC-67-XT,EC-70-SXT,EC-70-SXT+,EC-70-WXT,EC-70-XT,EC-80-SXT+,EC-80-XT,EC-84-SXT,ESP-HD,ESP-SXT+,ESP-WUXT,ESP-XT,HD44LPW134YX1,HD44LPW164YX1(M1),HD44LPW164YX2(M1),HD44LPW165YX1(H1),HD44LPW165YX2(H1),HD44LPW165YX3(H1),HD44LPW166YX1(W1),HD44LPW62,HD44LPW62YX1,HD44LPW62YX1(W1),HD44LPW62YX12,HD50LPW134YX1,HD50LPW164,HD50LPW164YX1,HD50LPW164YX1(M1),HD50LPW164YX2,HD50LPW164YX2(M1),HD50LPW164YX3,HD50LPW164YX3(M1),HD50LPW164YX4,HD50LPW164YX4(M1),HD50LPW165,HD50LPW165YX1(H1),HD50LPW165YX2(H1),HD50LPW165YX3(H1),HD50LPW165YX4(H1),HD50LPW166(W1),HD50LPW166AYX2(W1),HD50LPW166YX,HD50LPW166YX12,HD50LPW175YX1,HD50LPW175YX2,HD50LPW175YX7,HD50LPW52YX1(M1),HD50LPW52YX2(M1),HD50LPW52YX3(M1),HD50LPW62,HD50LPW62AYX1(W1),HD50LPW62AYX2(W1),HD50LPW62AYX2PK(W1),HD61LPW164,HD61LPW164YX1,HD61LPW164YX1(M1),HD61LPW164YX2,HD61LPW164YX2(M1),HD61LPW164YX3,HD61LPW164YX3(M1),HD61LPW164YX4,HD61LPW164YX4(M1),HD61LPW165YX1(H1),HD61LPW165YX2(H1),HD61LPW165YX3(H1),HD61LPW165YX4(H1),HD61LPW175,HD61LPW175YX1,HD61LPW175YX2,HD61LPW52YX1(M1),HD61LPW52YX2(M1),HD61LPW52YX3(M1),HD61LPW62,HL50A650C1F,HL56A650C1F,HL61A650,HL61A650C1F,HL67A510J1F,HL72A650C1F,HLP5063W,HLP5063WX,HLP5063WX/XA,HLP5085W,HLP5085WX/XAA,HLP5663W,HLP5663WX,HLP5663WX/XAA,HLP5685W,HLP5685WX,HLP5685WX/XAA,HLP6163W,HLP6163WX ,HLP6163WX/XAA,HLR4264W,HLR5087W,HLR5087WX,HLR5087WX/XAA,HLR5687W,HLR5687WX,HLR5687WX/XAA,HLR5688W,HLR5688WX,HLR5688WX/XAA,HLR6767W,HLR6768W,HLR6768WX,HLR6768WX/XAA,HLR7178W,HLR7178WX/XAA,HLS4265W,HLS4265W,HLS4265W,HLS4266W,HLS4266W,HLS4266W,HLS4266WX,HLS4266WX,HLS4266WX,HLS4266WX/XAA,HLS4666W,HLS4666W,HLS4666W,HLS4666WX,HLS4666WX,HLS4666WX,HLS4666WXXAA,HLS4666WXXAA,HLS4666WXXAA,HLS4675S,HLS4675SX,HLS4676,HLS4676S,HLS4676SX,HLS4676SX/XAA,HLS5055W,HLS5055W,HLS5055W,HLS5065W,HLS5065W,HLS5065W,HLS5065WX,HLS5065WX,HLS5065WX,HLS5065WX/XAA,HLS5065WX/XAA,HLS5065WX/XAA,HLS5066W,HLS5066W,HLS5066W,HLS5066WX,HLS5066WX,HLS5066WX,HLS5086W,HLS5086W,HLS5086W,HLS5086WX,HLS5086WX,HLS5086WX,HLS5086WX/XAA,HLS5086WX/XAA,HLS5086WX/XAA,HLS5087W,HLS5087W,HLS5087W,HLS5087WX,HLS5087WX,HLS5087WX,HLS5087WX/XAA,HLS5087WX/XAA,HLS5087WX/XAA,HLS5088W,HLS5088W,HLS5088W,HLS5088WX,HLS5088WX,HLS5088WX,HLS5088WX/XAA,HLS5088WX/XAA,HLS5088WX/XAA,HLS5665W,HLS5665W,HLS5665W,HLS5666W,HLS5666W,HLS5666W,HLS5666WXXAC,HLS5666WXXAC,HLS5666WXXAC,HLS5686C,HLS5686C,HLS5686C,HLS5686CX/XAA,HLS5686CX/XAA,HLS5686CX/XAA,HLS5686W,HLS5686W,HLS5686W,HLS5686WX,HLS5686WX,HLS5686WX,HLS5686WX/XAA,HLS5686WX/XAA,HLS5686WX/XAA,HLS5687W,HLS5687W,HLS5687W,HLS5687WX,HLS5687WX,HLS5687WX,HLS5687WXXAA,HLS5687WXXAA,HLS5687WXXAA,HLS5688W,HLS5688W,HLS5688W,HLS5688WX,HLS5688WX,HLS5688WX,HLS5688WX/XAA,HLS5688WX/XAA,HLS5688WX/XAA,HLS6165W,HLS6165W,HLS6165W,HLS6165WX,HLS6165WX,HLS6165WX,HLS6165WX/XAA,HLS6165WX/XAA,HLS6165WX/XAA,HLS6166W,HLS6166W,HLS6166W,HLS6167W,HLS6167W,HLS6167W,HLS6167WS,HLS6167WS,HLS6167WS,HLS6167WX/XAA,HLS6167WX/XAA,HLS6167WX/XAA,HLS6186W,HLS6186W,HLS6186W,HLS6186WX/XAA,HLS6186WX/XAA,HLS6186WX/XAA,HLS6187W,HLS6187W,HLS6187W,HLS6187WX,HLS6187WX,HLS6187WX,HLS6187WX/XAA,HLS6187WX/XAA,HLS6187WX/XAA,HLS6188W,HLS6188W,HLS6188W,HLS6188WX,HLS6188WX,HLS6188WX,HLS6188WX/XAA,HLS6188WX/XAA,