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APPLE TV 4K 2022 128 GB WLAN Ethernet Bluetooth HDMI Siri MN893FD/A B-WARE

End: 22.04. 2024 11:10:52 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 149.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335332685256
  • Seller: favorio (493220|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    APPLE TV 4K 2022 128 GB WLAN Ethernet Bluetooth HDMI Siri MN893FD/A B-WAREHot deals Schnelle Lieferung Startseite Über favorio Impressum Bitte beachten: Es handelt sich um B-Ware! Lieferumfang: Apple TV 4K 128 GB MN893FD/A Siri Remote Netzkabel Dem Gerät liegt u.U. keine Bedienungsanleitung bei, diese kann aber in der Regel beim Hersteller heruntergeladen werden Apple TV 4K Schwarz, Silber 4K Ultra HD 128 GB WLAN Eingebauter Ethernet-Anschluss TV 4K, 128GB, Chip A15 Bionic, Bluetooth 5.0, HDMI 2.1, 802.11ax Wi?Fi 6, Gigabit Ethernet Das Apple Erlebnis. Kino mit allen Sinnen. Das neue Apple TV 4K bringt Apple TV+, Apple Music, Apple Fitness+ und Apple Arcade mit allen deinen Streamingapps zusammen – in unserer bisher besten Bild- und Audioqualität. Mit der super­schnellen Performance des A15 Bionic Chip, intuitiver Steuerung und nahtloser Interaktion zwischen deinen Geräten und deinem Smart Home Zubehör. Alles, was du an Apple liebst – auf deinem größten Bildschirm. Das Beste am Fernsehen. Und das Beste von Apple. Entdecke preisgekrönte Apple Original Serien und Filme sowie andere Favoriten auf ZDFmediathek, RTL+, WOW, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix1 und mehr. Die besten Workouts, fantastische Spiele und spannende neue Möglichkeiten, Musik zu hören, die es nur bei Apple gibt. Und du kannst Tausende weitere großartige Apps im App Store entdecken. Dein Apple TV 4K kann mehr als nur TV. Apple TV App. Du kannst deine Lieblings­serien und Filme ansehen, ausleihen oder kaufen – alles in einer von Expert:innen kuratierten App. Erlebe von der Kritik gelobte Apple Original Serien und Filme auf Apple TV+ genau so, wie sie sein sollten. Abonniere nur die Kanäle, die du magst. Ganz ohne neue Apps, Accounts oder Passwörter für bis zu sechs Familien­mitglieder. Live TV. Du brauchst nur ein Apple TV 4K, um Live-Inhalte der größten und besten TV Netz­werke, Sender und Pay TV Anbieter der Welt zu streamen. Apple TV+. Erlebe Serien, Spielfilme, Unter­haltung für Kinder und mehr von den besten Kreativen aus der Fernseh- und Film­branche. Und jeden Monat kommen neue Apple Originals dazu. Apple Fitness+. Wähle aus einer großen Sammlung von Workouts, die von erfahrenen Trainer:innen geleitet werden.1 Beim Training werden dir Mess­werte, wie deine Herz­frequenz und verbrauchte Kalorien, von deiner Apple Watch in Echtzeit auf dem Fernseher ange­zeigt. Du kannst dich also ganz auf dein Workout konzen­trieren und gleichzeitig deine Fortschritte sehen. Und mit Fitness+ Gruppenworkouts für SharePlay kannst du zusammen mit deinen Freund:innen trainieren. Apple Music. Erlebe mehr als 90 Mio. Songs, 30.000 Playlists und Live Radio auf dem großen Bildschirm. Du kannst dir sogar die Song­texte anzeigen lassen und bei deinen Lieblings­songs mitlesen – Wort für Wort. Apple Arcade. Apple Arcade Games sind auf dem großen Bildschirm noch viel immersiver.1 Mit Unter­­­stützung für mehrere Spieler:innen können alle ihre Spielstände, Leader­boards und Einladungen im Auge behalten und schnell zwischen Spieler:innen wechseln. Und du kannst noch mehr deiner Lieb­lings­­controller mit dem Apple TV 4K koppeln, auch PlayStation und Xbox Wireless Controller. Fotos. In einer geteilten iCloud Foto­mediathek kann die ganze Familie jetzt so leicht wie noch nie Fotos miteinander teilen und sie direkt auf dem Fernseher ansehen. Erstelle einfach eine geteilte Mediathek auf deinem iPhone oder iPad und lade andere dazu ein, Fotos und Videos hinzuzufügen, zu bearbeiten oder zu löschen. 