HLS6188WX/XAA,HLS6767W,HLS6767W,HLS6767W,HLS6767WX,HLS6767WX,HLS6767WX,HLS6767WX/XAA,HLS6767WX/XAA,HLS6767WX/XAA,HLS7178,HLS7178,HLS7178,HLS7178W,HLS7178W,HLS7178W,HLS7178WX/XAA,HLS7178WX/XAA,HLS7178WX/XAA,HLT4675S,HLT4675SX,HLT4675SX/XAA,HLT5055W,HLT5055W,HLT5055W,HLT5055WX/XAC,HLT5055WX/XAC,HLT5055WX/XAC,HLT5075S,HLT5075SX,HLT5075SX/XAA,HLT5075SX/XAC,HLT5076S,HLT5675S,HLT5675SX,HLT5675SX/XAA,HLT5676S,HLT5676SX,HLT5676SX/XAA,HLT5676SX/XAC,HLT6156W,HLT6156W,HLT6156W,HLT6156WX/XAA,HLT6156WX/XAA,HLT6156WX/XAA,HLT6176S,HLT6176SX,HLT6176SX/XAA,HLT6176SX/XAC,HLT6756W,HLT6756W,HLT6756W,HLT6756WX/XAA,HLT6756WX/XAA,HLT6756WX/XAA,HLT7288W,HLT7288WXXAA,HLT7288WXXAA,HLT7288WXXAA,IPT50DLP30,IPT50DLP30,IPT50DLP30,M50WH185,M50WH187,M50WH72S,M50WH72SYX11,M50WH72SYX12,M50WH74,M50WH74S,M50WH74SYX1,M50WH74SYX2,M50WH92S,M50WH92SYX1,M52WH72SYX,M61WH74,M61WH74S,M61WH74SYX1,PT-56DLX76,PT-61DLX76,SP 43L2HX,SP43J6HDX,SP43L2HX1X/RAD,SP46K5HD,SP-46L6HX,SP50K6HD,SP50L2HX1X/RAD,SP-50L6HDX,SP-50L6HX,SP56K6HD,SP56L5HX1X/RAD,SP67L6HX,SP72K8UH,WD-57731,WD-57732,WD-62827,WD-62927,WD-65731,WD-65732,WD-73727,WD-73827,WD-73927,WD-Y57,WD-Y65 HLS4266WX Replacement For Akai Lamp (Compatible Bulb) Description: Economy Rear Projection lamp for Akai HLS4266WX. For a better and brighter picture look for the Lutema Professional Series replacement lamp for your Device. This is the economic solution which provides 70% of the brightness of the Lutema Professional series replacement lamps. Compatible Models: Akai HD50LPW62AYX2PK(W1)Akai HD50LPW166AYX2(W1)Akai HD50LPW164YX4(M1)Akai HD50LPW164YX2(M1)Akai HD50LPW164YX3(M1)Akai HD50LPW165YX1(H1)Akai HD50LPW165YX2(H1)Akai HD50LPW165YX3(H1)Akai HD50LPW165YX4(H1)Akai HD44LPW164YX1(M1)Akai HD44LPW164YX2(M1)Akai HD44LPW165YX1(H1)Akai HD44LPW165YX2(H1)Akai HD44LPW165YX3(H1)Akai HD44LPW166YX1(W1)Akai HD50LPW164YX1(M1)Akai HD50LPW62AYX1(W1)Akai HD50LPW62AYX2(W1)Akai HD61LPW164YX1(M1)Akai HD61LPW164YX2(M1)Akai HD61LPW164YX4(M1)Akai HD61LPW165YX1(H1)Akai HD61LPW165YX2(H1)Akai HD61LPW165YX3(H1)Akai HD61LPW165YX4(H1)Akai HD61LPW164YX3(M1)Akai HD61LPW52YX1(M1)Akai HD61LPW52YX2(M1)Akai HD61LPW52YX3(M1)Akai HD50LPW52YX1(M1)Akai HD50LPW52YX2(M1)Akai HD50LPW52YX3(M1)Akai HD44LPW62YX1(W1)Akai HD50LPW166(W1)Akai HD50LPW166YX12Akai SP43L2HX1X/RADAkai SP56L5HX1X/RADAkai SP50L2HX1X/RADAkai HLS6187WX/XAAAkai HLS6187WX/XAAAkai HLS6187WX/XAAAkai HLS6188WX/XAAAkai HLS6188WX/XAAAkai HLS6188WX/XAAAkai HLS6767WX/XAAAkai HLS6767WX/XAAAkai 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BP96-00837AAkai BP96-01073AAkai BP96-01074AAkai BP96-01099AAkai BP96-01394AAkai BP96-01403AAkai BP96-01415AAkai BP96-01472AAkai BP96-01578AAkai BP96-01600AAkai BP96-01653AAkai BP96-01795AAkai BP96-01869AAkai BP96-01472AAkai HL50A650C1FAkai HL56A650C1FAkai HL61A650C1FAkai HL67A510J1FAkai HL72A650C1FAkai HD61LPW175Akai HD61LPW164Akai HD50LPW165Akai HD50LPW164Akai EC-100-SXTAkai EC-50-SXT+Akai EC-67-SXT+Akai EC-70-SXT+Akai EC-80-SXT+Akai 915P027010Akai 915P049010Akai PT-56DLX76Akai PT-61DLX76Akai M52WH72SYXAkai SP-50L6HDXAkai IPT50DLP30Akai IPT50DLP30Akai IPT50DLP30Akai HLT5075SXAkai HLT5675SXAkai HLS4676SXAkai