4K Bild. Sieh beein­druckende Details in den dunkelsten Schatten und den hellsten Bereichen mit fortschritt­lichen HDR Formaten wie Dolby Vision – und jetzt auch HDR10+.3 Damit willst du einfach alles auf dem großen Bildschirm sehen. Immersiver Klang. Dolby Atmos, 5.1 und 7.1 Audio sorgen zusammen mit Dolby Atmos kompatiblen Sound­systemen für einen Surround Sound, der scheinbar aus allen Richtungen kommt.4 Oder kopple zwei HomePod mini Laut­sprecher mit deinem Apple TV 4K für einen raum­füllenden Stereo­sound bei allem, was du dir ansiehst. Du kannst auch AirPods verbinden für personalisiertes 3D Audio, das jeder Bewegung deines Kopfes folgt. Ein Touch-basiertes Clickpad. Mit einer intuitiven Kreis­bewegung streichst du ganz einfach durch Folgen, Szenen oder Bilder. Schalte den Fernseher ein oder aus, ändere die Eingabe zu Apple TV 4K und pass die Lautstärke an. Eine Taste für Siri, so wie beim iPhone. Siri hat auf deinem Fernseher einen völlig neuen Look und kann schnell und einfach auf deine Anfragen reagieren. Und später in diesem Jahr kann dein Apple TV 4K durch die neue Siri Sprach­erkennung bis zu sechs Familien­­mitglieder voneinander unterscheiden, und jeweils mit speziellen Empfehlungen nur für sie antworten. iPhone Eine vielseitige Fern­bedienung, mit der du noch mehr steuern kannst. Integrierte Steuer­elemente erscheinen auf deinem iPhone Sperrbild­schirm und im Kontroll­zentrum. Damit kannst du einfach abspielen, pausieren, vor? und zurückspulen und die Laut­stärke auf dem Fernseher anpassen. Oder benutze Face ID, um Einkäufe zu machen und dich bei Apps anzu­melden. Farbkalibrierung Die perfekte Kombi. Apple TV 4K arbeitet mit deinem iPhone zusammen und passt auto­matisch die Farben an, damit sie immer gut aussehen. Halte einfach die Kamera deines iPhone vor deinen Fernseher, lehn dich zurück und schau dir an, wie großartig deine Sendungen und Filme aussehen können. Audiofreigabe Zusammen hören. Mit der Audiofreigabe kannst du einfach bis zu zwei Paar AirPods ver­­binden und mit beiden einzeln die Laut­stärke steuern. So könnt ihr beide weiterschauen, auch wenn eine:r schon im Bett ist. Siri auf den AirPods Leg die Fern­bedienung weg, wenn du deine AirPods trägst. Steuere die Wieder­gabe, sieh dir Spiel­ergebnisse an und finde die neuesten Serien und Filme. Du kannst mit Siri sogar das Licht ausmachen oder die Jalousien im Wohn­zimmer schließen, einfach indem du danach fragst. SharePlay Zusammen sehen. Von wo auch immer. Füge Apple TV zu deinen FaceTime Anrufen auf deinem iPhone oder iPad hinzu, um etwas gemeinsam auf dem großen Bildschirm zu sehen. Die Wieder­­gabe läuft bei allen gleich­zeitig – so könnt ihr zusammen lachen, weinen, schreien oder aufatmen. Licht. Kameras. In deinem Smart Home führst du Regie. Mit Apple TV 4K als Smart Home Hub kannst du dein gesamtes verbundenes Zubehör auto­­matisieren – sogar per Fernzugriff. Smart Home Hub Volle Kontrolle über dein Zuhause. Im Kontroll­zentrum findest du dein verbundenes Zubehör an einem Ort. Apple TV 4K arbeitet nahtlos mit deinem HomeKit fähigen Zubehör zusammen. Mit Matter6, dem neuen Smart Home Verbin­dungs­­standard, kannst du jetzt mehr Geräte als je zuvor über mehrere Platt­formen hinweg verbinden. Und per Fern­zugriff steuerst du dein Smart Home über die Home App auf deinen anderen Apple Geräten, egal wo du bist. Automation Dein Zuhause. Deine Regeln. In der Home App kannst du einrichten, dass dein Zubehör automatisch genau das macht, was du willst und wann du es willst. Oder du legst ganze Szenen fest, für unter­­schiedliches Zubehör, das zusammen funktioniert. Schlösser und Bewegungs­sensoren, die zur Schlafens­­zeit aktiviert werden. Bewässerungs­­­­anlagen, die je nachdem wie das Wetter ist, angehen, ausgehen oder eine Bewässerung über­springen. Licht, das gedimmt wird, und Vorhänge, die sich schließen, wenn der Filmabend losgeht. Und was immer du sonst noch einrichten willst. Datenschutz und Sicherheit Entwickelt zum Schutz deiner persönlichen Informationen. Privat­sphäre bei dir zu Hause ist wichtiger denn je. Deshalb werden deine Home Daten so gespei­chert, dass Apple sie nicht lesen kann. Spezifikationen Prozessor Prozessorhersteller Apple Prozessor A15 Speichermedium Interne Speicherkapazität 128 GB Integrierter Kartenleser Nein Software Unterstützte Videoformate AVC, H.264, HEVC, M4V, MP4, MPEG4 Unterstützte Audioformate AAC, AC3, AIFF, EAC3, FLAC, HE-AAC, MP3, MP3 VBR, WAV Unterstützte Bildformate GIF, HEIF, JPEG, TIFF Anschlüsse und Schnittstellen WLAN Ja WLAN-Standards Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Eingebauter Ethernet-Anschluss Ja Ethernet LAN Datentransferraten 10,100,1000 Mbit/s HDMI Ja HDMI-Version 2.1 Bluetooth Ja Bluetooth-Version 5.0 Leistungen Produktfarbe Schwarz, Silber HD-Typ 4K Ultra HD Bis zu 30 Frames pro Sekunde 60 fps Unterstützte Video-Modi 2160p Gewicht und Abmessungen Breite 93 mm Tiefe 93 mm Höhe 31 mm Gewicht 214 g Apple TV 4K 2022 Schwarz, Silber 4K Ultra HD 128 GB WLAN Eingebauter Ethernet-Anschluss WAS IST B-WARE? Bei dem Artikel handelt es sich um eine KundenrÜcksendung oder ein VorfÜhrgerät, welches nur minimal im Einsatz war. 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Batterien enthalten aber auch wichtige Rohstoffe wie z. B. Eisen, Zink, Mangan oder Nickel und können verwertet werden. Sie können die Batterien nach Gebrauch entweder unter folgender Adresse: Hatraco GmbH | Peutestr. 22a | 20539 Hamburg oder in Ihrer unmittelbaren Nähe (z. B. im Handel oder in kommunalen Sammelstellen) unentgeltlich zurückgegeben. Die Abgabe in Verkaufsstellen ist dabei auf für Endnutzer für die übliche Mengen sowie solche Altbatterien beschränkt, die der Vertreiber als Neubatterien in seinem Sortiment führt oder geführt hat. Das Zeichen mit der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie Batterien und Akkus nicht im Hausmüll entsorgen dürfen. Unter diesem Zeichen finden Sie zusätzlich nachstehende Symbole mit folgender Bedeutung: Pb: Batterie enthält Blei Cd: Batterie enthält Cadmium Hg: Batterie enthält Quecksilber Das sollten Sie wissen: Mehrere Artikel bestellen - nur 1x Versandkosten zahlen! Wenn Sie Ihre Artikel innerhalb von 5 Tagen (ausschlaggebend ist das Kaufdatum des ersten Artikels) über die Kaufabwicklung von eBay zusammenfassen, zahlen Sie keine zusätzlichen Versandkosten. Pro zusammengefassten Auftrag fallen somit nur 1x Versandkosten an. Bitte beachten Sie die Informationen unter dem Menüpunkt Versand und Zahlungsmethoden im jeweiligen Angebot. Rabatte gelten nur für Artikel der gleichen Versandart und Lieferanschrift. MM294MM Shop-Seiten Über favorio favorio als Favorit --> FAQs --> Kontakt Datenschutzerklärung --> Impressum Informationen zum Verkäufer --> Haben Sie Fragen? Unser Team steht Ihnen von Montag bis Donnerstag von 08:00 bis 18:00 Uhr, Freitags von 08:00 bis 17:00 Uhr und Samstags von 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr zur VerfÜgung. FAQs - weiter. --> Kundenzufriedenheit ist unser oberstes Gebot Ein guter Kundenservice, Bezahlung Über Paypal mit Käuferschutz, kurze Lieferzeiten sowie eine permanente Paketverfolgung sind fÜr uns selbstverständlich.