HLT4675SXAkai HLS6188WXAkai HLS6188WXAkai HLS6188WXAkai HLS6767WXAkai HLS6767WXAkai HLS6767WXAkai SP-50L6HXAkai SP-46L6HXAkai HLT5676SXAkai HLT6176SXAkai SP 43L2HXAkai SP43J6HDXAkai TY-LA2006Akai EC-84-SXTAkai EC-70-WXTAkai EC-56-WXTAkai EC-65-SXTAkai EC-50-SXTAkai 50 DLX648Akai 50ML6200DAkai 50ML6200DAkai 50PL9126DAkai 50PL9126DAkai 50PL9200DAkai 50PL9200DAkai 50PL9220DAkai 50PL9220DAkai 60PL9220DAkai 60PL9220DAkai 61 DLX648Akai EC-70-SXTAkai HD44LPW62Akai HD50LPW62Akai HLP5063WXAkai HD61LPW62Akai HLP5663WXAkai HLP5685WXAkai HLP6163WXAkai HLR5087WXAkai HLR5687WXAkai HLR5688WXAkai HLS4266WXAkai HLS4266WXAkai HLS4266WXAkai HLS4666WXAkai HLS4666WXAkai HLS4666WXAkai HLS4675SXAkai HLR6768WXAkai HLS5065WXAkai HLS5065WXAkai HLS5065WXAkai HLS5086WXAkai HLS5086WXAkai HLS5086WXAkai HLS5066WXAkai HLS5066WXAkai HLS5066WXAkai HLS5686WXAkai HLS5686WXAkai HLS5686WXAkai HLS5687WXAkai HLS5687WXAkai HLS5687WXAkai HLS5087WXAkai HLS5087WXAkai HLS5087WXAkai HLS5088WXAkai HLS5088WXAkai HLS5088WXAkai HLS6167WSAkai HLS6167WSAkai HLS6167WSAkai HLS6187WXAkai HLS6187WXAkai HLS6187WXAkai HLS5688WXAkai HLS5688WXAkai HLS5688WXAkai HLS6165WXAkai HLS6165WXAkai HLS6165WXAkai HLS6186WAkai HLS6186WAkai HLS6186WAkai HLS6187WAkai HLS6187WAkai HLS6187WAkai HLS5688WAkai HLS5688WAkai HLS5688WAkai HLS6165WAkai HLS6165WAkai HLS6165WAkai HLS6166WAkai HLS6166WAkai HLS6166WAkai HLS6167WAkai HLS6167WAkai HLS6167WAkai HLS5088WAkai HLS5088WAkai HLS5088WAkai HLS5665WAkai HLS5665WAkai HLS5665WAkai HLS5666WAkai HLS5666WAkai HLS5666WAkai HLS5687WAkai HLS5687WAkai HLS5687WAkai HLS5686CAkai HLS5686CAkai HLS5686CAkai HLS5686WAkai HLS5686WAkai HLS5686WAkai HLS5086WAkai HLS5086WAkai HLS5086WAkai HLS5066WAkai HLS5066WAkai HLS5066WAkai HLS5087WAkai HLS5087WAkai HLS5087WAkai HLS4676SAkai HLS5055WAkai HLS5055WAkai HLS5055WAkai HLS5065WAkai HLS5065WAkai HLS5065WAkai HLS4675SAkai HLR5688WAkai HLR7178WAkai HLR6767WAkai HLR6768WAkai HLS4666WAkai HLS4666WAkai HLS4666WAkai HLS4265WAkai HLS4265WAkai HLS4265WAkai HLS4266WAkai HLS4266WAkai HLS4266WAkai HLR5687WAkai HLR4264WAkai HLR5087WAkai HLP6163WAkai HLP5685WAkai HLP5085WAkai HLP5663WAkai HL61A650Akai HLP5063WAkai ESP-SXT+Akai ESP-WUXTAkai DLP LampAkai EC-67-HDAkai EC-50-XTAkai EC-70-XTAkai EC-67-XTAkai EC-80-XTAkai R9842807Akai 151-0005Akai SP46K5HDAkai M50WH74SAkai M61WH74SAkai M50WH92SAkai SP50K6HDAkai SP56K6HDAkai SP67L6HXAkai SP72K8UHAkai WD-57731Akai WD-57732Akai WD-62827Akai WD-62927Akai WD-65731Akai WD-65732Akai WD-73727Akai WD-73827Akai WD-73927Akai HLS6767WAkai HLS6767WAkai HLS6767WAkai HLS6188WAkai HLS6188WAkai HLS6188WAkai HLS7178WAkai HLS7178WAkai HLS7178WAkai HLT4675SAkai HLT5075SAkai HLT5055WAkai HLT5055WAkai HLT5055WAkai HLT5676SAkai HLT5076SAkai HLT5675SAkai HLT6176SAkai HLT6156WAkai HLT6156WAkai HLT6156WAkai M50WH185Akai M50WH187Akai M50WH72SAkai HLT7288WAkai HLT6756WAkai HLT6756WAkai HLT6756WAkai HLS7178Akai HLS7178Akai HLS7178Akai M61WH74Akai M50WH74Akai AS-LX40Akai HLS4676Akai 265866Akai 265919Akai 269343Akai 270414Akai 271326Akai 274417Akai 275179Akai ESP-HDAkai ESP-XTAkai WD-Y57Akai WD-Y65Akai HD55 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