A06CP91351S Video-208pci - 128tv 128 Mb

End: 18.04. 2024 11:33:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.48 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404917603918
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: btcobiwan (7|88.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lufkin, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This video card is compatible with the A06CP91351S model and has 128Mb of memory. It is a reliable choice for those looking to upgrade their TV, video, and home audio systems. This component is a TV board, part, and component that will enhance your viewing experience.

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 18.04. 2024 02:29:31 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 8.53 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145722464129
  • Bids: 12
  • Seller: sabbashop (309054|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,74 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

2022 Apple TV 4K Wi‑Fi + Ethernet mit 128 GB Speicher (3. Gen) NEU

End: 14.04. 2024 20:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 142.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126425536220
  • Bids: 27
  • Seller: strikercommander (380|87.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Zweibrücken Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2022 Apple TV 4K Wi‑Fi + Ethernet mit 128 GB Speicher (3. Gen) NEUHallo, verkauft wird hier ein 2022 Apple TV 4K Wi?Fi + Ethernet mit 128 GB Speicher (3. Generation) Neu und ungeöffnet ! Nichtraucherhaushalt. keine Haustiere. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung. Verkauft wird nur innerhalb Deutschlands.

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 13.04. 2024 02:13:03 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 9.92 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196334321976
  • Bids: 6
  • Seller: sabbashop (309014|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,88 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

2022 Apple TV 4K Wi‑Fi + Ethernet mit 128 GB Speicher (3. Gen) NEU

End: 08.04. 2024 20:00:01 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 154.57 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126412280168
  • Bids: 33
  • Seller: strikercommander (379|87.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Zweibrücken Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2022 Apple TV 4K Wi‑Fi + Ethernet mit 128 GB Speicher (3. Gen) NEUHallo, verkauft wird hier ein 2022 Apple TV 4K Wi?Fi + Ethernet mit 128 GB Speicher (3. Generation) Neu und ungeöffnet ! Nichtraucherhaushalt. keine Haustiere. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung. Verkauft wird nur innerhalb Deutschlands.

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 08.04. 2024 03:00:18 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 11.21 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 315267366562
  • Bids: 12
  • Seller: sabbashop (308984|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,92 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

A06CP91351S Video-208pci - 128tv 128 Mb

End: 04.04. 2024 11:32:54 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.25 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404888968542
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: btcobiwan (6|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lufkin, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This video card is compatible with the A06CP91351S model and has 128Mb of memory. It is a reliable choice for those looking to upgrade their TV, video, and home audio systems. This component is a TV board, part, and component that will enhance your viewing experience.

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 03.04. 2024 02:36:13 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 11.28 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196318007577
  • Bids: 8
  • Seller: sabbashop (308952|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

Rca RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00 - READ

End: 03.04. 2024 02:12:35 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5.03 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196317982974
  • Bids: 6
  • Seller: sabbashop (308952|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1215319 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS ITEM IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION AND IS LIGHTLY USED. FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE EXCEPT FOR THIS ISSUE FOUND DURING INSPECTION:  MISSING : REMOTE, CLIPS, THREAD FOR THE SCREEN AND USER MANUAL WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Power Adapter ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 31.03. 2024 02:57:43 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 17.79 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145687955787
  • Bids: 25
  • Seller: sabbashop (308934|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,89 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 29.03. 2024 02:14:51 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 16.08 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145684793705
  • Bids: 11
  • Seller: sabbashop (308918|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,89 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

A06CP91351S Video-208pci - 128tv 128 Mb

End: 28.03. 2024 11:32:36 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.25 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404875057718
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: btcobiwan (5|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lufkin, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This video card is compatible with the A06CP91351S model and has 128Mb of memory. It is a reliable choice for those looking to upgrade their TV, video, and home audio systems. This component is a TV board, part, and component that will enhance your viewing experience.

Apple TV 3rd Gen 2022- 128 GB

End: 24.03. 2024 21:14:53 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 103.75 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 315245373287
  • Seller: donaldsonben458 (107|93.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Draper, Utah USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 24.03. 2024 02:57:44 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 9.86 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 315234384195
  • Bids: 15
  • Seller: sabbashop (308888|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,97 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 19.03. 2024 03:27:10 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 9.16 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145664826935
  • Bids: 13
  • Seller: sabbashop (308840|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 17,01 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

Apple TV 4K 3. Gen (2022) 128 GB, Neu Ungeöffnet Rechnung MN893FD/A Modell A2843

End: 17.03. 2024 16:11:46 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 146.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276377821434
  • Bids: 44
  • Seller: nrwst17 (1872|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Miehlen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Apple TV 4K 3. Gen (2022) 128 GB, Neu Ungeöffnet Rechnung MN893FD/A Modell A2843Neu, ungeöffnet mit Rechnung. Wird nicht benötigt. 128 GB Wi-Fi EthernetAm 14.03.24 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt: Achtung, es ist eine zusätzliche Garantie von 48 Monaten mit dem Tag des Kaufes abgeschlossen worden. Rechnungsdatum 3.12.2023. ungeöffnet neu.

Newest 2024 Super Box Android Box Elite Ultra 4GB RAM, 128 GB Voice Remote

End: 16.03. 2024 15:53:23 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 344.42 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276373319992
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: swhsah (2028|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Valparaiso, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SuperBox Elite Ultra New 2024Estimated ship date, Is January 10, 2024. We understand your eagerness for the new Elite Ultra . We are currently dealing with it urgently.(According to the manufacturers requirements, the Superbox Elite Ultra is only eligible for free return in the case of a machine malfunction, and is not covered by the free return policy for reasons other than hardware issues.)Indulge in the epitome of streaming luxury with the SuperBox Elite Ultra – a marvel that seamlessly merges cutting-edge technology with superior hardware, delivering an unparalleled home entertainment experience. This powerhouse, adorned with a new chipset, 4GB RAM, and an expansive 128GB internal storage, is crafted to meet the demands of avid streamers. Paired with rapid 1Gbps Ethernet and the latest Android 12 operating system, the Elite Ultra stands proudly at the pinnacle of streaming luxury.A Glimpse into Supreme Performance with the State-of-the-Art ChipsetThe SuperBox Elite Ultra introduces a state-of-the-art chipset, redefining the streaming landscape. Immerse