HLS4266W Replacement For Akai Lamp (Compatible Bulb)

End: 12.07. 2023 16:29:03 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 34.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394624031732
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70611|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: CA USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 18,41 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:BP96-01472A,BP63-00670A,BP96-01472A,BP96-01578A,BP96-01600A,BP96-01869A,BP96-01472A,HL67A510J1F,HL72A650C1F,HLS4265W,HLS4265W,HLS4265W,HLS4266W,HLS4266W,HLS4266W,HLS4266WX,HLS4266WX,HLS4266WX,HLS4266WX/XAA,HLS4666W,HLS4666W,HLS4666W,HLS4666WX,HLS4666WX,HLS4666WX,HLS4666WXXAA,HLS4666WXXAA,HLS4666WXXAA,HLS5055W,HLS5055W,HLS5055W,HLS5065W,HLS5065W,HLS5065W,HLS5065WX,HLS5065WX,HLS5065WX,HLS5065WX/XAA,HLS5065WX/XAA,HLS5065WX/XAA,HLS5066W,HLS5066W,HLS5066W,HLS5066WX,HLS5066WX,HLS5066WX,HLS5086W,HLS5086W,HLS5086W,HLS5086WX,HLS5086WX,HLS5086WX,HLS5086WX/XAA,HLS5086WX/XAA,HLS5086WX/XAA,HLS5087W,HLS5087W,HLS5087W,HLS5087WX,HLS5087WX,HLS5087WX,HLS5087WX/XAA,HLS5087WX/XAA,HLS5087WX/XAA,HLS5088W,HLS5088W,HLS5088W,HLS5088WX,HLS5088WX,HLS5088WX,HLS5088WX/XAA,HLS5088WX/XAA,HLS5088WX/XAA,HLS5665W,HLS5665W,HLS5665W,HLS5666W,HLS5666W,HLS5666W,HLS5666WXXAC,HLS5666WXXAC,HLS5666WXXAC,HLS5686C,HLS5686C,HLS5686C,HLS5686CX/XAA,HLS5686CX/XAA,HLS5686CX/XAA,HLS5686W,HLS5686W,HLS5686W,HLS5686WX,HLS5686WX,HLS5686WX,HLS5686WX/XAA,HLS5686WX/XAA,HLS5686WX/XAA,HLS5687W,HLS5687W,HLS5687W,HLS5687WX,HLS5687WX,HLS5687WX,HLS5687WXXAA,HLS5687WXXAA,HLS5687WXXAA,HLS5688W,HLS5688W,HLS5688W,HLS5688WX,HLS5688WX,HLS5688WX,HLS5688WX/XAA,HLS5688WX/XAA,HLS5688WX/XAA,HLS6165W,HLS6165W,HLS6165W,HLS6165WX,HLS6165WX,HLS6165WX,HLS6165WX/XAA,HLS6165WX/XAA,HLS6165WX/XAA,HLS6166W,HLS6166W,HLS6166W,HLS6167W,HLS6167W,HLS6167W,HLS6167WS,HLS6167WS,HLS6167WS,HLS6167WX/XAA,HLS6167WX/XAA,HLS6167WX/XAA,HLS6186W,HLS6186W,HLS6186W,HLS6186WX/XAA,HLS6186WX/XAA,HLS6186WX/XAA,HLS6187W,HLS6187W,HLS6187W,HLS6187WX,HLS6187WX,HLS6187WX,HLS6187WX/XAA,HLS6187WX/XAA,HLS6187WX/XAA,HLS6188W,HLS6188W,HLS6188W,HLS6188WX,HLS6188WX,HLS6188WX,HLS6188WX/XAA,HLS6188WX/XAA,HLS6188WX/XAA,HLS6767W,HLS6767W,HLS6767W,HLS6767WX,HLS6767WX,HLS6767WX,HLS6767WX/XAA,HLS6767WX/XAA,HLS6767WX/XAA,HLS7178,HLS7178,HLS7178,HLS7178W,HLS7178W,HLS7178W,HLS7178WX/XAA,HLS7178WX/XAA,HLS7178WX/XAA,HLT5055W,HLT5055W,HLT5055W,HLT5055WX/XAC,HLT5055WX/XAC,HLT5055WX/XAC,HLT6156W,HLT6156W,HLT6156W,HLT6156WX/XAA,HLT6156WX/XAA,HLT6156WX/XAA,HLT6756W,HLT6756W,HLT6756W,HLT6756WX/XAA,HLT6756WX/XAA,HLT6756WX/XAA,HLT7288W,HLT7288WXXAA,HLT7288WXXAA,HLT7288WXXAA,IPT50DLP30,IPT50DLP30,IPT50DLP30,SP72K8UH HLS4266W Replacement For Akai Lamp (Compatible Bulb) Description: Economy Rear Projection lamp for Akai HLS4266W. For a better and brighter picture look for the Lutema Professional Series replacement lamp for your Device. This is the economic solution which provides 70% of the brightness of the Lutema Professional series replacement lamps. Compatible Models: Akai HLS4266WX/XAAAkai HLS5065WX/XAAAkai HLS5065WX/XAAAkai HLS5065WX/XAAAkai HLS5086WX/XAAAkai HLS5086WX/XAAAkai HLS5086WX/XAAAkai HLS5087WX/XAAAkai HLS5087WX/XAAAkai HLS5087WX/XAAAkai HLS5088WX/XAAAkai HLS5088WX/XAAAkai HLS5088WX/XAAAkai HLS5686CX/XAAAkai HLS5686CX/XAAAkai HLS5686CX/XAAAkai HLS5686WX/XAAAkai HLS5686WX/XAAAkai HLS5686WX/XAAAkai HLS5688WX/XAAAkai HLS5688WX/XAAAkai HLS5688WX/XAAAkai HLS6165WX/XAAAkai HLS6165WX/XAAAkai HLS6165WX/XAAAkai HLS6167WX/XAAAkai HLS6167WX/XAAAkai HLS6167WX/XAAAkai HLS6186WX/XAAAkai HLS6186WX/XAAAkai HLS6186WX/XAAAkai HLS6187WX/XAAAkai HLS6187WX/XAAAkai HLS6187WX/XAAAkai HLS6188WX/XAAAkai HLS6188WX/XAAAkai HLS6188WX/XAAAkai HLS6767WX/XAAAkai HLS6767WX/XAAAkai HLS6767WX/XAAAkai HLS7178WX/XAAAkai HLS7178WX/XAAAkai HLS7178WX/XAAAkai HLT5055WX/XACAkai HLT5055WX/XACAkai HLT5055WX/XACAkai HLT6156WX/XAAAkai HLT6156WX/XAAAkai HLT6156WX/XAAAkai HLT6756WX/XAAAkai HLT6756WX/XAAAkai HLT6756WX/XAAAkai HLT7288WXXAAAkai HLT7288WXXAAAkai HLT7288WXXAAAkai HLS5687WXXAAAkai HLS5687WXXAAAkai HLS5687WXXAAAkai HLS5666WXXACAkai HLS5666WXXACAkai HLS5666WXXACAkai HLS4666WXXAAAkai HLS4666WXXAAAkai HLS4666WXXAAAkai BP96-01472AAkai BP63-00670AAkai BP96-01472AAkai BP96-01578AAkai BP96-01600AAkai BP96-01869AAkai BP96-01472AAkai HL67A510J1FAkai HL72A650C1FAkai IPT50DLP30Akai IPT50DLP30Akai IPT50DLP30Akai HLS4266WXAkai HLS4266WXAkai HLS4266WXAkai HLS4666WXAkai HLS4666WXAkai HLS4666WXAkai HLS5066WXAkai HLS5066WXAkai HLS5066WXAkai HLS5087WXAkai HLS5087WXAkai HLS5087WXAkai HLS5088WXAkai HLS5088WXAkai HLS5088WXAkai HLS5065WXAkai HLS5065WXAkai HLS5065WXAkai HLS5086WXAkai HLS5086WXAkai HLS5086WXAkai HLS5686WXAkai HLS5686WXAkai HLS5686WXAkai HLS5687WXAkai HLS5687WXAkai HLS5687WXAkai HLS5688WXAkai HLS5688WXAkai HLS5688WXAkai HLS6165WXAkai HLS6165WXAkai HLS6165WXAkai HLS6188WXAkai HLS6188WXAkai HLS6188WXAkai HLS6767WXAkai HLS6767WXAkai HLS6767WXAkai HLS6167WSAkai HLS6167WSAkai HLS6167WSAkai HLS6187WXAkai HLS6187WXAkai HLS6187WXAkai HLS6187WAkai HLS6187WAkai HLS6187WAkai HLS6767WAkai HLS6767WAkai HLS6767WAkai HLS6188WAkai HLS6188WAkai HLS6188WAkai HLT6156WAkai HLT6156WAkai HLT6156WAkai HLT5055WAkai HLT5055WAkai HLT5055WAkai HLS6186WAkai HLS6186WAkai HLS6186WAkai HLS6166WAkai HLS6166WAkai HLS6166WAkai HLS6167WAkai HLS6167WAkai HLS6167WAkai HLS5687WAkai HLS5687WAkai HLS5687WAkai HLS5688WAkai HLS5688WAkai HLS5688WAkai HLS6165WAkai HLS6165WAkai HLS6165WAkai HLS5087WAkai HLS5087WAkai HLS5087WAkai HLS5088WAkai HLS5088WAkai HLS5088WAkai HLS5686CAkai HLS5686CAkai HLS5686CAkai HLS5686WAkai HLS5686WAkai HLS5686WAkai HLS5665WAkai HLS5665WAkai HLS5665WAkai HLS5666WAkai HLS5666WAkai HLS5666WAkai HLS5086WAkai HLS5086WAkai HLS5086WAkai HLS5066WAkai HLS5066WAkai HLS5066WAkai HLS5055WAkai HLS5055WAkai HLS5055WAkai HLS5065WAkai HLS5065WAkai HLS5065WAkai HLS4666WAkai HLS4666WAkai HLS4666WAkai HLS4265WAkai HLS4265WAkai HLS4265WAkai HLS4266WAkai HLS4266WAkai HLS4266WAkai SP72K8UHAkai HLS7178WAkai HLS7178WAkai HLS7178WAkai HLT7288WAkai HLT6756WAkai HLT6756WAkai HLT6756WAkai HLS7178Akai HLS7178Akai HLS7178 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