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 14.03. 2024 03:48:03 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 21.22 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145655779149
  • Bids: 15
  • Seller: sabbashop (308795|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 17,04 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

APPLE TV 4K 2023 3. Generation 128 GB Wifi/Ethernet + HDMI-Kabel 2.1 8K

End: 11.03. 2024 05:53:41 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 150.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145657969859
  • Seller: glasgowkid1867 (121|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Heinsberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    APPLE TV 4K 2023 3. Generation 128 GB Wifi/Ethernet + HDMI-Kabel 2.1 8KVerkaufe mein APPLE TV 4K der 3. Generation mit 128 GB Speicher in der Wifi/Ethernet-Version. Gekauft im September 2023. Sämtliches Original-Zubehör (Apple TV-Box, Siri-Remote, Stromkabel) sowie OVP sind vorhanden und in einem neuwertigen Zustand. Technisch einwandfrei und auf Werkseinstellungen zurückgesetzt. Zusätzlich gibt es ein 2.1 8K HDMI-Kabel von Snowkids dazu. Es hat eine Länge von 2 m. Privatverkauf.

NEW OPEN BOX RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128.00

End: 09.03. 2024 03:17:40 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 8.48 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145645411934
  • Bids: 7
  • Seller: sabbashop (308756|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,94 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1214419 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS IS A NEW ITEM IN ORIGINAL OPENED PACKAGE. FULLY FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Remote Control, Power Adapter, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

2022 Apple TV 4K Wi‑Fi + Ethernet mit 128 GB Speicher (3. Generation) NEU & OVP

End: 06.03. 2024 18:41:19 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 159.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355518515995
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: tylerdurden0310 (65|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bremen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2022 Apple TV 4K Wi‑Fi + Ethernet mit 128 GB Speicher (3. Generation) NEU & OVPSie bieten hier auf das Apple TV 4K Wifi + Ethernet mit 128 GB Speicher in der 3. Generation (die neueste). Das Gerät ist noch in der ungeöffneten Originalverpackung. Die Siegel der Verpackung sind noch ungebrochen (siehe Fotos). Eine Rechnung von Amazon vom 13.02.2024 wird mitgeliefert. Wir sind ein tierfreier Nichtraucherhaushalt. Viel Spaß beim Bieten!