Akai GX 266 D Tonbandgerät TOP !!! Reinschauen !!!

End: 05.07. 2023 13:54:15 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 349.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 394722703045
  • Seller: audio-krueger (9555|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wiesbaden Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Akai GX 266 D Tonbandgerät Das Gerät befindet sich in einem optisch guten Zustand.Bandteller fehlt. Der Verkauf erfolgt als defekt. Grober Test. Läuft in beide Richtungen. Andruckrollenmechanik ist gut. Macht einen guten Eindruck. Wiedergabe etc. nicht getestet. Mängel können nicht ausgeschlossen werden. KEINE RÜCKGABE MÖGLICH !!! Verkauf gerne auch an Selbstabholer !!! Zur genauen Zustandsbeurteilung schauen Sie sich bitte die Bilder an.


End: 05.07. 2023 12:57:40 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 46.36 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256108347681
  • Seller: nonstoptv (4626|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: BOLTON, Lancashire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 14,79 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    30 DAYS RETURN TO BASE WARRANTY *PLEASE READ FULL ITEM DESCRIPTION BEFORE BID OR BUY*Type of Item:MAIN AV BOARDS Part numbers: HK T NT72667V01 Item Ref: MB -1017W Compatibility: This board will work with all makes/models mentioned in the titles. Please check all the labels and numbers on the board match the numbers in the title and all connection points are identical to ensure the item is suitable for your TV. If you need any assistance please contact us. This part is tested and fully working in above specified model please check the compatibility with your TV model Any questions please feel free to contact us through eBay message service and we aim to reply you within 24 hours. Please read term & conditions before bid or buy We are selling this items as used so please accept if any sign of use or wear & tears. All items are fully tested and only suitable for the model of TVs stated above. Please check compatibility with your TV model before purchase as the part may not work on other TV models. All goods will be dispatched within 2 working days of receiving full payment. Please notify us within 2 days any issues/problems on receipt of your item. The buyer is always welcome to collect this item with cash on collection. It is always customer’s responsibility to pay the returning cost for any reason. Please note all our items are security marked due to fraudulent claims When returning the item please ensure it is returned in it’s original packaging & please include your Name & eBay item number in order to refund your payment immediately. If item is returned damaged we will not be able to refund cost of item or postage costThe item must be returned within 10 days and we will refund your money fullyIf the item is returned after 10 days we will refund your money minus postage costAll postage charges are calculated according to weight of item & packaging material. Customer satisfaction is our main goal and if you have any problems please contact us to re-solve any problems.ShopsBe sure to add me to your favourites list!

Akai GX 266 D Tonbandgerät TOP !!! Reinschauen !!!

End: 04.07. 2023 14:21:23 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 349.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 394718960610
  • Seller: audio-krueger (9554|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wiesbaden Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 20,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Akai GX 266 D Tonbandgerät Das Gerät befindet sich in einem optisch guten Zustand.Bandteller fehlt. Der Verkauf erfolgt als defekt. Grober Test. Läuft in beide Richtungen. Andruckrollenmechanik ist gut. Macht einen guten Eindruck. Wiedergabe etc. nicht getestet. Mängel können nicht ausgeschlossen werden. KEINE RÜCKGABE MÖGLICH !!! Verkauf gerne auch an Selbstabholer !!! Zur genauen Zustandsbeurteilung schauen Sie sich bitte die Bilder an.

OEM Akai GX-260D,265D,266D,267D Reel Table Take-up P/N BR482411 Used

End: 09.06. 2023 18:42:09 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 125968405678
  • Seller: sellersince98 (15942|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Hampton, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,24 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    OEM Akai GX-260D,265D,266D,267D Reel Table Take-up P/N BR482411 Used. Very good condition.

OEM Akai GX-260D,265D,266D,267D Reel Table Take-up P/N BR482411 Used

End: 07.06. 2023 16:45:36 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 115806446451
  • Seller: sellersince98 (15851|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Hampton, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 16,68 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    OEM Akai GX-260D,265D,266D,267D Reel Table Take-up P/N BR482411 Used. Very good condition.

READ! AKAI GX-266D Auto Reverse 7 inch 4 track Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 31.05. 2023 16:43:22 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 779.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325670417027
  • Seller: djzvintageaudio (681|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Asheboro, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 216,01 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION AND PICS!PLEASE VISIT MY REVERB STORE ( SEE DJZ VINTAGE AUDIO ) FOR MORE REEL TO REEL TAPE DECK LISTINGS!For sale is an AKAI GX-266D 6 Head Auto Reverse 7 inch 2 channel Reel to Reel tape deck recorder. It is in very good condition albeit with scuffs, and marks nicks . Wooden panels are in fairly good condition with some wear as shown. The head cover is a bit loose but its on. Refer to pics. It has been tested, serviced, calibrated and the heads were cleaned and demagnetized for the best sound ever. The mic inputs were tested and they work as well as the other inputs. The pots and switches were sprayed and the metal parts were lubed as well. Both channels are clear and superb sounding as well. The belts and caps were checked and they’re good. All the functions work and the VU Meters jump like they are supposed to. Sometimes you have to tap the left one to get it all the way back down but it’s very minor. The sound when recording at 3 3/4 IPS is very clear and better and wider sounding than the Source recording from, depending on the type of tape used and better at 7 1/2 IPS. The heads are also in very good shape which is obviously why the quality is awesome as well. Pictured reels , are my personal set for testing, for demonstration purposes only and NOT INCLUDED. Price is $849.99. NOTE That adding this to your watch, list or your shopping cart, which I receive e-mail notifications for in hopes of getting significant price reduction a few weeks later WILL NOT WORK! this deck is priced accordingly based on the quality and the amount of time spent testing it, as well as the cosmetics.This deck is cross posted on under my DJZ Vintage Audio store for $749.99!! Please visit for other decks and limited time specials! Here are the specifications: Track system: 4-track ,2-channel, stereo system Heads: 2 x record, 2 x playback, 2 x erase Motor : 1 x capstan, Reel size: up to 7 inch reel Tape speeds: 7 1/2 and 3 3/4 ips Wow and flutter: 0.08% (7 1/2IPS) Frequency response: 40Hz to 26kHz (7 1/2 IPS ) Signal to Noise Ratio: 56dB Crosstalk: 35dB As many of you are aware, my reel to reel tape deck listings have moved to Reverb.Com under DJZ Vintage Audio due to the increase in seller fees here on eBay (hence the reason for my prices being higher on here than on Reverb and it not be possible to have a lot of wiggle room on the price here), so you have not seen many on here for several months. This is also due to several buyers on here who were unwilling to go along with my necessary terms and conditions, which they agreed to when they made the purchase including sending a message through the eBay Member to Member messaging system and allowing me a chance to try to rectify the problem instead of opening an eBay Return Request and consequently disrupting my workflow. I am on here mostly just to sell parts from reel to reel tape Decks that were deemed unfixable. I have been repairing and selling Reel to reel tape Decks for 18 years, I’ve gotten business from all over the world, have plenty of happy customers including those who worked with me anytime issues came up, and my stellar selling record on eBay And Reverb speaks for itself, So if there’s any doubt whatsoever about my honesty and integrity please check both feedback records under DJZ Vintage Audio! This is my livelihood and I am very much in this for the long haul!Please keep in mind that each deck is priced accordingly due to the quality and the amount of time and money invested in cleaning, refurbishing and testing it to ensure it arrives to its new buyer working like its supposed to. The price also includes packing, shipping and insurance costs as well! Please take into consideration that very similar or other comparable model decks are SKYROCKETING in price, including those listed in for parts or not working condition or are untested or partially tested and may or may not even be in working condition. NOTE that adding this to your watchlist or your shopping cart in hopes of getting a significant price reduction a few weeks later WILL NOT WORK! Any customer may purchase a different deck if they feel this one is too expensive or not in their price range. any listings that are still up after 21 days without a sale WILL BE CANCELED AND RENEWED.I do sincerely apologize for this, but although I do have plenty of great buyers who are understanding about the challenges of restoring these tape decks, rigorously testing them; and the amount of time and money that is invested as well into restoring them, there are still several out there who just do not know any better. If youre on a budget or you do not agree with the price , then you should purchase a different deck that is more suited to your price range! But if youre looking for one that works and gets the job done whether it’s recording or tape transfers, then you’ve come to the right place! Thank you for your understanding Local pickup is strongly recommended for those who are not very far from Central NC to save on shipping costs! Please note all local pickups are cash only! TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPDATED JAN 2023 (PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING): SHIPPING AND WARRANTY: The shipping is $100 in the lower 48 states which ALSO includes secure packing. This is a HEAVY ONE! Most boxes these decks originally come in are not suitable for reshipment and are therefore immediately discarded. This deck will be packed with large bubble wrap, dense insulated foam blocks on all sides and a new box so it arrives in one piece. In some cases, these decks are Double boxed. I make NO money whatsoever off the shipping costs (in fact, in some cases I SPEND MORE on shipping costs depending on the weight and the location of where the deck is going)! Pictures of each packing job will be taken as well and may be sent to the buyer as proof that the deck was packed properly when it left here. A LOT of money is invested in this packing material and unlike some sellers who don’t seem to care that an improperly packed deck results in a broken knob, spindle, or other damages, I spend at least a 1/2 hour packing each of these decks! Shipping insurance is also added to cover both myself and the buyer in the event something should happen during shipment rendering the deck inoperable. In the event an insurance claim needs to be filed, DO NOT discard the packing material and box! Most decks are shipped out within 24 to 48 hours when the payment clears. Please keep in mind, in some cases they may take up to 72 hours to ship out during my busy times. Also note once the deck leaves here, I have no control over how fast it gets to the buyer!A Pre shipment video of each deck operating properly will be filmed the day it ships out and it may be sent to the buyer at anytime. The buyer agrees to accept this as proof that the deck left my place in working condition (VERY few sellers actually do this for their buyers). Due to the age and vintage nature of these decks, there is no further warranty or guarantee implied, nor expressed other than the 7 day promise given as a courtesy it will arrive working as described in the listing (which begins the day the item is delivered). After the time period expires, the sale becomes final. If the buyer suspects a problem with their unit after receiving it which cannot be resolved with my assistance, they MUST Be willing to have it taken or sent somewhere for a repair estimate, as there are no suitable repair shops around here (which I will cover the costs for). This fully eliminates all uncertainty as to whether the unit may have been tampered with or misused.If in any case the buyer chooses to return the deck for a refund, the buyer agrees that I require up to 3 calendar days after the returned deck is received to issue that refund. Refunds will be MINUS the shipping costs. A 15% restocking fee will apply on returns for the following reasons:Buyer changes their mind Buyer can’t afford the deck The deck was working as described but did not meet the buyer’s expectations No fault is found with the deck after testing it out (in this case, a new video will be filmed showing the deck functioning properly)Any other general reason not related to non functionality IMPORTANT: If a buyer suspects a problem with their deck after getting it, THEY MUST Send me a member to member message through eBay and allow me to chance to try to rectify the problem. DO NOT OPEN A RETURN REQUEST! Doing so creates a disruption to my shipping labels for other shipments awaiting my attention and I consider it an act of hostility, as most issues are resolved just by communicating. Documentation of the issues may be requested such as a video or written repair estimates so I know how to proceed from there: Any buyer who opens an eBay Return Request without first contacting me and allowing me to try to resolve the issue will be considered a risk to my business in the future!OTHER POLICIES:I DO NOT offer repair services to the public due to my heavy workload and because I am not set up to take in other peoples units for repair, aside from the fact not every unit is guaranteed to be fixable. I also DO NOT accept trades at this time.My terms and conditions are necessary to ensure a smooth and trouble free experience for both myself and the buyer. However, if they cannot be readily agreed to ,then you should purchase a different tape deck elsewhere and save both of us future hassles.All decks are cleaned, adjusted, serviced, and rigorously tested before they are listed to ensure they work properly. I have attempted to describe, as accurately as possible the description of every tape deck, including the cosmetic issues and any other issues that I may find and take plenty of clear pictures so you see exactly what you get. DJZ Vintage Audio is a “one and done“ shop! Any last minute adjustments or repairs may be made after final testing and before shipment to ensure maximum performance of the deck when the buyer gets it! Please keep in mind that most of these decks are 40+ years old and therefore may contain cosmetic flaws including, scuffs, marks, nicks, scratches and dings from age, handling, servicing, and past use. END