RCA RPJ174-COMBO Home Theater Projector 720P $128 - READ

End: 06.03. 2024 03:07:06 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2.88 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 315191741176
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: sabbashop (308739|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toronto GTA, ONT - Pick up available Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 16,92 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SABBASHOP PRODUCTID: 1275919 ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT CONDITION:  THIS ITEM IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION AND IS LIGHTLY USED. FUNCTIONAL & COMPLETE EXCEPT FOR THIS ISSUE FOUND DURING INSPECTION:  Missing the remote control WHATS INCLUDED:  Projector, Projector Screen, Rope, Hardware, Power Supply, Manual ----------------------------------------------- PRODUCT FEATURES / MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: 100 projector screen Native resolution of projection: (1280 x 720) Projection type: 1 LED light source + 2.6 LCD display(open optical engine) Life of led bulb: 50,000 hours White light output :190 ANSI lumens Projection distance: 1 to 4 meters (24-120 ) Multi-media function: usb2.0 +micro SD +HDMI in+av in , support to play video/audio/photo ;equipped with HDMI for connecting devices such as cable boxes,gaming consoles, blu-ray players,or streaming devices like mobile phones, tablets, roku, apple tv etc.. Standard picture format: 4: 3 / 16:9 Connections: HDMI in/ USB 2.0 /micro SD / 3.5mm earphone/AV in/ DC in USB/micro SD : up to 1000gb, built-in speakers: 3w*1 Image correction: manual, vertical +/- 15 degrees, 0 degrees horizontal Power consumption :48w Noise level: 40db uniformity ratio: up to 70%, the four corners areas are not that foggy   -----------------------------------------------At SabbaShop, we provide a continuous flow of awesome deals.  Since 2004, our loyal customers keep coming back for the awesome deals, wide product variety & fast, friendly service. New auctions are added daily - always with no reserve. Bargain hunters are always looking for ways to purchase at deep discounts. Sabbashop customers enjoy HUGE savings with our online auctions and eBay auctions.  In today’s world, people are looking for ways to save money and stretch their dollars further. Get what you need AND want, and have fun doing it... Shop SabbaShop! Shipping COMBINED SHIPPING DISCOUNT: Pay the full shipping cost for the heaviest item, and each additional item is 50% OFF the shipping cost. Before paying, please email us when you are done shopping to receive the discounted invoice Insurance included with purchase A tracking number will be emailed to you by the shipping courier UPS or Canada Post or FedEx Estimated transit time 2 – 7 business days We do NOT ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Peurto Rico, APO, Army Bases, American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Mariana Islands, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories Local Pick Up? eBay items have a $5 pick up fee per item All items must be paid AND picked up within a maximum of 25 days from the purchase date. Items not paid within this time frame will be canceled and re-listed and may lead to bidding restrictions or account closure Smiling and patience are strongly encouraged :) Fast, friendly & convenient service, NO appointment needed Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing to allow us time to prepare your order.  Please see our pick up hours on our eBay store main page   How to Pay We offer a variety of payment options: Cash, Debit, or Credit at Pick Up: We create the invoice for you at the time of pick up PayPal for shipping or pick up pre-pay:  Must go through checkout. PayPal payments sent outside of the checkout process are NOT automatically recognized by our system, resulting in order processing delays and hassles for both customer and SabbaShop Taxes are charged according to the province or state per government guidelines. Customer Service WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL We pride ourselves on our customer service. If there is ever an issue, please allow us up to 48 hours on business days (Mon to Fri) to respond to your email or voicemail (although we usually get back to our customers much sooner) We will help you resolve any issues that may arise. SabbaShop is known for its amazing prices and customer service :) SabbaShop employs over 20 people who work very hard to individually test & inspect items, inventory items, ship products out, and provide service with a smile at local pick-up.  Rest assured if there is ever an issue it will promptly be resolved by our customer service staff. We hope you enjoy shopping with us! Refunds and Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving the itemWere doing our best to minimize returns. Contact us by email before returning so we can determine if a return is necessary. If it is, we will give you a return authorization. Often, an issue can be easily resolved without returning the product. If it is necessary to return the product, a refund will be issued once the item is received at SabbaShop in the condition in which it was purchased No refunds or exchange if it states in the listing AS IS or ALL SALES FINAL   Manufacturer Warranty: SabbaShop is a liquidator not affiliated with the manufacturer. The item does not carry a manufacturer warranty, even if sold as new. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

Newest 2024 Super Box Android Box Elite Ultra 4GB RAM, 128 GB Voice Remote

End: 05.03. 2024 00:29:08 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 349.8 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276354951990
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: swhsah (2026|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Valparaiso, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SuperBox Elite Ultra New 2024Estimated ship date, Is January 10, 2024. We understand your eagerness for the new Elite Ultra . We are currently dealing with it urgently.(According to the manufacturers requirements, the Superbox Elite Ultra is only eligible for free return in the case of a machine malfunction, and is not covered by the free return policy for reasons other than hardware issues.)Indulge in the epitome of streaming luxury with the SuperBox Elite Ultra – a marvel that seamlessly merges cutting-edge technology with superior hardware, delivering an unparalleled home entertainment experience. This powerhouse, adorned with a new chipset, 4GB RAM, and an expansive 128GB internal storage, is crafted to meet the demands of avid streamers. Paired with rapid 1Gbps Ethernet and the latest Android 12 operating system, the Elite Ultra stands proudly at the pinnacle of streaming luxury.A Glimpse into Supreme Performance with the State-of-the-Art ChipsetThe SuperBox Elite Ultra introduces a state-of-the-art chipset, redefining the streaming landscape. Immerse