End: 27.05. 2023 05:01:32 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 26.78 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275856737144
  • Seller: officina_it (2197|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: San Salvatore Telesino Italien
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 8,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Officina DNL Outlet Dal 2008 il tuo fornitore IT di fiducia! www.dnldistribution.comOggetti In VenditaChi SiamoFeedbackwww.dnldistribution.comDECODER DIGITALE TERRESTRE ZAP266KH T2 DVB-T2 CON DISPLAYDescrizioneRicevitore Digitale Terrestre Akai ZAP266KH T2 - DVB-T2 - Compatibile con il nuovo Switch OFF - Display integrato - Telecomando SpedizioneTutti gli ordini vengono evasi mediamente entro 24-48 ore, attraverso corriere espresso Nazionale (GLS, BRT, SDA, UPS).PagamentoAccettiamo pagamenti attraversoRestituzioneE consentito il diritto di recesso entro 14 giorni dalla ricezione della merce (solo per i consumatori).Per acquisti con P.IVA non e concesso il diritto di recesso, la garanzia e valida solo per 1 anno.Per qualsiasi problema o malfunzionamento del prodotto contattateci, insieme risolveremo il problema.Se non ricevi quello che hai ordinato, la copertura e garantita dalla Garanzia Cliente eBay.FeedbackLascia sempre un feedback a 5-stelle.Ricorda: Un feedback positivo a 3 o 4 stelle per Ebay non e assolutamente una valutazione positiva.Un feedback negativo non risolve assolutamente il problema.Se hai riscontrato problemi contattaci subito. Visita i nostri portali specializzato nella distribuzione specializzato nello Storage Dati, Networking & Soluzioni per la sicurezza Creata da Sellrapido - Vendi i tuoi prodotti, Gestisci le tue vendite

AKAI GX-266D, Tonbandgerät, Silber, 90W, ca. 19Kg,

End: 22.05. 2023 20:00:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 351.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175721471407
  • Bids: 43
  • Seller: mi_hu_11 (32|90.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ried Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 44,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AKAI GX-266D, Tonbandgerät, Silber, 90W, ca. 19Kg,. Aus Nachlass wird dieses Tonbandgerät verkauft. Leider kenne ich mich nicht mit solchen Geräten aus, habe dieses aber an das Netz gesteckt und alle Knöpfe und Schalter betätigt. Diese lassen sich gut betätigen. Die beiden Rollen bewegen sich auch in beide Richtungen. Eine Beleuchtung ist defekt und ein Drehknopf hat einen Riss. Sonst sind mir keine Mängel bekannt. Falls Sie unsicher sind ob dieses Gerät Ihren Ansprüchen genügt geben sie bitte kein Gebot ab. Bitte bedenken Sie, es handelt sich hierbei um ein gebrauchtes Gerät dass eventuell einen Mangel hat den ich als Laie nicht sehe. Dies ist ein Privatverkauf keine Garantie oder Rücknahme möglich.

Akai GX-266D Reel To Reel Side Boards With Mount Hardware BRAND NEW OLD STOCK

End: 08.10. 2021 00:56:38 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 40.61 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 313693885590
  • Counter: 202
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: any.resell (249|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Fillmore, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 32,33 EUR
  • on EBAY

For Akai GX-266D Reel To Reel Pinch Roller RD D=40 with Washer Used

End: 07.09. 2021 17:40:04 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 32.18 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 154499369092
  • Counter: 329
  • Seller: mwl15311 (5614|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Leandro, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 12,65 EUR
  • on EBAY

Akai GX-266D Reel-to-Reel Tape Deck Owners Manual

End: 06.09. 2021 23:49:51 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 12.65 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 313656483970
  • Counter: 85
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: any.resell (181|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Fillmore, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 24,86 EUR
  • on EBAY

Akai GX 266D Stereo Tonbandgerät Tonbandmaschine Rarität

End: 04.09. 2021 13:34:09 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 450.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 324753064349
  • Counter: 478
  • Seller: 1nitro-sever (740|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Trier Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 20,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Grease Fett für Akai GX-266 II Tonband Tape Recorder

End: 02.09. 2021 12:29:35 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 10.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 133838246959
  • Counter: 96
  • Seller: revox_de (71276|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Holzminden Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 4,99 EUR
  • on EBAY